Пример #1
    def append(self, timeData_Point_or_Slot, trust_me=False):
        '''You can append TimeDataPoints and TimeDataSlots'''
        if not trust_me:
            # A) Check data types for DataTimePoint or DataTimeSLot
            #if not isinstance(timeData_Point_or_Slot, DataTimePoint) and not isinstance(timeData_Point_or_Slot, DataTimeSlot):
            #    raise Exception("Data type not supported (got {})".format(type(timeData_Point_or_Slot)))
            # B) Check for TimePoint os TimeSLot and that the DATA attribute is present
            if not isinstance(timeData_Point_or_Slot, TimePoint) and not isinstance(timeData_Point_or_Slot, TimeSlot):
                raise Exception("Got unsupported data type while appending to the DataTimeSeries (got {})".format(type(timeData_Point_or_Slot)))
            # Now try access data (Will automatically raise) TODO: improve
            _ = timeData_Point_or_Slot.data    

            if self._data:

                last_timeData_Point_or_Slot = self._data[-1]

                if isinstance (timeData_Point_or_Slot, TimeSlot):
                    this_t = timeData_Point_or_Slot.start.t
                    last_t = last_timeData_Point_or_Slot.start.t
                elif isinstance (timeData_Point_or_Slot, TimePoint):
                    this_t = timeData_Point_or_Slot.t
                    last_t = last_timeData_Point_or_Slot.t
                    raise InputException('Got {} ??'.format(type(last_timeData_Point_or_Slot)))

                # Check that the item being appended is the same type of the already added ones     
                if self._data and not isinstance(timeData_Point_or_Slot, last_timeData_Point_or_Slot.__class__):
                    raise InputException("Wrong data Type")
                # Check that we are adding time-ordered data. As TimeDataPoint and TimeDataSlot extends
                # TimePoint, we are sure that there is a time dimension ("t") to check
                if this_t <= last_t:
                    raise InputException("Sorry, you are trying to append data with a timestamp which preceeds (or is equal to) the last one stored. As last I have {}, and I got {}"
                                     .format(dt_from_s(last_t, tz=self.tz), dt_from_s(this_t, tz=self.tz)))
                # If the data of timeData_Point_or_Slot is dimensional (lives in a Space, ex DimensionalData), check compatibility
                if isinstance(timeData_Point_or_Slot.data, Space):
                    timeData_Point_or_Slot.data.is_compatible_with(last_timeData_Point_or_Slot.data, raises=True)
                # Check also the tz
                if last_timeData_Point_or_Slot.tz != timeData_Point_or_Slot.tz:
                    raise InputException('Error, you are trying to add data with timezone "{}" but I have timezone "{}"'.format(timeData_Point_or_Slot.tz, last_timeData_Point_or_Slot.tz))
                # Only check timezone consistence if any
                if self._tz and timeData_Point_or_Slot.tz != self.tz:       
                    raise InputException('Error, you are trying to add data with timezone "{}" but I have timezone "{}"'.format(timeData_Point_or_Slot.tz, self._tz))

        if self.index is not None:
            self.index[timeData_Point_or_Slot.t] = len(self._data)
Пример #2
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # Sanitize input 
        if isinstance(key, datetime):
            epoch_s = dt_from_s(key)
        elif isinstance(key, int):
            epoch_s = key
            raise InputException("key not int or datetime")

        # Use index table?
        if self.index is not None:
            return self._data[self.index[epoch_s]]

        # Search with bisection for the right element. Surely improvable
        # TODO: add timestamps <-> position in list mapping table?
        floor = 0
        ceil  = len(self._data)-1
        count = 0
        while True:          
            if count > len(self._data):
                raise Exception("Internal error when looking for the given timestamp (too many iterations)")
            # Bisection mid point:
            middle = floor + int((ceil-floor)/2)
            # Not found?
            if floor==ceil or floor==middle or ceil==middle:
                raise IndexError('Timestamp {} not found in TimeSeries!'.format(key))
            # We found?
            if self._data[floor].t == epoch_s: return self._data[floor]
            if self._data[ceil].t == epoch_s: return self._data[ceil]
            if self._data[middle].t == epoch_s: return self._data[middle]

            if epoch_s > self._data[middle].t:
                floor = middle
            elif epoch_s < self._data[middle].t:
                ceil = middle
                raise Exception("Internal error when looking for the given timestamp (unconsistent condition)")
            count += 1
Пример #3
 def __repr__(self):
     return '{} @ {}, first data label: {}, with value: {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, dt_from_s(self.values[0], tz=self.tz), self.data.labels[0], self.data.values[0])