lunchlib.write_js(''' function goToDetailedReport(form) { // check to see if the start month is written correctly: if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}$/.test(form.start_month.value)) { // if the format is correct, split up the string: bits = form.start_month.value.split('-'); // use the parts to construct a new date object to compare to // the current date. Note that the constructor assumes that // January is the 0th month, so subtract 1. // Also give the "day" paramater a value of the 1st // of the month var testDate = new Date(bits[0], bits[1]-1, 1); // supplied month should not be in the future. // note that we don't care how far in the past it is. if (testDate > new Date()) { alert("month is in the future."); return; } } else { // return if the format is incorrect: alert("invalid start month format."); return; } // check to see if "end month" parameter is present. // If so, check its format as well. Note we don't care // if it is in the future. if (/^\s*$/.test(form.end_month.value) == false && /^\d{4}-\d{2}$/.test(form.end_month.value) == false) { alert("invalid end month format."); return; } // if all is ok then call the report generation script: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } // do not run the report and go back to the main menu: function cancel(form) { form.setAttribute("action", "") form.submit(); } ''')
'lunch_date': ldate, 'amount': amount } if db.insert("lunch_expenses", updValues) == None: status_message = status_message + \ "Problem inserting row to database" else: status_message = status_message + "New entry for " + \ ldate + " inserted successfully!" # write out the html page: lunchlib.write_js(''' function goToMainMenu(form) { // go back to main menu: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } ''') # html header lunchlib.write_head_uname(uname) # information message print status_message # form to go back to main menu lunchlib.write_form(''' <p><input type="button" value="OK" onClick="goToMainMenu(this.form)"> <p><input type="hidden" name="uname" value="''' + uname + '''"> ''')
else: uname = arguments["uname"].value start_month = arguments["start_month"].value # grab the end month if it has been supplied, # otherwise default to the same as the start month: if "end_month" not in arguments: end_month = start_month else: end_month = arguments["end_month"].value # write javascript for going back to main menu: lunchlib.write_js( """ function goToMainMenu(form) { form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } """ ) # write html header lunchlib.write_head_uname(uname) try: # connect to the database db = pg.DB(dbname=lunchlib.dbname, host=lunchlib.dbhost, user=lunchlib.dbuser, passwd=lunchlib.dbpasswd) # report header print "Report for user: <b>" + uname + "</b> for period: <b>" + start_month + " to " + end_month + "</b><br/><br/>" # form to go back to main menu
lunchlib.write_fail("No such user") else: # password should be in the first and only field of the # first and only row: retrievedpw = rows[0][0] # verify that supplied password is the same as the retrieved one: if not hashpw(passwd, retrievedpw) == retrievedpw: # if not, write out some html informing of a mismatch: lunchlib.write_fail("Incorrect password") else: # otherwise write out some html informing of a success lunchlib.write_js(''' function goToMainMenu(form) { // proceed to main menu when button is pressed: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } ''') lunchlib.write_head_uname(uname) lunchlib.write_form(''' <p><input type="button" value="OK" onClick="goToMainMenu(this.form)"> <p><input type="hidden" name="uname" value="''' + uname + '''"> ''') lunchlib.write_tail() # close database connection: db.close() except pg.InternalError:
lunchlib.write_fail("No such user") else: # password should be in the first and only field of the # first and only row: retrievedpw = rows[0][0] # verify that supplied password is the same as the retrieved one: if not hashpw(passwd, retrievedpw) == retrievedpw: # if not, write out some html informing of a mismatch: lunchlib.write_fail("Incorrect password") else: # otherwise write out some html informing of a success lunchlib.write_js(''' function goToMainMenu(form) { // proceed to main menu when button is pressed: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } ''') lunchlib.write_head_uname(uname) lunchlib.write_form(''' <p><input type="button" value="OK" onClick="goToMainMenu(this.form)"> <p><input type="hidden" name="uname" value="''' + uname + '''"> ''') lunchlib.write_tail() # close database connection: db.close()
# now insert the new entry to the database: updValues = {'emp_id':emp_id, 'lunch_date':ldate, 'amount':amount} if db.insert("lunch_expenses", updValues) == None: status_message = status_message + \ "Problem inserting row to database" else: status_message = status_message + "New entry for " + \ ldate + " inserted successfully!" # write out the html page: lunchlib.write_js(''' function goToMainMenu(form) { // go back to main menu: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } ''') # html header lunchlib.write_head_uname(uname); # information message print status_message # form to go back to main menu lunchlib.write_form(''' <p><input type="button" value="OK" onClick="goToMainMenu(this.form)"> <p><input type="hidden" name="uname" value="''' + uname + '''"> ''');
lunchlib.write_js(''' function insertLunch(form) { // check first to see if date is in desired format: dateRegexp = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/.test(form.ldate.value) if (!dateRegexp) { alert("bad date format."); return; } // extract parts of the date bits = form.ldate.value.split('-'); var year = bits[0]; var month = bits[1]; var day = bits[2]; // create a new date object. note that the Date constructor // assumes January is the 0th month, so we must subtract 1 // from our month value before calling the constructor: var testDate = new Date(year, month - 1, day); // make sure that the supplied date is not in the future: if (testDate > new Date()) { alert("date in the future."); return; } // if date is in the right format, make sure it is valid: if (year < 1 || month > 12 || month < 1 || day < 1) { alert("invalid date."); return; } else if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) { // some months have 31 days: if (day > 31) { alert("invalid date."); return; } } else if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) { // some months have 30 days: if (day > 30) { alert("invalid date."); return; } } else if (month == 2) { // February may have 28 or 29 days depending on the year: if ((year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0)) { if (day > 29) { alert("invalid date."); return; } } else { if (day > 28) { alert("invalid date."); return; } } } // now validate the amount. No one is allowed to spend more // than 9999.99 dollars on lunch! // note also that you can't input more than two decimal places if (/^\d{1,4}(\.\d{0,2}){0,1}$/.test(form.amount.value) == false) { alert("invalid amount."); return; } // if we get to here then we can call the code to insert the // lunch expense in the database: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } // do not enter a lunch expense and go back to the main menu: function cancel(form) { form.setAttribute("action", "") form.submit(); } ''')
if "uname" not in arguments: lunchlib.write_fail("Username not received in POST.") else: uname = arguments["uname"].value # write out the menu options in html: lunchlib.write_js(''' function enterLunchExp(form) { // go to lunch expense entry form: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } function detailedReport(form) { // go to lunch expense reporting form: form.setAttribute("action", ""); form.submit(); } function logout(form) { // go back to the login page. // do not pass any form data since the user has logged out. location="../login.html" } ''') lunchlib.write_head_uname(uname) print "<h3>Main Menu</h3>" lunchlib.write_form('''