Пример #1
def xyz_to_cct_HA(xyzw):
    Convert XYZ tristimulus values to correlated color temperature (CCT). 
            | ndarray of tristimulus values
            | ndarray of correlated color temperatures estimates
        1. `Hernández-Andrés, Javier; Lee, RL; Romero, J (September 20, 1999). 
        Calculating Correlated Color Temperatures Across the Entire Gamut 
        of Daylight and Skylight Chromaticities.
        Applied Optics. 38 (27), 5703–5709. P
        According to paper small error from 3000 - 800 000 K, but a test with 
        Planckians showed errors up to 20% around 500 000 K; 
        e>0.05 for T>200 000, e>0.1 for T>300 000, ...
    if len(xyzw.shape)>2:
        raise Exception('xyz_to_cct_HA(): Input xyzw.ndim must be <= 2 !')
    out_of_range_code = np.nan
    xe = [0.3366, 0.3356]
    ye = [0.1735, 0.1691]
    A0 = [-949.86315, 36284.48953]
    A1 = [6253.80338, 0.00228]
    t1 = [0.92159, 0.07861]
    A2 = [28.70599, 5.4535*1e-36]
    t2 = [0.20039, 0.01543]
    A3 = [0.00004, 0.0]
    t3 = [0.07125,1.0]
    cct_ranges = np.array([[3000.0,50000.0],[50000.0,800000.0]])
    Yxy = xyz_to_Yxy(xyzw)
    CCT = np.ones((1,Yxy.shape[0]))*out_of_range_code
    for i in range(2):
        n = (Yxy[:,1]-xe[i])/(Yxy[:,2]-ye[i])
        CCT_i = np2d(np.array(A0[i] + A1[i]*np.exp(np.divide(-n,t1[i])) + A2[i]*np.exp(np.divide(-n,t2[i])) + A3[i]*np.exp(np.divide(-n,t3[i]))))
        p = (CCT_i >= (1.0-0.05*(i == 0))*cct_ranges[i][0]) & (CCT_i < (1.0+0.05*(i == 0))*cct_ranges[i][1])
        CCT[p] = CCT_i[p]
        p = (CCT_i < (1.0-0.05)*cct_ranges[0][0]) #smaller than smallest valid CCT value
        CCT[p] = -1
    if (np.isnan(CCT.sum()) == True) | (np.any(CCT == -1)):
        print("Warning: xyz_to_cct_HA(): one or more CCTs out of range! --> (CCT < 3 kK,  CCT >800 kK) coded as (-1, NaN) 's")
    return CCT.T
Пример #2
def cct_to_mired(data):
    Convert cct to Mired scale (or back). 

            | ndarray with cct or Mired values.

            | ndarray ((10**6) / data)
    return np.divide(10**6, data)
Пример #3
def xyz_to_Ydlep(xyz,
    Convert XYZ tristimulus values to Y, dominant (complementary) wavelength
    and excitation purity.

            | ndarray with tristimulus values
            | None or ndarray with tristimulus values of a single (!) native white point, optional
            | None defaults to xyz of CIE D65 using the :cieobs: observer.
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating spectrum locus coordinates.
            | False, optional
            | If True: flip axis 0 and axis 1 in Ydelep to increase speed of loop in function.
            |          (single xyzw with is not flipped!)
            | ndarray with Y, dominant (complementary) wavelength
              and excitation purity

    xyz3 = np3d(xyz).copy().astype(np.float)

    # flip axis so that shortest dim is on axis0 (save time in looping):
    if (xyz3.shape[0] < xyz3.shape[1]) & (flip_axes == True):
        axes12flipped = True
        xyz3 = xyz3.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        axes12flipped = False

    # convert xyz to Yxy:
    Yxy = xyz_to_Yxy(xyz3)
    Yxyw = xyz_to_Yxy(xyzw)

    # get spectrum locus Y,x,y and wavelengths:
    SL = _CMF[cieobs]['bar']

    wlsl = SL[0]
    Yxysl = xyz_to_Yxy(SL[1:4].T)[:, None]

    # center on xyzw:
    Yxy = Yxy - Yxyw
    Yxysl = Yxysl - Yxyw
    Yxyw = Yxyw - Yxyw

    Y, x, y = asplit(Yxy)
    Yw, xw, yw = asplit(Yxyw)
    Ysl, xsl, ysl = asplit(Yxysl)

    # calculate hue:
    h = math.positive_arctan(x, y, htype='deg')

    hsl = math.positive_arctan(xsl, ysl, htype='deg')

    hsl_max = hsl[0]  # max hue angle at min wavelength
    hsl_min = hsl[-1]  # min hue angle at max wavelength

    dominantwavelength = np.empty(Y.shape)
    purity = np.empty(Y.shape)
    for i in range(xyz3.shape[1]):

        # find index of complementary wavelengths/hues:
        pc = np.where(
            (h[:, i] >= hsl_max) & (h[:, i] <= hsl_min + 360.0)
        )  # hue's requiring complementary wavelength (purple line)
        h[:, i][pc] = h[:, i][pc] - np.sign(
            h[:, i][pc] - 180.0
        ) * 180.0  # add/subtract 180° to get positive complementary wavelength

        # find 2 closest hues in sl:
        #hslb,hib = meshblock(hsl,h[:,i:i+1])
        hib, hslb = np.meshgrid(h[:, i:i + 1], hsl)
        dh = np.abs(hslb - hib)
        q1 = dh.argmin(axis=0)  # index of closest hue
        dh[q1] = 1000.0
        q2 = dh.argmin(axis=0)  # index of second closest hue

        dominantwavelength[:, i] = wlsl[q1] + np.divide(
            np.multiply((wlsl[q2] - wlsl[q1]),
                        (h[:, i] - hsl[q1, 0])), (hsl[q2, 0] - hsl[q1, 0])
        )  # calculate wl corresponding to h: y = y1 + (y2-y1)*(x-x1)/(x2-x1)
        dominantwavelength[:, i][pc] = -dominantwavelength[:, i][
            pc]  #complementary wavelengths are specified by '-' sign

        # calculate excitation purity:
        x_dom_wl = xsl[q1, 0] + (xsl[q2, 0] - xsl[q1, 0]) * (h[:, i] - hsl[
            q1, 0]) / (hsl[q2, 0] - hsl[q1, 0])  # calculate x of dom. wl
        y_dom_wl = ysl[q1, 0] + (ysl[q2, 0] - ysl[q1, 0]) * (h[:, i] - hsl[
            q1, 0]) / (hsl[q2, 0] - hsl[q1, 0])  # calculate y of dom. wl
        d_wl = (x_dom_wl**2.0 +
                y_dom_wl**2.0)**0.5  # distance from white point to sl
        d = (x[:, i]**2.0 +
             y[:, i]**2.0)**0.5  # distance from white point to test point
        purity[:, i] = d / d_wl

        # correct for those test points that have a complementary wavelength
        # calculate intersection of line through white point and test point and purple line:
        xy = np.vstack((x[:, i], y[:, i])).T
        xyw = np.hstack((xw, yw))
        xypl1 = np.hstack((xsl[0, None], ysl[0, None]))
        xypl2 = np.hstack((xsl[-1, None], ysl[-1, None]))
        da = (xy - xyw)
        db = (xypl2 - xypl1)
        dp = (xyw - xypl1)
        T = np.array([[0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
        dap = np.dot(da, T)
        denom = np.sum(dap * db, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        num = np.sum(dap * dp, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        xy_linecross = (num / denom) * db + xypl1
        d_linecross = np.atleast_2d(
            (xy_linecross[:, 0]**2.0 + xy_linecross[:, 1]**2.0)**0.5).T  #[0]
        purity[:, i][pc] = d[pc] / d_linecross[pc][:, 0]
    Ydlep = np.dstack((xyz3[:, :, 1], dominantwavelength, purity))

    if axes12flipped == True:
        Ydlep = Ydlep.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        Ydlep = Ydlep.transpose((0, 1, 2))
    return Ydlep.reshape(xyz.shape)