Пример #1
    def test_readwrite_tractor(self):
        tractorfile = io.list_tractorfiles(self.datadir)[0]
        sweepfile = io.list_sweepfiles(self.datadir)[0]
        data = io.read_tractor(sweepfile)
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 6)  #- test data has 6 objects per file
        data = io.read_tractor(tractorfile)
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 6)  #- test data has 6 objects per file
        data, hdr = io.read_tractor(tractorfile, header=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 6)  #- test data has 6 objects per file

        #ADM check PHOTSYS got added in writing targets
        io.write_targets(self.testfile, data, indir=self.datadir)
        #ADM use fits read wrapper in io to correctly handle whitespace
        d2, h2 = io.whitespace_fits_read(self.testfile, header=True)
            list(data.dtype.names) + ["PHOTSYS"], list(d2.dtype.names))

        #ADM check PHOTSYS and HPXPIXEL got added writing targets with NSIDE request
        io.write_targets(self.testfile, data, nside=64, indir=self.datadir)
        #ADM use fits read wrapper in io to correctly handle whitespace
        d2, h2 = io.whitespace_fits_read(self.testfile, header=True)
            list(data.dtype.names) + ["HPXPIXEL", "PHOTSYS"],

        for column in data.dtype.names:
            self.assertTrue(np.all(data[column] == d2[column]))
Пример #2
    def test_fix_dr1(self):
        '''test the DR1 TYPE dype fix (make everything S4)'''
        #- First, break it
        files = io.list_sweepfiles(self.datadir)
        objects = io.read_tractor(files[0])
        dt = objects.dtype.descr
        for i in range(len(dt)):
            if dt[i][0] == 'TYPE':
                dt[i] = ('TYPE', 'S10')
        badobjects = objects.astype(np.dtype(dt))

        newobjects = io.fix_tractor_dr1_dtype(badobjects)
        self.assertEqual(newobjects['TYPE'].dtype, np.dtype('S4'))
Пример #3
def collect_bright_stars(
    """Extract a structure from the sweeps containing only bright stars in a given band to a given magnitude limit

    bands : :class:`str`
        A magnitude band from the sweeps, e.g., "G", "R", "Z".
        Can pass multiple bands as string, e.g. "GRZ", in which case maglim has to be a
        list of the same length as the string
    maglim : :class:`float`
        The upper limit in that magnitude band for which to assemble a list of bright stars.
        Can pass a list of magnitude limits, in which case bands has to be a string of the
        same length (e.g., "GRZ" for [12.3,12.7,12.6]
    numproc : :class:`int`, optional
        Number of processes over which to parallelize
    rootdirname : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to dr3
        Root directory containing either sweeps or tractor files...e.g. for dr3 this might be
    outfilename : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to not writing anything to file
        (FITS) File name to which to write the output structure of bright stars

        The structure of bright stars from the sweeps limited in the passed band(s) to the
        passed maglim(s).
    #ADM set up default logger
    from lvmutil.log import get_logger
    log = get_logger()

    #ADM use io.py to retrieve list of sweeps or tractor files
    infiles = io.list_sweepfiles(rootdirname)
    if len(infiles) == 0:
        infiles = io.list_tractorfiles(rootdirname)
    if len(infiles) == 0:
        raise IOError(
            'No sweep or tractor files found in {}'.format(rootdirname))

    #ADM force the input maglim to be a list (in case a single value was passed)
    if type(maglim) == type(16) or type(maglim) == type(16.):
        maglim = [maglim]

    #ADM set bands to uppercase if passed as lower case
    bands = bands.upper()
    #ADM the band names as a flux array instead of a string
    bandnames = np.array(["FLUX_" + band for band in bands])

    if len(bandnames) != len(maglim):
        raise IOError(
            'bands has to be the same length as maglim and {} does not equal {}'
            .format(len(bands), len(maglim)))

    #ADM change input magnitude(s) to a flux to test against
    fluxlim = 10.**((22.5 - np.array(maglim)) / 2.5)

    #ADM parallel formalism from this step forward is stolen from cuts.select_targets

    #ADM function to grab the bright stars from a given file
    def _get_bright_stars(filename):
        '''Retrieves bright stars from a sweeps/Tractor file'''
        objs = io.read_tractor(filename)
        #ADM write the fluxes as an array instead of as named columns
        fluxes = objs[bandnames].view(
            objs[bandnames].dtype[0]).reshape(objs[bandnames].shape + (-1, ))
        #ADM Retain rows for which ANY band is brighter than maglim
        w = np.where(np.any(fluxes > fluxlim, axis=1))
        if len(w[0]) > 0:
            return objs[w]

    #ADM counter for how many files have been processed
    #ADM critical to use np.ones because a numpy scalar allows in place modifications
    # c.f https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3104/
    totfiles = np.ones((), dtype='i8') * len(infiles)
    nfiles = np.ones((), dtype='i8')
    t0 = time()
    log.info('Collecting bright stars from sweeps...')

    def _update_status(result):
        '''wrapper function for the critical reduction operation,
        that occurs on the main parallel process'''
        if nfiles % 25 == 0:
            elapsed = time() - t0
            rate = nfiles / elapsed
                '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed'.
                format(nfiles, totfiles, rate, elapsed / 60.))
        nfiles[...] += 1  #this is an in-place modification
        return result

    #ADM did we ask to parallelize, or not?
    if numproc > 1:
        pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc)
        with pool:
            starstruc = pool.map(_get_bright_stars,
        starstruc = []
        for file in infiles:

    #ADM note that if there were no bright stars in a file then
    #ADM the _get_bright_stars function will have returned NoneTypes
    #ADM so we need to filter those out
    starstruc = [x for x in starstruc if x is not None]
    if len(starstruc) == 0:
        raise IOError(
            'There are no stars brighter than {} in {} in files in {} with which to make a mask'
            .format(str(maglim), bands, rootdirname))
    #ADM concatenate all of the output recarrays
    starstruc = np.hstack(starstruc)

    #ADM if the name of a file for output is passed, then write to it
    if outfilename is not None:
        fitsio.write(outfilename, starstruc, clobber=True)

    return starstruc
Пример #4
 def test_list_sweepfiles(self):
     files = io.list_sweepfiles(self.datadir)
     self.assertEqual(len(files), 3)
     for x in files:
Пример #5
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.datadir = resource_filename('lvmtarget.test', 't')
     cls.tractorfiles = sorted(io.list_tractorfiles(cls.datadir))
     cls.sweepfiles = sorted(io.list_sweepfiles(cls.datadir))