Пример #1
    def process(self, mod_command):
        ui = lwsdk.LWPanels()
        panel = ui.create('Subtract Weight')
        c = panel.listbox_ctl('Base Map', 300, 16, self.name_items,

        panel.size_to_layout(1, 1)

        if panel.open(lwsdk.PANF_BLOCKING | lwsdk.PANF_CANCEL) == 0:
            return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
        self._base = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT,
        print('listed base weight: %s' % self._base)

        selname, selid = lwsdk.LWStateQueryFuncs().vmap(lwsdk.LWM_VMAP_WEIGHT)
        self._target = selname
        print('selected weight map id: %d' % selid)
        print('selected weight map name: %s' % selname)

        op = mod_command.editBegin(0, 0, lwsdk.OPSEL_USER)
        if not op:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'failed to editBegin'
            return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

        result = lwsdk.EDERR_NONE
            selpoints = []
            result = op.fastPointScan(op.state, self.fast_point_scan,
                                      (selpoints, ), lwsdk.OPLYR_FG, 1)
            if result != lwsdk.EDERR_NONE:
                op.done(op.state, result, 0)
                return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
            print('selected points: %d' % len(selpoints))
            #selpoints = op.genPoints(op.state, lwsdk.OPLYR_FG, 1)
            for p in selpoints:
                # get base value
                op.vMapSelect(op.state, self._base, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, 1)
                b = op.pointVGet(op.state, p)[1]
                print('pt:%d' % p)
                if (b != None):
                    print('w(B):%f' % b)
                # get target value
                op.vMapSelect(op.state, self._target, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, 1)
                v = op.pointVGet(op.state, p)[1]
                if (v != None):
                    print('w(A):%f' % v)
                if (b != None):
                    v = 1.0 - b
                    v = 1.0
                op.pntVMap(op.state, p, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, self._target, [v])
            result = lwsdk.EDERR_USERABORT
            op.done(op.state, result, 0)
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
Пример #2
    def select_layers(self, mod, data):
        obj_funcs = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs()
        state_query = lwsdk.LWStateQueryFuncs()

        obj_name = state_query.object()
        layer_list = state_query.layerList(lwsdk.OPLYR_NONEMPTY, obj_name)

        # there is no mesh !
        if layer_list == '':
            message_funcs = lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs()
            message_funcs.error('No mesh data', '')
            return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

        current_obj = obj_funcs.focusObject()
        layers = layer_list.split(' ')

        foreground_layers = []
        background_layers = []

        for layer in layers:
            layer_int = int(layer) - 1

            # layer name is (unnamed), display None
            layer_name = obj_funcs.layerName(current_obj, layer_int)

            if layer_name == None:
                layer_name = ''

            if data.select_contains == (0 if layer_name.find(data.string) < 0
                                        else 1):

        if len(foreground_layers) == 0:
            raise NoForegroundLayer()

        if len(foreground_layers) > 0:
            cs_options = lwsdk.marshall_dynavalues(' '.join(foreground_layers))
            cs_setlayer = mod.lookup(mod.data, "SETALAYER")
            mod.execute(mod.data, cs_setlayer, cs_options, lwsdk.OPSEL_USER)

        if len(background_layers) > 0 and data.select_others:
            cs_options = lwsdk.marshall_dynavalues(' '.join(background_layers))
            cs_setlayer = mod.lookup(mod.data, "setblayer")
            mod.execute(mod.data, cs_setlayer, cs_options, lwsdk.OPSEL_USER)
Пример #3
    def select_layers(self, mod_command, history):
        objFuncs = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs()
        currentObject = objFuncs.focusObject()
        numberOfLayers = objFuncs.maxLayers(currentObject)

        foregroundLayers = []
        backgroundLayers = []

        for i in range(numberOfLayers):
            name = objFuncs.layerName(currentObject, i)
            if name != None:
                if name.find(history.string) != -1:
                    foregroundLayers.append(str(i + 1))
                    backgroundLayers.append(str(i + 1))
                backgroundLayers.append(str(i + 1))

        lyrsetfg(' '.join(foregroundLayers))
        lyrsetbg(' '.join(backgroundLayers))
Пример #4
    def selectLayers(self, data):
        obj_funcs = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs()
        state_query = lwsdk.LWStateQueryFuncs()

        obj_name = state_query.object()
        layer_list = state_query.layerList(lwsdk.OPLYR_NONEMPTY, obj_name)

        # there is no mesh !
        if layer_list == '':
            message_funcs = lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs()
            message_funcs.error('No mesh data', '')
            return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

        current_obj = obj_funcs.focusObject()
        layers = layer_list.split(' ')

        foreground_layers = []
        background_layers = []

        for layer in layers:
            layer_int = int(layer) - 1

            # layer name is (unnamed), display None
            layer_name = obj_funcs.layerName(current_obj, layer_int)

            if layer_name == None:
                layer_name = ''

            if data.select_contains == (
                    False if layer_name.find(data.string) < 0 else True):

  def process(self, mod_command):

    #deselect any Morph Targets
    command = mod_command.lookup(mod_command.data, "SELECTVMAP")
    cs_options = lwsdk.marshall_dynavalues(("MORF"))
    result = mod_command.execute(mod_command.data, command, cs_options, lwsdk.OPSEL_USER)

    file = tempfile.gettempdir() + os.sep + "ODVertexData.txt"

    #find existing Vmaps
    loaded_weight = []; loaded_uv = []; loaded_morph = []
    for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps( lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT )):
      loaded_weight.append(lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, u))
    for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps( lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV )):
      loaded_uv.append(lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, u))
    for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps( lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF )):
      loaded_morph.append(lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, u))

    mesh_edit_op = mod_command.editBegin(0, 0, lwsdk.OPLYR_FG)
    if not mesh_edit_op:
      print >>sys.stderr, 'Failed to engage mesh edit operations!'
      return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

      # Getting Point ID of selected Point
      points = []
      edit_op_result = mesh_edit_op.fastPointScan(mesh_edit_op.state, self.fast_point_scan, (points,), lwsdk.OPLYR_FG, 0)
      if edit_op_result != lwsdk.EDERR_NONE:
        mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
      point_count = len(points)
      edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_NONE

      polys = []
      edit_op_result = mesh_edit_op.fastPolyScan(mesh_edit_op.state, self.fast_poly_scan, (polys,), lwsdk.OPLYR_FG, 0)
      if edit_op_result != lwsdk.EDERR_NONE:
        mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
      poly_count = len(polys)
      edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_NONE

      #if there's no points, then we dont need to do anything
      if point_count == 0:
        lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().info("No Points.", "")
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

      f = open(file, "w")
      f.write ("VERTICES:" + str(point_count) + "\n")

      positions = []
      uvMaps = []
      weightMaps = []
      morphMaps = []
      # Filling Position Array for Selected Point
      for point in points:
        pos = mesh_edit_op.pointPos(mesh_edit_op.state, point)
        f.write(str(pos[0]) + " " + str(pos[1]) + " " + str(pos[2]*-1) + "\n")
      #write polygons-point connection for poly reconstruction
      f.write("POLYGONS:" + str(len(polys)) + "\n")
      x =0
      for poly in polys:
        surf = mesh_edit_op.polySurface(mesh_edit_op.state,poly)
        ppoint = ""
        for point in reversed(mesh_edit_op.polyPoints(mesh_edit_op.state,poly)):
          ppoint += "," + str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])
        polytype = "FACE"
        subD = mesh_edit_op.polyType(mesh_edit_op.state, poly)# & lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_SUBD
        if subD == lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_SUBD:
          polytype = "CCSS"
        elif subD == lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_PTCH:
          polytype = "SUBD"
        f.write(ppoint[1:] + ";;" + surf + ";;" + polytype + "\n")
      #grab all weights
      for weight in loaded_weight:
        mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, weight, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, 1)
        f.write("WEIGHT:" + weight + "\n")
        for point in points:
          if (mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]) != None:
            f.write(str(mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]) + "\n")
      #grab all UVs
      for uvs in loaded_uv:
        cont = []
        discont = []
        c = 0
        #selecting uv map
        mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, uvs, lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 2)
        #check whether we are dealing with continuous or discontinous UVs, we have to look at points per poly for this
        for poly in polys:
          for point in mesh_edit_op.polyPoints(mesh_edit_op.state,poly):
            #vpget gets uv coordinates based on point in poly, if that has a value, the uv is discontinuous.. if it doesnt, its continuous.
            pInfo = mesh_edit_op.pointVPGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point, poly)[1]
            if pInfo != None: #check if discontinous
              curPos = [pInfo[0], pInfo[1]]
              #print "oh:", self.polyidxmap[str(poly)]
              discont.append([curPos, str(self.polyidxmap[str(poly)]), str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])])
              #discont.append([curPos, str(1), str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])])
              c+= 1
            else: #otherwise, the uv coordinate is continuous
              if mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1] != None:
                curPos = [mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1][0], mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state, point)[1][1]]
                cont.append([curPos, str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])])
                c+= 1

        f.write("UV:" + uvs + ":"+str(c) + "\n")
        for uvpos in discont:
          f.write(str(uvpos[0][0]) + " " + str(uvpos[0][1]) + ":PLY:" + str(uvpos[1]) + ":PNT:" + str(uvpos[2]) + "\n")
        for uvpos in cont:
          f.write(str(uvpos[0][0]) + " " + str(uvpos[0][1]) + ":PNT:" + str(uvpos[1]) + "\n")

      #grab all Morphs
      for morph in loaded_morph:
        mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, morph, lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, 3)
        f.write("MORPH:" + morph + "\n")
        for point in points:
          if (mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]) != None:
            ms = mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]
            f.write(str(ms[0]) + " " + str(ms[1]) + " " + str(ms[2]*-1) + "\n")
            f.write("0 0 0\n")
      edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_USERABORT
      mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)


    return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
    def process(self, mod_command):

        #get the command arguments (so that we can also run this from layout)
        cmd = mod_command.argument.replace('"', '')

        file = tempfile.gettempdir() + os.sep + "ODVertexData.txt"

        #open the temp file
        if os.path.exists(file):
            f = open(file)
            lines = f.readlines()
                "Storage File does not exist.  Needs to be created via the Layout CopyTransform counterpart",
            return 0

        #get the pointcount from the file
        pntCount = int(lines[0].split(":")[1].strip())

        #find existing Vmaps
        loaded_weight = []
        loaded_uv = []
        loaded_morph = []
        for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT)):
                lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, u))
        for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV)):
                lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, u))
        for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps(lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF)):
                lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, u))

        #check if we are in modeler, if so, clear polys
        # if cmd == "":
        #   #Remove Current mesh from layer
        #   command = mod_command.lookup(mod_command.data, "CUT")
        #   result = mod_command.execute(mod_command.data, command, None, lwsdk.OPLYR_FG)

        edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_NONE
        mesh_edit_op = mod_command.editBegin(0, 0, lwsdk.OPSEL_USER)
        if not mesh_edit_op:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to engage mesh edit operations!'
            return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

            vertline = []
            polyline = []
            uvMaps = []
            morphMaps = []
            weightMaps = []
            count = 0
            #Parse File to see what Data we have
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith("VERTICES:"):
                        [int(line.strip().split(":")[1].strip()), count])
                if line.startswith("POLYGONS:"):
                        [int(line.strip().split(":")[1].strip()), count])
                if line.startswith("UV:"):
                        [line.strip().split(":")[1:], count]
                    )  # changed this to add the # of uv coordinates into the mix
                if line.startswith("MORPH"):
                    morphMaps.append([line.split(":")[1].strip(), count])
                if line.startswith("WEIGHT"):
                    weightMaps.append([line.split(":")[1].strip(), count])
                count += 1
            #create Points
            for verts in vertline:
                points = []
                for i in xrange(verts[1] + 1, verts[1] + verts[0] + 1):
                    x = lines[i].split(" ")
                    pt = [float(x[0]), float(x[1]), float(x[2].strip()) * -1]
                        mesh_edit_op.state, pt))
            #create Polygons
            for polygons in polyline:
                polys = []
                for i in xrange(polygons[1] + 1,
                                polygons[1] + polygons[0] + 1):
                    pts = []
                    surf = (lines[i].split(";;")[1]).strip()
                    polytype = (lines[i].split(";;")[2]).strip()
                    for x in (lines[i].split(";;")[0]).strip().split(","):
                        pts.insert(0, (points[int(x.strip())]))
                    ptype = lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_FACE
                    if polytype == "CCSS": ptype = lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_SUBD
                    elif polytype == "SUBD": ptype = lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_PTCH
                        mesh_edit_op.addPoly(mesh_edit_op.state, ptype, None,
                                             surf, pts))
            #setup  weightmaps
            for weightMap in weightMaps:
                mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, weightMap[0],
                                        lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, 1)
                count = 0
                for point in points:
                    if lines[weightMap[1] + 1 + count].strip() != "None":
                            mesh_edit_op.state, point, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT,
                            [float(lines[weightMap[1] + 1 + count].strip())])
                    count += 1
            #Set Morph Map Values
            for morphMap in morphMaps:
                mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, morphMap[0],
                                        lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, 3)
                count = 0
                for point in points:
                    if lines[morphMap[1] + 1 + count].strip() != "None":
                            mesh_edit_op.state, point, lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF,
                            morphMap[0], [
                                float(lines[morphMap[1] + 1 +
                                            count].split(" ")[0]),
                                float(lines[morphMap[1] + 1 +
                                            count].split(" ")[1]),
                                float(lines[morphMap[1] + 1 +
                                            count].split(" ")[2]) * -1
                    count += 1
            #Set UV Map Values
            for uvMap in uvMaps:
                mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, uvMap[0][0],
                                        lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 2)
                count = 0
                for i in range(int(uvMap[0][1])):
                    line = lines[uvMap[1] + 1 + count]
                    split = line.split(":")
                    #if len(split) > 3: #check the format to see if it has a point and poly classifier, determining with that, whether the uv is discontinuous or continuous
                    #mesh_edit_op.pntVPMap(mesh_edit_op.state, points[int(split[4])], polys[int(split[2])], lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, uvMap[0][0], [float(split[0].split(" ")[0]), float(split[0].split(" ")[1])])
                                         lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, uvMap[0][0], [
                                             float(split[0].split(" ")[0]),
                                             float(split[0].split(" ")[1])
                    count += 1

            # #remove unused UVMaps
            # for m in loaded_uv:
            #   if m not in str(uvMaps):
            #     mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state,  m, lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 2)
            #     mesh_edit_op.vMapRemove(mesh_edit_op.state)

            # # #remove unused UVMaps
            # for m in loaded_weight:
            #   if m not in str(weightMaps):
            #     mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state,  m, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, 1)
            #     mesh_edit_op.vMapRemove(mesh_edit_op.state)

            # # #remove unused UVMaps
            # for m in loaded_morph:
            #   if m not in str(morphMaps):
            #     mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state,  m, lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, 3)
            #     mesh_edit_op.vMapRemove(mesh_edit_op.state)

            edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_USERABORT
            mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)

        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
Пример #7
    def process(self, ga):
        ui = lwsdk.LWPanels()
        panel = ui.create('Final Fantasy 7:Remake  Import')

        controlWidth = 64
        c1 = panel.load_ctl('Select File', controlWidth)

        if panel.open(lwsdk.PANF_BLOCKING | lwsdk.PANF_CANCEL) == 0:
            return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

        self.filepath = c1.get_str()
        progress_count = 8

        t1 = time.time()

        interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo()
        if not (interface_info.generalFlags & lwsdk.LWGENF_PARENTINPLACE):
            ga.evaluate(ga.data, "ParentInPlace")

        #set bind pose at frame -10
        ga.evaluate(ga.data, "GoToFrame -10")

        interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo()
        selected_items = interface_info.selected_items()

        #if a mesh not selected create a parent null for the bones
        if not selected_items:
            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, "AddNull Root")
            interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo()
            selected_items = interface_info.selected_items()
            buildItemID = selected_items[0]
            item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo()
            mytype = item_info.type(selected_items[0])
            if mytype == lwsdk.LWI_OBJECT:
                buildItemID = selected_items[0]
                result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, "AddNull Root")
                interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo()
                selected_items = interface_info.selected_items()
                buildItemID = selected_items[0]

        #get weightmap count
        object_functions = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs()
        numWeights = object_functions.numVMaps(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT)

        files = path_wrangler(self.filepath)

        md = open(files.data['uexp'], 'rb')
        ua = open(files.data['uasset'], 'rb')

        meshName = files.data['meshName']
        submesh_name = files.data['submesh_name']

        arm = False
        weightData = {}
        Weight_array = []
        vertexArray = []
        NA = []
        normal_array = []

        UVs0 = []
        UVs1 = []
        UVs2 = []
        UVs3 = []
        UVs4 = []

        faces = []

        names = readUasset(ua)

        pattern0 = re.compile(
        for x in xrange(20000):
            s1 = struct.unpack("18s", md.read(18))[0]
            if pattern0.match(s1):
                c0 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
                c1 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
                c2 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
                c3 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
                c4 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
                if (c0 and c1 and c2 and c3 and c4 > 1000000000):
                    md.seek(-20, 1)
            md.seek(-17, 1)

        materialCount = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]

        materials = {}
        for m in xrange(materialCount):
            materials[m] = {}
            materials[m]['val0'] = struct.unpack("<l", md.read(4))[0]
            stringIndex = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            unk0 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            unk1 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            unk2 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            unk3 = struct.unpack("<f", md.read(4))[0]
            unk4 = struct.unpack("<f", md.read(4))[0]
            unk5 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            unk6 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]

            materials[m]['name'] = names[stringIndex]

        boneCount = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
        joint_data = {}
        joint_names = []
        for i in xrange(boneCount):
            string_index = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            jName = names[string_index]
            unk = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            parent = struct.unpack("<l", md.read(4))[0]

            joint_data[i] = {"name": jName, "parent": parent}

        boneCount2 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]

        progress_count += boneCount2
        if not moninit(progress_count, "Importing", title='Progress'):
            raise Exception('Hell!')

        boneArray = []
        psn = {}
        IDs = []
        for bn in range(boneCount2):
            boneName = joint_data[bn]["name"]
            BNparent = joint_data[bn]["parent"]

            m1 = struct.unpack("<10f", md.read(40))

            ps0 = (m1[4], m1[5], m1[6])
            #BNps = np.asarray(ps0)

            rt0_ = (m1[3], m1[0], m1[1], m1[2])
            rt0 = quat2mat(rt0_)

            if BNparent == -1:
                BNparent = 0

            #BNps = [mi[3,1], mi[3,2], mi[3,0]]
            BNps = ps0
            psn[bn] = BNps

            #BNrt = mat2euler(mi, axes='ryxz')

                        "SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(buildItemID))
            layoutCommand = "AddBone " + boneName
            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, layoutCommand)

            # no influence except for weight maps
            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'BoneStrength 0')
            interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo()
            selected_items = interface_info.selected_items()
            itemID = selected_items[0]

            #UpdateMotion needed for parent in place
            if bn != 0:
                ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'UpdateMotion')
                    "ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(IDs[BNparent]))

            layoutCommand = "Position " + str(BNps[0]) + " " + str(
                BNps[1]) + " " + str(BNps[2])
            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, layoutCommand)

            if bn == 0:
                result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, "BoneRestLength 0.5")
                lenX = psn[BNparent][0] - BNps[0]
                lenY = psn[BNparent][1] - BNps[1]
                lenZ = psn[BNparent][2] - BNps[2]

                #dont use full bone length....dummy
                boneLength = math.sqrt(lenX * lenX + lenY * lenY +
                                       lenZ * lenZ) * 0.6
                result = ga.evaluate(ga.data,
                                     "BoneRestLength " + str(boneLength))

            #BNrt = quat2euler(rt0_, axes='szyx')
            BNrt = quat2euler(rt0_, axes='ryxz')
            rotx = (180.0 / math.pi) * BNrt[0]
            roty = (180.0 / math.pi) * BNrt[1]
            rotz = (180.0 / math.pi) * BNrt[2]

            layoutCommand = "Rotation " + str(rotx) + " " + str(
                roty) + " " + str(rotz)
            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, layoutCommand)

            if bn == 0:
                layoutCommand = "Rotation " + str(180.0) + " " + str(
                    180.0) + " " + str(0.0)
                result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, layoutCommand)

            # if 'autokey' is not turned on, we need to explicitly
            # create keys for the object at the current time offset
            if not (interface_info.generalFlags & lwsdk.LWGENF_AUTOKEY):
                ga.evaluate(ga.data, "CreateKey %f" % interface_info.curTime)

            #keys created at frame -10 so delete any at frame 0
            ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'DeleteKey 0')

            if (numWeights > 0):
                if bn != 0:
                    for b in range(numWeights):
                        weightName = object_functions.vmapName(
                            lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, b)
                        if weightName == boneName:
                            layoutCommand = 'BoneWeightMapName ' + boneName
                            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, layoutCommand)
                            result = ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'BoneWeightMapOnly')
            ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'RecordRestPosition')


        boneCount3 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
        md.seek(boneCount3 * 12, 1)
        vertexGroups = {}
        unk0 = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
        unk1 = struct.unpack("B", md.read(1))[0]
        unk2 = struct.unpack("B", md.read(1))[0]
        groupCount = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
        for m in xrange(groupCount):
            z1 = struct.unpack("<H", md.read(2))[0]
            ID = struct.unpack("<H", md.read(2))[0]

            md.seek(24, 1)
            vertexGroups[ID] = {'range': 0, 'bones': []}

            # pragma region bone palette
            start = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            count = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            vertexGroups[ID]['bones_np'] = np.zeros((boneCount2, ), dtype=int)
            bone_names = []
            for bn in xrange(count):
                bid = struct.unpack("<H", md.read(2))[0]
                vertexGroups[ID]['bones_np'][bn] = bid
            # pragma endregion bone palette

            size = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            stop = start + size
            vertexGroups[ID]['range'] = np.arange(start, stop)
            vertexGroups[ID]["start"] = start
            vertexGroups[ID]["stop"] = stop
            vertexGroups[ID]["size"] = size
            vertexGroups[ID]["names"] = bone_names

            md.seek(34, 1)
            FFx4 = readHexString(md, 4)
            flag = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
            if flag:  # extra data for this group
                count = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]
                md.seek(count * 16, 1)
                null = struct.unpack("<L", md.read(4))[0]

        process_surfaces(files, vertexGroups, materials)

        ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'SelectAllBones')
        #ga.evaluate(ga.data, 'RecordRestPosition')


        elapsed = time.time() - t1
        print "Time: " + str(elapsed)


        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
  def process(self, mod_command):

    def polytree(polys, points):
      #here we build a tree on which polys belong to a point.
      #n will store the polyIDs assignement per point
      #nfullNormals will add the poly normals together for that point from the belonging polys
      n = []
      nfullNormals = []
      #create empty arrays
      for p in points:
      #go through each poly checking with points belong to it.
      count = 0
      for poly in polys:
        pts = mesh_edit_op.polyPoints(mesh_edit_op.state,poly)
        for p in pts:
          nfullNormals[self.pointidxmap[str(p)]] = lwsdk.Vector(nfullNormals[self.pointidxmap[str(p)]]) + lwsdk.Vector(mesh_edit_op.polyNormal(mesh_edit_op.state,polys[count])[1])
        count += 1
      return n, nfullNormals

    #deselect any Morph Targets
    command = mod_command.lookup(mod_command.data, "SELECTVMAP")
    cs_options = lwsdk.marshall_dynavalues(("MORF"))
    result = mod_command.execute(mod_command.data, command, cs_options, lwsdk.OPSEL_USER)
    #The temporary filename where it resides, typically this is the systems temp folder as it will resolve to the same on every system
    file = tempfile.gettempdir() + os.sep + "ODVertexData.txt"

    #find existing Vmaps
    loaded_weight = []; loaded_uv = []; loaded_morph = []
    for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps( lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT )):
      loaded_weight.append(lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, u))
    for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps( lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV )):
      loaded_uv.append(lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, u))
    for u in range(0, lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps( lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF )):
      loaded_morph.append(lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, u))

    #start mesh edit operations
    mesh_edit_op = mod_command.editBegin(0, 0, lwsdk.OPLYR_FG)
    if not mesh_edit_op:
      print >>sys.stderr, 'Failed to engage mesh edit operations!'
      return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

      # Query all points
      points = []
      edit_op_result = mesh_edit_op.fastPointScan(mesh_edit_op.state, self.fast_point_scan, (points,), lwsdk.OPLYR_FG, 0)
      if edit_op_result != lwsdk.EDERR_NONE:
        mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
      point_count = len(points)
      edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_NONE

      # Query all polygons
      polys = []
      edit_op_result = mesh_edit_op.fastPolyScan(mesh_edit_op.state, self.fast_poly_scan, (polys,), lwsdk.OPLYR_FG, 0)
      if edit_op_result != lwsdk.EDERR_NONE:
        mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
      poly_count = len(polys)
      edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_NONE

      #if there's no points, then we dont need to do anything
      if point_count == 0:
        lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().info("No Points.", "")
        return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK

      #initializing some variables we'll need
      positions = []
      uvMaps = []
      weightMaps = []
      morphMaps = []
      vertexNormals = []

      #open the file and start writing points header and point positions
      f = open(file, "w")
      f.write ("VERTICES:" + str(point_count) + "\n")

      # Writing point positions for each point
      for point in points:
        pos = mesh_edit_op.pointPos(mesh_edit_op.state, point)
        f.write(str(pos[0]) + " " + str(pos[1]) + " " + str(pos[2]*-1) + "\n")

      #check to see if any surfaces have smoothing on:
      smoothing = 0
      surfIDs = lwsdk.LWSurfaceFuncs().byObject(lwsdk.LWStateQueryFuncs().object())
      for surf in surfIDs:
        smooth = lwsdk.LWSurfaceFuncs().getFlt(surf, lwsdk.SURF_SMAN)
        if smooth > 0:
          smoothing = 1

      #Query which polygons belong to a point and build an array for easy lookup (only needed if there's any smoothing)
      if smoothing > 0:
        ptree = polytree(polys, points)

      #write Polygon Header
      f.write("POLYGONS:" + str(len(polys)) + "\n")
      x =0
      for poly in polys:
        #check if the surface of a poly has smoothing enabled or not so that we either export smoothed or nonsmoothed normals
        surf = mesh_edit_op.polySurface(mesh_edit_op.state,poly)
        surfID = lwsdk.LWSurfaceFuncs().byName(surf, lwsdk.LWStateQueryFuncs().object())
        smoothing = lwsdk.LWSurfaceFuncs().getFlt(surfID[0], lwsdk.SURF_SMAN)
        #Write poly construction with surface name and type, as well as storing the normals
        ppoint = ""
        for point in reversed(mesh_edit_op.polyPoints(mesh_edit_op.state,poly)):
          ppoint += "," + str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])
          if smoothing > 0:
        polytype = "FACE"
        subD = mesh_edit_op.polyType(mesh_edit_op.state, poly)# & lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_SUBD
        if subD == lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_SUBD:
          polytype = "CCSS"
        elif subD == lwsdk.LWPOLTYPE_PTCH:
          polytype = "SUBD"
        f.write(ppoint[1:] + ";;" + surf + ";;" + polytype + "\n")
      #grab all weights
      for weight in loaded_weight:
        mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, weight, lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, 1)
        f.write("WEIGHT:" + weight + "\n")
        for point in points:
          if (mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]) != None:
            f.write(str(mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]) + "\n")
      #grab all UVs
      for uvs in loaded_uv:
        cont = []
        discont = []
        c = 0
        #selecting uv map
        mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, uvs, lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 2)
        #check whether we are dealing with continuous or discontinous UVs, we have to look at points per poly for this
        for poly in polys:
          for point in mesh_edit_op.polyPoints(mesh_edit_op.state,poly):
            #vpget gets uv coordinates based on point in poly, if that has a value, the uv is discontinuous.. if it doesnt, its continuous.
            pInfo = mesh_edit_op.pointVPGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point, poly)[1]
            if pInfo != None: #check if discontinous
              curPos = [pInfo[0], pInfo[1]]
              #print "oh:", self.polyidxmap[str(poly)]
              discont.append([curPos, str(self.polyidxmap[str(poly)]), str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])])
              #discont.append([curPos, str(1), str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])])
              c+= 1
            else: #otherwise, the uv coordinate is continuous
              if mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1] != None:
                curPos = [mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1][0], mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state, point)[1][1]]
                cont.append([curPos, str(self.pointidxmap[str(point)])])
                c+= 1
        #Write UVs
        f.write("UV:" + uvs + ":"+str(c) + "\n")
        for uvpos in discont:
          f.write(str(uvpos[0][0]) + " " + str(uvpos[0][1]) + ":PLY:" + str(uvpos[1]) + ":PNT:" + str(uvpos[2]) + "\n")
        for uvpos in cont:
          f.write(str(uvpos[0][0]) + " " + str(uvpos[0][1]) + ":PNT:" + str(uvpos[1]) + "\n")

      #grab all Morphs
      for morph in loaded_morph:
        mesh_edit_op.vMapSelect(mesh_edit_op.state, morph, lwsdk.LWVMAP_MORF, 3)
        f.write("MORPH:" + morph + "\n")
        for point in points:
          if (mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]) != None:
            ms = mesh_edit_op.pointVGet(mesh_edit_op.state,point)[1]
            f.write(str(ms[0]) + " " + str(ms[1]) + " " + str(ms[2]*-1) + "\n")
            f.write("0 0 0\n")

      #Write Vertex Normals
      f.write("VERTEXNORMALS:" + str(len(vertexNormals)) + "\n")
      for normal in vertexNormals:
        f.write(str(normal[0]) + " " + str(normal[1]) + " " + str(normal[2]*-1) + "\n")

      edit_op_result = lwsdk.EDERR_USERABORT
      mesh_edit_op.done(mesh_edit_op.state, edit_op_result, 0)


    return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def createMaterial(files, vertexGroups, materials, surf):
    textures = getMaterialTypes(files)
	textures: {
	'NP0002_00_Body':    {'NP0002_00_Body_C', 'NP0002_00_Body_A', 'NP0002_00_Body_N'},
	'NP0002_00_Eye':     {'NP0002_00_Eye_C'},
	'NP0002_00_Eyelash': {'NP0002_00_Head_N', 'NP0002_00_Head_C'},
	'NP0002_00_Hair':    {'NP0002_00_Hair_C', 'NP0002_00_Hair_A', 'NP0002_00_Hair_N'},
	'NP0002_00_Head':    {'NP0002_00_Head_N', 'NP0002_00_Head_C'},
	'NP0002_00_Mouth':   set(),
	'NP0002_00_Skin':    {'NP0002_00_Body_C', 'NP0002_00_Body_N'}

    texture_list = textures[surf]

    NodeBuild = []
    NodeBuild.append("{ Surface\n")
    NodeBuild.append("  \"Default\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("  SmoothingAngle 1.5625\n")
    NodeBuild.append("  CompatibilityVersion 77b\n")
    NodeBuild.append("  { Nodes\n")
    NodeBuild.append("    { Root\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      Location 0 0\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      Zoom 1\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      Disabled 1\n")
    NodeBuild.append("    }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("    Version 1\n")
    NodeBuild.append("    { Nodes\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      Server \"Surface\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      { Tag\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        RealName \"Surface\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Name \"Surface\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Coordinates -1890 -561\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Mode 1\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Selected 0\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        { Data\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Preview \"\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      Server \"Input\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      { Tag\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        RealName \"Input\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Name \"Input\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Coordinates 0 -289\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Mode 0\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Selected 0\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        { Data\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Preview \"Item ID\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      }\n")

    # Add material node
    if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower():
        NodeBuild.append("      Server \"Skin\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("      { Tag\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        RealName \"Skin\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        Name \"Skin (1)\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        Coordinates -1260 -480\n")
		NodeBuild.append("        { Data\n")
		NodeBuild.append("          { Attributes\n")
		NodeBuild.append("            { Metadata\n")
		NodeBuild.append("              Version 1\n")
		NodeBuild.append("              Enumerations 0\n")
		NodeBuild.append("              { AttributeData\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                { Attr\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  Name \"Epidermis Color\"\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  Flags 0\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Color\"\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  { Value\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                    \"vparam3\"\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                    { Value\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                      3\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                      0.9881 0.9098 0.7685\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                    }\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                  }\n")
		NodeBuild.append("                }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("      Server \"Principled BSDF\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("      { Tag\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        RealName \"Principled BSDF\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        Name \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        Coordinates -894 -393\n")

        NodeBuild.append("        { Data\n")
        NodeBuild.append("          { Attributes\n")
        NodeBuild.append("            { Metadata\n")
        NodeBuild.append("              Version 1\n")
        NodeBuild.append("              Enumerations 0\n")
        NodeBuild.append("              { AttributeData\n")

        NodeBuild.append("                { Attr\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Name \"Color\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Flags 0\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Percent\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  { Value\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    \"vparam3\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    { Value\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                      3\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                      0.5 0.5 0.5\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                }\n")

        NodeBuild.append("                { Attr\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Name \"Specular\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Flags 0\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Percent\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  { Value\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    \"vparam\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    { Value\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                      1\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                      0\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                }\n")

        NodeBuild.append("                { Attr\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Name \"Roughness\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Flags 0\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Percent\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  { Value\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    \"vparam\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    { Value\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                      1\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                      1\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                    }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                  }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("                }\n")

    NodeBuild.append("              }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("            }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("          }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("        Preview \"Material\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      }\n")

    for t in texture_list:
        loc = (0, 0)
        the_file = ""
        UVMap = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 0)

        if t[-2:] == '_C':
            the_file = files.data['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png"
            loc = CoordinateList["Color"]

            Server = "      Server \"Image\"\n"
            RealName = "        RealName \"Image\"\n"
            Name = "        Name \"Image (1)\"\n"

        elif t[-2:] == '_N':
            the_file = files.data['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png"
            loc = CoordinateList["Normal"]

            Server = "      Server \"NormalMap\"\n"
            RealName = "        RealName \"NormalMap\"\n"
            Name = "        Name \"NormalMap (1)\"\n"

        elif t[-2:] == '_A':
            the_file = files.data['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png"
            loc = CoordinateList["Alpha"]

            Server = "      Server \"Image\"\n"
            RealName = "        RealName \"Image\"\n"
            Name = "        Name \"Image (2)\"\n"

        elif t[-2:] == '_O':
            the_file = files.data['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png"
            loc = CoordinateList["Opacity"]
            if UV_count > 1:
                UVMap = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 1)

            Server = "      Server \"Image\"\n"
            RealName = "        RealName \"Image\"\n"
            Name = "        Name \"Image (3)\"\n"

        NodeBuild.append("      { Tag\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        Coordinates " + loc + "\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        { Data\n")

        if t[-2:] == '_A':
            NodeBuild.append("          InvertColor 1\n")

        NodeBuild.append("          { Image\n")

        if os.path.exists(the_file):
            NodeBuild.append("            { Clip\n")
            NodeBuild.append("              { Still\n")
            NodeBuild.append("                \"" + the_file + "\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("              }\n")
            NodeBuild.append("            }\n")

        NodeBuild.append("          }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("          Mapping 5\n")
        NodeBuild.append("          UV \"" + UVMap + "\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("        }\n")
        NodeBuild.append("      }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("    }\n")

    #make them there connections
    NodeBuild.append("    { Connections\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Surface\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Material\"\n")
    if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower():
        NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n")
        NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n")
    NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Material\"\n")

    for t in texture_list:
        if t[-2:] == '_A':
            NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Surface\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Clip\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Image (2)\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Color\"\n")
        elif t[-2:] == '_C':
            if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower():
                NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Epidermis Color\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Image (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Color\"\n")

                NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Dermis Color\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Image (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Color\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Color\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Image (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Color\"\n")
        elif t[-2:] == '_N':
            if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower():
                NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n")
                NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n")  #
            NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Normal\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"NormalMap (1)\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Normal\"\n")
        elif t[-2:] == '_O':
            NodeBuild.append("      NodeName \"Image (1)\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputName \"Opacity\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputNodeName \"Image (3)\"\n")
            NodeBuild.append("      InputOutputName \"Color\"\n")

    # End connections segment
    NodeBuild.append("      }\n")
    NodeBuild.append("    }\n")

    # Complete the node build by putting it together
    NodeBuild = "".join(NodeBuild)

    f = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False)

    lwsdk.command("Surf_LoadText \"" + f.name + "\"")
    os.unlink(f.name)  # delete the file
#PBR Surface Setup by Ryan Roye
import lwsdk
import os
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from utils import *

CoordinateList = {
    "Color": "-600 -220",
    "Alpha": "-1280 -740",
    "Normal": "-540 -800",
    "Opacity": "-280 -100"

UV_count = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV)

def createMaterial(files, vertexGroups, materials, surf):
    textures = getMaterialTypes(files)
	textures: {
	'NP0002_00_Body':    {'NP0002_00_Body_C', 'NP0002_00_Body_A', 'NP0002_00_Body_N'},
	'NP0002_00_Eye':     {'NP0002_00_Eye_C'},
	'NP0002_00_Eyelash': {'NP0002_00_Head_N', 'NP0002_00_Head_C'},
	'NP0002_00_Hair':    {'NP0002_00_Hair_C', 'NP0002_00_Hair_A', 'NP0002_00_Hair_N'},
	'NP0002_00_Head':    {'NP0002_00_Head_N', 'NP0002_00_Head_C'},
	'NP0002_00_Mouth':   set(),
	'NP0002_00_Skin':    {'NP0002_00_Body_C', 'NP0002_00_Body_N'}
Пример #11
 def count_items(self, ctrl, param):
     return lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().numVMaps(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT)
Пример #12
 def name_items(self, ctrl, param, row):
     return lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_WGHT, row)