def __init__(self, path_or_stream, dest_dir=None, log=None, notes_text=None): self.docx = DOCX(path_or_stream, log=log) self.log = self.docx.log self.notes_text = notes_text or _('Notes') self.dest_dir = dest_dir or os.getcwdu() self.mi = self.docx.metadata self.body = BODY() self.styles = Styles() self.images = Images() self.tables = Tables() self.object_map = OrderedDict() self.html = HTML( HEAD( META(charset='utf-8'), TITLE(self.mi.title or _('Unknown')), LINK(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='docx.css'), ), self.body) self.html.text = '\n\t' self.html[0].text = '\n\t\t' self.html[0].tail = '\n' for child in self.html[0]: child.tail = '\n\t\t' self.html[0][-1].tail = '\n\t' self.html[1].text = self.html[1].tail = '\n' lang = canonicalize_lang(self.mi.language) if lang and lang != 'und': lang = lang_as_iso639_1(lang) if lang: self.html.set('lang', lang)
def _generate(self, title, masthead, datefmt, feeds, extra_css=None, style=None): self.IS_HTML = False if isinstance(datefmt, unicode): datefmt = datefmt.encode(preferred_encoding) date = strftime(datefmt) head = HEAD(TITLE(title)) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) ul = UL(CLASS('calibre_feed_list')) for i, feed in enumerate(feeds): if feed: li = LI(A( feed.title, CLASS('feed', 'calibre_rescale_120', href='feed_%d/index.html' % i)), id='feed_%d' % i) ul.append(li) div = DIV( PT(IMG(src=masthead, alt="masthead"), style='text-align:center'), PT(date, style='text-align:right'), ul, CLASS('calibre_rescale_100')) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(div)) if self.html_lang: self.root.set('lang', self.html_lang)
def _generate(self, article, style=None, extra_css=None): content = article.content if article.content else '' summary = article.summary if article.summary else '' text = content if len(content) > len(summary) else summary head = HEAD(TITLE(article.title)) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) if isbytestring(text): text = text.decode('utf-8', 'replace') elements = html.fragments_fromstring(text) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(H2(article.title), DIV())) div = self.root.find('body').find('div') if elements and isinstance(elements[0], unicode_type): div.text = elements[0] elements = list(elements)[1:] for elem in elements: if hasattr(elem, 'getparent'): elem.getparent().remove(elem) else: elem = SPAN(elem) div.append(elem)
def _generate(self, title, masthead, datefmt, feeds, extra_css=None, style=None): self.IS_HTML = False date = strftime(datefmt) head = HEAD(TITLE(title)) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) ul = UL(attrs('calibre_feed_list')) for i, feed in enumerate(feeds): if len(feed): li = LI(A( feed.title, attrs('feed', rescale=120, href='feed_%d/index.html' % i)), id='feed_%d' % i) ul.append(li) div = DIV( PT(IMG(src=masthead, alt="masthead"), style='text-align:center'), PT(date, style='text-align:right'), ul, attrs(rescale=100)) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(div)) if self.html_lang: self.root.set('lang', self.html_lang)
def _generate(self, bottom, feed, art, number_of_articles_in_feed, two_levels, url, __appname__, prefix='', center=True, extra_css=None, style=None): head = HEAD(TITLE('navbar')) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) if prefix and not prefix.endswith('/'): prefix += '/' align = 'center' if center else 'left' navbar = DIV( attrs('calibre_navbar', rescale=70, style='text-align:' + align)) if bottom: if not url.startswith('file://'): navbar.append(HR()) text = 'This article was downloaded by ' p = PT( text, STRONG(__appname__), A(url, href=url, rel='calibre-downloaded-from'), style='text-align:left; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden;' ) p[0].tail = ' from ' navbar.append(p) navbar.append(BR()) navbar.append(BR()) else: next_art = 'feed_%d'%(feed+1) if art == number_of_articles_in_feed - 1 \ else 'article_%d'%(art+1) up = '../..' if art == number_of_articles_in_feed - 1 else '..' href = '%s%s/%s/index.html' % (prefix, up, next_art) navbar.text = '| ' navbar.append(A(_('Next'), href=href)) href = '%s../index.html#article_%d' % (prefix, art) next(navbar.iterchildren(reversed=True)).tail = ' | ' navbar.append(A(_('Section menu'), href=href)) href = '%s../../index.html#feed_%d' % (prefix, feed) next(navbar.iterchildren(reversed=True)).tail = ' | ' navbar.append(A(_('Main menu'), href=href)) if art > 0 and not bottom: href = '%s../article_%d/index.html' % (prefix, art - 1) next(navbar.iterchildren(reversed=True)).tail = ' | ' navbar.append(A(_('Previous'), href=href)) next(navbar.iterchildren(reversed=True)).tail = ' | ' if not bottom: navbar.append(HR()) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(navbar))
def _generate(self, title, masthead, datefmt, feeds, extra_css=None, style=None): self.IS_HTML = False date = '%s, %s %s, %s' % (strftime('%A'), strftime('%B'), strftime('%d').lstrip('0'), strftime('%Y')) masthead_p = etree.Element("p") masthead_p.set("style","text-align:center") masthead_img = etree.Element("img") masthead_img.set("src",masthead) masthead_img.set("alt","masthead") masthead_p.append(masthead_img) head = HEAD(TITLE(title)) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) toc = TABLE(CLASS('toc'),width="100%",border="0",cellpadding="3px") for i, feed in enumerate(feeds): if feed: tr = TR() tr.append(TD(CLASS('calibre_rescale_120'), A(feed.title, href='feed_%d/index.html'%i))) tr.append(TD('%s' % len(feed.articles), style="text-align:right")) toc.append(tr) div = DIV( masthead_p, H3(CLASS('publish_date'),date), DIV(CLASS('divider')), toc) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(div)) if self.html_lang: self.root.set('lang', self.html_lang)
def __init__(self, path_or_stream, dest_dir=None, log=None, detect_cover=True, notes_text=None, notes_nopb=False, nosupsub=False): self.docx = DOCX(path_or_stream, log=log) self.namespace = self.docx.namespace self.ms_pat = re.compile(r'\s{2,}') self.ws_pat = re.compile(r'[\n\r\t]') self.log = self.docx.log self.detect_cover = detect_cover self.notes_text = notes_text or _('Notes') self.notes_nopb = notes_nopb self.nosupsub = nosupsub self.dest_dir = dest_dir or os.getcwdu() self.mi = self.docx.metadata self.body = BODY() self.theme = Theme(self.namespace) self.settings = Settings(self.namespace) self.tables = Tables(self.namespace) self.fields = Fields(self.namespace) self.styles = Styles(self.namespace, self.tables) self.images = Images(self.namespace, self.log) self.object_map = OrderedDict() self.html = HTML( HEAD( META(charset='utf-8'), TITLE(self.mi.title or _('Unknown')), LINK(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='docx.css'), ), self.body) self.html.text = '\n\t' self.html[0].text = '\n\t\t' self.html[0].tail = '\n' for child in self.html[0]: child.tail = '\n\t\t' self.html[0][-1].tail = '\n\t' self.html[1].text = self.html[1].tail = '\n' lang = html_lang(self.mi.language) if lang: self.html.set('lang', lang) self.doc_lang = lang else: self.doc_lang = None
def _generate(self, bottom, feed, art, number_of_articles_in_feed, two_levels, url, __appname__, prefix='', center=True, extra_css=None, style=None): head = HEAD(TITLE('navbar')) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) navbar = DIV() navbar_t = TABLE(CLASS('touchscreen_navbar')) navbar_tr = TR() # | Previous if art > 0: link = A(CLASS('article_link'), _('Previous'), href='%s../article_%d/index.html' % (prefix, art - 1)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_prev'), link)) else: navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_prev'), '')) # | Articles | Sections | link = A(CLASS('articles_link'), _('Articles'), href='%s../index.html#article_%d' % (prefix, art)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_articles_list'), link)) link = A(CLASS('sections_link'), _('Sections'), href='%s../../index.html#feed_%d' % (prefix, feed)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_sections_list'), link)) # | Next next = 'feed_%d'%(feed+1) if art == number_of_articles_in_feed - 1 \ else 'article_%d'%(art+1) up = '../..' if art == number_of_articles_in_feed - 1 else '..' link = A(CLASS('article_link'), _('Next'), href='%s%s/%s/index.html' % (prefix, up, next)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_next'), link)) navbar_t.append(navbar_tr) navbar.append(navbar_t) #print "\n%s\n" % etree.tostring(navbar, pretty_print=True) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(navbar))
def document_from_json(self, page_json, label_list): return HTML( HEAD( TITLE(page_json['title']), META(name='date', content=page_json['history']['createdDate']), META(name='modified', content=page_json['version']['when']), META(name='tags', content=','.join([ l for l in label_list if l not in ('hidden', 'menu') ])), META(name='authors', content=page_json['history']['createdBy']['username'])), BODY( *lxml.html.fromstring(page_json['body']['export_view']['value'] or '<p>Nothing yet.</p>')))
def _generate(self, bottom, feed, art, number_of_articles_in_feed, two_levels, url, __appname__, prefix='', center=True, extra_css=None, style=None): head = HEAD(TITLE('navbar')) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) navbar = DIV() navbar_t = TABLE(CLASS('touchscreen_navbar')) navbar_tr = TR() if bottom and not url.startswith('file://'): navbar.append(HR()) text = 'This article was downloaded by ' p = PT(text, STRONG(__appname__), A(url, href=url, rel='calibre-downloaded-from'), style='text-align:left; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden;') p[0].tail = ' from ' navbar.append(p) navbar.append(BR()) # | Previous if art > 0: link = A(CLASS('article_link'),_('Previous'),href='%s../article_%d/index.html'%(prefix, art-1)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_prev'),link)) else: navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_prev'),'')) # | Articles | Sections | link = A(CLASS('articles_link'),_('Articles'), href='%s../index.html#article_%d'%(prefix, art)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_articles_list'),link)) link = A(CLASS('sections_link'),_('Sections'), href='%s../../index.html#feed_%d'%(prefix, feed)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_sections_list'),link)) # | Next next = 'feed_%d'%(feed+1) if art == number_of_articles_in_feed - 1 \ else 'article_%d'%(art+1) up = '../..' if art == number_of_articles_in_feed - 1 else '..' link = A(CLASS('article_link'), _('Next'), href='%s%s/%s/index.html'%(prefix, up, next)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('article_next'),link)) navbar_t.append(navbar_tr) navbar.append(navbar_t) # print "\n%s\n" % etree.tostring(navbar, pretty_print=True) self.root = HTML(head, BODY(navbar))
def _generate(self, f, feeds, cutoff, extra_css=None, style=None): from calibre.utils.cleantext import clean_xml_chars feed = feeds[f] head = HEAD(TITLE(feed.title)) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) body = BODY() body.append(self.get_navbar(f, feeds)) div = DIV( H2(feed.title, CLASS('calibre_feed_title', 'calibre_rescale_160')), CLASS('calibre_rescale_100') ) body.append(div) if getattr(feed, 'image', None): div.append(DIV(IMG( alt=feed.image_alt if feed.image_alt else '', src=feed.image_url ), CLASS('calibre_feed_image'))) if getattr(feed, 'description', None): d = DIV(clean_xml_chars(feed.description), CLASS('calibre_feed_description', 'calibre_rescale_80')) d.append(BR()) div.append(d) ul = UL(CLASS('calibre_article_list')) for i, article in enumerate(feed.articles): if not getattr(article, 'downloaded', False): continue li = LI( A(article.title, CLASS('article calibre_rescale_120', href=article.url)), SPAN(article.formatted_date, CLASS('article_date')), CLASS('calibre_rescale_100', id='article_%d'%i, style='padding-bottom:0.5em') ) if article.summary: li.append(DIV(clean_xml_chars(cutoff(article.text_summary)), CLASS('article_description', 'calibre_rescale_70'))) ul.append(li) div.append(ul) div.append(self.get_navbar(f, feeds, top=False)) self.root = HTML(head, body) if self.html_lang: self.root.set('lang', self.html_lang)
def toc_as_html(toc, pdf, opts): pdf = pdf.engine.pdf indents = [] for i in range(1, 7): indents.extend((i, 1.4*i)) html = HTML( HEAD( STYLE( ''' .calibre-pdf-toc table { width: 100%% } .calibre-pdf-toc table tr td:last-of-type { text-align: right } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-0 { font-size: larger; } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-%d td:first-of-type { padding-left: %.1gem } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-%d td:first-of-type { padding-left: %.1gem } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-%d td:first-of-type { padding-left: %.1gem } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-%d td:first-of-type { padding-left: %.1gem } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-%d td:first-of-type { padding-left: %.1gem } .calibre-pdf-toc .level-%d td:first-of-type { padding-left: %.1gem } ''' % tuple(indents) + (opts.extra_css or '') ) ), BODY( H2(opts.toc_title or _('Table of Contents')), TABLE(), ) ) body = html[1] body.set('class', 'calibre-pdf-toc') process_children(toc, body[1], 0, pdf) return tostring(html, pretty_print=True, include_meta_content_type=True, encoding='utf-8')
class Convert(object): def __init__(self, path_or_stream, dest_dir=None, log=None, detect_cover=True, notes_text=None, notes_nopb=False, nosupsub=False): self.docx = DOCX(path_or_stream, log=log) self.namespace = self.docx.namespace self.ms_pat = re.compile(r'\s{2,}') self.ws_pat = re.compile(r'[\n\r\t]') self.log = self.docx.log self.detect_cover = detect_cover self.notes_text = notes_text or _('Notes') self.notes_nopb = notes_nopb self.nosupsub = nosupsub self.dest_dir = dest_dir or getcwd() self.mi = self.docx.metadata self.body = BODY() self.theme = Theme(self.namespace) self.settings = Settings(self.namespace) self.tables = Tables(self.namespace) self.fields = Fields(self.namespace) self.styles = Styles(self.namespace, self.tables) self.images = Images(self.namespace, self.log) self.object_map = OrderedDict() self.html = HTML( HEAD( META(charset='utf-8'), TITLE(self.mi.title or _('Unknown')), LINK(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='docx.css'), ), self.body ) self.html.text='\n\t' self.html[0].text='\n\t\t' self.html[0].tail='\n' for child in self.html[0]: child.tail = '\n\t\t' self.html[0][-1].tail = '\n\t' self.html[1].text = self.html[1].tail = '\n' lang = html_lang(self.mi.language) if lang: self.html.set('lang', lang) self.doc_lang = lang else: self.doc_lang = None def __call__(self): doc = self.docx.document relationships_by_id, relationships_by_type = self.docx.document_relationships self.fields(doc, self.log) self.read_styles(relationships_by_type) self.images(relationships_by_id) self.layers = OrderedDict() self.framed = [[]] self.frame_map = {} self.framed_map = {} self.anchor_map = {} self.link_map = defaultdict(list) self.link_source_map = {} self.toc_anchor = None self.block_runs = [] paras = [] self.log.debug('Converting Word markup to HTML') self.read_page_properties(doc) self.resolve_alternate_content(doc) self.current_rels = relationships_by_id for wp, page_properties in iteritems(self.page_map): self.current_page = page_properties if wp.tag.endswith('}p'): p = self.convert_p(wp) self.body.append(p) paras.append(wp) self.read_block_anchors(doc) self.styles.apply_contextual_spacing(paras) self.mark_block_runs(paras) # Apply page breaks at the start of every section, except the first # section (since that will be the start of the file) self.styles.apply_section_page_breaks(self.section_starts[1:]) notes_header = None orig_rid_map = self.images.rid_map if self.footnotes.has_notes: self.body.append(H1(self.notes_text)) notes_header = self.body[-1] notes_header.set('class', 'notes-header') for anchor, text, note in self.footnotes: dl = DL(id=anchor) dl.set('class', 'footnote') self.body.append(dl) dl.append(DT('[', A('←' + text, href='#back_%s' % anchor, title=text))) dl[-1][0].tail = ']' dl.append(DD()) paras = [] self.images.rid_map = self.current_rels = note.rels[0] for wp in note: if wp.tag.endswith('}tbl'): self.tables.register(wp, self.styles) self.page_map[wp] = self.current_page else: p = self.convert_p(wp) dl[-1].append(p) paras.append(wp) self.styles.apply_contextual_spacing(paras) self.mark_block_runs(paras) for p, wp in iteritems(self.object_map): if len(p) > 0 and not p.text and len(p[0]) > 0 and not p[0].text and p[0][0].get('class', None) == 'tab': # Paragraph uses tabs for indentation, convert to text-indent parent = p[0] tabs = [] for child in parent: if child.get('class', None) == 'tab': tabs.append(child) if child.tail: break else: break indent = len(tabs) * self.settings.default_tab_stop style = self.styles.resolve(wp) if style.text_indent is inherit or (hasattr(style.text_indent, 'endswith') and style.text_indent.endswith('pt')): if style.text_indent is not inherit: indent = float(style.text_indent[:-2]) + indent style.text_indent = '%.3gpt' % indent parent.text = tabs[-1].tail or '' list(map(parent.remove, tabs)) self.images.rid_map = orig_rid_map self.resolve_links() self.styles.cascade(self.layers) self.tables.apply_markup(self.object_map, self.page_map) numbered = [] for html_obj, obj in iteritems(self.object_map): raw = obj.get('calibre_num_id', None) if raw is not None: lvl, num_id = raw.partition(':')[0::2] try: lvl = int(lvl) except (TypeError, ValueError): lvl = 0 numbered.append((html_obj, num_id, lvl)) self.numbering.apply_markup(numbered, self.body, self.styles, self.object_map, self.images) self.apply_frames() if len(self.body) > 0: self.body.text = '\n\t' for child in self.body: child.tail = '\n\t' self.body[-1].tail = '\n' self.log.debug('Converting styles to CSS') self.styles.generate_classes() for html_obj, obj in iteritems(self.object_map): style = self.styles.resolve(obj) if style is not None: css = style.css if css: cls = self.styles.class_name(css) if cls: html_obj.set('class', cls) for html_obj, css in iteritems(self.framed_map): cls = self.styles.class_name(css) if cls: html_obj.set('class', cls) if notes_header is not None: for h in self.namespace.children(self.body, 'h1', 'h2', 'h3'): notes_header.tag = h.tag cls = h.get('class', None) if cls and cls != 'notes-header': notes_header.set('class', '%s notes-header' % cls) break self.fields.polish_markup(self.object_map) self.log.debug('Cleaning up redundant markup generated by Word') self.cover_image = cleanup_markup(self.log, self.html, self.styles, self.dest_dir, self.detect_cover, self.namespace.XPath) return self.write(doc) def read_page_properties(self, doc): current = [] self.page_map = OrderedDict() self.section_starts = [] for p in self.namespace.descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:tbl'): if p.tag.endswith('}tbl'): self.tables.register(p, self.styles) current.append(p) continue sect = tuple(self.namespace.descendants(p, 'w:sectPr')) if sect: pr = PageProperties(self.namespace, sect) paras = current + [p] for x in paras: self.page_map[x] = pr self.section_starts.append(paras[0]) current = [] else: current.append(p) if current: self.section_starts.append(current[0]) last = self.namespace.XPath('./w:body/w:sectPr')(doc) pr = PageProperties(self.namespace, last) for x in current: self.page_map[x] = pr def resolve_alternate_content(self, doc): # For proprietary extensions in Word documents use the fallback, spec # compliant form # See for ac in self.namespace.descendants(doc, 'mc:AlternateContent'): choices = self.namespace.XPath('./mc:Choice')(ac) fallbacks = self.namespace.XPath('./mc:Fallback')(ac) if fallbacks: for choice in choices: ac.remove(choice) def read_styles(self, relationships_by_type): def get_name(rtype, defname): name = relationships_by_type.get(rtype, None) if name is None: cname = self.docx.document_name.split('/') cname[-1] = defname if self.docx.exists('/'.join(cname)): name = name if name and name.startswith('word/word') and not self.docx.exists(name): name = name.partition('/')[2] return name nname = get_name(self.namespace.names['NUMBERING'], 'numbering.xml') sname = get_name(self.namespace.names['STYLES'], 'styles.xml') sename = get_name(self.namespace.names['SETTINGS'], 'settings.xml') fname = get_name(self.namespace.names['FONTS'], 'fontTable.xml') tname = get_name(self.namespace.names['THEMES'], 'theme1.xml') foname = get_name(self.namespace.names['FOOTNOTES'], 'footnotes.xml') enname = get_name(self.namespace.names['ENDNOTES'], 'endnotes.xml') numbering = self.numbering = Numbering(self.namespace) footnotes = self.footnotes = Footnotes(self.namespace) fonts = self.fonts = Fonts(self.namespace) foraw = enraw = None forel, enrel = ({}, {}), ({}, {}) if sename is not None: try: seraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Settings %s do not exist' % sename) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise self.log.warn('Settings %s file missing' % sename) else: self.settings(fromstring(seraw)) if foname is not None: try: foraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Footnotes %s do not exist' % foname) else: forel = self.docx.get_relationships(foname) if enname is not None: try: enraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Endnotes %s do not exist' % enname) else: enrel = self.docx.get_relationships(enname) footnotes(fromstring(foraw) if foraw else None, forel, fromstring(enraw) if enraw else None, enrel) if fname is not None: embed_relationships = self.docx.get_relationships(fname)[0] try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Fonts table %s does not exist' % fname) else: fonts(fromstring(raw), embed_relationships, self.docx, self.dest_dir) if tname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Styles %s do not exist' % sname) else: self.theme(fromstring(raw)) styles_loaded = False if sname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Styles %s do not exist' % sname) else: self.styles(fromstring(raw), fonts, self.theme) styles_loaded = True if not styles_loaded: self.styles(None, fonts, self.theme) if nname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Numbering styles %s do not exist' % nname) else: numbering(fromstring(raw), self.styles, self.docx.get_relationships(nname)[0]) self.styles.resolve_numbering(numbering) def write(self, doc): toc = create_toc(doc, self.body, self.resolved_link_map, self.styles, self.object_map, self.log, self.namespace) raw = html.tostring(self.html, encoding='utf-8', doctype='<!DOCTYPE html>') with lopen(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'index.html'), 'wb') as f: f.write(raw) css = self.styles.generate_css(self.dest_dir, self.docx, self.notes_nopb, self.nosupsub) if css: with lopen(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'docx.css'), 'wb') as f: f.write(css.encode('utf-8')) opf = OPFCreator(self.dest_dir, self.mi) opf.toc = toc opf.create_manifest_from_files_in([self.dest_dir]) for item in opf.manifest: if item.media_type == 'text/html': item.media_type = guess_type('a.xhtml')[0] opf.create_spine(['index.html']) if self.cover_image is not None: def process_guide(E, guide): if self.toc_anchor is not None: guide.append(E.reference( href='index.html#' + self.toc_anchor, title=_('Table of Contents'), type='toc')) toc_file = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'toc.ncx') with lopen(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'metadata.opf'), 'wb') as of, open(toc_file, 'wb') as ncx: opf.render(of, ncx, 'toc.ncx', process_guide=process_guide) if os.path.getsize(toc_file) == 0: os.remove(toc_file) return os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'metadata.opf') def read_block_anchors(self, doc): doc_anchors = frozenset(self.namespace.XPath('./w:body/w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]')(doc)) if doc_anchors: current_bm = set() rmap = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(self.object_map)} for p in self.namespace.descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]'): if p.tag.endswith('}p'): if current_bm and p in rmap: para = rmap[p] if 'id' not in para.attrib: para.set('id', generate_anchor(next(iter(current_bm)), frozenset(itervalues(self.anchor_map)))) for name in current_bm: self.anchor_map[name] = para.get('id') current_bm = set() elif p in doc_anchors: anchor = self.namespace.get(p, 'w:name') if anchor: current_bm.add(anchor) def convert_p(self, p): dest = P() self.object_map[dest] = p style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p) self.layers[p] = [] self.frame_map[p] = style.frame self.add_frame(dest, style.frame) current_anchor = None current_hyperlink = None hl_xpath = self.namespace.XPath('ancestor::w:hyperlink[1]') def p_parent(x): # Ensure that nested <w:p> tags are handled. These can occur if a # textbox is present inside a paragraph. while True: x = x.getparent() try: if x.tag.endswith('}p'): return x except AttributeError: break for x in self.namespace.descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink', 'w:instrText'): if p_parent(x) is not p: continue if x.tag.endswith('}r'): span = self.convert_run(x) if current_anchor is not None: (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set('id', current_anchor) current_anchor = None if current_hyperlink is not None: try: hl = hl_xpath(x)[0] self.link_map[hl].append(span) self.link_source_map[hl] = self.current_rels x.set('is-link', '1') except IndexError: current_hyperlink = None dest.append(span) self.layers[p].append(x) elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'): anchor = self.namespace.get(x, 'w:name') if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map and anchor != '_GoBack': # _GoBack is a special bookmark inserted by Word 2010 for # the return to previous edit feature, we ignore it old_anchor = current_anchor self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(anchor, frozenset(itervalues(self.anchor_map))) if old_anchor is not None: # The previous anchor was not applied to any element for a, t in tuple(iteritems(self.anchor_map)): if t == old_anchor: self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'): current_hyperlink = x elif x.tag.endswith('}instrText') and x.text and x.text.strip().startswith('TOC '): old_anchor = current_anchor anchor = unicode_type(uuid.uuid4()) self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor('toc', frozenset(itervalues(self.anchor_map))) self.toc_anchor = current_anchor if old_anchor is not None: # The previous anchor was not applied to any element for a, t in tuple(iteritems(self.anchor_map)): if t == old_anchor: self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor if current_anchor is not None: # This paragraph had no <w:r> descendants dest.set('id', current_anchor) current_anchor = None m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '', re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: n = min(6, max(1, int( dest.tag = 'h%d' % n if style.bidi is True: dest.set('dir', 'rtl') border_runs = [] common_borders = [] for span in dest: run = self.object_map[span] style = self.styles.resolve_run(run) if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style): border_runs.append((span, style)) elif border_runs: if len(border_runs) > 1: common_borders.append(border_runs) border_runs = [] for border_run in common_borders: spans = [] bs = {} for span, style in border_run: style.get_border_css(bs) style.clear_border_css() spans.append(span) if bs: cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border') wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) wrapper.set('class', cls) if not dest.text and len(dest) == 0 and not style.has_visible_border(): # Empty paragraph add a non-breaking space so that it is rendered # by WebKit dest.text = NBSP # If the last element in a block is a <br> the <br> is not rendered in # HTML, unless it is followed by a trailing space. Word, on the other # hand inserts a blank line for trailing <br>s. if len(dest) > 0 and not dest[-1].tail: if dest[-1].tag == 'br': dest[-1].tail = NBSP elif len(dest[-1]) > 0 and dest[-1][-1].tag == 'br' and not dest[-1][-1].tail: dest[-1][-1].tail = NBSP return dest def wrap_elems(self, elems, wrapper): p = elems[0].getparent() idx = p.index(elems[0]) p.insert(idx, wrapper) wrapper.tail = elems[-1].tail elems[-1].tail = None for elem in elems: try: p.remove(elem) except ValueError: # Probably a hyperlink that spans multiple # paragraphs,theoretically we should break this up into # multiple hyperlinks, but I can't be bothered. elem.getparent().remove(elem) wrapper.append(elem) return wrapper def resolve_links(self): self.resolved_link_map = {} for hyperlink, spans in iteritems(self.link_map): relationships_by_id = self.link_source_map[hyperlink] span = spans[0] if len(spans) > 1: span = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) span.tag = 'a' self.resolved_link_map[hyperlink] = span tgt = self.namespace.get(hyperlink, 'w:tgtFrame') if tgt: span.set('target', tgt) tt = self.namespace.get(hyperlink, 'w:tooltip') if tt: span.set('title', tt) rid = self.namespace.get(hyperlink, 'r:id') if rid and rid in relationships_by_id: span.set('href', relationships_by_id[rid]) continue anchor = self.namespace.get(hyperlink, 'w:anchor') if anchor and anchor in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[anchor]) continue self.log.warn('Hyperlink with unknown target (rid=%s, anchor=%s), ignoring' % (rid, anchor)) # hrefs that point nowhere give epubcheck a hernia. The element # should be styled explicitly by Word anyway. # span.set('href', '#') rmap = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(self.object_map)} for hyperlink, runs in self.fields.hyperlink_fields: spans = [rmap[r] for r in runs if r in rmap] if not spans: continue span = spans[0] if len(spans) > 1: span = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) span.tag = 'a' tgt = hyperlink.get('target', None) if tgt: span.set('target', tgt) tt = hyperlink.get('title', None) if tt: span.set('title', tt) url = hyperlink.get('url', None) if url is None: anchor = hyperlink.get('anchor', None) if anchor in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[anchor]) continue self.log.warn('Hyperlink field with unknown anchor: %s' % anchor) else: if url in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[url]) continue span.set('href', url) for img, link, relationships_by_id in self.images.links: parent = img.getparent() idx = parent.index(img) a = A(img) a.tail, img.tail = img.tail, None parent.insert(idx, a) tgt = link.get('target', None) if tgt: a.set('target', tgt) tt = link.get('title', None) if tt: a.set('title', tt) rid = link['id'] if rid in relationships_by_id: dest = relationships_by_id[rid] if dest.startswith('#'): if dest[1:] in self.anchor_map: a.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[dest[1:]]) else: a.set('href', dest) def convert_run(self, run): ans = SPAN() self.object_map[ans] = run text = Text(ans, 'text', []) for child in run: if self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:t'): if not child.text: continue space = child.get(XML('space'), None) preserve = False ctext = child.text if space != 'preserve': # Remove leading and trailing whitespace. Word ignores # leading and trailing whitespace without preserve ctext = ctext.strip(' \n\r\t') # Only use a <span> with white-space:pre-wrap if this element # actually needs it, i.e. if it has more than one # consecutive space or it has newlines or tabs. multi_spaces = is not None preserve = multi_spaces or is not None if preserve: text.add_elem(SPAN(ctext, style="white-space:pre-wrap")) ans.append(text.elem) else: text.buf.append(ctext) elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:cr'): text.add_elem(BR()) ans.append(text.elem) elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:br'): typ = self.namespace.get(child, 'w:type') if typ in {'column', 'page'}: br = BR(style='page-break-after:always') else: clear = child.get('clear', None) if clear in {'all', 'left', 'right'}: br = BR(style='clear:%s'%('both' if clear == 'all' else clear)) else: br = BR() text.add_elem(br) ans.append(text.elem) elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:drawing') or self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:pict'): for img in self.images.to_html(child, self.current_page, self.docx, self.dest_dir): text.add_elem(img) ans.append(text.elem) elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:footnoteReference') or self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:endnoteReference'): anchor, name = self.footnotes.get_ref(child) if anchor and name: l = A(SUP(name, id='back_%s' % anchor), href='#' + anchor, title=name) l.set('class', 'noteref') text.add_elem(l) ans.append(text.elem) elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:tab'): spaces = int(math.ceil((self.settings.default_tab_stop / 36) * 6)) text.add_elem(SPAN(NBSP * spaces)) ans.append(text.elem) ans[-1].set('class', 'tab') elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:noBreakHyphen'): text.buf.append('\u2011') elif self.namespace.is_tag(child, 'w:softHyphen'): text.buf.append('\u00ad') if text.buf: setattr(text.elem, text.attr, ''.join(text.buf)) style = self.styles.resolve_run(run) if style.vert_align in {'superscript', 'subscript'}: ans.tag = 'sub' if style.vert_align == 'subscript' else 'sup' if style.lang is not inherit: lang = html_lang(style.lang) if lang is not None and lang != self.doc_lang: ans.set('lang', lang) if style.rtl is True: ans.set('dir', 'rtl') if is_symbol_font(style.font_family): for elem in text: if elem.text: elem.text = map_symbol_text(elem.text, style.font_family) if elem.tail: elem.tail = map_symbol_text(elem.tail, style.font_family) style.font_family = 'sans-serif' return ans def add_frame(self, html_obj, style): last_run = self.framed[-1] if style is inherit: if last_run: self.framed.append([]) return if last_run: if last_run[-1][1] == style: last_run.append((html_obj, style)) else: self.framed[-1].append((html_obj, style)) else: last_run.append((html_obj, style)) def apply_frames(self): for run in filter(None, self.framed): style = run[0][1] paras = tuple(x[0] for x in run) parent = paras[0].getparent() idx = parent.index(paras[0]) frame = DIV(*paras) parent.insert(idx, frame) self.framed_map[frame] = css = style.css(self.page_map[self.object_map[paras[0]]]) self.styles.register(css, 'frame') if not self.block_runs: return rmap = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(self.object_map)} for border_style, blocks in self.block_runs: paras = tuple(rmap[p] for p in blocks) for p in paras: if p.tag == 'li': has_li = True break else: has_li = False parent = paras[0].getparent() if parent.tag in ('ul', 'ol'): ul = parent parent = ul.getparent() idx = parent.index(ul) frame = DIV(ul) elif has_li: def top_level_tag(x): while True: q = x.getparent() if q is parent or q is None: break x = q return x paras = tuple(map(top_level_tag, paras)) idx = parent.index(paras[0]) frame = DIV(*paras) else: idx = parent.index(paras[0]) frame = DIV(*paras) parent.insert(idx, frame) self.framed_map[frame] = css = border_style.css self.styles.register(css, 'frame') def mark_block_runs(self, paras): def process_run(run): max_left = max_right = 0 has_visible_border = None for p in run: style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p) if has_visible_border is None: has_visible_border = style.has_visible_border() if isinstance(style.margin_left, numbers.Number): max_left = max(style.margin_left, max_left) if isinstance(style.margin_right, numbers.Number): max_right = max(style.margin_right, max_right) if has_visible_border: style.margin_left = style.margin_right = inherit if p is not run[0]: style.padding_top = 0 else: border_style = style.clone_border_styles() if has_visible_border: border_style.margin_top, style.margin_top = style.margin_top, inherit if p is not run[-1]: style.padding_bottom = 0 else: if has_visible_border: border_style.margin_bottom, style.margin_bottom = style.margin_bottom, inherit style.clear_borders() if p is not run[-1]: style.apply_between_border() if has_visible_border: border_style.margin_left, border_style.margin_right = max_left,max_right self.block_runs.append((border_style, run)) run = [] for p in paras: if run and self.frame_map.get(p) == self.frame_map.get(run[-1]): style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p) last_style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(run[-1]) if style.has_identical_borders(last_style): run.append(p) continue if len(run) > 1: process_run(run) run = [p] if len(run) > 1: process_run(run)
class Convert(object): def __init__(self, path_or_stream, dest_dir=None, log=None, detect_cover=True, notes_text=None): self.docx = DOCX(path_or_stream, log=log) self.ms_pat = re.compile(r'\s{2,}') self.ws_pat = re.compile(r'[\n\r\t]') self.log = self.docx.log self.detect_cover = detect_cover self.notes_text = notes_text or _('Notes') self.dest_dir = dest_dir or os.getcwdu() self.mi = self.docx.metadata self.body = BODY() self.theme = Theme() self.settings = Settings() self.tables = Tables() self.fields = Fields() self.styles = Styles(self.tables) self.images = Images(self.log) self.object_map = OrderedDict() self.html = HTML( HEAD( META(charset='utf-8'), TITLE(self.mi.title or _('Unknown')), LINK(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='docx.css'), ), self.body) self.html.text = '\n\t' self.html[0].text = '\n\t\t' self.html[0].tail = '\n' for child in self.html[0]: child.tail = '\n\t\t' self.html[0][-1].tail = '\n\t' self.html[1].text = self.html[1].tail = '\n' lang = canonicalize_lang(self.mi.language) if lang and lang != 'und': lang = lang_as_iso639_1(lang) if lang: self.html.set('lang', lang) def __call__(self): doc = self.docx.document relationships_by_id, relationships_by_type = self.docx.document_relationships self.fields(doc, self.log) self.read_styles(relationships_by_type) self.images(relationships_by_id) self.layers = OrderedDict() self.framed = [[]] self.framed_map = {} self.anchor_map = {} self.link_map = defaultdict(list) self.link_source_map = {} paras = [] self.log.debug('Converting Word markup to HTML') self.read_page_properties(doc) self.current_rels = relationships_by_id for wp, page_properties in self.page_map.iteritems(): self.current_page = page_properties if wp.tag.endswith('}p'): p = self.convert_p(wp) self.body.append(p) paras.append(wp) self.read_block_anchors(doc) self.styles.apply_contextual_spacing(paras) # Apply page breaks at the start of every section, except the first # section (since that will be the start of the file) self.styles.apply_section_page_breaks(self.section_starts[1:]) notes_header = None orig_rid_map = self.images.rid_map if self.footnotes.has_notes: dl = DL() dl.set('class', 'notes') self.body.append(H1(self.notes_text)) notes_header = self.body[-1] notes_header.set('class', 'notes-header') self.body.append(dl) for anchor, text, note in self.footnotes: dl.append( DT('[', A('←' + text, href='#back_%s' % anchor, title=text), id=anchor)) dl[-1][0].tail = ']' dl.append(DD()) paras = [] self.images.rid_map = self.current_rels = note.rels[0] for wp in note: if wp.tag.endswith('}tbl'): self.tables.register(wp, self.styles) self.page_map[wp] = self.current_page else: p = self.convert_p(wp) dl[-1].append(p) paras.append(wp) self.styles.apply_contextual_spacing(paras) for p, wp in self.object_map.iteritems(): if len(p) > 0 and not p.text and len( p[0]) > 0 and not p[0].text and p[0][0].get('class', None) == 'tab': # Paragraph uses tabs for indentation, convert to text-indent parent = p[0] tabs = [] for child in parent: if child.get('class', None) == 'tab': tabs.append(child) if child.tail: break else: break indent = len(tabs) * self.settings.default_tab_stop style = self.styles.resolve(wp) if style.text_indent is inherit or ( hasattr(style.text_indent, 'endswith') and style.text_indent.endswith('pt')): if style.text_indent is not inherit: indent = float(style.text_indent[:-2]) + indent style.text_indent = '%.3gpt' % indent parent.text = tabs[-1].tail or '' map(parent.remove, tabs) self.images.rid_map = orig_rid_map self.resolve_links() self.styles.cascade(self.layers) self.tables.apply_markup(self.object_map, self.page_map) numbered = [] for html_obj, obj in self.object_map.iteritems(): raw = obj.get('calibre_num_id', None) if raw is not None: lvl, num_id = raw.partition(':')[0::2] try: lvl = int(lvl) except (TypeError, ValueError): lvl = 0 numbered.append((html_obj, num_id, lvl)) self.numbering.apply_markup(numbered, self.body, self.styles, self.object_map, self.images) self.apply_frames() if len(self.body) > 0: self.body.text = '\n\t' for child in self.body: child.tail = '\n\t' self.body[-1].tail = '\n' self.log.debug('Converting styles to CSS') self.styles.generate_classes() for html_obj, obj in self.object_map.iteritems(): style = self.styles.resolve(obj) if style is not None: css = style.css if css: cls = self.styles.class_name(css) if cls: html_obj.set('class', cls) for html_obj, css in self.framed_map.iteritems(): cls = self.styles.class_name(css) if cls: html_obj.set('class', cls) if notes_header is not None: for h in children(self.body, 'h1', 'h2', 'h3'): notes_header.tag = h.tag cls = h.get('class', None) if cls and cls != 'notes-header': notes_header.set('class', '%s notes-header' % cls) break self.log.debug('Cleaning up redundant markup generated by Word') self.cover_image = cleanup_markup(self.log, self.html, self.styles, self.dest_dir, self.detect_cover) return self.write(doc) def read_page_properties(self, doc): current = [] self.page_map = OrderedDict() self.section_starts = [] for p in descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:tbl'): if p.tag.endswith('}tbl'): self.tables.register(p, self.styles) current.append(p) continue sect = tuple(descendants(p, 'w:sectPr')) if sect: pr = PageProperties(sect) paras = current + [p] for x in paras: self.page_map[x] = pr self.section_starts.append(paras[0]) current = [] else: current.append(p) if current: self.section_starts.append(current[0]) last = XPath('./w:body/w:sectPr')(doc) pr = PageProperties(last) for x in current: self.page_map[x] = pr def read_styles(self, relationships_by_type): def get_name(rtype, defname): name = relationships_by_type.get(rtype, None) if name is None: cname = self.docx.document_name.split('/') cname[-1] = defname if self.docx.exists('/'.join(cname)): name = name return name nname = get_name(NUMBERING, 'numbering.xml') sname = get_name(STYLES, 'styles.xml') sename = get_name(SETTINGS, 'settings.xml') fname = get_name(FONTS, 'fontTable.xml') tname = get_name(THEMES, 'theme1.xml') foname = get_name(FOOTNOTES, 'footnotes.xml') enname = get_name(ENDNOTES, 'endnotes.xml') numbering = self.numbering = Numbering() footnotes = self.footnotes = Footnotes() fonts = self.fonts = Fonts() foraw = enraw = None forel, enrel = ({}, {}), ({}, {}) if sename is not None: try: seraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Settings %s do not exist' % sename) else: self.settings(fromstring(seraw)) if foname is not None: try: foraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Footnotes %s do not exist' % foname) else: forel = self.docx.get_relationships(foname) if enname is not None: try: enraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Endnotes %s do not exist' % enname) else: enrel = self.docx.get_relationships(enname) footnotes( fromstring(foraw) if foraw else None, forel, fromstring(enraw) if enraw else None, enrel) if fname is not None: embed_relationships = self.docx.get_relationships(fname)[0] try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Fonts table %s does not exist' % fname) else: fonts(fromstring(raw), embed_relationships, self.docx, self.dest_dir) if tname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Styles %s do not exist' % sname) else: self.theme(fromstring(raw)) if sname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Styles %s do not exist' % sname) else: self.styles(fromstring(raw), fonts, self.theme) if nname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Numbering styles %s do not exist' % nname) else: numbering(fromstring(raw), self.styles, self.docx.get_relationships(nname)[0]) self.styles.resolve_numbering(numbering) def write(self, doc): toc = create_toc(doc, self.body, self.resolved_link_map, self.styles, self.object_map, self.log) raw = html.tostring(self.html, encoding='utf-8', doctype='<!DOCTYPE html>') with open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'index.html'), 'wb') as f: f.write(raw) css = self.styles.generate_css(self.dest_dir, self.docx) if css: with open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'docx.css'), 'wb') as f: f.write(css.encode('utf-8')) opf = OPFCreator(self.dest_dir, self.mi) opf.toc = toc opf.create_manifest_from_files_in([self.dest_dir]) opf.create_spine(['index.html']) if self.cover_image is not None: with open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'metadata.opf'), 'wb') as of, open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'toc.ncx'), 'wb') as ncx: opf.render(of, ncx, 'toc.ncx') return os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'metadata.opf') def read_block_anchors(self, doc): doc_anchors = frozenset( XPath('./w:body/w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]')(doc)) if doc_anchors: current_bm = set() rmap = {v: k for k, v in self.object_map.iteritems()} for p in descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]'): if p.tag.endswith('}p'): if current_bm and p in rmap: para = rmap[p] if 'id' not in para.attrib: para.set( 'id', generate_anchor( next(iter(current_bm)), frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues()))) for name in current_bm: self.anchor_map[name] = para.get('id') current_bm = set() elif p in doc_anchors: anchor = get(p, 'w:name') if anchor: current_bm.add(anchor) def convert_p(self, p): dest = P() self.object_map[dest] = p style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p) self.layers[p] = [] self.add_frame(dest, style.frame) current_anchor = None current_hyperlink = None hl_xpath = XPath('ancestor::w:hyperlink[1]') for x in descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink'): if x.tag.endswith('}r'): span = self.convert_run(x) if current_anchor is not None: (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set( 'id', current_anchor) current_anchor = None if current_hyperlink is not None: try: hl = hl_xpath(x)[0] self.link_map[hl].append(span) self.link_source_map[hl] = self.current_rels x.set('is-link', '1') except IndexError: current_hyperlink = None dest.append(span) self.layers[p].append(x) elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'): anchor = get(x, 'w:name') if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map: old_anchor = current_anchor self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor( anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues())) if old_anchor is not None: # The previous anchor was not applied to any element for a, t in tuple(self.anchor_map.iteritems()): if t == old_anchor: self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'): current_hyperlink = x m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '', re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: n = min(6, max(1, int( dest.tag = 'h%d' % n if style.direction == 'rtl': dest.set('dir', 'rtl') border_runs = [] common_borders = [] for span in dest: run = self.object_map[span] style = self.styles.resolve_run(run) if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style): border_runs.append((span, style)) elif border_runs: if len(border_runs) > 1: common_borders.append(border_runs) border_runs = [] for border_run in common_borders: spans = [] bs = {} for span, style in border_run: style.get_border_css(bs) style.clear_border_css() spans.append(span) if bs: cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border') wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) wrapper.set('class', cls) if not dest.text and len(dest) == 0: # Empty paragraph add a non-breaking space so that it is rendered # by WebKit dest.text = NBSP # If the last element in a block is a <br> the <br> is not rendered in # HTML, unless it is followed by a trailing space. Word, on the other # hand inserts a blank line for trailing <br>s. if len(dest) > 0 and not dest[-1].tail: if dest[-1].tag == 'br': dest[-1].tail = NBSP elif len(dest[-1]) > 0 and dest[-1][ -1].tag == 'br' and not dest[-1][-1].tail: dest[-1][-1].tail = NBSP return dest def wrap_elems(self, elems, wrapper): p = elems[0].getparent() idx = p.index(elems[0]) p.insert(idx, wrapper) wrapper.tail = elems[-1].tail elems[-1].tail = None for elem in elems: p.remove(elem) wrapper.append(elem) return wrapper def resolve_links(self): self.resolved_link_map = {} for hyperlink, spans in self.link_map.iteritems(): relationships_by_id = self.link_source_map[hyperlink] span = spans[0] if len(spans) > 1: span = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) span.tag = 'a' self.resolved_link_map[hyperlink] = span tgt = get(hyperlink, 'w:tgtFrame') if tgt: span.set('target', tgt) tt = get(hyperlink, 'w:tooltip') if tt: span.set('title', tt) rid = get(hyperlink, 'r:id') if rid and rid in relationships_by_id: span.set('href', relationships_by_id[rid]) continue anchor = get(hyperlink, 'w:anchor') if anchor and anchor in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[anchor]) continue self.log.warn( 'Hyperlink with unknown target (rid=%s, anchor=%s), ignoring' % (rid, anchor)) # hrefs that point nowhere give epubcheck a hernia. The element # should be styled explicitly by Word anyway. # span.set('href', '#') rmap = {v: k for k, v in self.object_map.iteritems()} for hyperlink, runs in self.fields.hyperlink_fields: spans = [rmap[r] for r in runs if r in rmap] if not spans: continue if len(spans) > 1: span = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) span.tag = 'a' tgt = hyperlink.get('target', None) if tgt: span.set('target', tgt) tt = hyperlink.get('title', None) if tt: span.set('title', tt) url = hyperlink.get('url', None) if url is None: anchor = hyperlink.get('anchor', None) if anchor in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[anchor]) continue self.log.warn('Hyperlink field with unknown anchor: %s' % anchor) else: if url in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[url]) continue span.set('href', url) for img, link in self.images.links: parent = img.getparent() idx = parent.index(img) a = A(img) a.tail, img.tail = img.tail, None parent.insert(idx, a) tgt = link.get('target', None) if tgt: a.set('target', tgt) tt = link.get('title', None) if tt: a.set('title', tt) rid = link['id'] if rid in relationships_by_id: dest = relationships_by_id[rid] if dest.startswith('#'): if dest[1:] in self.anchor_map: a.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[dest[1:]]) else: a.set('href', dest) def convert_run(self, run): ans = SPAN() self.object_map[ans] = run text = Text(ans, 'text', []) for child in run: if is_tag(child, 'w:t'): if not child.text: continue space = child.get(XML('space'), None) preserve = False if space == 'preserve': # Only use a <span> with white-space:pre-wrap if this element # actually needs it, i.e. if it has more than one # consecutive space or it has newlines or tabs. multi_spaces = is not None preserve = multi_spaces or child.text) is not None if preserve: text.add_elem( SPAN(child.text, style="white-space:pre-wrap")) ans.append(text.elem) else: text.buf.append(child.text) elif is_tag(child, 'w:cr'): text.add_elem(BR()) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:br'): typ = get(child, 'w:type') if typ in {'column', 'page'}: br = BR(style='page-break-after:always') else: clear = child.get('clear', None) if clear in {'all', 'left', 'right'}: br = BR(style='clear:%s' % ('both' if clear == 'all' else clear)) else: br = BR() text.add_elem(br) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:drawing') or is_tag(child, 'w:pict'): for img in self.images.to_html(child, self.current_page, self.docx, self.dest_dir): text.add_elem(img) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:footnoteReference') or is_tag( child, 'w:endnoteReference'): anchor, name = self.footnotes.get_ref(child) if anchor and name: l = SUP(A(name, href='#' + anchor, title=name), id='back_%s' % anchor) l.set('class', 'noteref') text.add_elem(l) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:tab'): spaces = int( math.ceil((self.settings.default_tab_stop / 36) * 6)) text.add_elem(SPAN(NBSP * spaces)) ans.append(text.elem) ans[-1].set('class', 'tab') if text.buf: setattr(text.elem, text.attr, ''.join(text.buf)) style = self.styles.resolve_run(run) if style.vert_align in {'superscript', 'subscript'}: ans.tag = 'sub' if style.vert_align == 'subscript' else 'sup' if style.lang is not inherit: ans.lang = style.lang return ans def add_frame(self, html_obj, style): last_run = self.framed[-1] if style is inherit: if last_run: self.framed.append([]) return if last_run: if last_run[-1][1] == style: last_run.append((html_obj, style)) else: self.framed.append((html_obj, style)) else: last_run.append((html_obj, style)) def apply_frames(self): for run in filter(None, self.framed): style = run[0][1] paras = tuple(x[0] for x in run) parent = paras[0].getparent() idx = parent.index(paras[0]) frame = DIV(*paras) parent.insert(idx, frame) self.framed_map[frame] = css = style.css( self.page_map[self.object_map[paras[0]]]) self.styles.register(css, 'frame')
def build_index(books, num, search, sort, order, start, total, url_base, CKEYS, prefix): logo = DIV(IMG(src=prefix + '/static/calibre.png', alt=__appname__), id='logo') search_box = build_search_box(num, search, sort, order, prefix) navigation = build_navigation(start, num, total, prefix + url_base) navigation2 = build_navigation(start, num, total, prefix + url_base) bookt = TABLE(id='listing') body = BODY(logo, search_box, navigation, HR(CLASS('spacer')), bookt, HR(CLASS('spacer')), navigation2) # Book list {{{ for book in books: thumbnail = TD( IMG(type='image/jpeg', border='0', src=prefix + '/get/thumb/%s' % book['id']), CLASS('thumbnail')) data = TD() for fmt in book['formats'].split(','): if not fmt or fmt.lower().startswith('original_'): continue a = quote(ascii_filename(book['authors'])) t = quote(ascii_filename(book['title'])) s = SPAN( A(fmt.lower(), href=prefix + '/get/%s/%s-%s_%d.%s' % (fmt, a, t, book['id'], fmt.lower())), CLASS('button')) s.tail = u'' data.append(s) div = DIV(CLASS('data-container')) data.append(div) series = u'[%s - %s]'%(book['series'], book['series_index']) \ if book['series'] else '' tags = u'Tags=[%s]' % book['tags'] if book['tags'] else '' ctext = '' for key in CKEYS: val = book.get(key, None) if val: ctext += '%s=[%s] ' % tuple(val.split(':#:')) first = SPAN( u'\u202f%s %s by %s' % (book['title'], series, book['authors']), CLASS('first-line')) div.append(first) second = SPAN( u'%s - %s %s %s' % (book['size'], book['timestamp'], tags, ctext), CLASS('second-line')) div.append(second) bookt.append(TR(thumbnail, data)) # }}} body.append( DIV(A(_('Switch to the full interface (non-mobile interface)'), href=prefix + "/browse", style="text-decoration: none; color: blue", title=_('The full interface gives you many more features, ' 'but it may not work well on a small screen')), style="text-align:center")) return HTML( HEAD( TITLE(__appname__ + ' Library'), LINK(rel='icon', href='', type='image/x-icon'), LINK(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=prefix + '/mobile/style.css'), LINK(rel='apple-touch-icon', href="/static/calibre.png")), # End head body) # End html
class Convert(object): def __init__(self, path_or_stream, dest_dir=None, log=None, notes_text=None): self.docx = DOCX(path_or_stream, log=log) self.log = self.docx.log self.notes_text = notes_text or _('Notes') self.dest_dir = dest_dir or os.getcwdu() self.mi = self.docx.metadata self.body = BODY() self.styles = Styles() self.images = Images() self.tables = Tables() self.object_map = OrderedDict() self.html = HTML( HEAD( META(charset='utf-8'), TITLE(self.mi.title or _('Unknown')), LINK(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href='docx.css'), ), self.body) self.html.text = '\n\t' self.html[0].text = '\n\t\t' self.html[0].tail = '\n' for child in self.html[0]: child.tail = '\n\t\t' self.html[0][-1].tail = '\n\t' self.html[1].text = self.html[1].tail = '\n' lang = canonicalize_lang(self.mi.language) if lang and lang != 'und': lang = lang_as_iso639_1(lang) if lang: self.html.set('lang', lang) def __call__(self): doc = self.docx.document relationships_by_id, relationships_by_type = self.docx.document_relationships self.read_styles(relationships_by_type) self.images(relationships_by_id) self.layers = OrderedDict() self.framed = [[]] self.framed_map = {} self.anchor_map = {} self.link_map = defaultdict(list) self.read_page_properties(doc) for wp, page_properties in self.page_map.iteritems(): self.current_page = page_properties p = self.convert_p(wp) self.body.append(p) notes_header = None if self.footnotes.has_notes: dl = DL() dl.set('class', 'notes') self.body.append(H1(self.notes_text)) notes_header = self.body[-1] notes_header.set('class', 'notes-header') self.body.append(dl) for anchor, text, note in self.footnotes: dl.append( DT('[', A('←' + text, href='#back_%s' % anchor, title=text), id=anchor)) dl[-1][0].tail = ']' dl.append(DD()) in_table = False for wp in note: if wp.tag.endswith('}tbl'): self.tables.register(wp) in_table = True continue if in_table: if ancestor(wp, 'w:tbl') is not None: self.tables.add(wp) else: in_table = False p = self.convert_p(wp) dl[-1].append(p) self.resolve_links(relationships_by_id) self.styles.cascade(self.layers) self.tables.apply_markup(self.object_map) numbered = [] for html_obj, obj in self.object_map.iteritems(): raw = obj.get('calibre_num_id', None) if raw is not None: lvl, num_id = raw.partition(':')[0::2] try: lvl = int(lvl) except (TypeError, ValueError): lvl = 0 numbered.append((html_obj, num_id, lvl)) self.numbering.apply_markup(numbered, self.body, self.styles, self.object_map) self.apply_frames() if len(self.body) > 0: self.body.text = '\n\t' for child in self.body: child.tail = '\n\t' self.body[-1].tail = '\n' self.styles.generate_classes() for html_obj, obj in self.object_map.iteritems(): style = self.styles.resolve(obj) if style is not None: css = style.css if css: cls = self.styles.class_name(css) if cls: html_obj.set('class', cls) for html_obj, css in self.framed_map.iteritems(): cls = self.styles.class_name(css) if cls: html_obj.set('class', cls) if notes_header is not None: for h in self.body.iterchildren('h1', 'h2', 'h3'): notes_header.tag = h.tag cls = h.get('class', None) if cls and cls != 'notes-header': notes_header.set('class', '%s notes-header' % cls) break return self.write() def read_page_properties(self, doc): current = [] self.page_map = OrderedDict() in_table = False for p in descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:tbl'): if p.tag.endswith('}tbl'): in_table = True self.tables.register(p) continue sect = tuple(descendants(p, 'w:sectPr')) if sect: pr = PageProperties(sect) for x in current + [p]: self.page_map[x] = pr current = [] else: current.append(p) if in_table: if ancestor(p, 'w:tbl') is not None: self.tables.add(p) else: in_table = False if current: last = XPath('./w:body/w:sectPr')(doc) pr = PageProperties(last) for x in current: self.page_map[x] = pr def read_styles(self, relationships_by_type): def get_name(rtype, defname): name = relationships_by_type.get(rtype, None) if name is None: cname = self.docx.document_name.split('/') cname[-1] = defname if self.docx.exists('/'.join(cname)): name = name return name nname = get_name(NUMBERING, 'numbering.xml') sname = get_name(STYLES, 'styles.xml') fname = get_name(FONTS, 'fontTable.xml') foname = get_name(FOOTNOTES, 'footnotes.xml') enname = get_name(ENDNOTES, 'endnotes.xml') numbering = self.numbering = Numbering() footnotes = self.footnotes = Footnotes() fonts = self.fonts = Fonts() foraw = enraw = None if foname is not None: try: foraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Footnotes %s do not exist' % foname) if enname is not None: try: enraw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Endnotes %s do not exist' % enname) footnotes( fromstring(foraw) if foraw else None, fromstring(enraw) if enraw else None) if fname is not None: embed_relationships = self.docx.get_relationships(fname)[0] try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Fonts table %s does not exist' % fname) else: fonts(fromstring(raw), embed_relationships, self.docx, self.dest_dir) if sname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Styles %s do not exist' % sname) else: self.styles(fromstring(raw), fonts) if nname is not None: try: raw = except KeyError: self.log.warn('Numbering styles %s do not exist' % nname) else: numbering(fromstring(raw), self.styles) self.styles.resolve_numbering(numbering) def create_toc(self): ' Create a TOC from headings in the document ' root = self.body headings = ('h1', 'h2', 'h3') tocroot = TOC() xpaths = [XPath('//%s' % x) for x in headings] level_prev = {i + 1: None for i in xrange(len(xpaths))} level_prev[0] = tocroot level_item_map = { i + 1: frozenset(xp(root)) for i, xp in enumerate(xpaths) } item_level_map = { e: i for i, elems in level_item_map.iteritems() for e in elems } self.idcount = 0 def ensure_id(elem): ans = elem.get('id', None) if not ans: self.idcount += 1 ans = 'toc_id_%d' % self.idcount elem.set('id', ans) return ans for item in root.iterdescendants(*headings): lvl = plvl = item_level_map.get(item, None) if lvl is None: continue parent = None while parent is None: plvl -= 1 parent = level_prev[plvl] lvl = plvl + 1 elem_id = ensure_id(item) text = elem_to_toc_text(item) toc = parent.add_item('index.html', elem_id, text) level_prev[lvl] = toc for i in xrange(lvl + 1, len(xpaths) + 1): level_prev[i] = None if len(tuple(tocroot.flat())) > 1: return tocroot def write(self): toc = self.create_toc() raw = html.tostring(self.html, encoding='utf-8', doctype='<!DOCTYPE html>') with open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'index.html'), 'wb') as f: f.write(raw) css = self.styles.generate_css(self.dest_dir, self.docx) if css: with open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'docx.css'), 'wb') as f: f.write(css.encode('utf-8')) opf = OPFCreator(self.dest_dir, self.mi) opf.toc = toc opf.create_manifest_from_files_in([self.dest_dir]) opf.create_spine(['index.html']) with open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'metadata.opf'), 'wb') as of, open(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'toc.ncx'), 'wb') as ncx: opf.render(of, ncx, 'toc.ncx') return os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'metadata.opf') def convert_p(self, p): dest = P() self.object_map[dest] = p style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p) self.layers[p] = [] self.add_frame(dest, style.frame) current_anchor = None current_hyperlink = None for x in descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink'): if x.tag.endswith('}r'): span = self.convert_run(x) if current_anchor is not None: (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set( 'id', current_anchor) current_anchor = None if current_hyperlink is not None: hl = ancestor(x, 'w:hyperlink') if hl is not None: self.link_map[hl].append(span) else: current_hyperlink = None dest.append(span) self.layers[p].append(x) elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'): anchor = get(x, 'w:name') if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map: self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor( anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues())) elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'): current_hyperlink = x m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '', re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: n = min(6, max(1, int( dest.tag = 'h%d' % n if style.direction == 'rtl': dest.set('dir', 'rtl') border_runs = [] common_borders = [] for span in dest: run = self.object_map[span] style = self.styles.resolve_run(run) if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style): border_runs.append((span, style)) elif border_runs: if len(border_runs) > 1: common_borders.append(border_runs) border_runs = [] for border_run in common_borders: spans = [] bs = {} for span, style in border_run: style.get_border_css(bs) style.clear_border_css() spans.append(span) if bs: cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border') wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) wrapper.set('class', cls) return dest def wrap_elems(self, elems, wrapper): p = elems[0].getparent() idx = p.index(elems[0]) p.insert(idx, wrapper) wrapper.tail = elems[-1].tail elems[-1].tail = None for elem in elems: p.remove(elem) wrapper.append(elem) return wrapper def resolve_links(self, relationships_by_id): for hyperlink, spans in self.link_map.iteritems(): span = spans[0] if len(spans) > 1: span = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN()) span.tag = 'a' tgt = get(hyperlink, 'w:tgtFrame') if tgt: span.set('target', tgt) tt = get(hyperlink, 'w:tooltip') if tt: span.set('title', tt) rid = get(hyperlink, 'r:id') if rid and rid in relationships_by_id: span.set('href', relationships_by_id[rid]) continue anchor = get(hyperlink, 'w:anchor') if anchor and anchor in self.anchor_map: span.set('href', '#' + self.anchor_map[anchor]) continue self.log.warn('Hyperlink with unknown target (%s, %s), ignoring' % (rid, anchor)) span.set('href', '#') def convert_run(self, run): ans = SPAN() self.object_map[ans] = run text = Text(ans, 'text', []) for child in run: if is_tag(child, 'w:t'): if not child.text: continue space = child.get(XML('space'), None) if space == 'preserve': text.add_elem(SPAN(child.text, style="whitespace:pre-wrap")) ans.append(text.elem) else: text.buf.append(child.text) elif is_tag(child, 'w:cr'): text.add_elem(BR()) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:br'): typ = child.get('type', None) if typ in {'column', 'page'}: br = BR(style='page-break-after:always') else: clear = child.get('clear', None) if clear in {'all', 'left', 'right'}: br = BR(style='clear:%s' % ('both' if clear == 'all' else clear)) else: br = BR() text.add_elem(br) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:drawing') or is_tag(child, 'w:pict'): for img in self.images.to_html(child, self.current_page, self.docx, self.dest_dir): text.add_elem(img) ans.append(text.elem) elif is_tag(child, 'w:footnoteReference') or is_tag( child, 'w:endnoteReference'): anchor, name = self.footnotes.get_ref(child) if anchor and name: l = SUP(A(name, href='#' + anchor, title=name), id='back_%s' % anchor) l.set('class', 'noteref') text.add_elem(l) ans.append(text.elem) if text.buf: setattr(text.elem, text.attr, ''.join(text.buf)) style = self.styles.resolve_run(run) if style.vert_align in {'superscript', 'subscript'}: ans.tag = 'sub' if style.vert_align == 'subscript' else 'sup' if style.lang is not inherit: ans.lang = style.lang return ans def add_frame(self, html_obj, style): last_run = self.framed[-1] if style is inherit: if last_run: self.framed.append([]) return if last_run: if last_run[-1][1] == style: last_run.append((html_obj, style)) else: self.framed.append((html_obj, style)) else: last_run.append((html_obj, style)) def apply_frames(self): for run in filter(None, self.framed): style = run[0][1] paras = tuple(x[0] for x in run) parent = paras[0].getparent() idx = parent.index(paras[0]) frame = DIV(*paras) parent.insert(idx, frame) self.framed_map[frame] = css = style.css( self.page_map[self.object_map[paras[0]]]) self.styles.register(css, 'frame')
def _create_html_root(self, hhcpath, log, encoding): from lxml import html from polyglot.urllib import unquote as _unquote from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import urlquote from calibre.ebooks.chardet import xml_to_unicode hhcdata = self._read_file(hhcpath) hhcdata = hhcdata.decode(encoding) hhcdata = xml_to_unicode(hhcdata, verbose=True, strip_encoding_pats=True, resolve_entities=True)[0] hhcroot = html.fromstring(hhcdata) toc = self._process_nodes(hhcroot) # print("=============================") # print("Printing hhcroot") # print(etree.tostring(hhcroot, pretty_print=True)) # print("=============================") log.debug('Found %d section nodes' % toc.count()) htmlpath = os.path.splitext(hhcpath)[0] + ".html" base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(htmlpath)) def unquote(x): if isinstance(x, unicode_type): x = x.encode('utf-8') return _unquote(x).decode('utf-8') def unquote_path(x): y = unquote(x) if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base, x)) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(base, y))): x = y return x def donode(item, parent, base, subpath): for child in item: title = child.title if not title: continue raw = unquote_path(child.href or '') rsrcname = os.path.basename(raw) rsrcpath = os.path.join(subpath, rsrcname) if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base, rsrcpath)) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(base, raw))): rsrcpath = raw if '%' not in rsrcpath: rsrcpath = urlquote(rsrcpath) if not raw: rsrcpath = '' c = DIV(A(title, href=rsrcpath)) donode(child, c, base, subpath) parent.append(c) with open(htmlpath, 'wb') as f: if toc.count() > 1: from lxml.html.builder import HTML, BODY, DIV, A path0 = toc[0].href path0 = unquote_path(path0) subpath = os.path.dirname(path0) base = os.path.dirname( root = DIV() donode(toc, root, base, subpath) raw = html.tostring(HTML(BODY(root)), encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True) f.write(raw) else: f.write(as_bytes(hhcdata)) return htmlpath, toc
def _generate(self, f, feeds, cutoff, extra_css=None, style=None): from calibre.utils.cleantext import clean_xml_chars def trim_title(title,clip=18): if len(title)>clip: tokens = title.split(' ') new_title_tokens = [] new_title_len = 0 if len(tokens[0]) > clip: return tokens[0][:clip] + '...' for token in tokens: if len(token) + new_title_len < clip: new_title_tokens.append(token) new_title_len += len(token) else: new_title_tokens.append('...') title = ' '.join(new_title_tokens) break return title self.IS_HTML = False feed = feeds[f] # Construct the navbar navbar_t = TABLE(CLASS('touchscreen_navbar')) navbar_tr = TR() # Previous Section link = '' if f > 0: link = A(CLASS('feed_link'), trim_title(feeds[f-1].title), href='../feed_%d/index.html' % int(f-1)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('feed_prev'),link)) # Up to Sections link = A(_('Sections'), href="../index.html") navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('feed_up'),link)) # Next Section link = '' if f < len(feeds)-1: link = A(CLASS('feed_link'), trim_title(feeds[f+1].title), href='../feed_%d/index.html' % int(f+1)) navbar_tr.append(TD(CLASS('feed_next'),link)) navbar_t.append(navbar_tr) top_navbar = navbar_t bottom_navbar = copy.copy(navbar_t) # print "\n%s\n" % etree.tostring(navbar_t, pretty_print=True) # Build the page head = HEAD(TITLE(feed.title)) if style: head.append(STYLE(style, type='text/css')) if extra_css: head.append(STYLE(extra_css, type='text/css')) body = BODY() div = DIV( top_navbar, H2(feed.title, CLASS('feed_title')) ) body.append(div) if getattr(feed, 'image', None): div.append(DIV(IMG( alt=feed.image_alt if feed.image_alt else '', src=feed.image_url ), CLASS('calibre_feed_image'))) if getattr(feed, 'description', None): d = DIV(clean_xml_chars(feed.description), CLASS('calibre_feed_description', 'calibre_rescale_80')) d.append(BR()) div.append(d) for i, article in enumerate(feed.articles): if not getattr(article, 'downloaded', False): continue div_td = DIV(CLASS('article_summary'), A(article.title, CLASS('summary_headline','calibre_rescale_120', href=article.url))) if div_td.append(DIV(, CLASS('summary_byline', 'calibre_rescale_100'))) if article.summary: div_td.append(DIV(cutoff(article.text_summary), CLASS('summary_text', 'calibre_rescale_100'))) div.append(div_td) div.append(bottom_navbar) self.root = HTML(head, body) if self.html_lang: self.root.set('lang', self.html_lang)