Пример #1
def lxml_extractor(html, url):
    '''LXML PARSER'''
    cleaner = Cleaner()
    cleaner.javascript = True # This is True because we want to activate the javascript filter
    cleaner.style = True      # This is True because we want to activate the styles & stylesheet filter
    cleaner.comments = True
    cleaner.embedded = True
    cleaner.forms= True
    cleaner.frames = True
    cleaner.annoying_tags = True
    cleaner.kill_tags = NEGATIVE_K 
    cleaner.allow_tag = POSITIVE_K
    cleaner.safe_attrs_only = True
    #~ oc = document_fromstring(html, parser=parser, base_url=base_url, **kw)
  #~ File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lxml/html/__init__.py", line 752, in document_fromstring
    #~ value = etree.fromstring(html, parser, **kw)
        html = lxml.html.fromstring(html, base_url="url")
        tree = cleaner.clean_html(html)
        doc = lxml.html.tostring(tree)
        doc = soup_extractor(doc, url)
    except ValueError:
        doc = soup_extractor(html, url)
    #~ (title, doc, article, text) = read_extractor(html, url)
    #~ print title
    #~ doc = (self.doc).replace(unichr(160), " ")
    #~ doc = re.sub(spaces,"",self.doc)
    return doc
Пример #2
def cleanpage(html):
	# cleaner setup
	cleaner = Cleaner()
        cleaner.html = True
        cleaner.page_structure = False
        cleaner.meta = False
        cleaner.safe_attrs_only = False
        cleaner.links = False
	cleaner.javascript = True # activate the javascript filter
	cleaner.style = True      #  activate the styles & stylesheet filter
        cleaner.links = False
        cleaner.frames = True
        cleaner.embedded = True
	cleaner.comments = True
	cleaner.annoying_tags = True
	cleaner.inline_style = True
	cleaner.page_structure = False
#	cleaner.remove_tags = ['b','img','h']
	cleaner.kill_tags = ['img','script']
	#invoke cleaner
            #error: ValueError: Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. Please use bytes input or XML fr 
            content = u""
        return content
Пример #3
def clean_html(html_text,
    """Clean all the javascript and styles from the HTML returning the string with only the html content"""
    # True = Remove | False = Keep
    cleaner = Cleaner()
    cleaner.javascript = javascript  # This is True because we want to activate the javascript filter
    cleaner.scripts = scripts  # This is True because we want to activate the scripts filter
    cleaner.style = style
    cleaner.embedded = embedded
    cleaner.links = links
    cleaner.forms = forms
    cleaner.frames = frames
    cleaner.comments = comments
    cleaner.page_structure = False  # Keep page structure
    cleaner.annoying_tags = annoying_tags
    cleaner.meta = meta
    cleaner.safe_attrs_only = safe_attrs_only
    cleaner.remove_unknown_tags = remove_unknown_tags
    cleaner.processing_instructions = processing_instructions
    clean_content = cleaner.clean_html(lxml.html.fromstring(html_text))
    return lxml.html.tostring(clean_content)
Пример #4
def cleaner_parameters():
    reject_list = [
        'script', 'noscript', 'style', 'meta', 'semantics', 'img', 'label',
        'table', 'li', 'ul', 'ol', 'nav', 'dl', 'dd', 'sub', 'sup', 'math'
    accept_list = [
        'div', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
        'span', 'b', 'a', 'u', 'i', 'body'
    html_cleaner = Cleaner()
    html_cleaner.remove_unknown_tags = True
    html_cleaner.processing_instructions = True
    html_cleaner.style = True
    html_cleaner.comments = True
    html_cleaner.scripts = True
    html_cleaner.javascript = True
    html_cleaner.meta = True
    html_cleaner.links = True
    html_cleaner.embedded = True
    html_cleaner.annoying_tags = True
    html_cleaner.frames = True
    html_cleaner.forms = True
    html_cleaner.remove_tags = accept_list
    html_cleaner.kill_tags = reject_list
    return html_cleaner
def get_cleaner():
    cleaner = Cleaner()
    cleaner.embedded = True
    cleaner.frames = True
    cleaner.style = True
    cleaner.remove_unknown_tags = True
    cleaner.processing_instructions = True
    cleaner.annoying_tags = True
    cleaner.remove_tags = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'b', 'a', 'u', 'i', 'body', 'div', 'span', 'p']
    cleaner.kill_tags = ['table', 'img', 'semantics', 'script', 'noscript', 'style', 'meta', 'label', 'li', 'ul',
                         'ol', 'sup', 'math', 'nav', 'dl', 'dd', 'sub']
    return cleaner
def clean_text(data):
    cleaner = Cleaner()
    cleaner.javascript = True
    cleaner.style = True
    cleaner.scripts = True
    cleaner.comments = True
    cleaner.meta = True
    cleaner.annoying_tags = True

    stuff = lxml.html.tostring(cleaner.clean_html(data))

    soup = BeautifulSoup(stuff.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
    all_text = ' '.join(filter(lambda val: val, \
                               map(lambda x: x.strip(), soup.findAll(text=True))))

    return all_text
def clean_text(data):
    cleaner = Cleaner()
    cleaner.javascript = True
    cleaner.style = True
    cleaner.scripts = True
    cleaner.comments = True
    cleaner.meta = True
    cleaner.annoying_tags = True

    doc = UnicodeDammit(data, is_html=True)
    parser = html.HTMLParser(encoding=doc.original_encoding)
    root = html.document_fromstring(data, parser=parser)
    stuff = lxml.html.tostring(cleaner.clean_html(root))

    soup = BeautifulSoup(stuff.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
    all_text = ' '.join(filter(lambda val: val, \
                               map(lambda x: x.strip(), soup.findAll(text=True))))

    return all_text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
Пример #8
import re

from lxml import etree
from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner

from .filters import duplicate_test, textfilter
from .utils import trim

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# http://lxml.de/api/lxml.html.clean.Cleaner-class.html
# https://lxml.de/apidoc/lxml.html.clean.html
HTML_CLEANER = Cleaner()
HTML_CLEANER.annoying_tags = False  # True
HTML_CLEANER.comments = True
HTML_CLEANER.embedded = False  # True
HTML_CLEANER.forms = False  # True
HTML_CLEANER.frames = False  # True
HTML_CLEANER.javascript = False
HTML_CLEANER.links = False
HTML_CLEANER.meta = False
HTML_CLEANER.page_structure = False
HTML_CLEANER.processing_instructions = True
HTML_CLEANER.remove_unknown_tags = False
HTML_CLEANER.safe_attrs_only = False
HTML_CLEANER.scripts = False
HTML_CLEANER.style = False
Пример #9
import urllib.request
import sys
import testApp.processing as process

import re
from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner
cleaner = Cleaner()
cleaner.javascript = True  # This is True because we want to activate the javascript filter
cleaner.style = True
cleaner.scripts = True
cleaner.links = True
cleaner.meta = True
cleaner.page_structure = True
cleaner.frames = True
cleaner.forms = True
cleaner.annoying_tags = True

def get_url_content(url):
        with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as page:
            text = page.read()
    except Exception as e:
        return "Couldn't load url"
    return text

def index(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, world. You're at the homepage.")

Пример #10
                 './/*[(self::div or self::section or self::ul)][starts-with(@class, "author-") or starts-with(@id, "shar") or starts-with(@class, "shar") or contains(@class, "share-") or contains(@id, "social") or contains(@class, "social") or starts-with(@id, "jp-") or starts-with(@id, "dpsp-content")]', \
                 './/*[(self::div or self::section)][contains(@id, "author") or contains(@class, "author")]', \
#                './/aside', \ # conflicts with text extraction


COMMENTS_DISCARD_XPATH = ['.//*[(self::div or self::section)][starts-with(@id, "respond")]', \
                          './/cite', \
                          './/quote', \
                          './/*[starts-with(@id, "reply-") or starts-with(@class, "reply-title")]', \
                          './/*[contains(@id, "akismet") or contains(@class, "akismet")]', \

# HTML_CLEANER config # http://lxml.de/api/lxml.html.clean.Cleaner-class.html
HTML_CLEANER = Cleaner()
HTML_CLEANER.annoying_tags = True
HTML_CLEANER.comments = True
HTML_CLEANER.embedded = True
HTML_CLEANER.forms = True
HTML_CLEANER.frames = True
HTML_CLEANER.javascript = True
HTML_CLEANER.links = False
HTML_CLEANER.meta = False
HTML_CLEANER.page_structure = False
HTML_CLEANER.processing_instructions = True
HTML_CLEANER.remove_unknown_tags = False
HTML_CLEANER.safe_attrs_only = False
HTML_CLEANER.scripts = True
HTML_CLEANER.style = False
HTML_CLEANER.remove_tags = [
    'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'big', 'cite', 'font', 'ins', 'meta',
Пример #11
def scrape(lineHashDB, html, encoding):
    # cleaner setup
    cleaner = Cleaner(allow_tags=['div', 'p'], remove_unknown_tags=False)
    cleaner.javascript = True  # activate the javascript filter
    cleaner.style = True  #  activate the styles & stylesheet filter
    cleaner.comments = True
    cleaner.annoying_tags = True
    cleaner.inline_style = True
    cleaner.page_structure = False
    cleaner.remove_tags = ['b', 'a', 'h']
    cleaner.kill_tags = ['script']

    #invoke cleaner
        page = cleaner.clean_html(html)
        #error: ValueError: Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. Please use bytes input or XML fr
        content = u""
        return content

    page8 = page
    page8 = re.sub(u'\n', ' ', page8)  # remove NL
    #	page8 = re.sub(u'\s','',page8,re.UNICODE) # blanks -> space
    page8 = re.sub(u'
', ' ', page8)  # remove CR
    page8 = re.sub(u'<!--.*?-->', ' ', page8)  # remove comments
    page8 = re.sub(u' class=".*?"', ' ', page8)  # remove attributes
    page8 = re.sub(u' id=".*?"', ' ', page8)
    page8 = re.sub(u' rel=".*?"', ' ', page8)
    page8 = re.sub(u'\[an error occurred while processing this directive\]',
                   ' ', page8)
    page8 = re.sub(u'>\s*?<', '><', page8)  # remove blanks between tags

    # cycle to remove spurious divs
    for count in range(1, 20):
        page8 = re.sub(u'>.{0,10}<', '><',
                       page8)  # remove words under 10 chars between tags
        page8 = re.sub(u'<div></div>', ' ', page8)
        page8 = re.sub(u'<p></p>', ' ', page8)
        page8 = re.sub(u'<span></span>', ' ', page8)

    page8 = re.sub(u'\s+', ' ', page8)  # remove repeated blanks

    xpath = '//*[((p) or (a) or (b) or (div) or (span)) ]/node()[(string-length() > 300)]/text()'
    xpath = '//*[((p) or (div))]/node()[(string-length() > 100)]/text()'

    sel = Selector(text=page8, type="html")
    text = sel.xpath(xpath).extract()
    content = u""
    if text:
        for s in text:
            # squash duplicate whitespaces
            ' '.join(s.split())
            # remove short lines
            # on empirical analysis, no unfrequent sentence under 40 chars is a relevant part of the article text, excluding repetition of title, authors, dates, etc.
            if len(s) < 40:
    # remove leading whitespace
    #if s.endswith(" "): s = s[:-1]
            if s.startswith(" "): s = s[1:]
            content += s
            content += "\n"
    return content