Пример #1
def send(message='ping 1234', port=PORT):
    ''' Sends a raw message

        Trick here is that PyQt5 does not do automatic str<->byte encoding, but pya does. Also something weird with the addresses
    payload = message + '\r\n'
    psock = QTcpSocket()
    if not isGSI():
        payload = payload.encode()
    psock.connectToHost(localhost, port)
    if psock.waitForConnected():
        if psock.waitForReadyRead(3000):
            ret = psock.readLine()
            if not isGSI():
                ret = bytes(ret).decode('utf-8')
            raise Exception('Not acknowledged')
        print('Connection Fail! (tried {}:{})'.format(localhost, port))
Пример #2
''' The simplest interpreter you can imagine. Currently there are 4 commands and 0 queries

    Other ideas to implement:
        - query for value of variable as a string
        - execute arbitrary line of code, return its return value as a string
        - execute a macro
from __future__ import print_function
from lyipc import quickmsg, isGSI
import lyipc.server
import os
import traceback

if not isGSI():
    raise RuntimeError('Non-klayout serving does not make sense')
import pya

def quiet_load_layout(filename, mode=0):
    ''' Swallow the error if the file is not completely written yet,
        or if the last file was not completely rendered.
        This doesn't seem to fatally affect the program.

        Modes are 
        - 0 (default): replacing the current layout view
        - 1: making a new view
        - 2: adding the layout to the current view (mode 2)
    main = pya.Application.instance().main_window()
        view = main.load_layout(filename, mode)