Пример #1
    def test_solve_ex_2_10(self):
        # Attempt to solve sqrt(2)
        def g(x):
            return x ** 2 + x - 2

        # cannot be used for solving sqrt(2) as it does not converge
        s = iterate.solve(g, estimate=1.0, iterations=5, logger=logger)
        self.assertNotAlmostEqual(s, 1.414, 3)
Пример #2
    def test_solve_example_2_2(self):
        def g(x):
            return 0.25 * math.exp(x)

        solution = iterate.solve(g,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(solution, 0.357, 3)
Пример #3
    def test_solve_ex_2_11(self):
        Two rearrangements of x^3 + 4x^2 - 10 = 0

        def f_a(x):
            return x - x ** 3 - 4 * x ** 2 + 10

        def f_b(x):
            inner = 10 / x - 4 * x
            logger.info("Performing sqrt({})".format(inner))
            return math.sqrt(inner)

        logger.info('-' * 40)
        # f_a(x) cannot be used to solve x^3 + 4x^2 - 10 = 0 as it diverges and oscillates.
        iterate.solve(f_a, estimate=1.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)
        logger.info('-' * 40)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # f_b(x) cannot be used to solve x^3 + 4x^2 - 10 = 0 as the 3rd iteration attempts to root a -ve number.
            iterate.solve(f_b, estimate=1.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)
        logger.info('-' * 40)
Пример #4
    def test_solve_root_2(self):
        # From section 1.1

        def g(x):
            return (x + 2 / x) / 2

        # TODO: could parameterise to accept a stopping criterion (the examples don't use fixed # iterations)
        solution = iterate.solve(g,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(solution, 1.414, 3)
Пример #5
def solve(f, *, estimate, iterations=5, logger=None, counter=0):
    def df(argx):
        # Use sympy to do the differentiation
        x = sym.symbols('x')
        return sym.diff(f(x), x).evalf(subs={x: argx})

    def g(x):
        return x - f(x) / df(x)

    return iterate.solve(g,
Пример #6
    def test_solve_ex_2_9_ii(self):

        def f_ii(x):
            return math.sqrt(5 * x - 2)

        logger.info("-" * 10, "ii with x0 = 0.5", "-" * 20)
        # Might be converging to root ~ 4.56
        iterate.solve(f_ii, estimate=0.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)

        logger.info("-" * 10, "ii with x0 = 4.5", "-" * 20)
        # Appears to be slowly converging to root ~ 4.56
        iterate.solve(f_ii, estimate=4.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)

        logger.info("-" * 10, "ii with x0 = 10", "-" * 20)
        # Appears to be converging towards root ~ 4.56
        iterate.solve(f_ii, estimate=10, iterations=5, logger=logger)

        logger.info("-" * 40)
Пример #7
    def test_solve_ex_2_9_i(self):

        def f_i(x):
            return 0.2 * x ** 2 + 0.4

        logger.info("-" * 10, "i with x0 = 0.5", "-" * 20)
        # Seems to be converging
        s = iterate.solve(f_i, estimate=0.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s, 0.438, 3)

        logger.info("-" * 10, "i with x0 = 4.5", "-" * 20)
        # Unclear if converging
        s = iterate.solve(f_i, estimate=4.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s, 3.493, 3)

        logger.info("-" * 10, "i with x0 = 10", "-" * 20)
        # Diverges
        iterate.solve(f_i, estimate=10, iterations=5, logger=logger)

        logger.info("-" * 10, "i with x0 = 4.5", "-" * 20)
        # Seems to be slowly converging to 0.438
        iterate.solve(f_i, estimate=4.5, iterations=15, logger=logger)
Пример #8
        """ b) ii)
        f = x^3 - 5x + 4
        f' = 3x^2 - 5
        def f(x):
            return x**3 - 5 * x + 4

        def df(x):
            return 3 * x**2 - 5

        return x - f(x) / df(x)

    return g, h

iterate.solve(f, estimate=1.0, iterations=5, logger=logger)
print('-' * 40)
iterate.solve(g, estimate=0.35, iterations=5, logger=logger)
print('-' * 40)
iterate.solve(h, estimate=1.5, iterations=5, logger=logger)
print('-' * 40)

print("Exercise 2.14")
funcs = make_functions()
iterate.solve(funcs[0], estimate=1.3, iterations=5, logger=logger)
print('-' * 40)
iterate.solve(funcs[1], estimate=1.3, iterations=5, logger=logger)

#  Ex 2.14 c)
ans = bisect.solve(lambda x: x**3 - 5 * x + 4,
                   interval=(1.1, 1.9),