Пример #1
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.config = DotDict(config['args'])
     self.observer = Observer({
         'storage': self.config['results_location'],
         'group': self.config['task_name'],
         'log': self.config['log']
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, config, node):
     self.config = DotDict(config['args'])
     self.experiment = node
Пример #3
class BaseModel(object):
    Base machinable class for probabilistic models
    def __init__(self, config, node):
        self.config = DotDict(config['args'])
        self.experiment = node

    def on_create(self):
        self.graph = tf.Graph()
        self._t_start = np.nan
        self.latest_checkpoint_path = None

    def set_session(self):
        Create tf session with config depending on device.
        Device config is set via utils.ipu_utils.get_device_config()
            if not self.device_config['on_ipu']:
                raise AttributeError
            # this will work if version > 0.8.18
            self.sess = tf.Session(graph=self.graph, config=tf.ConfigProto(**self.device_config['sess_options']))
        except AttributeError:
            sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(**self.device_config['sess_options'], **self.device_config['ipu_options'])
            self.sess = tf.Session(config=sess_config, graph=self.graph)

    def build_networks(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('"build_networks()" method must be implemented in child class')

    def build_loss_function(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('"build_loss_function()" method must be implemented in child class')

    def set_network_config(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('"set_network_config()" method must be implemented in child class')

    def set_device(self, device_str):
        Works out tensorflow options and configs based on desired device
        :param device_str: str, desired device, e.g. '/device:IPU:0'
        :return: config_dict, which includes:
            - 'scoper': a function which sets with device scope, i.e.
                with device_config['scoper']():
            - 'sess_opts': kwargs to the tf session config
            - 'ipu_opts': kwargs to the ipu_options in session config. Empty if not on IPU
            - 'maybe_xla_compile': is xla.compile function if on IPU or GPU, else is identity function
        self.device_config = get_device_config(device_str,
                                               num_ipus=self.config.get('n_replicas', 1))

    def set_training_config(self):
        """Set some of config relating to parameter optimisation of internal variables"""
        with self.graph.as_default():
            with tf.device('cpu'):
                self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()

        opt_config = optimiser_configs[self.config.training.optimiser_config]
        opt_args = opt_config[1].copy()
        self.optimiser_type = opt_config[0]   # optimiser type (child class to tf.train.Optimizer)

        # Learning rate function: takes global step, total number of steps, and base learning rate;
        # returns lr for this step
        self._learning_rate_func = opt_args.pop('learning_rate_func')
        self.optimiser_kwargs = opt_args    # Additional inputs to optimiser initialisation
        self.base_learning_rate = self.config.training.get('base_lr', opt_args.pop('base_learning_rate'))
        self.lr_kwargs = self.config.training.get('lr_kwargs', ConfigMap()).toDict()

        # If batch size specified in model config it will override that in data config
        self.batch_size = self.config.get('batch_size', DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE)

        # Introduce ops to record how many epochs have elapsed, and number of training steps
        self.iters = 0
        self.max_iter = self.config.training.n_iter

        # How many replicas to train in parallel
        self.n_replicas = self.config.get('n_replicas', 1)
        assert self.n_replicas == 1 or self.device_config['on_ipu'], \
            'Replicas only supported when running on on IPU'

        # Infeed config
        self.use_infeed = self.config.training.get('use_infeed', True)
        n_infeed_batches_config = self.config.training.get('n_infeed_batches', N_INFEED_BATCHES_DEFAULT)
        self.iters_per_sess_run = n_infeed_batches_config if self.use_infeed else 1

        # Frequency of running validation
        self.n_batch_freq_val = self.config.training.get('n_batch_freq_val', N_BATCH_VALIDATION)

        # Set loss function from config
        self.loss_shape = ()

        # Set length of period for LR decay
        if 'epoch_timescale' in self.lr_kwargs:
            epoch_decay_scale = self.lr_kwargs.pop('epoch_timescale')
            n_epochs = self.max_iter * self.batch_size / self.experiment.data_meta['train_size']

            # Scale decay length proportional to number of epochs
            epoch_decay_scale = DEFAULT_EPOCH_LS * n_epochs / N_EPOCHS_REFERENCE
        self.lr_kwargs['iter_timescale'] = \
            int(epoch_decay_scale * self.experiment.data_meta['train_size'] / self.batch_size)

        # Whether using convolutional architecture (dictates if data flattened)
        self.conv_flag = self.config.network.get('is_conv', False)

    def set_test_config(self):
        # How many batches training between test set evaluation
        self.n_batch_freq_te = \
                                    int(self.max_iter / N_TE_EVAL_DURING_TRAIN))
        self.batch_size_te = \
            self.config.testing.get('batch_size_te', self.batch_size)

    def get_optimiser(self):
        _learning_rate = self.get_current_learning_rate()
        opt_kwargs = self.optimiser_kwargs.copy()
        if 'dtype' in opt_kwargs:
            opt_kwargs['dtype'] = self.experiment.dtype
        if self.n_replicas == 1:
            return self.optimiser_type(_learning_rate, **opt_kwargs)
            return CrossReplicaOptimizer(self.optimiser_type(_learning_rate, **opt_kwargs))

    def learning_rate_func(self, base_lr, global_step, max_iter, epoch, **kwargs):
        # TODO: recursion through scope tree
        lrs = {}
        if isinstance(base_lr, dict):
            for scope, lr in base_lr.items():
                if isinstance(lr, dict):
                    for subscope, sublr in lr.items():
                        scope_fmt = f'{scope}/{subscope}'
                        lrs[scope_fmt] = self._learning_rate_func(sublr, global_step, max_iter, epoch, **kwargs)
                    lrs[scope] = self._learning_rate_func(lr, global_step, max_iter, epoch, **kwargs)
            return lrs
            return self._learning_rate_func(base_lr, global_step, max_iter, epoch, **kwargs)

    def get_epoch(self):
        """Calculates how many epochs have elapsed"""
        batches_per_epoch = self.experiment.dtype_np(self.experiment.data_meta['train_size'] / self.batch_size)
        return tf.cast(self.global_step, self.experiment.dtype) / batches_per_epoch

    def get_current_learning_rate(self):
        """Find what current learning rate should be (if using e.g. cosine decay)"""
        with self.graph.as_default():
            epoch = self.get_epoch()
            return self.learning_rate_func(self.base_learning_rate,

    def get_train_ops(self, graph_ops, infeed_queue, i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr):
        raise NotImplementedError("'get_train_ops() must be implemented in child class")

    def get_validation_ops(self, graph_ops, i_val, X_b_val, y_b_val):
        raise NotImplementedError("'get_validation_ops() must be implemented in child class")

    def get_test_ops(self, graph_ops, i_te, X_b_te, y_b_te):
        raise NotImplementedError("'get_test_ops() must be implemented in child class")

    def get_load_data_ops(self):
        """Load minibatches"""
        with self.graph.as_default():
            batch_size = self.batch_size

            if self.device_config['do_xla'] and not self.device_config['on_ipu'] and self.use_infeed:
                # If using infeeds on GPU, and doing XLA compilation,
                # scale batch size by number of loops in each session call
                batch_size *= self.iters_per_sess_run

            # Data iterator ops, format: <indices of batch elements in original dataset>, <batch>
            i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr = self.experiment.data_iters['train'].get_next()
            i_val, X_b_val, y_b_val = self.experiment.data_iters['validation'].get_next()
            i_te, X_b_test, y_b_test = self.experiment.data_iters['test'].get_next()
            if self.use_infeed:
                if self.device_config['on_ipu']:
                    infeed_queue = ipu.ipu_infeed_queue.IPUInfeedQueue(
                        feed_name=f'training_infeed_{np.random.rand()}',   # To avoid same infeed names between runs
                    infeed_queue_init = infeed_queue.initializer
                elif self.device_config['do_xla']:
                    infeed_queue = (i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr)
                    infeed_queue_init = tf.no_op()
                    # CPU/GPU - will use tf.while_loop as infeed later
                    # infeed queue init is still no op as train data iter initialised elsewhere
                    infeed_queue = self.experiment.data_iters['train']
                    infeed_queue_init = infeed_queue.initializer
                infeed_queue = None
                infeed_queue_init = tf.no_op()

        return infeed_queue,\
            (i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr),\
            (i_val, X_b_val, y_b_val),\
            (i_te, X_b_test, y_b_test)

    def get_graph_ops(self):
        """Declare all operations on the graph"""
        ops = {}
        with self.graph.as_default():
            with tf.device('cpu'):
                # Update global step on CPU (slows down IPU)
                ops['incr_global_step'] = tf.assign_add(self.global_step, self.iters_per_sess_run)
            with self.device_config['scoper']():
                ops['lr'] = self.get_current_learning_rate()
                ops['epochs'] = self.get_epoch()

            (i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr),\
            (i_val, X_b_val, y_b_val),\
            (i_te, X_b_test, y_b_test) = \

        ops = self.get_train_ops(ops, infeed_queue, i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr)
        ops = self.get_validation_ops(ops, i_val, X_b_val, y_b_val)
        ops = self.get_test_ops(ops, i_te, X_b_test, y_b_test)

        with self.graph.as_default():
            if self.device_config['on_ipu']:
                # Do initialisation ops on CPU to save code space on IPU

            # To initialise all variables on graph
            ops['variable_initialiser'] = [tf.global_variables_initializer(), infeed_queue_init]
            ops['vars'] = {v.name: v for v in tf.global_variables()}

            # To save checkpoints:
            self.saver = tf.train.Saver()

        # Fix graph
        return ops

    def print_param_info(self):
        vs = self.sess.run(self.graph_ops['vars'])
        n_var = 0
        for v in vs.values():
            n_var += np.prod(v.shape)
        n_param_str = '\n\n-----------\n'\
                      f'Model has {int(n_var)} parameters in total.\n'\
        var_dim_info = '\n-----------\nVariables and their dimensions are:\n'
        for n, v in vs.items():
            var_dim_info += f'{n}: {v.shape}\n'
        var_dim_info += '-----------\n'
        self.experiment.log.info(n_param_str + var_dim_info)

    def prepare_session(self):
        """Do the tensorflow preamble necessary before training/testing"""
        self.graph_ops = self.get_graph_ops()


    def batch_scores(self, ops, op_names, max_batches=None, vbose=False):
        Given an iterable of graph operations, and their names, run the operations for many batches, storing the
        results for each. Collate the statistics of these ops over batches into a dict which is returned. If `vbose` is
        True then some text is printed every 10 steps (mainly used for IWAE calculation which is slow

        Currently a little messy, both ops and op_names are expected to be lists of lists (or deeper)
        with the same ordering
        # TODO: make clearer
        # Create dict to store the batch results in
        results = {op_nm: np.array([]) for op_type in op_names for op_nm in op_type}

        def _store_results(new_results, opnames):
            """Recursively delve into new_results lists, writing to the `results` dict"""
            if isinstance(opnames, str):
                # 'opnames' is just single op now
                while np.ndim(new_results) > 1:
                    new_results = new_results[0]
                results[opnames] = np.concatenate((results[opnames], new_results))
                return [_store_results(rs, nm) for rs, nm in zip(new_results, opnames)]

        # Iterate over batches, calculating and storing output of ops at each step
        # Stop when A. iterator runs out or B. max_batches (specified as argument) reached
        # NOTE if the iterator used in op 1 runs out before that for op 2 then the whole process will stop when op 1
        # triggers OutOfRangeError and not all data for op 2 will be seen
        batch_id = 0
        data_remains = True
        if max_batches is None:
            max_batches = np.inf
        while data_remains and batch_id < max_batches:
                if batch_id % 10 == 0 and vbose:
                    self.experiment.log.info(f'Evaluating model on batch: {batch_id} of {max_batches}')

                results_batch = self.sess.run(list(ops))
                _store_results(results_batch, op_names)
                batch_id += 1
            except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
                # If iterator of any datasetset runs out
                data_remains = False

        # Calculate and return aggregate statistics
        agg_results = {}
        for op_name in results:
            # Weight mean by batch size
            agg_results[f'{op_name}_mean'] = np.mean(results[op_name])
            agg_results[f'{op_name}_std'] = np.std(results[op_name])
            agg_results[f'{op_name}_n_examples'] = len(results[op_name])
            agg_results[f'{op_name}_n_batches'] = batch_id

        return agg_results

    def evaluation_scores(self, ops_sets_names, n_batches=None, verbose=False, iters_to_init=()):
        """Calculate validation metrics for model. Based around self.batch_scores() method."""
        # Initialise the data iterators if necessary
        for split in iters_to_init:

        # Find learning rate and number of epochs
        lr = self.sess.run(self.graph_ops['lr'])
        epochs = self.sess.run(self.graph_ops['epochs'])

        # Create `record` dict to store performance metrics
        record = {'n_tr_examples': self.iters * self.batch_size,
                  'n_iter': self.iters,
                  'learning_rate': lr,
                  'epochs': epochs}

        # As `ops_set_names` is a dict (and therefore unordered), convert to list to ensure `ops` and `op_names` inputs
        # to `self.batch_scores` are the same
        ordered_ops = [[op_set_nm, op_set] for op_set_nm, op_set in ops_sets_names.items()]

        # Calculate scores and return the `record`
        scores = self.batch_scores(ops=[self.graph_ops[op_set_nm] for op_set_nm, _ in ordered_ops],
                                   op_names=[ops_set for _, ops_set in ordered_ops],
        return record

    def train(self):
        # Run the training update, get the loss
        tr_loss = self.sess.run(self.graph_ops['train'])

        self.iters += self.iters_per_sess_run  # this increments by 1 if not using infeeds
        return tr_loss

    def train_next(self):
        """Single train step, maybe with validation depending on epoch"""
        # NB self.iters_per_sess_run = 1 if not using infeeds
        if self.iters < self.max_iter:

            if is_nearest_multiple(self.iters, self.iters_per_sess_run, self.n_batch_freq_val) and \
                    self.experiment.data_meta['validation_size'] > 0 and \
                    self.experiment.config.validation and \
                    self.iters != 0 and \
                    self.max_iter - self.iters > self.iters_per_sess_run:
                # Evaluate model on validation set

            if is_nearest_multiple(self.iters, self.iters_per_sess_run, int(self.max_iter / 20)) and \
                    self.iters != 0 and \
                    self.config.get('save_checkpoints', True):    # Don't save CP on first or last iteration

                # Checkpoint session - overwrite previous

            if is_nearest_multiple(self.iters, self.iters_per_sess_run, self.n_batch_freq_te) and \
                    self.experiment.config.testing and \
                    self.iters != 0 and \
                    self.max_iter - self.iters > self.iters_per_sess_run:
                # Don't do on penultimate iteration - will do testing after training anyway

            if is_nearest_multiple(self.iters, self.iters_per_sess_run, N_BATCH_PRINT_LOSS):
                self.train_time = 0.

            # Do training update and increment global step, time it
            t_before = time.time()
            train_out = self.train()
            t_after = time.time()
            self.train_time += t_after - t_before

            if is_nearest_multiple(self.iters, self.iters_per_sess_run, N_BATCH_PRINT_LOSS):
                # Print training progress and save to file
                tr_out_labelled = dict(zip(self.train_output_labels, train_out))
                record_tr = {'n_iters': self.iters,
                             'train output': tr_out_labelled,
                             'seconds_taken': self.train_time}
                self.experiment.save_record(record_tr, scope='train_speed')

            return True
            if self.config.get('save_checkpoints', True):

            return False

    def train_update_str(self, n_iter, tr_out, time_diff):
        tr_out_fmt = " | ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in tr_out.items()])
        return f'Number of iterations: {n_iter} of {self.max_iter} | {tr_out_fmt} | Time taken: {time_diff}'

    def on_save(self, checkpoint_dir, timestep=-1):
        if timestep == -1:
            timestep = None
        cp_path = self.saver.save(self.sess, f'{checkpoint_dir}/cp', global_step=timestep)

        # Save indices of train/validation split
        np.save(f'{checkpoint_dir}/train_idx.npy', self.experiment.idx_train_validation['train'])
        np.save(f'{checkpoint_dir}/validation_idx.npy', self.experiment.idx_train_validation['validation'])

        return cp_path

    def on_restore(self, checkpoint_file):
        self.latest_checkpoint_path = checkpoint_file
        self.saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint_file)
        self.iters = self.sess.run(self.global_step)

    def validation(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('Model evaluation not implemented in base class.')

    def test(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Model testing not implemented in base class.')

    def config_dtype(self, dtype):
        """Parses string of datatype to datatype object"""
        return eval(dtype)

    def save_checkpoint(self, path=None, timestep=None):
        if path is None:
            if not self.experiment.observer:
                raise ValueError('You need to specify a checkpoint path')

            fs, basepath = self.experiment.observer.config['storage'].split('://')
            checkpoint_path = self.experiment.observer.get_path('checkpoints', create=True)
            path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(basepath), checkpoint_path)

        return self.on_save(path, timestep)
Пример #4
class Generative(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = DotDict(config['args'])
        self.observer = Observer({
            'storage': self.config['results_location'],
            'group': self.config['task_name'],
            'log': self.config['log']

    def execute(self, model_config=None):
        self.model = VCDVAE(config=model_config[0], node=self)
        self.model.observer = self.observer
        self.model.experiment = self

    def on_create(self):
        self.dtype = eval(self.config.data.formats.tf)
        self.dtype_np = eval(self.config.data.formats.np)
        self.idx_train_validation = None

    def on_execute(self):

        if self.config.get('checkpoint_path', None) is not None:
            self.log.info(f'Loading train and validation split idx.')


        if self.config.get('checkpoint_path', None) is not None:
            self.log.info(f'Restoring session: {self.config.checkpoint_path}')
        if self.config.training:
            self.log.info('Starting training...')
            self.log.info('Finished training.')
        if self.config.testing:
            self.log.info('Testing the model...')
            self.log.info('Done testing.')
        if self.config.validation:
            self.log.info('Doing final validation...')
            self.log.info('Finished validation.')

    def load_data(self, loading_config):
        self.np_data = {'train_and_validation': {}, 'test': {}}
        (self.np_data['train_and_validation']['x'], self.np_data['train_and_validation']['y']),\
            (self.np_data['test']['x'], self.np_data['test']['y']) = \

    def preprocess_data(self, data_config):
        # Split train set into train and validation
        n_val = data_config.n_validation

        if self.config.validation:
            assert n_val > 0, 'Need to specify validation set with > 0 to do validation'
            assert n_val == 0, 'Not running validation but still creating validation set'

        n_train = self.np_data['train_and_validation']['x'].shape[0] - n_val
        (self.np_data['train'], self.np_data['validation']), idx_train_validation = \
                           shuffle_before=data_config.loading.get('shuffle_pre_split', True))

        if n_val == 0:
            # Do not preproces empty dataset

        # Make record of indices of train and validation split
        self.idx_train_validation = dict(
            zip(['train', 'validation'], idx_train_validation))

        # Build prepocessing function, apply it to tr/val/te
        preproc = partial(preprocess_np_inputs,

        self.np_data = {
            split: {
                'x': preproc(np_arrs['x']),
                'y': np_arrs['y'].astype(np.int32)
            for split, np_arrs in self.np_data.items()

        # Data centring
        if data_config.loading.get('subtract_train_mean', False):
            self.np_data = {
                n: {
                    'x': arrs['x'] - self.np_data['train']['x'].mean(axis=0),
                    'y': arrs['y']
                for n, arrs in self.np_data.items()

        if n_val == 0:
            self.np_data['validation'] = {'x': np.array(()), 'y': np.array(())}

        # Can override batch size in data config if specified in model
        batch_size = self.model.config.get('batch_size', DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE)
        batch_size_te = self.model.config.testing.get('batch_size_te',

        # If using mock infeed on CPU/GPU need to multiply batchsize by number of infeed loops
        use_infeed = self.model.config.training.get('use_infeed', False)
        n_infeed_loops = self.model.config.training.get('n_infeed_batches', 1)
        scale_batch = use_infeed and not self.model.device_config[
            'on_ipu'] and self.model.device_config['do_xla']
        batch_factor = n_infeed_loops if scale_batch else 1
        batch_sizes = {
            'train': batch_size * batch_factor,
            'validation': batch_size_te,
            'test': batch_size_te

        # Only drop remainder of training set
        drop_remainders = {'train': True, 'validation': False, 'test': False}
        repeats = {'train': True, 'validation': False, 'test': False}

        # Convert numpy arrays into tf datasets and iterators
        tf_data = {
            split: make_iterator_from_np(np_arrays=np_arrs,
            for split, np_arrs in self.np_data.items()
            if split != 'train_and_validation'
        self.data_iters = {split: d[0] for split, d in tf_data.items()}
        self.data_sets = {split: d[1] for split, d in tf_data.items()}

    def load_train_validation_idx(self):
        # Load indices of original train/validation split
        checkpoint_dir = os.path.dirname(self.config.checkpoint_path)
        if os.path.exists(f'{checkpoint_dir}/train_idx.npy'):
            self.idx_train_validation = {}
            self.idx_train_validation['train'] = np.load(
            self.idx_train_validation['validation'] = np.load(

    def set_metadata(self, loading_config):
        """Make record of the important quantities of the dataset splits for later use"""
        self.data_meta = {}
        self.data_meta['data_dims'] = list(
        self.data_meta['train_size'] = self.np_data['train']['x'].shape[0]
        self.data_meta['validation_size'] = self.np_data['validation'][
        self.data_meta['test_size'] = self.np_data['test']['x'].shape[0]
        self.data_meta['train_mean'] = np.mean(self.np_data['train']['x'],
        self.data_meta['name'] = loading_config['set']
        self.data_meta['n_classes'] = len(np.unique(
        self.data_meta['train_log_var'] = np.log(

    def save_record(self, record, scope=None):
        if scope is None:
            writer = self.record
            writer = self.observer.get_record_writer(scope)
        for name, value in record.items():
            writer[name] = value
        writer['_path'] = self.observer.config[
            'storage'] + self.observer.get_path()

    def prepare_data(self):
        with self.model.graph.as_default():

    def train_model(self):
        unfinished_train = True
        while unfinished_train:
            unfinished_train = self.model.train_next()

    def config_dtype(self, dtype):
        return eval(dtype)

    def test_model(self):
        self.log.info('Testing model...')
        self.log.info('Done testing.')

    def log(self):
        return self.observer.log