def __init__(self, gp_pin, frequency, full_range100, pulse_min, pulse_max): """ :param gp_pin: GPIO pin :param frequency: in Hz :param full_range100: in deg * 100 :param pulse_min: in µs :param pulse_max: in µs :return: """ if not gp_pin in VALID_GP_PINS: print('invalid GP pin:', gp_pin) # Get WiPy PWM configuration constants pin_alt = PIN_PWM_ALT[gp_pin] timer_nr = PIN_PWM_TIMER[gp_pin] timer_channel = PIN_PWM_CHANNEL[gp_pin] # Configure PWM timer to pin flow Pin('GP' + str(gp_pin), mode=Pin.ALT, alt=pin_alt) timer = Timer(timer_nr, mode=Timer.PWM) =, freq=frequency) # Store object properties self.PWM_frame = 1000000 // frequency # in µs self.full_range100 = full_range100 self.pulse_min = pulse_min self.pulse_diff = pulse_max - pulse_min
def main(): # set internal clock rtc = settime(timezone_offset=TIMEZONE_OFFSET) year, month, day, hour, minute, second, *_ = trigger = Pin('GP5', mode=Pin.OUT) trigger.value(0) # initial trigger timer timer = Timer(3, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, width=32) timer_channel = | Timer.B, period=30000000) timer_channel.irq(handler=lambda t: trigger.toggle(), trigger=Timer.TIMEOUT) try: while True: leds = clock2matrix(hour=hour, minute=minute).columns # led matrix multiplexing current_trigger = trigger.value() while trigger.value() == current_trigger: for col in leds: latch.value(0) # write current time spi.write(col) # update LEDs latch.value(1) sleep_ms(1) latch.value(0) spi.write(OFF) latch.value(1) sleep_us(50) latch.value(0) spi.write(OFF) latch.value(1) year, month, day, hour, minute, second, *_ = # update rtc at 04:00 if hour == 4 and minute == 0: rtc = settime(timezone_offset=TIMEZONE_OFFSET) except Exception as e: matrix_off() while True: print(e) sleep_ms(2000)
def setupTimer(self): ''' Need to look at the following: But how to average? (Do we need two buffers) ''' #How to stop timer? self.tim = Timer(0, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, width = 32)#what is this width? Timer resolution? self.timChannel =, freq = self.freq) #What is the function of the trigger, do we need to implement external vs internal? self.timChannel.irq(handler=self._addData_, trigger = Timer.TIMEOUT)
def go(): ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) ap.config(essid='upython') ap.config(authmode=0) led = Object() # = neopixel.NeoPixel(machine.Pin(14), 1) #[0] = (0, 0, 0) # led.mode = '' led.pwm = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(14), freq = 100, duty = 1023) led.count = 0 servo = Object() servo.motor = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(12), freq = 50) servo.mode = '' servo.lastPos = 40 servo.motor.duty(servo.lastPos) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 80)) servoTimer = Timer(0) servoTimer.init(period = 1000, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, callback = lambda xx: doServo(servo)) ledTimer = Timer(1) ledTimer.init(period = 50, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, callback = lambda xx: doLedMode(led)) s.listen(0) # just queue up some requests while True: time.sleep(.5) conn, addr = s.accept() request = conn.recv(1024) conn.sendall('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nConnection: close\nServer: Tentacle\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n') request = str(request) print(request) if 'servo=' in request: servo.mode = 'manual' servo.motor.duty(int(valueOf(request, 'servo'))) elif 'rgb=' in request: handleRGB(valueOf(request, 'rgb'), led) elif 'pwm=' in request: handlePWM(int(valueOf(request, 'pwm')), led) elif 'action=' in request: todo = valueOf(request, 'action') if 'fight' == todo: servo.mode= 'fight' led.mode = 'fight' elif 'reset' == todo: machine.reset() elif 'stop' == todo: servo.mode = 'stop' elif 'ledoff' == todo: led.mode = '' handleRGB('0,0,0', led) handlePWM(1023, led) elif 'heartbeat' == todo: led.mode = 'heartbeat' else: with open('pg.htm', 'r') as html: conn.sendall( conn.sendall('\n') conn.close()
class Fader(object): def __init__(self, np, NEOPIXEL_COUNT): super(Fader, self).__init__() self.step = 0 = np self.NEOPIXEL_COUNT = NEOPIXEL_COUNT self.tim = Timer(-1) def start(self): self.tim.init(period=40, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=self.tick) def stop(self): self.tim.deinit() def rainbow_cycle(self): for i in range(0, self.NEOPIXEL_COUNT):[i] = brightness(wheel(int(i * 256 / self.NEOPIXEL_COUNT + self.step) & 255)) def tick(self, t): self.rainbow_cycle() self.step += 1 if self.step > 256 * 5: self.step = 0
# # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT License # # Change Logs: # Date Author Notes # 2019-06-29 ChenYong first version # from machine import Timer import utime as time def callback_periodic(obj): # defined preiodic mode timeout callback print("Timer callback periodic test") def callback_oneshot(obj): # defined ont shot mode timeout callback print("Timer callback oneshot test") timer = Timer(1) # Create Timer object. Timer device number 15 are used. timer.init(timer.PERIODIC, 1000, callback_periodic) # Initialize the Timer device object # Set Timer mode to preiodic mode, set timeout to 1 seconds and set callback fucntion time.sleep_ms(5500) # Execute 5 times timeout callback in the delay time timer.init(timer.ONE_SHOT, 1000, callback_oneshot) # Reset initialize the Timer device object # Set Timer mode to one shot mode, set timeout to 1 seconds and set callback fucntion time.sleep_ms(1500) # Execute 1 times timeout callback in the delay time timer.deinit() # Stop and close Timer device object
import ujson as json try: with open("/config.json", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(CONFIG)) except OSError: print("Couldn't save /config.json") try: c_mqtt = MQTTClient(CONFIG['client_id'], CONFIG['broker'], CONFIG['port'], timeout=1, sbt=CONFIG['topic'], debug=False) except (OSError, ValueError): print("Couldn't connect to MQTT") timer_http = Timer(-1) _debug = True _routeHandlers = [] #System _routeHandlers.append(SystemHandler(debug=_debug).route_handler) #Led LED_2_pin = 2 LED_2 = RELAY(name="Led2", pin_num=LED_2_pin, on_value=0, off_value=1, state_on=1, state_off=0, default=1) _routeHandlers.append(LedHandler(debug=_debug, relay=LED_2).route_handler) def main(): if _debug:
from machine import Timer, PWM import time from board import board_info from fpioa_manager import * board_info = board_info() tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PWM) ch = PWM(tim, freq=500000, duty=50, pin=board_info.LED_G) duty = 0 dir = True while True: if dir: duty += 10 else: duty -= 10 if duty > 100: duty = 100 dir = False elif duty < 0: duty = 0 dir = True time.sleep(0.05) ch.duty(duty)
pycom.rgbled(0x7f7f00) # yellow print("Reading file {}".format(filename)) #In case of 0-byte file, create an empty Payload try: with open(filename, "rb") as data: f = payload = bytearray(f) except OSError as e: print('Error number {}, {}'.format(e.args[0],e)) payload = '' pycom.rgbled(0x007f00) # green # Init Chrono chrono = Timer.Chrono() laps = [] fragmentation_time = 0 start_sending_time = 0 end_sending_time = 0 # stats variables (for testing) current_fragment = {} fragments_info_array = [] tx_status_ok = False # Initialize variables. total_size = len(payload) current_size = 0 percent = 0 ack = None
def blink(self): pin = machine.Pin(PIN_D5, machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) tim = Timer(-1) pin.low() tim.init(period=5000, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t:pin.high())
''' from machine import Timer import os import time mch = os.uname().machine if 'LaunchPad' in mch: pwm_pin = ('GP24') elif 'WiPy' in mch: pwm_pin = ('GP24') else: raise Exception('Board not supported!') for i in range(4): tim = Timer(i, mode=Timer.PERIODIC) print(tim) ch =, freq=5) print(ch) ch =, freq=5) print(ch) tim = Timer(i, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT) print(tim) ch =, freq=50) print(ch) ch =, freq=50) print(ch) tim = Timer(i, mode=Timer.PWM) print(tim) ch =, freq=50000, duty_cycle=2000, polarity=Timer.POSITIVE) print(ch)
from time import sleep_us, sleep_ms from machine import Timer from pyb import Pin D0 = Pin(0, Pin.IN) LED_BUILDIN = 16 led = Pin(LED_BUILDIN, Pin.OUT) def get_value(): print("flash_key : %d" % D0.value()) if(D0.value()): led.high() else: led.low() tim = Timer(0) tim.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:get_value()) #
dailyResult.close() return json def refresh(): nowRsp = nowWeather(API_KEY) #通过API密钥获取天气实况 dailyRsp = dailyWeather(API_KEY) #通过API密钥获取多日天气预报 today = dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['date'][-5:] #当前日期,显示“月-日” todayHigh = dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['high'] #最高温度 todaylow = dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['low'] #最低温度 nowText = nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['text'] #天气现象文字 nowTemper = nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['temperature'] #温度 todayIco = nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['code'] #天气现象图标 city = nowRsp['results'][0]['location']['name'] #地理位置 oled.fill(0) oled.Bitmap(10, 23, ico[todayIco], 38, 38, 1) #显示当前天气现象图标 oled.DispChar("%s,天气实况" % city, 0, 0) oled.DispChar(today, 90, 0) oled.DispChar("%s℃/%s" % (nowTemper, nowText), 70, 25) #显示当前温度 oled.DispChar("%s~%s℃" % (todaylow, todayHigh), 70, 45) #显示今日最低、最高气温 refresh() #数据更新 tim1 = Timer(1) tim1.init(period=1800000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda _: refresh()) #定时,每半个钟刷新一次
def cancel_de(pin): tim.init(period=300, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=call) #Switch 2 interrupt def call2(pin): global interrupt2 interrupt2 = 1 def cancel_de2(pin): tim2.init(period=300, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=call2) tim = Timer(1) tim2 = Timer(2) switch1.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=cancel_de) switch2.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=cancel_de2) i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(23), freq=400000) acc_id = list(i2c.scan())[1] temp_id = list(i2c.scan())[0] def initialize(): addr_list = list(i2c.scan()) acc_addr = i2c.readfrom_mem(addr_list[1], 0, 1) temp_addr = i2c.readfrom_mem(addr_list[0], 0x0b, 1) if acc_addr != b'\xe5': raise error('Wrong accelerometer device')
print('\n') def http_get(url): import usocket _, _, host, path = url.split('/', 3) addr = usocket.getaddrinfo(host, 80)[0][-1] s = usocket.socket() s.connect(addr) s.send(bytes('GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n' % (path, host), 'utf8')) response = urequests.get('') parsed = response.json() s.close() def hardDispTime(timer): t = esp32.raw_temperature() h = esp32.hall_sensor() print("temperature (°F): " + str(t)) print("hall sensor: " + str(h)) base_url = '' API_key = '?api_key=R1N8YAFNXLY6MMWM' fieldanddata = "&field1=" + str(t) + "&field2=" + str(h) url = base_url + API_key + fieldanddata http_get(url) hardTimer = Timer(0) hardTimer.init(period=10000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=hardDispTime)
datetime = rtc.datetime() # 获取当前时间 oled.fill(0) # 清屏显示黑色背景 oled.text('01Studio', 0, 0) # 首行显示01Studio oled.text('RTC Clock', 0, 15) # 次行显示实验名称 # 显示日期,字符串可以直接用“+”来连接 oled.text( str(datetime[0]) + '-' + str(datetime[1]) + '-' + str(datetime[2]) + ' ' + week[datetime[3]], 0, 40) # 显示时间需要判断时、分、秒的值否小于10,如果小于10,则在显示前面补“0”以达 # 到较佳的显示效果 for i in range(4, 7): if datetime[i] < 10: time_list[i - 4] = "0" else: time_list[i - 4] = "" # 显示时间 oled.text( time_list[0] + str(datetime[4]) + ':' + time_list[1] + str(datetime[5]) + ':' + time_list[2] + str(datetime[6]), 0, 55) #开启RTOS定时器 tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=300, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=RTC_Run) #周期300ms
#app_eui = ubinascii.unhexlify('70B3D57ED0028A4F') #app_key = ubinascii.unhexlify('88397B010F71D34BEDF77DA003C3A54C') # create an OTAA authentication parameters for no ring lopy #dev address = 260125A9 #dev_eui = ubinascii.unhexlify('70B3D54990435DFE') # these settings can be found from TTN #app_eui = ubinascii.unhexlify('70B3D57ED0028A4F') #app_key = ubinascii.unhexlify('CE46C01958A612D102F0D106AB415862') # join a network using OTAA (Over the Air Activation) if not lora.has_joined(): lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(app_eui, app_key), timeout=0) pycom.rgbled(green) time.sleep(2.5) handshk_time = Timer.Chrono() handshk_time.start() # wait until the module has joined the network while not lora.has_joined(): pycom.rgbled(off) time.sleep(0.1) pycom.rgbled(red) time.sleep(2.4) print('Not yet joined...') lora.nvram_save() handshk_time.stop() print("Total handshake time: {0}".format( print('Joined!') pycom.rgbled(blue) print(binascii.hexlify(lora.mac()).upper().decode('utf-8'))
def __init__(self, np, NEOPIXEL_COUNT): super(Fader, self).__init__() self.step = 0 = np self.NEOPIXEL_COUNT = NEOPIXEL_COUNT self.tim = Timer(-1)
#引入相关模块 from machine import Pin, I2C, Timer from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C import dht, time #初始化相关模块 i2c = I2C(sda=Pin(13), scl=Pin(14)) oled = SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, addr=0x3c) #创建DTH11对象 d = dht.DHT11(Pin(5)) #传感器连接到引脚14 time.sleep(1) #首次启动停顿1秒让传感器稳定 def dht_get(tim): d.measure() #温湿度采集 #OLED显示温湿度 oled.fill(0) #清屏背景黑色 oled.text('01Studio', 0, 0) oled.text('DHT11 test:', 0, 15) oled.text(str(d.temperature()) + ' C', 0, 40) #温度显示 oled.text(str(d.humidity()) + ' %', 48, 40) #湿度显示 #开启RTOS定时器,编号为-1 tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=2000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=dht_get) #周期为2000ms
# ######################### # # Blink build-in Huzzah led # # ######################### # from machine import Timer, Pin p0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=500, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: p0.value(not p0.value()))
class CStat: def __init__(self): self.url = '' self.x_rapidapi_key = '' # modify this line self.ssid = '' # modify this line self.password = '' # modify this line self.confirmed = 0 self.recovered = 0 self.deaths = 0 self.updated = '' self.display = self.tim = None i2c = I2C(-1, Pin(5), Pin(4)) self.display = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c) self.display.fill(0) self.display.text('Connecting...', 1, 1, 1) self.tim = Timer(-1) self.do_connect() def do_connect(self): wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not wlan.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') wlan.connect(self.ssid, self.password) while not wlan.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', wlan.ifconfig()) def parse_country_data(self, json): self.confirmed = json['data']['covid19Stats'][0]['confirmed'] self.recovered = json['data']['covid19Stats'][0]['recovered'] self.deaths = json['data']['covid19Stats'][0]['deaths'] self.updated = json['data']['covid19Stats'][0]['lastUpdate'] def grab_api_data(self): headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-rapidapi-host': '', 'x-rapidapi-key': self.x_rapidapi_key } resp = urequests.get(self.url, headers=headers) if resp.status_code is 200: self.parse_country_data(resp.json()) else: print('Sorry, cannot connect') print(resp.status_code) print(resp.text) def display_results(self): self.display.fill(0) self.display.text(self.updated, 1, 1, 1) self.display.text('A' + str(self.confirmed), 1, 10, 1) self.display.text('R' + str(self.recovered), 50, 10, 1) self.display.text('D' + str(self.deaths), 90, 10, 1) def grab_data(self): try: print('update function called') self.grab_api_data() self.display_results() gc.collect() except Exception as e: print(e) def start(self): self.grab_data() self.tim.init(period=60000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda f: self.grab_data())
import utime from machine import Timer t1 = Timer(0, 10) t2 = Timer(1, 3) t1.callback(lambda t: print(t, "tick1")) t2.callback(lambda t: print(t, "tick2")) utime.sleep(3) print("done")
''' 实验名称:定时器 版本:v1.0 日期:2019.7 作者:01Studio 说明:通过定时器让LED周期性每秒闪烁1次 ''' from machine import Pin, Timer led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) Counter = 0 Fun_Num = 0 def fun(tim): global Counter Counter = Counter + 1 print(Counter) led.value(Counter % 2) #开启RTOS定时器,编号为-1 tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=fun) #周期为1000ms
# connect to WiFi wifi = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) wifi.connect(WIFI_SSID, auth=WIFI_AUTH, timeout=5000) while not wifi.isconnected(): pass print('IP address:', wifi.ifconfig()[0]) # assign GP9, GP10, GP11, GP24 to alternate function (PWM) p9 = Pin('GP9', mode=Pin.ALT, alt=3) p10 = Pin('GP10', mode=Pin.ALT, alt=3) p11 = Pin('GP11', mode=Pin.ALT, alt=3) p24 = Pin('GP24', mode=Pin.ALT, alt=5) # timer in PWM mode and width must be 16 buts timer10 = Timer(4, mode=Timer.PWM, width=16) timer9 = Timer(3, mode=Timer.PWM, width=16) timer1 = Timer(1, mode=Timer.PWM, width=16) # enable channels @1KHz with a 50% duty cycle pwm9 =, freq=700, duty_cycle=100) pwm10 =, freq=700, duty_cycle=100) pwm11 =, freq=700, duty_cycle=100) pwm24 =, freq=700, duty_cycle=100) def v3_write_handler(value): pwm9.duty_cycle(int(value)) def v4_write_handler(value): pwm10.duty_cycle(int(value))
class Encoder(object): ''' 编码器对象 ''' def __init__(self, gpio_a, gpio_b, timer_id, name='RightEncoder', motor_install_dir=True, is_debug=False): # 设置编码器的名称 = name # 根据电机安装方向,设置AB相Pin if motor_install_dir: self.pin_a = Pin(gpio_a) self.pin_b = Pin(gpio_b) else: self.pin_a = Pin(gpio_b) self.pin_b = Pin(gpio_a) # 最近一次A相的电平 self.last_a = 0 # 最近一次B相的电平 self.last_b = 0 # 新的A相电平 self.new_a = 0 # 新的B相电平 self.new_b = 0 # 定时器计数 self.count = 0 # 定时器 self.timer = Timer(timer_id) # 定时器 每1ms执行一次 self.timer.init(period=1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=self.callback) # 是否开启Debug模式 self.is_debug = is_debug def callback(self, timer): ''' 回调函数 ''' # 更新A相电平 self.new_a = self.pin_a.value() # 更新B相电平 self.new_b = self.pin_b.value() if not self.last_a and self.new_a: # 检测到编码器A相上升沿 RISING if self.new_b: self.count += 1 else: self.count -= 1 elif self.last_a and not self.new_a: # 检测到编码器A相下降沿 FALLING if self.new_b: self.count -= 1 else: self.count += 1 elif not self.last_b and self.new_b: # 检测到编码器B相上升沿 RASING if self.new_a: self.count -= 1 else: self.count += 1 elif self.last_b and not self.new_b: # 检测到编码器B相下降沿 FALLING if self.new_a: self.count += 1 else: self.count -= 1 # 更新电平历史 self.last_a = self.new_a self.last_b = self.new_b if self.is_debug: # 打印计数器信息 print('{} Counter: {}'.format(, self.count))
tof.set_Vcsel_pulse_period(tof.vcsel_period_type[0], 18) tof.set_Vcsel_pulse_period(tof.vcsel_period_type[1], 14) tof.start() # Blinker led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # Main button. btn = Pin(BTN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) ############### # Calibration ############### de_bnc_tmr = Timer(DE_BNC_TMR) de_bnc_flag = False def dnc_timer_expr(timer): global de_bnc_flag de_bnc_flag = False def on_btn(pin): global tof global de_bnc_flag global cali_file global btn_state global btn global led if not de_bnc_flag: # Turn on debounce timer.
''' # file # brief Set 'SERVER','CLIENT_ID'(this can be null),'IOT_pubTopic','IOT_UserName','IOT_PassWord' # download into mpython and run the file # You will send the message by seconds and receive the message from server # Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd ( # licence The MIT License (MIT) # author [LuoYufeng]([email protected]) # version V1.0 # date 2019-10-8 ''' from siot import iot from machine import Timer import time SERVER = "" #MQTT服务器IP CLIENT_ID = "" #在SIoT上,CLIENT_ID可以留空 IOT_pubTopic = 'xzr/001' #“topic”为“项目名称/设备名称” IOT_UserName = '******' #用户名 IOT_PassWord = '******' #密码 siot = iot(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, user=IOT_UserName, password=IOT_PassWord) def WIFIconnect(): import network ssid = "dfrobotYanfa" password = "******" station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if station.isconnected() == True: print("Wifi already connected") return
from machine import WDT from machine import Timer import utime import checkNet ''' 下面两个全局变量是必须有的,用户可以根据自己的实际项目修改下面两个全局变量的值, 在执行用户代码前,会先打印这两个变量的值。 ''' PROJECT_NAME = "QuecPython_WDT_example" PROJECT_VERSION = "1.0.0" checknet = checkNet.CheckNetwork(PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_VERSION) timer1 = Timer(Timer.Timer1) def feed(t): wdt.feed() if __name__ == '__main__': ''' 手动运行本例程时,可以去掉该延时,如果将例程文件名改为,希望开机自动运行时,需要加上该延时, 否则无法从CDC口看到下面的 poweron_print_once() 中打印的信息 ''' utime.sleep(5) checknet.poweron_print_once() ''' 如果用户程序包含网络相关代码,必须执行 wait_network_connected() 等待网络就绪(拨号成功); 如果是网络无关代码,可以屏蔽 wait_network_connected()
class Runner: def __init__(self, stimulus_freqs=None) -> None: if stimulus_freqs is None: self.stim_freqs = config.STIM_FREQS # assign defaults self.base_sample_freq = config.ADC_SAMPLE_FREQ self.downsampled_freq = config.DOWNSAMPLED_FREQ self.preprocessing_enabled = config.PREPROCESSING if self.preprocessing_enabled: self.downsampled_freq = config.DOWNSAMPLED_FREQ self.sample_counter = 0 self.buffer_size = 256 # TODO: update this to be populated dynamically self.output_buffer = [0.0 for i in range(self.buffer_size)] self.decoded_output = {} self.is_setup = False self.is_sampling = False self.is_logging = False def setup(self, spi_params=None, adc_params=None, log_period=5, logger_type=None): from machine import freq freq(config.BASE_CLK_FREQ) # set the CPU frequency self._init_decoder() gc.collect() self._init_peripherals(spi_params, adc_params) gc.collect() self._setup_logger(log_period, logger_type) gc.collect() self.is_setup = True def run(self): if not self.is_setup: raise ValueError( "Runner not setup. Call `.setup()` before running.") self.start_sample_timer() if self.logger is not None: self.start_logger() def stop(self): if self.is_sampling: self.stop_sample_timer() if self.is_logging: self.stop_logger() def preprocess_data(self, signal): """Preprocess incoming signal before decoding algorithms. This involves applying a bandpass filter to isolate the target SSVEP range and then downsampling the signal to the Nyquist boundary. Returns: [np.ndarray]: filtered and downsampled signal """ from lib.signal import sos_filter ds_factor = self.downsampling_factor signal = np.array(signal) - np.mean(signal) # remove DC component # downsample filtered signal by only selecting every `ds_factor` sample return sos_filter(signal, fs=self.base_sample_freq)[::ds_factor] def decode(self, *args): """ Run decoding on current state of output buffer. Note that `*args` is specified but not used directly: this allows this function to be called using `micropython.schedule` which requires the scheduled func to accept an argument. """ data = np.array(self.output_buffer) data = data.reshape((1, len(data))) # reshape to row vector gc.collect() result = self.decoder.compute_corr(data) # note: need to be careful not to change the memory address of this variable using direct # assignment since the logger depends on this reference. Also would just be inefficient. self.decoded_output.update( {freq: round(corr[0], 5) for freq, corr in result.items()}) gc.collect() return self.decoded_output def sample_callback(self, *args, **kwargs): from lib.utils import update_buffer self.periph_manager.adc_read_to_buff(size=1) self.sample_counter += 1 # this will only be true every 1s once buffer fills if self.sample_counter >= self.buffer_size: self.periph_manager.write_led("red", 1) data = self._read_internal_buffer( preprocess=self.preprocessing_enabled) update_buffer(self.output_buffer, list(data), self.buffer_size, inplace=True) self.sample_counter = 0 self.periph_manager.write_led("red", 0) # TODO: workout how to run decoding in another handler as # this could take a non-negligible amount of time which # would disrupt consistency of sampling freq. For now, # we can schedule this function to run 'soon' while allowing other # ISRs to interrupt it if need be. try: schedule(self.decode, None) except RuntimeError: # if schedule queue is full, run now self.decode() def read_output_buffer(self): return self.output_buffer def start_logger(self): if self.logger is not None: self.logger.start() self.is_logging = True def stop_logger(self): if self.logger is not None: self.logger.stop() self.is_logging = False def start_sample_timer(self): from machine import Timer self.sample_timer = Timer(0) self.sample_timer.init(freq=self.base_sample_freq, callback=self.sample_callback) self.is_sampling = True def stop_sample_timer(self): if self.sample_timer is not None: self.sample_timer.deinit() self.is_sampling = False @property def downsampling_factor(self): return self.base_sample_freq // self.downsampled_freq def _read_internal_buffer(self, preprocess=False): data = self.periph_manager.read_adc_buffer() if preprocess and len(data) > 1: data = self.preprocess_data(data) return data def _init_peripherals(self, spi_params, adc_params): self.periph_manager = PeripheralManager(spi_params=spi_params, adc_params=adc_params) self.periph_manager.init() def _init_decoder(self): from lib.decoding import CCA # note: downsampled_freq is same as base sampling freq if # preprocessing is disabled self.decoder = CCA(self.stim_freqs, self.downsampled_freq) def _setup_logger(self, log_period, logger_type): if logger_type is not None: if logger_type != logger_types.SERIAL: print( "Warning: only the `SERIAL` logger type is available offline. Defaulting to this." ) self.logger = BaseLogger(log_period, self.decoded_output, self.output_buffer) else: self.logger = None
class osd: def __init__(self): self.screen_x = const(64) self.screen_y = const(20) self.cwd = "/" self.init_fb() self.exp_names = " KMGTE" self.mark = bytearray([32,16,42]) # space, right triangle, asterisk self.read_dir() self.spi_read_irq = bytearray([1,0xF1,0,0,0,0,0]) self.spi_read_btn = bytearray([1,0xFB,0,0,0,0,0]) self.spi_result = bytearray(7) self.spi_enable_osd = bytearray([0,0xFE,0,0,0,1]) self.spi_write_osd = bytearray([0,0xFD,0,0,0]) self.spi_channel = const(2) self.spi_freq = const(3000000) self.init_pinout_sd() #self.spi=SPI(self.spi_channel, baudrate=self.spi_freq, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=Pin(self.gpio_sck), mosi=Pin(self.gpio_mosi), miso=Pin(self.gpio_miso)) self.init_spi() alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.enable = bytearray(1) self.timer = Timer(3) self.irq_handler(0) self.irq_handler_ref = self.irq_handler # allocation happens here self.spi_request = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.spi_request.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.irq_handler_ref) def init_spi(self): self.spi=SPI(self.spi_channel, baudrate=self.spi_freq, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=Pin(self.gpio_sck), mosi=Pin(self.gpio_mosi), miso=Pin(self.gpio_miso)) self.cs=Pin(self.gpio_cs,Pin.OUT) # init file browser def init_fb(self): self.fb_topitem = 0 self.fb_cursor = 0 self.fb_selected = -1 @micropython.viper def init_pinout_sd(self): self.gpio_cs = const(5) self.gpio_sck = const(16) self.gpio_mosi = const(4) self.gpio_miso = const(12) @micropython.viper def irq_handler(self, pin): p8result = ptr8(addressof(self.spi_result)) self.cs.on() self.spi.write_readinto(self.spi_read_irq, self.spi_result) btn_irq = p8result[6] if btn_irq&0x80: # btn event IRQ flag self.cs.on() self.spi.write_readinto(self.spi_read_btn, self.spi_result) btn = p8result[6] p8enable = ptr8(addressof(self.enable)) if p8enable[0]&2: # wait to release all BTNs if btn==1: p8enable[0]&=1 # clear bit that waits for all BTNs released else: # all BTNs released if (btn&0x78)==0x78: # all cursor BTNs pressed at the same time self.show_dir() # refresh directory p8enable[0]=(p8enable[0]^1)|2; self.osd_enable(p8enable[0]&1) if p8enable[0]==1: if btn==9: # btn3 cursor up self.start_autorepeat(-1) if btn==17: # btn4 cursor down self.start_autorepeat(1) if btn==1: self.timer.deinit() # stop autorepeat if btn==33: # btn6 cursor left self.updir() if btn==65: # btn6 cursor right self.select_entry() def start_autorepeat(self, i:int): self.autorepeat_direction=i self.move_dir_cursor(i) self.timer_slow=1 self.timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=500, callback=self.autorepeat) def autorepeat(self, timer): if self.timer_slow: self.timer_slow=0 self.timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=30, callback=self.autorepeat) self.move_dir_cursor(self.autorepeat_direction) self.irq_handler(0) # catch stale IRQ def select_entry(self): if self.direntries[self.fb_cursor][1]: # is it directory oldselected = self.fb_selected - self.fb_topitem self.fb_selected = self.fb_cursor try: self.cwd = self.fullpath(self.direntries[self.fb_cursor][0]) except: self.fb_selected = -1 self.show_dir_line(oldselected) self.show_dir_line(self.fb_cursor - self.fb_topitem) self.init_fb() self.read_dir() self.show_dir() else: self.change_file() def updir(self): if len(self.cwd) < 2: self.cwd = "/" else: s = self.cwd.split("/")[:-1] self.cwd = "" for name in s: if len(name) > 0: self.cwd += "/"+name self.init_fb() self.read_dir() self.show_dir() def fullpath(self,fname): if self.cwd.endswith("/"): return self.cwd+fname else: return self.cwd+"/"+fname def change_file(self): oldselected = self.fb_selected - self.fb_topitem self.fb_selected = self.fb_cursor try: filename = self.fullpath(self.direntries[self.fb_cursor][0]) except: filename = False self.fb_selected = -1 self.show_dir_line(oldselected) self.show_dir_line(self.fb_cursor - self.fb_topitem) if filename: if filename.endswith(".bit"): self.spi_request.irq(handler=None) self.timer.deinit() self.enable[0]=0 self.osd_enable(0) self.spi.deinit() tap=ecp5.ecp5() tap.prog_stream(open(filename,"rb"),blocksize=1024) if filename.endswith("_sd.bit"): os.umount("/sd") for i in bytearray([2,4,12,13,14,15]): p=Pin(i,Pin.IN) a=p.value() del p,a result=tap.prog_close() del tap gc.collect() #os.mount(SDCard(slot=3),"/sd") # BUG, won't work self.init_spi() # because of ecp5.prog() spi.deinit() self.spi_request.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.irq_handler_ref) self.irq_handler(0) # handle stuck IRQ if filename.endswith(".z80"): self.enable[0]=0 self.osd_enable(0) import ld_zxspectrum s=ld_zxspectrum.ld_zxspectrum(self.spi,self.cs) s.loadz80(filename) del s gc.collect() if filename.endswith(".nes"): import ld_zxspectrum s=ld_zxspectrum.ld_zxspectrum(self.spi,self.cs) s.ctrl(1) s.ctrl(0) s.load_stream(open(filename,"rb"),addr=0,maxlen=0x101000) del s gc.collect() self.enable[0]=0 self.osd_enable(0) if filename.endswith(".ora") or filename.endswith(".orao"): self.enable[0]=0 self.osd_enable(0) import ld_orao s=ld_orao.ld_orao(self.spi,self.cs) s.loadorao(filename) del s gc.collect() if filename.endswith(".vsf"): self.enable[0]=0 self.osd_enable(0) import ld_vic20 s=ld_vic20.ld_vic20(self.spi,self.cs) s.loadvsf(filename) del s gc.collect() if filename.endswith(".prg"): self.enable[0]=0 self.osd_enable(0) import ld_vic20 s=ld_vic20.ld_vic20(self.spi,self.cs) s.loadprg(filename) del s gc.collect() @micropython.viper def osd_enable(self, en:int): pena = ptr8(addressof(self.spi_enable_osd)) pena[5] = en&1 self.cs.on() self.spi.write(self.spi_enable_osd) @micropython.viper def osd_print(self, x:int, y:int, i:int, text): p8msg=ptr8(addressof(self.spi_write_osd)) a=0xF000+(x&63)+((y&31)<<6) p8msg[2]=i p8msg[3]=a>>8 p8msg[4]=a self.cs.on() self.spi.write(self.spi_write_osd) self.spi.write(text) @micropython.viper def osd_cls(self): p8msg=ptr8(addressof(self.spi_write_osd)) p8msg[3]=0xF0 p8msg[4]=0 self.cs.on() self.spi.write(self.spi_write_osd),32) # y is actual line on the screen def show_dir_line(self, y): if y < 0 or y >= self.screen_y: return mark = 0 invert = 0 if y == self.fb_cursor - self.fb_topitem: mark = 1 invert = 1 if y == self.fb_selected - self.fb_topitem: mark = 2 i = y+self.fb_topitem if i >= len(self.direntries): self.osd_print(0,y,0,"%64s" % "") return if self.direntries[i][1]: # directory self.osd_print(0,y,invert,"%c%-57s D" % (self.mark[mark],self.direntries[i][0])) else: # file mantissa = self.direntries[i][2] exponent = 0 while mantissa >= 1024: mantissa >>= 10 exponent += 1 self.osd_print(0,y,invert,"%c%-57s %4d%c" % (self.mark[mark],self.direntries[i][0], mantissa, self.exp_names[exponent])) def show_dir(self): for i in range(self.screen_y): self.show_dir_line(i) def move_dir_cursor(self, step): oldcursor = self.fb_cursor if step == 1: if self.fb_cursor < len(self.direntries)-1: self.fb_cursor += 1 if step == -1: if self.fb_cursor > 0: self.fb_cursor -= 1 if oldcursor != self.fb_cursor: screen_line = self.fb_cursor - self.fb_topitem if screen_line >= 0 and screen_line < self.screen_y: # move cursor inside screen, no scroll self.show_dir_line(oldcursor - self.fb_topitem) # no highlight self.show_dir_line(screen_line) # highlight else: # scroll if screen_line < 0: # cursor going up screen_line = 0 if self.fb_topitem > 0: self.fb_topitem -= 1 self.show_dir() else: # cursor going down screen_line = self.screen_y-1 if self.fb_topitem+self.screen_y < len(self.direntries): self.fb_topitem += 1 self.show_dir() def read_dir(self): self.direntries = [] ls = sorted(os.listdir(self.cwd)) for fname in ls: stat = os.stat(self.fullpath(fname)) if stat[0] & 0o170000 == 0o040000: self.direntries.append([fname,1,0]) # directory else: self.direntries.append([fname,0,stat[6]]) # file gc.collect()
class Bot(object): "Class to handle all Bot board peripherals." def __init__(self, status_update_timer=0, status_update_rate=1000, use_cbots=False): "Initialise all peripherals." # momentary switches on the board self.boot_sw = Switch(BOOT_PIN) self.user_sw = Switch(USER_PIN) # init the tft and display splash screen self.tft = Tft(BACKLIGHT_PIN) self.tft.init(self.tft.GENERIC, width=TFT_WIDTH, height=TFT_HEIGHT, miso=MISO, mosi=MOSI, clk=CLK, cs=CS, dc=22, color_bits=16) self.tft.image(0, 0, SPLASH_JPG) # init battery voltage measurement self.battery = Battery(BATTERY_SENSE) # init i2c self.i2c = I2C(0, sda=I2C_SDA, scl=I2C_SCL, speed=1000000) self.servo = Servo(self.i2c) # set wlan to be none at first self.wlan = None # setup periodic timer for status image updating self.display_status_image() self.status_tm = Timer(status_update_timer) self.status_tm.init( period=status_update_rate, mode=self.status_tm.PERIODIC, callback=lambda timer: self.update_display_status()) if use_cbots: self.setup_cbots() def setup_cbots(self): "Setup required configuration for use of cbots library." if not CBOTS_LOADED: raise ValueError( "cbots_used set to true but cbots library was not found.") # tell them the i2c object we are using cbots.set_i2c(self.i2c) # set the servo calibration cbots.set_servo_zero_pos(self.servo.zero_pos) # change our write servo function to be the c implementations self.servo.get_all = cbots.servo_get_all self.servo.get_rad = cbots.servo_get_rad self.servo.get_deg = cbots.servo_get_deg self.servo.set_deg_raw = cbots.servo_set_deg_raw self.servo.set_rad_raw = cbots.servo_set_rad_raw self.servo.set_rad = cbots.servo_set_rad self.servo.set_deg = cbots.servo_set_deg def set_wlan(self, wlan): # save the ap object for later if we want to display the status self.wlan = wlan def display_status_image(self): self.tft.image(0, 0, STATUS_JPG) def update_display_status(self): "Show the status of the bot on the TFT display." # show battery, red indicates low voltage cutoff for 2S batt = if batt < LVC: col = self.tft.RED else: col = self.tft.GREEN self.tft.text(25, 40, "BATT " + str(batt) + "V ", color=col) # show wlan status if self.wlan is None: self.tft.text(25, 55, "IP NO CONNECT", color=self.tft.RED) else: self.tft.text(25, 55, "IP " + str(self.wlan.ifconfig()[0]), color=self.tft.GREEN) def deinit(self): "Deinit all peripherals." self.battery.deinit() self.servo.deinit() self.i2c.deinit() self.tft.deinit() self.boot_sw.deinit() self.user_sw.deinit() self.status_tm.deinit() def __del__(self): self.deinit()
from machine import Pin, Timer, PWM pwm = PWM(Pin(2), 100) #create PWM object from a pin,and set frequency polar = 0 duty = 0 def setLed(t): #create a variate,and change it between 0 and 1008 global duty, polar if (polar == 0): duty += 16 if (duty >= 1008): polar = 1 else: duty -= 16 if (duty <= 0): polar = 0 pwm.duty(duty) #set duty of the PWM tim = Timer(1) #create Timer object from Virtual timers with timer ID=1 tim.init( period=10, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=setLed) #init Timer,Call the callback function with per second try: #The catching while True: pass except: #Capture anomaly, deinit Timer and PWM tim.deinit() pwm.deinit()
def timerdata(self): tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=30000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=self.updata)
timezone_correction(3) clock_string = '1234' alarm_string = '1234' button1_state = 0 button2_state = 0 snooze_state = 0 button1_start = 0 button2_start = 0 snooze_start = 0 dst_state = 1 clock_mode = 1 setting_state = 1 update_clock_string(1) screen_refresh = Timer(0) screen_refresh.init(period=10, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=show_clock) button_checker = Timer(3) button_checker.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=button_handler) # button1_p.irq(handler=button_test, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING)
- Echo --> GPIO 15 - Trig --> GPIO 2 - Vcc --> 3.3V - Wires - Breadboard Documentation: Timers: Pins and GPIO: HC-SR04 driver source: Course: MicroPython with the ESP32 ''' from machine import Pin, Timer from hc_sr04 import HCSR04 sensor = HCSR04(trigger_pin=2, echo_pin=15, echo_timeout_us=1000000) def hcrs04_isr(event): distance = sensor.distance_cm() print(distance) blink_timer = Timer(1) blink_timer.init(period=250, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=hcrs04_isr)
pack = ts.A.collect('switch', str(0)) DataCache.append(pack) uart = UART(2) uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) ts = ZW_Net(14, uart) pmos.value(1) ts.send('AT+CMEE=1') last_time = utime.ticks_ms() from _thread import start_new_thread,allocate_lock lock = allocate_lock() start_new_thread(send_data,()) tim = Timer(0) tim.init(period=10000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: timetosend()) while True: if power_io.value() == False: pmos.value(1) for i in range(3): utime.sleep_ms(5000) Pack = ts.A.collect('error', '01') with lock: ts.sendto('', '9954', Pack) print('error_____________________') pmos.value(0) if ts.is_setup >= 15: ts.state_index = 0
color_bits=tft.COLOR_BITS16, splash=False, height=240) tft.tft_writecmd(ST7789_INVON) tft.clear(tft.NAVY) tft.image(0, 0, ICON_LOGO) width, height = tft.screensize() tft.rect(1, 1, width - 1, height - 1, tft.WHITE) Backlight = True backlight(Backlight) bl_timer = Timer(2) bl_timer.init(period=BL_OFF_TIME, mode=bl_timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=bl_timer_cb) # tft.font(tft.FONT_Tooney, rotate=0) # tft.text(tft.CENTER, tft.CENTER, "SoftRF", tft.WHITE, transparent=True) # sleep(3) else: print("No TFT") from sys import path, stdout import network import datetime import bme280
# # servosmall=max # # elif c=='d': # # servosmall=min # if c=='t': # pid.setpoint=pid.setpoint+1 # elif c=='g': # pid.setpoint=pid.setpoint-1 # # print(pid.setpoint) # # # if servosmall<min: # # servosmall=min # # # # if servosmall>max: # # servosmall=max # # # # # print("servosmall={}".format(servosmall)) # # s.duty(servosmall) # # # if c=='z': # # print("SLEEP") # # s.duty(0) tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=measure) #ctrl()
class DAQ_Unit(object): def __init__(self):#, freqVal=10000, numpnts = 1000): if self.daqDict = pullRedisJson(RDB, DAQPARAMKEY) gc.collect() else: self.daqDict = DAQPARAMS self.setDaqParams() self.curPos = 0 self.setupADC() self.setupTimer() def updateDaqParams(self): if self.daqDict = pullRedisJson(RDB, DAQPARAMKEY) gc.collect() else: print("Redis DAQ Param Pull Failed\n\tReverting to defaults...") self.setDaqParams() def setDaqParams(self): self.gpw = self.daqDict['gpw'] self.numPnts = self.daqDict['numPnts'] self.acqSpeed = self.daqDict['acqSpeed'] self.freq = self.daqDict['freq']#40000#1//(self.acqSpeed*1000)#acqSpeed is in microseconds self.acqType = self.daqDict['acqType'] self.numAves = self.daqDict['numAves'] self.multiplexParam = self.daqDict['multiplexParam'] self.dataArray = array.array('H', range(self.numPnts))#initialize data array self.dataID = uniqid() self.daqDict['dataCode'] = self.dataID self.filePath = self.dataID+'.txt' self.daqDict['filePath'] = self.filePath self.daqDict['data'] = self.dataArray gc.collect() def pushData(self, writeSD = False): t = time.time() RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.dataID) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.numPnts) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.numAves) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.gpw) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.acqSpeed) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.freq) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.filePath) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.acqType) RDB.rpush(self.dataID, self.multiplexParam) print(time.time()-t) j = 0#Break and send data (Not optimum but better than one by one) for i in range(1+len(self.dataArray)//INDEXVAL): RDB.rpush(self.dataID, str(self.dataArray[j:j+INDEXVAL])) j+=INDEXVAL RDB.rpush('activeData', self.dataID) if writeSD: self.writeData() gc.collect() print("Push Time") t = time.time()-t print(t) def stopTimer(self): self.tim.deinit() def setupTimer(self): ''' Need to look at the following: But how to average? (Do we need two buffers) ''' #How to stop timer? self.tim = Timer(0, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, width = 32)#what is this width? Timer resolution? self.timChannel =, freq = self.freq) #What is the function of the trigger, do we need to implement external vs internal? self.timChannel.irq(handler=self._addData_, trigger = Timer.TIMEOUT) def setupADC(self): self.adc = ADC() self.adcPin = = 'GP3') def _addData_(self, timer, saveData = False): self.dataArray[self.curPos] = self.adcPin() self.curPos+=1 self.curPos%=self.numPnts#this value can ultimately help us with the number of aves. def writeData(self): t = time.time() curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/sd")#change directory to SD card try: f = open(self.filePath, 'w') # json.dump(self.daqDict, f)#assumes the data has already been converted to a string-Redis doesn't like arrays f.write("%s\n"%self.dataID) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.numPnts)) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.numAves)) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.gpw)) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.acqSpeed)) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.freq)) f.write("%s\n"%self.filePath) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.acqType)) f.write("%s\n"%str(self.multiplexParam)) for d in self.dataArray: f.write("%s,\n"%str(d)) f.close() os.chdir(curDir) except: os.chdir(curDir) print("Saving to %s failed"%fileName) gc.collect() print("Write Time: %s"%(time.time()-t))
# GNU General Public License <> # STIA436 Course - Spring 2019 # Professor Colin McCormick & Father Chris Wagner # Copyright (c) 2019 F. Pascal Girard # import machine, utime from machine import Pin, Signal, Timer """ # ESP32 Code - see below # from machine import TouchPad pad = TouchPad(Pin(14)) """ timer = Timer(0) upgrade = False print('Running main') def callback(pin): global upgrade upgrade = True return(upgrade) def run(timer): if not upgrade: print('Running sensors...') import wake wake.main() else: print('Upgrading...') import webrepl, iot
from time import sleep_us, sleep_ms from machine import Timer from pyb import Pin LED_BUILDIN = 16 p = Pin(LED_BUILDIN, Pin.OUT) def count(): for i in range(5): print(i) sleep_ms(100) def breath(): Brightness = 90 Inhale = 800 Pulse = Inhale*1000/Brightness for i in range(Brightness): p.low() sleep_us(i*10) p.high() sleep_us(int(Pulse) - i*10) for i in range(Brightness, 0, -1): p.low() sleep_us(i*10) p.high() sleep_us(int(Pulse) - i*10) tim = Timer(0) # tim.init(period=500, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:count()) tim.init(period=3000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:breath()) #
from util.colors import * from util.pinout import set_pinout from util.io_config import get_from_file pinout = set_pinout() # set board pinout rtc = RTC() # real time io_conf = get_from_file() # read configuration for peripherals # I2C address: LCD_ADDR = 0x27 OLED_ADDR = 0x3c if Env.isTimer: from machine import Timer tim1 = Timer(0) # -------------------------------- common terminal function --------------- def getVer(): return "octopusLAB - lib.version: " + Env.ver + " > " + Env.verDat def get_eui(): return Env.uID #mac2eui(id) def printInfo(w=Env.TW): print('-' * w) print("| ESP UID: " + Env.uID + " | RAM free: " + str(getFree()) + " | " + get_hhmm())
from pyb import Pin from time import sleep_ms, sleep_us, ticks_us from machine import Timer D5 = Pin(14, Pin.OUT) D6 = Pin(12, Pin.IN) Trig = D5 Echo = D6 def measure(): Trig.low() sleep_us(15) Trig.high() sleep_us(15) Trig.low() while(Echo.value() == 0): start = ticks_us() while(Echo.value() == 1): end = ticks_us() duration = end - start dist = 0.03435 * 0.5 * duration print("duration: " + str(duration) + ", " + \ "distance: " + str(dist)) return dist tim = Timer(0) tim.deinit() tim.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:measure()) #
import machine, time from machine import Pin, Timer from ble_pendulo import BLEPendulo import bluetooth def interrupcao(timer): global tempos tempos.append(time.ticks_ms()) def debounce(pin): global timer timer.init(mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT,period=200,callback=interrupcao) timer = Timer(0) tempos = [] periodos = [] p21 = Pin(21,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) p21.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING,handler=debounce) b1 = bluetooth.BLE() ble = BLEPendulo(b1) while True: if len(tempos)==3: estado = machine.disable_irq() t0, tf = tempos[0], tempos[2] tempos.clear() tempos.append(tf) machine.enable_irq(estado)
from machine import Pin from machine import Timer rt = Timer(-1) rt.deinit() # turn off current timers p0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) # red light on p2 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # blue light on p4 = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # p4 with internal pull resister p5 = Pin(5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # p5 with internal pull resister # up is 1, down is 0 for the float switches # for the relays p13 = Pin(13, Pin.OUT) p15 = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) relay_1 = p13 relay_2 = p15 top_float_switch = p4 bottom_float_switch = p5 fresh_pump = p0 dirty_pump = p2
#disable heartbeat #per - HeartBeat().disable() #turn LED on # (says v1.6, led works/HB is incorrect?) led = Pin('GP25', mode=Pin.OUT) led(1) #simple function to blink lamp blink = lambda f:led.toggle() #Much of 1.4.6 doc is just bad/does not match actual v1.4.6 WiPy firmware # #initialize a timer tim = Timer(4) #1-14 exist; 3 is for internal use; avoid 5+6 (used for servo control or ADC/DAC) tim.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC) #configure a timer 'channel' tim_a = tim.A, freq=5) #less than 5per sec did not work #add something useful to the running channel tim_a.irq(handler=blink) #blinks strangely rapidly #disable the timer 'channel' tim_a = None #still blinking #tim.deinit() #stopped, terminal froze. tim.A, freq=5) #stopped blinking #reinitialize, for a slower blink tim.deinit()
data_type="sensors", lora=lora) if gps_on: GPS_Events = EventScheduler(logger=status_logger, data_type="gps", lora=lora)"Initialisation finished") # Blink green three times to identify that the device has been initialised for val in range(3): blink_led((0x005500, 0.5, True)) time.sleep(0.5) # Initialise custom yellow heartbeat that triggers every 5 seconds heartbeat = Timer.Alarm(blink_led, s=5, arg=(0x005500, 0.1, True), periodic=True) # Try to update RTC module with accurate UTC datetime if GPS is enabled and has not yet synchronized if gps_on and update_time_later: # Start a new thread to update time from gps if available _thread.start_new_thread(GpsSIM28.get_time, (rtc, status_logger)) except Exception as e: status_logger.exception("Exception in the main") led_lock.acquire() pycom.rgbled(0x550000) while True: time.sleep(5)
seg7(9,blue) elif i >= 60*8: seg7(8,green) elif i >= 60*7: seg7(7,blue) elif i >= 60*6: seg7(6,green) elif i >= 60*5: seg7(5,blue) elif i >= 60*4: seg7(4,bluegreen) elif i >= 60*3: seg7(3,green) elif i >= 60*2: seg7(2,yellow) elif i >= 60*1: seg7(1,purple) elif i > 0: seg7(0,red) else: seg7(0,red) buz.on() # 時間ぎれでブザー鳴る time.sleep(0.8) seg7(0,blank) time.sleep(0.1) i = t * 60 tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:led()) # 1秒ごとに割り込み
# lv.log_register_print_cb(lv_h.log) lv.log_register_print_cb( lambda level, path, line, msg: print('%s(%d): %s' % (path, line, msg))) scr = lv.obj() btn = lv.btn(scr) btn.align(lv.scr_act(), lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 0, 0) label = lv.label(btn) label.set_text("Button") label.set_size(20, 20) lv.scr_load(scr) def on_timer(timer): lv.tick_inc(5) timer = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PERIODIC, period=5, unit=Timer.UNIT_MS, callback=on_timer, arg=None) while True: tim = time.ticks_ms() lv.task_handler() while time.ticks_ms() - tim < 5: pass
import micropython micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) from machine import UART import os uart = UART(0, baudrate=115200) os.dupterm(uart) print ('UART initialised') #uart.irq(trigger=UART.RX_ANY, wake=machine.IDLE) from machine import Pin from machine import Timer led_out = Pin('GP16', mode=Pin.OUT) tim = Timer(1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC) tim_a =, freq=5) # The slowest frequency the timer can run at is 5Hz # so we divide the frequency down to toggle the LED # BUT the callback function doesn't appear to have been developed # Worth trying again as it is now included in the documentation tim_a.irq(handler=lambda t:led_out.toggle(), trigger=Timer.TIMEOUT) # Toggle LED on Timer interrupt #btn_in = Pin('GP17', mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) # Connect to my WiFi import machine from network import WLAN wlan = WLAN() # get current object, without changing the mode
def blinking(self): pin = machine.Pin(PIN_D5, machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:pin.value(not pin.value()))