Пример #1
    def set_smearing(
        Sets up the smearing of measured momenta from shower and detector effects.

        This function can be called with pdgids=None, in which case the settinigs are used for all visible particles,
        or with pdgids set to a list of PDG ids representing particles, for instance [11, -11] for electrons (and

        For all particles of this type, and for the energy, pT, phi, and eta, the measurement error is drawn from a
        Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation given by `(X_resolution_abs + X * X_resolution_rel)`. Here `X` is
        the quantity (E, pT, phi, eta) of interest and X_resolution_abs and X_resolution_rel are the corresponding
        keywords. In the case of energy and pT, values smaller than 0  will lead to a re-drawing of the measurement

        Instead of such numerical values, either the energy or pT resolution (but not both!) may be set to None. In
        this case, this quantity is calculated from the mass of the particle and all other smeared particles. For
        instance, when pt_resolution_abs is None or pt_resolution_rel is None, for the given particles the energy,
        phi, and eta are smeared (according to their respective resolutions). Then the transverse momentum is calculated
        from the on-shell condition `p^2 = m^2`, or `pT = sqrt(E^2 - m^2) / cosh(eta)`. When this does not have a
        solution, the pT is set to zero. On the other hand, when energy_resolution_abs is None or energy_resolution_abs
        is None, for the given particles the pT, phi, and eta are smeared, and then the energy is calculated as
        `E = sqrt(pT * cosh(eta))^2 + m^2)`.

        pdgids : None or list of int, optional
            Defines the particles these smearing functions affect. If None, all particles are affected. Note that if
            set_smearing() is called multiple times for a given particle, the earlier calls will be forgotten and only
            the last smearing function will take effect. Default value: None.

        energy_resolution_abs : float or None, optional
            Absolute measurement uncertainty for the energy in GeV. None means that the energy is not smeared directly,
            but calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0.

        energy_resolution_rel : float or None, optional
            Relative measurement uncertainty for the energy. None means that the energy is not smeared directly, but
            calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0.

        pt_resolution_abs : float or None, optional
            Absolute measurement uncertainty for the pT in GeV. None means that the pT is not smeared directly, but
            calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0.

        pt_resolution_rel : float or None, optional
            Relative measurement uncertainty for the pT. None means that the pT is not smeared directly, but
            calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0.

        eta_resolution_abs : float, optional
            Absolute measurement uncertainty for eta. Default value: 0.

        eta_resolution_rel : float, optional
            Relative measurement uncertainty for eta. Default value: 0.

        phi_resolution_abs : float, optional
            Absolute measurement uncertainty for phi. Default value: 0.

        phi_resolution_rel : float, optional
            Relative measurement uncertainty for phi. Default value: 0.



        if pdgids is None:
            pdgids = get_elementary_pdg_ids()

        for pdgid in pdgids:
            self.energy_resolution[pdgid] = (energy_resolution_abs, energy_resolution_rel)
            self.pt_resolution[pdgid] = (pt_resolution_abs, pt_resolution_rel)
            self.eta_resolution[pdgid] = (eta_resolution_abs, eta_resolution_rel)
            self.phi_resolution[pdgid] = (phi_resolution_abs, phi_resolution_rel)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, filename):
        # Initialize samples
        self.lhe_sample_filenames = []
        self.sample_k_factors = []
        self.sample_is_backgrounds = []
        self.sampling_benchmarks = []
        self.sample_systematics = []

        # Initialize observables
        self.observables = OrderedDict()

        # Initialize cuts
        self.cuts = []

        # Initialize efficiencies
        self.efficiencies = []

        # Smearing function parameters
        self.energy_resolution = {}
        self.pt_resolution = {}
        self.eta_resolution = {}
        self.phi_resolution = {}

        for pdgid in get_elementary_pdg_ids():
            self.energy_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0)
            self.pt_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0)
            self.eta_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0)
            self.phi_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0)
        self.pt_resolution["met"] = (0.0, 0.0)

        # Initialize samples
        self.reference_benchmark = None
        self.observations = None
        self.weights = None
        self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids = []

        # Initialize event summary
        self.signal_events_per_benchmark = None
        self.background_events = None

        # Information from .h5 file
        self.filename = filename

        ) = load_madminer_settings(filename, include_nuisance_benchmarks=False)

        self.benchmark_names_phys = list(benchmarks.keys())
        self.n_benchmarks_phys = len(benchmarks)

        # Initialize nuisance parameters
        self.nuisance_parameters = OrderedDict()