Пример #1
def subdir_recurse(listing, path, depth=1):
    # XXX add a knob for this
    if depth > 256:
        _out.die('reached max recursion depth')

    for idx in range(len(listing)):
        d_or_f, fname = (listing[idx]['type'], listing[idx]['name'])
        this_path     = ''.join([path, '/', fname])

        if d_or_f == 'directory':
            listing[idx] = subdir_recurse(listing[idx]['contents'],
                                          this_path, depth+1)
        elif d_or_f == 'file':
            title          = Struct()
            title.basename = path
            title.name     = fname
            title.path     = this_path
            listing[idx]   = title
        else: # sanity check
            _out.die('BUG: unsupported file type `{}`'.format(d_or_f))

    if depth != 1:
        return listing

    return _util.flatten_sublists(listing)
Пример #2
def rem_subdir_recurse(listing, path, depth=1):
    # XXX add a knob for this
    if depth > 256:
        _out.die('reached max recursion depth')

    for idx in range(len(listing)):
        # madokami's FTP LIST format is long ls, [{}/ are meta tokens]:
        # {d,-}rwxrwxrwx 1 u g sz mon day y/time fname
        #  |                                     |
        #  |=> directory or regular file         |=> filename
        # XXX: while highly unlikely that whitespace gives any significant
        # distinction beyond one space, the split() module splits by any amount         # of wspace; thus, when re-join()ed, any extra wspace is truncated to
        # one space.
        fields        = listing[idx].split()
        d_or_f, fname = (fields[0][:1], ' '.join(fields[8:]))
        this_path     = ''.join([path, '/', fname])

        if d_or_f == 'd':
            listing[idx] = rem_subdir_recurse(search_exact(this_path, True)
                                              this_path, depth+1)
        elif d_or_f == '-': # is reg file
            title          = Struct()
            title.basename = path
            title.name     = fname
            title.path     = this_path
            listing[idx]   = title
        else: # sanity check
            _out.die('BUG: unsupported file type `{}`'.format(d_or_f))

    if depth != 1:
        return listing

    return _util.flatten_sublists(listing)