def parse_layer(self,shapefile, layername, fields_of_interest): ds = DataSource(shapefile) lyr = ds[0] num_feat = lyr.num_feat overwrite = True if overwrite: try: old_lyr = Layer.objects.get(name=layername) old_lyr.delete() except: pass try: the_layer = Layer(name=layername) except: raise Exception('Unable to create layer named %s' % layername) wgs84 = SpatialReference(4326) pctdone = 0 for feat in lyr: try: the_geometry = feat.geom.transform(wgs84,clone=True) the_feature = Feature(layer=the_layer, geom=the_geometry.wkt) except: raise Exception('Unable to create feature') try: for fld in lyr.fields: if fld in fields_of_interest or len(fields_of_interest) == 0: the_attribute = Attribute(key=fld, value=str(feat[fld]), feature=the_feature) except: raise Exception('Unable to create attribute') oldpctdone = pctdone pctdone = int((feat.fid * 100.) / float(num_feat)) if pctdone > oldpctdone: print "Completed %d percent of %d features" % (pctdone, num_feat)
def parse_layer(self,rast, layername, srs): ds = gdal.Open(rast) if ds is None: raise Exception("Dataset is not valid") else: rast = os.path.abspath(rast) if srs: srscmdpart = "-a_srs '%s'" % srs else: srscmdpart = '' if ds.GetProjection() == '' or not ds.GetProjection(): raise Exception("Looks like the raster doesn't have a projection defined - use --srs") # Create a new layer overwrite = True if overwrite: try: old_lyr = Layer.objects.get(name=layername) old_lyr.delete() except: pass the_layer = Layer(name=layername) # Make a vrt copy of the dataset vrtpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,"xyquery_rasters",layername + ".vrt")) command = "gdal_translate %s -of VRT '%s' '%s'" % (srscmdpart, rast, vrtpath) output = Popen(command, shell=True).communicate()[0] ds = gdal.Open(vrtpath) if not ds or not os.path.exists(vrtpath): raise Exception("%s does not exist .. somthing went screwy in the gdal_translate command \n\n %s" % (vrtpath, command)) del ds # Create a new raster model instance the_raster = Raster(layer=the_layer, filepath=vrtpath)