Пример #1
def set_key(df, key):
    Set the key attribute for a dataframe

        df (pandas dataframe): Dataframe for which the key must be set
        key (str): Key attribute in the dataframe

        status (bool). Returns True if the key attribute was set successfully,
        else returns False


    if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')
        raise AssertionError('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')

    if not key in df.columns:
        logger.error('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)
        raise KeyError('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)

    if ch.is_key_attribute(df, key) is False:
        logger.warning('Attribute (' + key + ') does not qualify to be a key; '
                       'Not setting/replacing the key')
        return False
        return set_property(df, 'key', key)
Пример #2
def set_key(df, key):
    Set the key attribute for a dataframe

        df (pandas dataframe): Dataframe for which the key must be set
        key (str): Key attribute in the dataframe

        status (bool). Returns True if the key attribute was set successfully,
        else returns False


    if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')
        raise AssertionError('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')

    if not key in df.columns:
        logger.error('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)
        raise KeyError('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)

    if ch.is_key_attribute(df, key) is False:
            'Attribute (' + key + ') does not qualify to be a key; '
                                  'Not setting/replacing the key')
        return False
        return set_property(df, 'key', key)
Пример #3
def validate_metadata_for_table(table, key, out_str, lgr, verbose):
    if not isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')
        raise AssertionError('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')

    if not key in table.columns:
        logger.error('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)
        raise KeyError('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)

    ch.log_info(lgr, 'Validating ' + out_str + ' key: ' + str(key), verbose)
    assert isinstance(key, six.string_types) is True, 'Key attribute must be a string.'
    assert ch.check_attrs_present(table,
                                  key) is True, 'Key attribute is not present in the ' + out_str + ' table'
    assert ch.is_key_attribute(table, key, verbose) == True, 'Attribute ' + str(key) + \
                                                             ' in the ' + out_str + ' table ' \
                                                                                    'does not qualify to be the key'
    ch.log_info(lgr, '..... Done', verbose)
    return True
Пример #4
def validate_metadata_for_table(table, key, out_str, lgr, verbose):
    if not isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')
        raise AssertionError('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')

    if not key in table.columns:
        logger.error('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)
        raise KeyError('Input key ( %s ) not in the dataframe' % key)

    ch.log_info(lgr, 'Validating ' + out_str + ' key: ' + str(key), verbose)
    assert isinstance(
        key, six.string_types) is True, 'Key attribute must be a string.'
    assert ch.check_attrs_present(
        table, key
    ) is True, 'Key attribute is not present in the ' + out_str + ' table'
    assert ch.is_key_attribute(table, key, verbose) == True, 'Attribute ' + str(key) + \
                                                             ' in the ' + out_str + ' table ' \
                                                                                    'does not qualify to be the key'
    ch.log_info(lgr, '..... Done', verbose)
    return True
Пример #5
 def test_is_key_attribute_invalid_attr(self):
     A = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     ch.is_key_attribute(A, None)
Пример #6
 def test_is_key_attribute_invalid_df(self):
     ch.is_key_attribute(None, 'id')
Пример #7
 def test_is_key_attribute_valid_4(self):
     A = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'name'])
     status = ch.is_key_attribute(A, 'id')
     self.assertEqual(status, True)
Пример #8
 def test_is_key_attribute_valid_3(self):
     p = os.sep.join([catalog_datasets_path, 'A_mvals.csv'])
     A = pd.read_csv(p)
     status = ch.is_key_attribute(A, 'ID', True)
     self.assertEqual(status, False)
Пример #9
 def test_is_key_attribute_valid_2(self):
     A = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     status = ch.is_key_attribute(A, 'zipcode', True)
     self.assertEqual(status, False)
Пример #10
 def test_is_key_attribute_valid_1(self):
     A = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     status = ch.is_key_attribute(A, 'ID', True)
     self.assertEqual(status, True)