Пример #1
def _get_truth_db_rois(subimg_path_base, filename_base, db_path_base=None):
    """Get ROIs from a truth database.
        subimg_path_base (str): Base path with sub-image.
        filename_base (str): Base path without sub-image to find the
            experiment, used only if an experiment cannot be found based on
        db_path_base (str): Path to database to load; defaults to None
            to use :attr:`config.truth_db`.

        str, list[:class:`sqlite3.Row`]: Found experiment name and
        list of database ROI rows in that experiment, or None for each
        if the ROIs are not found.

    name = None
    exp_rois = None
    if db_path_base:
        # load truth DB
        _logger.debug("Loading truth db for verifications from '%s'",
    if config.truth_db is not None:
        # load experiment and ROIs from truth DB using the sub-image-based
        # name; series not included in exp name since in ROI
        name = sqlite.get_exp_name(subimg_path_base)
        _logger.debug("Loading truth ROIs from experiment '%s'", name)
        exp_rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(name)
        if exp_rois is None:
            # exp may have been named without sub-image
            old_name = name
            name = sqlite.get_exp_name(filename_base)
                "'%s' experiment name not found, will try without any "
                "sub-image offset/size: '%s'", old_name, name)
            exp_rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(name)
        if exp_rois is None:
            # exp may differ from image name all together
                "'%s' experiment name not found, will try first "
                "available experiment", name)
            exps = config.truth_db.select_experiment()
            if exps:
                name = exps[0]["name"]
                    "Loading ROIs from first available experiment: '%s'", name)
                exp_rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(name)
    if not exp_rois:
        _logger.warn("No matching experiments found in the truth database")
    return name, exp_rois
Пример #2
def _get_truth_db_rois(subimg_path_base, filename_base, db_path_base=None):
    """Get ROIs from a truth database.
        subimg_path_base (str): Base path with sub-image.
        filename_base (str): Base path without sub-image to find the
            experiment, used only if an experiment cannot be found based on
        db_path_base (str): Path to database to load; defaults to None
            to use :attr:`config.truth_db`.

        str, list[:class:`sqlite3.Row`]: Found experiment name and
        list of database ROI rows in that experiment, or None for each
        if the ROIs are not found.

    name = None
    exp_rois = None
    if db_path_base:
        # load truth DB
        print("Loading truth db for verifications from", db_path_base)
    if config.truth_db is not None:
        # load experiment and ROIs from truth DB using the sub-image-based
        # name; series not included in exp name since in ROI
        name = sqlite.get_exp_name(subimg_path_base)
        print("Loading truth ROIs from experiment:", name)
        exp_rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(name)
        if exp_rois is None:
            # exp may have been named without sub-image
            print("{} experiment name not found, will try without "
                  "sub-image offset/size".format(name))
            name = sqlite.get_exp_name(filename_base)
            exp_rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(name)
    return name, exp_rois
Пример #3
def setup_dbs():
    """Set up databases for the given image file.
    Only sets up each database if it has not been set up already.
    # prep filename
    filename_base = None
    if config.filename:
        filename_base = importer.filename_to_base(config.filename,

    # get any user-supplied truth database path, falling back to name based
    # on filename or default name
    truth_db_path = config.truth_db_params[config.TruthDB.PATH]
    user_dir = config.user_app_dirs.user_data_dir
    truth_db_name_base = filename_base if filename_base else os.path.join(
        user_dir, sqlite.DB_NAME_BASE)

    if config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VIEW:
        # loads truth DB as a separate database in parallel with the given
        # editable database, with name based on filename by default unless
        # truth DB name explicitly given
        path = truth_db_path if truth_db_path else truth_db_name_base
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            print("Could not load truth DB from current image path")
    elif config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VERIFY:
        if not config.verified_db:
            # creates a new verified DB to store all ROC results
            config.verified_db = sqlite.ClrDB()
                os.path.join(user_dir, sqlite.DB_NAME_VERIFIED), True)
        if truth_db_path:
            # load truth DB path to verify against if explicitly given
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                print("Could not load truth DB from {}".format(truth_db_path))
    elif config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VERIFIED:
        # loads verified DB as the main DB, which includes copies of truth
        # values with flags for whether they were detected
        path = os.path.join(user_dir, sqlite.DB_NAME_VERIFIED)
        if truth_db_path: path = truth_db_path
            config.db = sqlite.ClrDB()
            config.verified_db = config.db
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            print("Could not load verified DB from {}".format(
    elif config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.EDIT:
        # loads truth DB as the main database for editing rather than
        # loading as a truth database
        config.db_path = truth_db_path
        if not config.db_path:
            config.db_path = "{}{}".format(
                os.path.basename(truth_db_name_base), sqlite.DB_SUFFIX_TRUTH)
        print("Editing truth database at {}".format(config.db_path))

    if config.db is None:
        # load the main database
        config.db = sqlite.ClrDB()
        config.db.load_db(None, False)
Пример #4
def detect_blobs_large_image(filename_base, image5d, offset, size,
                             verify=False, save_dfs=True, full_roi=False):
    """Detect blobs within a large image through parallel processing of 
    smaller chunks.
        filename_base: Base path to use file output.
        image5d: Large image to process as a Numpy array of t,z,y,x,[c]
        offset: Sub-image offset given as coordinates in z,y,x.
        size: Sub-image shape given in z,y,x.
        verify: True to verify detections against truth database; defaults 
            to False.
        save_dfs: True to save data frames to file; defaults to True.
        full_roi (bool): True to treat ``image5d`` as the full ROI; defaults
            to False.
    time_start = time()
    if size is None or offset is None:
        # uses the entire stack if no size or offset specified
        size = image5d.shape[1:4]
        offset = (0, 0, 0)
        # change base filename for ROI-based partial stack
        filename_base = make_subimage_name(filename_base, offset, size)
    filename_subimg = libmag.combine_paths(filename_base, config.SUFFIX_SUBIMG)
    filename_blobs = libmag.combine_paths(filename_base, config.SUFFIX_BLOBS)
    # get ROI for given region, including all channels
    if full_roi:
        # treat the full image as the ROI
        roi = image5d[0]
        roi = plot_3d.prepare_subimg(image5d, size, offset)
    _, channels = plot_3d.setup_channels(roi, config.channel, 3)
    # prep chunking ROI into sub-ROIs with size based on segment_size, scaling
    # by physical units to make more independent of resolution
    time_detection_start = time()
    settings = config.roi_profile  # use default settings
    scaling_factor = detector.calc_scaling_factor()
    print("microsope scaling factor based on resolutions: {}"
    denoise_size = config.roi_profile["denoise_size"]
    denoise_max_shape = None
    if denoise_size:
        # further subdivide each sub-ROI for local preprocessing
        denoise_max_shape = np.ceil(
            np.multiply(scaling_factor, denoise_size)).astype(int)

    # overlap sub-ROIs to minimize edge effects
    overlap_base = chunking.calc_overlap()
    tol = np.multiply(overlap_base, settings["prune_tol_factor"]).astype(int)
    overlap_padding = np.copy(tol)
    overlap = np.copy(overlap_base)
    exclude_border = config.roi_profile["exclude_border"]
    if exclude_border is not None:
        # exclude border to avoid blob detector edge effects, where blobs
        # often collect at the faces of the sub-ROI;
        # ensure that overlap is greater than twice the border exclusion per
        # axis so that no plane will be excluded from both overlapping sub-ROIs
        exclude_border_thresh = np.multiply(2, exclude_border)
        overlap_less = np.less(overlap, exclude_border_thresh)
        overlap[overlap_less] = exclude_border_thresh[overlap_less]
        excluded = np.greater(exclude_border, 0)
        overlap[excluded] += 1  # additional padding
        overlap_padding[excluded] = 0  # no need to prune past excluded border
    print("sub-ROI overlap: {}, pruning tolerance: {}, padding beyond "
          "overlap for pruning: {}, exclude borders: {}"
          .format(overlap, tol, overlap_padding, exclude_border))
    max_pixels = np.ceil(np.multiply(
    print("preprocessing max shape: {}, detection max pixels: {}"
          .format(denoise_max_shape, max_pixels))
    sub_roi_slices, sub_rois_offsets = chunking.stack_splitter(
        roi.shape, max_pixels, overlap)
    # TODO: option to distribute groups of sub-ROIs to different servers 
    # for blob detection
    seg_rois = detect_blobs_sub_rois(
        roi, sub_roi_slices, sub_rois_offsets, denoise_max_shape, exclude_border)
    detection_time = time() - time_detection_start
    print("blob detection time (s):", detection_time)
    # prune blobs in overlapping portions of sub-ROIs
    time_pruning_start = time()
    segments_all, df_pruning = _prune_blobs_mp(
        roi, seg_rois, overlap, tol, sub_roi_slices, sub_rois_offsets, channels,
    pruning_time = time() - time_pruning_start
    print("blob pruning time (s):", pruning_time)
    #print("maxes:", np.amax(segments_all, axis=0))
    # get weighted mean of ratios
    if df_pruning is not None:
        print("\nBlob pruning ratios:")
        path_pruning = "blob_ratios.csv" if save_dfs else None
        df_pruning_all = df_io.data_frames_to_csv(
            df_pruning, path_pruning, show=" ")
        cols = df_pruning_all.columns.tolist()
        blob_pruning_means = {}
        if "blobs" in cols:
            blobs_unpruned = df_pruning_all["blobs"]
            num_blobs_unpruned = np.sum(blobs_unpruned)
            for col in cols[1:]:
                blob_pruning_means["mean_{}".format(col)] = [
                    np.sum(np.multiply(df_pruning_all[col], blobs_unpruned)) 
                    / num_blobs_unpruned]
            path_pruning_means = "blob_ratios_means.csv" if save_dfs else None
            df_pruning_means = df_io.dict_to_data_frame(
                blob_pruning_means, path_pruning_means, show=" ")
            print("no blob ratios found")
    '''# report any remaining duplicates
    np.set_printoptions(linewidth=500, threshold=10000000)
    print("all blobs (len {}):".format(len(segments_all)))
    sort = np.lexsort(
        (segments_all[:, 2], segments_all[:, 1], segments_all[:, 0]))
    blobs = segments_all[sort]
    print("checking for duplicates in all:")
    print(detector.remove_duplicate_blobs(blobs, slice(0, 3)))
    stats_detection = None
    fdbk = None
    if segments_all is not None:
        # remove the duplicated elements that were used for pruning
        segments_all = detector.remove_abs_blob_coords(segments_all)
        # compare detected blobs with truth blobs
        # TODO: assumes ground truth is relative to any ROI offset,
        # but should make customizable
        if verify:
            db_path_base = None
            exp_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config.filename))[0]
                if config.truth_db is None:
                    # find and load truth DB based on filename and subimage
                    db_path_base = os.path.basename(filename_base)
                    print("about to verify with truth db from {}"
                if config.truth_db is not None:
                    # truth DB may contain multiple experiments for different
                    # subimages; series not included in exp name since in ROI
                    rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(exp_name)
                    if rois is None:
                        # exp may have been named by ROI
                        print("{} experiment name not found, will try with"
                              "ROI offset/size".format(exp_name))
                        exp_name = make_subimage_name(exp_name, offset, size)
                        rois = config.truth_db.get_rois(exp_name)
                    if rois is None:
                        raise LookupError(
                            "No truth set ROIs found for experiment {}, will "
                            "skip detection verification".format(exp_name))
                    print("load ROIs from exp: {}".format(exp_name))
                    exp_id = sqlite.insert_experiment(
                        config.verified_db.conn, config.verified_db.cur, 
                        exp_name, None)
                    verify_tol = np.multiply(
                        overlap_base, settings["verify_tol_factor"])
                    stats_detection, fdbk = detector.verify_rois(
                        rois, segments_all, config.truth_db.blobs_truth, 
                        verify_tol, config.verified_db, exp_id, config.channel)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                libmag.warn("Could not load truth DB from {}; "
                            "will not verify ROIs".format(db_path_base))
            except LookupError as e:
    file_time_start = time()
    if config.save_subimg:
        if (isinstance(config.image5d, np.memmap) and 
                config.image5d.filename == os.path.abspath(filename_subimg)):
            # file at sub-image save path may have been opened as a memmap
            # file, in which case saving would fail
            libmag.warn("{} is currently open, cannot save sub-image"
            # write sub-image, which is in ROI (3D) format
            with open(filename_subimg, "wb") as f:
                np.save(f, roi)

    # save blobs
    # TODO: only segments used; consider removing the rest except ver
    outfile_blobs = open(filename_blobs, "wb")
    np.savez(outfile_blobs, ver=BLOBS_NP_VER, segments=segments_all,
             basename=os.path.basename(config.filename),  # only save name
             offset=offset, roi_size=size)  # None unless explicitly set
    file_save_time = time() - file_time_start
    # whole image benchmarking time
    times = (
        time() - time_start)
    times_dict = {}
    for key, val in zip(StackTimes, times):
        times_dict[key] = val
    if segments_all is None:
        print("\nNo blobs detected")
        print("\nTotal blobs found:", len(segments_all))
    print("file save time:", file_save_time)
    print("\nTotal detection processing times (s):")
    path_times = "stack_detection_times.csv" if save_dfs else None
    df_io.dict_to_data_frame(times_dict, path_times, show=" ")
    return stats_detection, fdbk, segments_all
Пример #5
def setup_dbs(filename_base, db_path=None, truth_db_config=None):
    """Set up databases for the given image file if the given database has
    not been set up already.
        filename_base (str): Image base path.
        db_path (str): Main database path; defaults to None to use a default
        truth_db_config (List[str]): Sequence of truth database configuration
            settings; defaults to None to not load truth-related databases.
    if db_path:
        config.db_name = db_path
        print("Set database name to {}".format(config.db_name))

    # load "truth blobs" from separate database for viewing
    if truth_db_config is not None:
        # set the truth database mode
        config.truth_db_params = args_to_dict(truth_db_config,
        mode = config.truth_db_params[config.TruthDB.MODE]
        config.truth_db_mode = libmag.get_enum(mode, config.TruthDBModes)
        print("Mapped \"{}\" truth_db mode to {}".format(
            mode, config.truth_db_mode))
    truth_db_path = config.truth_db_params[config.TruthDB.PATH]
    truth_db_name_base = filename_base if filename_base else sqlite.DB_NAME_BASE
    if config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VIEW:
        # loads truth DB as a separate database in parallel with the given
        # editable database, with name based on filename by default unless
        # truth DB name explicitly given
        path = truth_db_path if truth_db_path else truth_db_name_base
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            print("Could not load truth DB from current image path")
    elif config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VERIFY:
        if not config.verified_db:
            # creates a new verified DB to store all ROC results
            config.verified_db = sqlite.ClrDB()
            config.verified_db.load_db(sqlite.DB_NAME_VERIFIED, True)
        if truth_db_path:
            # load truth DB path to verify against if explicitly given
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                print("Could not load truth DB from {}".format(truth_db_path))
    elif config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VERIFIED:
        # loads verified DB as the main DB, which includes copies of truth
        # values with flags for whether they were detected
        path = sqlite.DB_NAME_VERIFIED
        if truth_db_path: path = truth_db_path
            config.db = sqlite.ClrDB()
            config.verified_db = config.db
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            print("Could not load verified DB from {}".format(
    elif config.truth_db_mode is config.TruthDBModes.EDIT:
        # loads truth DB as the main database for editing rather than
        # loading as a truth database
        config.db_name = truth_db_path
        if not config.db_name:
            config.db_name = "{}{}".format(
                os.path.basename(truth_db_name_base), sqlite.DB_SUFFIX_TRUTH)
        print("Editing truth database at {}".format(config.db_name))

    if config.db is None:
        config.db = sqlite.ClrDB()
        config.db.load_db(None, False)