Пример #1
def Bfield_Dipole(M, pos):
    R = pos
    rr = fastSum3D(R * R)
    mr = fastSum3D(M * R)

    if rr == 0:
        warn('Warning: getB Position directly at moment position',
        return array([NaN, NaN, NaN])

    return (3 * R * mr - M * rr) / rr**(5 / 2) / (4 * pi)
Пример #2
def Bfield_Sphere(MAG, pos, D):  # returns array, takes (arr3, arr3, float)

    radius = D/2
    r = fastNorm3D(pos)

    if r > radius:
        return radius**3/3*(-MAG/r**3 + 3*fastSum3D(MAG*pos)*pos/r**5)
    elif r == radius:
        warn('Warning: getB Position directly on magnet surface', RuntimeWarning)
        return array([NaN, NaN, NaN])
        return 2/3*MAG
Пример #3
def test_algebraic():
    assert round(getPhi(1, 2), 4) == 1.1071, "bad getPhi result at (1,2)"
    assert round(getPhi(1, 0), 4) == 0.0, "bad getPhi result at (1,0)"
    assert round(getPhi(-1, 0), 4) == 3.1416, "bad getPhi result at (-1,0)"
    assert round(getPhi(0, 0), 4) == 0.0, "bad getPhi result at (0,0)"

    assert round(arccosSTABLE(2), 4) == 0.0, "bad arccosStable at (2)"
    assert round(arccosSTABLE(-2), 4) == 3.1416, "bad arccosStable at (-2)"

    assert all(fastCross3D([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]) == array(
        [-4, 8, -4])), "bad fastCross3D"

    assert round(fastSum3D([2.3, 5.6, 2.0]), 2) == 9.90, "bad fastSum3D"

    assert round(fastNorm3D([58.2, 25, 25]), 4) == 68.0973, "bad fastNorm3D"
Пример #4
    def rotate(self, angle, axis, anchor='self.position'):
        This method rotates the source about `axis` by `angle`. The axis passes
        through the center of rotation anchor. Scalar input is either integer or
        float. Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any
        data type (float, int).

        angle  : scalar [deg]
            Set angle of rotation in units of [deg]
        axis : vec3 []
            Set axis of rotation
        anchor : vec3 [mm]
            Specify the Center of rotation which defines the position of the
            axis of rotation. If not specified the source will rotate about its
            own center.


        >>> from magpylib import source
        >>> pm = source.magnet.Sphere(mag=[0,0,1000], dim=1)
        >>> print(pm.position, pm.angle, pm.axis)
          [0. 0. 0.] 0.0 [0. 0. 1.]
        >>> pm.rotate(90, [0,1,0], anchor=[1,0,0])
        >>> print(pm.position, pm.angle, pm.axis)
          [1., 0., 1.] 90.0 [0., 1., 0.]
        # secure type
        ax = array(axis, dtype=float64, copy=False)

            ang = float(angle)
        except ValueError:
            sys.exit('Bad angle input')

        if str(anchor) == 'self.position':
            anchor = self.position
            anchor = array(anchor, dtype=float64, copy=False)

        # check input
        if any(isnan(ax)) or len(ax) != 3:
            sys.exit('Bad axis input')
        if fastSum3D(ax**2) == 0:
            sys.exit('Bad axis input')
        if any(isnan(anchor)) or len(anchor) != 3:
            sys.exit('Bad anchor input')

        # determine Rotation Quaternion Q from self.axis-angle
        Q = getRotQuat(self.angle, self.axis)

        # determine rotation Quaternion P from rot input
        P = getRotQuat(ang, ax)

        # determine new orientation quaternion which follows from P.Q v (P.Q)*
        R = Qmult(P, Q)

        # reconstruct new axis-angle from new orientation quaternion
        ang3 = arccosSTABLE(R[0]) * 180 / pi * 2

        ax3 = R[1:]  # konstanter mult faktor ist wurscht für ax3
        self.angle = ang3
        if ang3 == 0:  # avoid returning a [0,0,0] axis
            self.axis = array([0, 0, 1])
            Lax3 = fastNorm3D(ax3)
            self.axis = array(ax3) / Lax3

        # set new position using P.v.P*
        posOld = self.position - anchor
        Vold = [0] + [p for p in posOld]
        Vnew = Qmult(P, Qmult(Vold, Qconj(P)))
        self.position = array(Vnew[1:]) + anchor