def filter_channel(im):
    '''Compute filtered versions of an image

    im : ndarray
        input image (2D)

    fs : ndarray
        filtered version of the image (3D array)
    import numpy as np
    import mahotas as mh
    Tg = im > im.mean()
    T2g = im > (im.mean() + 2*im.std())
    zim = im-im.mean()
    zim /= im.std()
    z8 = mh.gaussian_filter(zim, 8)
    z4 = mh.gaussian_filter(zim, 4)
    z12 = mh.gaussian_filter(zim, 12)
    z16 = mh.gaussian_filter(zim, 16)
    zdiff = z16 - z8
    sob = mh.sobel(im, just_filter=True)
    return np.dstack([
            Tg, T2g, zim, z4, z8, z12, z16, zdiff, sob])
Пример #2
    def create_ring(self):
        im = self._image
        # This breaks up the image into RGB channels
        r, g, b = im.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        h, w = r.shape
        # smooth the image per channel:
        r12 = mh.gaussian_filter(r, 12.)
        g12 = mh.gaussian_filter(g, 12.)
        b12 = mh.gaussian_filter(b, 12.)
        # build back the RGB image
        im12 = mh.as_rgb(r12, g12, b12)
        X, Y = np.mgrid[:h, :w]
        X = X - h / 2.
        Y = Y - w / 2.
        X /= X.max()
        Y /= Y.max()
        # Array C will have the highest values in the center, fading out to the edges:
        C = np.exp(-2. * (X ** 2 + Y ** 2))
        C -= C.min()
        C /= C.ptp()
        C = C[:, :, None]
        # The final result is sharp in the centre and smooths out to the borders:
        ring = mh.stretch(im * C + (1 - C) * im12)

        return ring
Пример #3
def test_float_input():
    "[watershed]: Compare floating point input with integer input"
    f = np.random.random((128,64))
    f = mh.gaussian_filter(f, 8.)
    f = mh.gaussian_filter(f, 8.)
    markers,_ = mh.label(mh.regmin(f))
    f = np.round(f * 2**30)
    wf = mh.cwatershed(f / 2**30., markers)
    w32 = mh.cwatershed(f.astype(np.int32), markers)
    assert (wf == w32).mean() > .999
def pixel_features(histone, dna, rois):
    features,labels = pixel_features(histone, dna, rois, scale)
    features = pixel_features(histone, dna, None, scale)

    histone : ndarray
    dna : ndarray
    rois : ndarray or None

    features : ndarray
        2D array features for each region
    labels : ndarray (only if ``rois is not None``)
        for the corresponding region, returns the fraction of NETs
    import numpy as np
    import mahotas as mh
    if rois is not None:
        rois = (rois > 0)
        rois = rois.astype(float)
        rois = mh.gaussian_filter(rois, 8)
    fs = np.dstack((filter_channel(histone), filter_channel(dna)))
    step = 8
    fs = fs[16::step, 16::step]
    fs = fs.reshape((-1,fs.shape[-1]))
    fs = np.hstack((np.ones([len(fs),1]), fs))
    if rois is None:
        return fs
    labels = rois[16::step, 16::step]
    labels = labels.ravel()
    return fs, labels
Пример #5
def test_find_edge():
    import mahotas as mh
    f = np.zeros((32,48))
    f[:,16:] = 255
    f = mh.gaussian_filter(f,4)
    fs = sobel(f)
    assert np.all(fs[:,15] > 0)
Пример #6
    def smooth(self, sigma, inplace=True):
        '''Applies a Gaussian smoothing filter to the pixels array.

        sigma: int
            size of the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel
        inplace: bool, optional
            smooth the array inplace instead of returning a copy
            (default: ``True``)

            smoothed image
        array = mh.gaussian_filter(self.array, sigma)
        if inplace:
            self.array = array
            self.metadata.is_smoothed = True
            return self
            new_img = self.__class__(array, self.metadata)
            new_img.metadata.is_smoothed = True
            return new_img
Пример #7
def method2(image, sigma):
    image = mh.imread(image)[:, :, 0]
    image = mh.gaussian_filter(image, sigma)
    image = mh.stretch(image)
    binimage = image > mh.otsu(image)
    labeled, _ = mh.label(binimage)
    return labeled
Пример #8
def get_green_image(img):
    imghsv = skimage.color.rgb2hsv(img)
    greenpixels = (imghsv[:,:,0] > .2) * (imghsv[:,:,0] < .7) * (imghsv[:,:,1] > .18)
    greenpixels = mh.gaussian_filter(greenpixels, 2) > .5
    alpha = np.ones(img.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') * 255
    img = np.dstack((img[:,:,0], img[:,:,1], img[:,:,2], alpha))
    img[-greenpixels] = [255,255,255,0]
    return img
def _segment(histone):
    markers = np.zeros_like(histone)
    markers[16::32, 16::32] = 1
    markers, _ = mh.label(markers)
    regions = mh.cwatershed(histone.max() - mh.gaussian_filter(histone, 1.2).astype(int), markers)
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(regions.astype(np.intc))
    invalid, = np.where(sizes < 512)
    return mh.labeled.relabel(mh.labeled.remove_regions(regions.astype(np.intc), invalid))
def center_focus(im,f):
  r, g, b = im.transpose(2,0,1)
  r12 = mh.gaussian_filter(r, 12.0)
  g12 = mh.gaussian_filter(g, 12.0)
  b12 = mh.gaussian_filter(b, 12.0)
  im12 = mh.as_rgb(r12,g12,b12)
  h, w = r.shape 
  Y, X = np.mgrid[:h,:w]
  Y = Y-h/2.0
  Y = Y/Y.max()
  X = X-w/2.0
  X = X/X.max()
  W = np.exp(-2.0*(X**2 + Y**2)/0.5)
  W = W - W.min()
  W = W/W.ptp()
  W = W[:, :, None]
  ringed = mh.stretch(im*W + (1.0-W)*im12)
  plt.savefig(f) () 
Пример #11
def peppers():
    # This last image is the peppers.png file
    my_image = mh.imread(filename3)
    T = mh.otsu(my_image)
    b_image = (my_image > T)
    g_image = mh.gaussian_filter(b_image, 15)
    rmax = mh.regmax(g_image)
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(rmax)
    centers = mh.center_of_mass(my_image, labeled)[1:]
    print "The peppers.png file contains ", nr_objects, " objects."
    o = 1
    for center in centers:
        print "Object %s center: [ %s, %s ]"               %(o, round(center[1], 0), round(center[0], 0))
        o = o + 1
Пример #12
def objects():
    # The second image is the objects.png file
    #import image from file
    my_image = mh.imread(filename2)
    #use the mean to form a binary image
    b_image = (my_image > my_image.mean())
    #use gaussian filter
    g_image = mh.gaussian_filter(b_image, 1.5)
    #count the number of objects in the picture
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(g_image)
    #find center point for each object
    centers = mh.center_of_mass(my_image, labeled)[1:]
    print "The objects.png contains ", nr_objects, " objects."
    o = 1
    for center in centers:
        print "Object %s center: [ %s, %s ]"               %(o, round(center[1], 0), round(center[0], 0))
        o = o + 1
Пример #13
def _segment(cell):
    # takes a numpy array of a microscopy
    # segments it based on filtering the image then applying a distance transform and
    # a watershed method to get the proper segmentation

    import mahotas as mh
    filt_cell = mh.gaussian_filter(cell, 2)
    T = mh.thresholding.otsu((np.rint(filt_cell).astype('uint8')))
    dist = mh.stretch(mh.distance(filt_cell > T))
    Bc = np.ones((3,3))
    rmax = mh.regmin((dist))
    rmax = np.invert(rmax)
    labels, num_cells = mh.label(rmax, Bc)
    surface = (dist.max() - dist)
    areas = mh.cwatershed(dist, labels)
    areas *= T
    return areas
Пример #14
def segment(fname):
    dna = mh.imread(fname)
    dna = dna[:,:,0]

    sigma = 12.
    dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, sigma)

    T_mean = dnaf.mean()
    bin_image = dnaf > T_mean
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(bin_image)

    maxima = mh.regmax(mh.stretch(dnaf))
    maxima = mh.dilate(maxima, np.ones((5,5)))
    maxima,_ = mh.label(maxima)
    dist = mh.distance(bin_image)
    dist = 255 - mh.stretch(dist)
    watershed = mh.cwatershed(dist, maxima)
    watershed *= bin_image
    return watershed
Пример #15
def get_building_image(img):
    bldg = (img[:,:,0]==242) * (img[:,:,1]==240) * (img[:,:,2]==233)
    bldg2 = (img[:,:,0]==242) * (img[:,:,1]==238) * (img[:,:,2]==226)
    bldg3 = (img[:,:,0]==244) * (img[:,:,1]==242) * (img[:,:,2]==234)
    bldg4 = (img[:,:,0]==210) * (img[:,:,1]==210) * (img[:,:,2]==217)
    bldg5 = (img[:,:,0]==248) * (img[:,:,1]==248) * (img[:,:,2]==240)
    bldg6 = (img[:,:,0]==217) * (img[:,:,1]==217) * (img[:,:,2]==217)
    bldg7 = (img[:,:,0]==203) * (img[:,:,1]==202) * (img[:,:,2]==213)
    bldg8 = (img[:,:,0]==242) * (img[:,:,1]==242) * (img[:,:,2]==234)
    bldg9 = (img[:,:,0]==255) * (img[:,:,1]==255) * (img[:,:,2]==255)
    bldg10 = (img[:,:,0]==251) * (img[:,:,1]==247) * (img[:,:,2]==242)
    bldg11 = (img[:,:,0]==210) * (img[:,:,1]==207) * (img[:,:,2]==217)
    # TODO also ugh.
    bldg_pixels = bldg + bldg2 + bldg3 + bldg4 + bldg5 + bldg6 + bldg7 + bldg8 + bldg9 + bldg10 + bldg11
    bldg_pixels = mh.gaussian_filter(bldg_pixels, 2) > .5
    alpha = np.ones(img.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') * 255
    img = np.dstack((img[:,:,0], img[:,:,1], img[:,:,2], alpha))
    img[-bldg_pixels] = [0,0,0,0]
    img[bldg_pixels] = [55, 126, 184, 255]
    return img
Пример #16
def circles():
    # Image 1 is the circles.png file
    my_image = mh.imread(filename)
    # Threshold using the Riddler-Calvard method 
    # More on Riddler-Calvard:
    thres = mh.rc(my_image)
    #use the value to form a binary image
    b_image = (my_image > thres)
    #use gaussian filter
    g_image = mh.gaussian_filter(b_image, 33)
    #separate objects stuck together
    rmax = mh.regmax(g_image)
    #count the number of objects in the picture
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(rmax)
    #find center point for each object
    centers = mh.center_of_mass(my_image, labeled)[1:]
    print "The circles.png file contains ", nr_objects, " objects."
    o = 1
    for center in centers:
        print "Object %s center: %s" %(o, center)
        o = o + 1
def surf_grid(red, green, rois, scale):
    features,labels = surf_grid(histone, dna, rois, scale)
    features = surf_grid(histone, dna, None, scale)

    histone : ndarray
    dna : ndarray
    rois : ndarray or None

    features : ndarray
        2D array features for each region
    labels : ndarray (only if ``rois is not None``)
        for the corresponding region, returns the fraction of NETs
    import mahotas as mh
    import numpy as np
    locations = [(x,y,scale,1.,1.) for x in range(32,512,8) for y in range(32,512,8)]
    rfeatures =, locations, descriptor_only=False)
    gfeatures =, locations, descriptor_only=True)
    features = np.hstack((rfeatures, gfeatures))
    positions = features[:,:2].astype(int)
    features = features[:,5:]
    features.T[0] = 1

    if rois is None:
        return features
    rois = (rois > 0)
    rois = rois.astype(float)
    rois = mh.gaussian_filter(rois, 8)
    labels = np.array([rois[a,b] for a,b in positions])
    return features, labels
Пример #18
import mahotas as mh
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Load image & convert to B&W
image = mh.imread('AbelSimpleImageDataset/1.jpg')
image = mh.colors.rgb2grey(image, dtype=np.uint8)
plt.title('original image')

thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(image)
print('Otsu threshold is {}.'.format(thresh))

threshed = (image > thresh)
plt.title('threholded image')
mh.imsave('data/thresholded.png', threshed.astype(np.uint8) * 255)

im16 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 16)

# Repeat the thresholding operations with the blurred image
thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(im16.astype(np.uint8))
threshed = (im16 > thresh)
plt.title('threholded image (after blurring)')
print('Otsu threshold after blurring is {}.'.format(thresh))
mh.imsave('data/thresholded16.png', threshed.astype(np.uint8) * 255)
Пример #19
def test_gaussian_order():
    im = np.arange(64 * 64).reshape((64, 64))
    for order in (1, 2, 3):
        g_mat = mahotas.gaussian_filter(im, 2., order=order)
Пример #20
import numpy as np
import mahotas as mh
image = mh.imread('scene00.jpg')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
image = mh.colors.rgb2grey(image, dtype=np.uint8)
plt.imshow(image)  # Display the image
thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(image)
print('Otsu threshold is {}.'.format(thresh))
# Otsu 경계 값은 138이다
plt.imshow(image > thresh)

im16 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 16)
im = mh.demos.load('lenna')

r, g, b = im.transpose(2, 0, 1)
r12 = mh.gaussian_filter(r, 12.)
g12 = mh.gaussian_filter(g, 12.)
b12 = mh.gaussian_filter(b, 12.)
im12 = mh.as_rgb(r12, g12, b12)
h, w = r.shape  # 높이와 폭
Y, X = np.mgrid[:h, :w]
Y = Y - h / 2.  # h/2에 중앙화
Y = Y / Y.max()  # -1 .. +1로 정규화

X = X - w / 2.
X = X / X.max()

thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(image)

otsubin = (image_uint8 > thresh)
otsubin =, np.ones((15,15)))

views = []
view_titles = []

view_titles.append('Otsu w/ open')

for sigma in (8, 16, 32):
  im = mh.gaussian_filter(image_uint8, sigma)
#  print(im)
  views.append(im > thresh)
  view_titles.append('Sigma = ' + str(sigma))

# Initial view
index = 0
f = Figure()
a = f.add_subplot(111)

a.imshow(views[index], cmap = cm.Greys_r)

# a tk.DrawingArea
canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=root)
Пример #22
def process_image(im, d, test=False, remove_bordering=False):
    plt.figure(1, frameon=False)
    sigma = 75
    blurred = mh.gaussian_filter(im.astype(float), sigma)
    T_mean = blurred.mean()
    bin_image = im > T_mean

    maxima = mh.regmax(mh.stretch(blurred))
    maxima, _ = mh.label(maxima)

    dist = mh.distance(bin_image)

    dist = 255 - mh.stretch(dist)
    watershed = mh.cwatershed(dist, maxima)

    _, old_nr_objects = mh.labeled.relabel(watershed)

    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(watershed)
    min_size = 100000
    filtered = mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(
        watershed * bin_image, sizes < min_size)

    _, nr_objects = mh.labeled.relabel(filtered)
    print('Removed', old_nr_objects - nr_objects, 'small regions')
    old_nr_objects = nr_objects

    if (remove_bordering):
        filtered = mh.labeled.remove_bordering(filtered)
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.labeled.relabel(filtered)

    print('Removed', old_nr_objects - nr_objects, 'bordering cells')

    print("Number of cells: {}".format(nr_objects))
    fin_weights = mh.labeled_sum(im.astype(np.uint32), labeled)
    fin_sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
    fin_result = fin_weights / fin_sizes
    if (test):
        f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2)
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
        axarr[0, 0].imshow(im)
        axarr[0, 0].set_title('Source')
        axarr[0, 1].imshow(labeled)
        axarr[0, 1].set_title('Labeled')
        axarr[1, 0].imshow(watershed)
        axarr[1, 0].set_title('Watershed')
        axarr[1, 1].imshow(blurred)
        axarr[1, 1].set_title('Blurred')
        for i in range(1, nr_objects + 1):
            print("Cell {} average luminescence is {}".format(
                i, fin_result[i]))
            bbox = mh.bbox((labeled == i))
            plt.text((bbox[2] + bbox[3]) / 2, (bbox[0] + bbox[1]
                                               ) / 2, str(i), fontsize=20, color='black')
        plt.savefig("test" + str(nr_objects) + ".svg",
                    format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1200)
        for i in range(1, nr_objects + 1):
            bbox = mh.bbox((labeled == i))
            cell = (im * (labeled == i))[bbox[0]:bbox[1], bbox[2]:bbox[3]]
            hashed = hashlib.sha1(im).hexdigest()
            imsave(d + data_dir + hashed + '-' + str(i) +
                   '.png', imresize(cell, (img_rows, img_cols)))
Пример #23
import mahotas as mh
import numpy as np
import cv2

# Imported mahotas & numpy with standard abbreviations
im = mh.imread('./images/pool-table-above-17031042.jpg', as_grey=1)

# Load the image & convert to gray
# im2 = im[::2,::2]
im2 = mh.gaussian_filter(im, 1.2)
cv2.imshow('gaussian', im)
# save first step
# mh.imsave('1.png', im2.astype(np.uint8))

# Mean filtering is implemented "by hand" with a convolution.
mean_filtered = mh.convolve(im2.astype(float), np.ones((9, 9))/81.)

# iminv = 255 - mean_filtered
# mh.imsave('binarized1.png', iminv.astype(np.uint8))

# You might need to adjust the number 4 here, but it worked well for this image.
imc = im2 > mean_filtered - 4
# cv2.imshow('open circles', (imc*255).astype(np.uint8));
# cv2.waitKey(0)

# mh.imsave('1.png', im2.astype(np.uint8))
# print(im2)

# imc = mh.convolve(imc.astype(float), np.ones((9, 9))/81.)

# imc = im2 > mean_filtered - 6
import mahotas
from os import path
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nuclear_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'data',
except NameError:
    nuclear_path = path.join('data', 'nuclear.png')

nuclear = mahotas.imread(nuclear_path)
nuclear = nuclear[:, :, 0]
nuclear = mahotas.gaussian_filter(nuclear, 1.)
threshed = (nuclear > nuclear.mean())
distances = mahotas.stretch(mahotas.distance(threshed))
Bc = np.ones((9, 9))

maxima = mahotas.morph.regmax(distances, Bc=Bc)
spots, n_spots = mahotas.label(maxima, Bc=Bc)
surface = (distances.max() - distances)
areas = mahotas.cwatershed(surface, spots)
areas *= threshed

import random
from matplotlib import colors as c
from matplotlib import cm
colors = [cm.jet(c) for c in range(0, 256, 4)]
colors[0] = (0., 0., 0., 1.)
rmap = c.ListedColormap(colors)
Пример #25
import mahotas as mh
import numpy as np
im = mh.imread('lenna.jpg')
r,g,b = im.transpose(2,0,1)
h,w = r.shape
r12 = mh.gaussian_filter(r, 12.)
g12 = mh.gaussian_filter(g, 12.)
b12 = mh.gaussian_filter(b, 12.)
im12 = mh.as_rgb(r12,g12,b12)

X,Y = np.mgrid[:h,:w]
X = X-h/2.
Y = Y-w/2.
X /= X.max()
Y /= Y.max()
C = np.exp(-2.*(X**2+ Y**2))
C -= C.min()
C /= C.ptp()
C = C[:,:,None]

ring = mh.stretch(im*C + (1-C)*im12)
mh.imsave('lenna-ring.jpg', ring)
Пример #26
  def split_new(image, binary):

    bbox = mh.bbox(binary)
    sub_image = np.array(image[bbox[0]:bbox[1], bbox[2]:bbox[3]])
    sub_binary = np.array(binary[bbox[0]:bbox[1], bbox[2]:bbox[3]])

    sub_binary_border = mh.labeled.borders(sub_binary, Bc=mh.disk(3))    
    sub_binary = mh.erode(sub_binary.astype(np.bool))
    for e in range(5):
      sub_binary = mh.erode(sub_binary)
    # sub_binary = mh.erode(sub_binary)    

    if sub_image.shape[0] < 2 or sub_image.shape[1] < 2:
      return np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype=np.bool)

    # smooth the image
    sub_image = mh.gaussian_filter(sub_image, 3.5)

    grad_x = np.gradient(sub_image)[0]
    grad_y = np.gradient(sub_image)[1]
    grad = np.add(np.abs(grad_x), np.abs(grad_y))

    grad -= grad.min()
    grad /= grad.max()
    grad *= 255
    grad = grad.astype(np.uint8)
    coords = zip(*np.where(sub_binary==1))

    if len(coords) < 2:
      print 'STRAAAAANGE'
      return np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype=np.bool)

    seed1 = random.choice(coords)
    seed2 = random.choice(coords)
    seeds = np.zeros(sub_binary.shape, dtype=np.uint64)
    seeds[seed1] = 1
    seeds[seed2] = 2

    for i in range(10):
      seeds = mh.dilate(seeds)

    ws = mh.cwatershed(grad, seeds)
    ws[sub_binary==0] = 0

#     ws_relabeled = skimage.measure.label(ws.astype(np.uint8))
#     ws_relabeled[sub_binary==0] = 0
#     max_label = ws_relabeled.max()
#     plt.figure()
#     imshow(ws)

    binary_mask = Util.threshold(ws, ws.max())
    border = mh.labeled.border(ws, ws.max(), ws.max()-1, Bc=mh.disk(2))
#     border[sub_binary_border == 1] = 0 # remove any "real" border pixels
#     plt.figure()
#     imshow(binary_mask)

#     plt.figure()
#     imshow(border)

    large_label = np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    large_border = np.zeros(binary.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    large_label[bbox[0]:bbox[1], bbox[2]:bbox[3]] = binary_mask
    large_border[bbox[0]:bbox[1], bbox[2]:bbox[3]] = border
    return large_label, large_border
Пример #27
import mahotas
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
f = mahotas.imread(os.path.join('data', 'nuclear.png'))
f = f[:, :, 0]
plt.title('input image, first channel')

plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
f = mahotas.gaussian_filter(f, 4)
f = (f > f.mean())

plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
labeled, n_nucleus = mahotas.label(f)
plt.title('Found {} nuclei.'.format(n_nucleus))

plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
sizes = mahotas.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
too_big = np.where(sizes > 10000)
labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_big)

plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)
Пример #28
import mahotas as mh
import numpy as np
im = mh.imread('lenna.jpg')
r, g, b = im.transpose(2, 0, 1)
h, w = r.shape
r12 = mh.gaussian_filter(r, 12.)
g12 = mh.gaussian_filter(g, 12.)
b12 = mh.gaussian_filter(b, 12.)
im12 = mh.as_rgb(r12, g12, b12)

X, Y = np.mgrid[:h, :w]
X = X - h / 2.
Y = Y - w / 2.
X /= X.max()
Y /= Y.max()
C = np.exp(-2. * (X**2 + Y**2))
C -= C.min()
C /= C.ptp()
C = C[:, :, None]

ring = mh.stretch(im * C + (1 - C) * im12)
mh.imsave('lenna-ring.jpg', ring)
Пример #29
def metricscale(leafimage, minticks, scaleunits, equalize=False, blur=False):
    "Find the ruler marks along one edge of a binary image, in mm, and calculate the scale in cm per pixel."
    # Must have at least minticks tick marks along one edge
    # Input:
    #   file:     a string containing the path and file name for an image file
    #   minticks: must have at least this number of tick marks in the scale along one edge of the image
    #             in order to be considered to be reliable.  The default is 10.
    # Output:
    #   scale:    cm (or inches) per pixel in the image.  This is a floating point number.
    #   found:    whether or not at least minticks ruled marks were found along at least one edge.
    #             This is a boolean.
    #   edge:     edge along which ruled marks were found.  Either 'L', 'R', 'T', or 'B' for
    #             left, right, top, or bottom.

    #    leafimage = imread.imread(file, as_grey=True)
    #    leafimage = mh.demos.nuclear_image()

    #    print 'before equalization, min = ', np.amin(leafimage), ', max = ', np.amax(leafimage)
    if equalize:
        leafimage = exposure.equalize_hist(leafimage / 255.0) * 255.0
#    pylab.imshow(leafimage, cmap=cm.gray)
#    print 'after equalization, min = ', np.amin(leafimage), ', max = ', np.amax(leafimage)
    if blur:
        leafimage = mh.gaussian_filter(leafimage, 4)
    threshold = mh.otsu(leafimage.astype(np.uint8))
    #    print 'threshold = ', threshold
    leafimagebw = (leafimage > threshold)  # convert to BW image
    #    pylab.imshow(leafimagebw, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=0, vmax=1)

    # Find the edge with the scale
    n, m = leafimage.shape
    leftright = [
        5, m - 5
    ]  # five pixels in from left and right edges, to avoid noise at image edges
    topbottom = [5, n - 5]  # five pixels in from top and bottom edges
    found = False
    edge = ''

    # Check left and right edges for ruler marks
    for i in topbottom:
        up = array.array(
            'L', [])  # pixel locations where leafimage values go from 0 to 1.
        down = array.array(
            'L', [])  # pixel locations where leafimage values go from 1 to 0.
        for j in range(1, m - 1):
            if leafimagebw[i, j] < leafimagebw[i, j + 1]:
            elif leafimagebw[i, j] > leafimagebw[i, j + 1]:
        # The float variable, scale, is the number of pixels per cm.
        if i == 5:
            foundtop, scale = foundscale(
                up, down, n, m, minticks,
                scaleunits)  # Are ruler marks on top edge?
            if foundtop:  # no need to search any of the other edges for ruler marks.
                found = True
                edge = 'T'
            foundbottom, scale = foundscale(
                up, down, n, m, minticks,
                scaleunits)  # Are ruler marks on bottom edge?
            if foundbottom:
                found = True
                edge = 'B'

    # If the ruler marks are not on the top or the bottom edges, check the left and the right
    if not found:
        downcounter = 0  # number of times that leafimage value goes from 1 to 0.
        upcounter = 0  # number of times that leafimage value goes from 0 to 1.
        side = -1  # is this the right side or left side?
        for j in leftright:
            up = array.array(
                [])  # pixel locations where leafimage values go from 0 to 1.
            down = array.array(
                [])  # pixel locations where leafimage values go from 1 to 0.
            for i in range(1, n - 1):
                if leafimagebw[i, j] < leafimagebw[i + 1, j]:
                elif leafimagebw[i, j] > leafimagebw[i + 1, j]:
            # The float variable, scale, is the number of pixels per cm.
            if j == 5:
                foundleft, scale = foundscale(
                    up, down, n, m, minticks,
                    scaleunits)  # Are ruler marks on left edge?
                if foundleft:  # no need to search any of the other edges for ruler marks.
                    found = True
                    edge = 'L'
                foundright, scale = foundscale(
                    up, down, n, m, minticks,
                    scaleunits)  # Are ruler marks on right edge?
                if foundright:
                    found = True
                    edge = 'R'

#    pylab.imshow(leafimage)

    return (scale, found, edge)
def Measure_Motion(fpath, crop, mt_cutoff, SIGMA):

    #Extract ycrop value
    try:  #if passed as x,y coordinates
        if len(['y']) != 0:
            ycrop = int(np.around(['y'][0]))
            ycrop = 0
    except:  #if passed as single value
        ycrop = crop

    #Upoad file
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fpath)

    #Get maxiumum frame of file. Note that this is updated later if fewer frames detected
    cap_max = int(cap.get(7))  #7 is index of total frames

    #Set first frame to be grabbed
        1, 0
    )  #first index references frame property, second specifies next frame to grab

    #Initialize first frame
    ret, frame =
    frame_new = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    frame_new = frame_new[ycrop:, :]
    frame_new = mh.gaussian_filter(frame_new, sigma=SIGMA)

    #Initialize vector to store motion values in
    Motion = np.zeros(cap_max)

    #Loop through frames to detect frame by frame differences
    for x in range(1, cap_max):

        #Reset old frame
        frame_old = frame_new

        #Attempt to load next frame
        ret, frame =
        if ret == True:

            #Reset new frame and process
            frame_new = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            frame_new = frame_new[ycrop:, :]
            frame_new = mh.gaussian_filter(
                frame_new, sigma=SIGMA
            )  # used to reduce influence of jitter from one frame to the next

            #Calculate difference between frames
            frame_dif = np.absolute(frame_new - frame_old)
            frame_cut = frame_dif > mt_cutoff
            frame_cut = frame_cut.astype('uint8')

            #Assign difference to array
            Motion[x] = np.sum(frame_cut)

            #if no frame is detected
            cap_max = (x - 1)  #Reset max frame to last frame detected
            Motion = Motion[:cap_max]  #Amend length of motion vector

    print('total frames: ' + str(cap_max))

    #release video

    #return motion values
    return (Motion)
Пример #31
def test_gaussian_small_image():
    f = (np.random.random((10, 141)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    ff = mh.gaussian_filter(f, 2.)
    assert f.shape == ff.shape
def PlayVideo(fpath, fps, start, end, img_scale, save_video, Freezing,
              mt_cutoff, crop, SIGMA):

    #Extract ycrop value
    try:  #if passed as x,y coordinates
        if len(['y']) != 0:
            ycrop = int(np.around(['y'][0]))
            ycrop = 0
    except:  #if passed as single value
        ycrop = crop

    #Upoad file
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fpath)

    #redfine start/end in frames
    fstart = start  #*fps
    fend = end  #*fps

    #set play speed and define first frame
    rate = int(1000 /
               fps)  #duration each frame is present for, in milliseconds
    cap.set(1, fstart)  #set reference position of first frame to 0

    #set text parameters
    textfont = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
    textposition = (10, 30)
    textfontscale = 1
    textlinetype = 2

    #Initialize first frame
    ret, frame =
    frame_new = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    frame_new = frame_new[ycrop:, :]
    frame_new = mh.gaussian_filter(frame_new, sigma=SIGMA)

    #Initialize video storage if desired
    if save_video:
        width = int(frame.shape[1] * img_scale)
        height = int((frame.shape[0] + frame.shape[0] - ycrop) * img_scale)
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(
            *'jpeg')  #only writes up to 20 fps, though video read can be 30.
        #fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG') #only writes up to 20 fps, though video read can be 30.
        writer = cv2.VideoWriter('out.avi',
                                 20.0, (width, height),

    #Loop through frames to detect frame by frame differences
    for x in range(fstart + 1, fend):

        # press 'q' to exit
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

        #Attempt to load next frame
        ret, frame =
        if ret == True:

            #Convert to gray scale
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            #set old frame to new frame
            frame_old = frame_new

            #Reset new frame and process
            frame_new = frame
            frame_new = frame_new[ycrop:, :]
            frame_new = mh.gaussian_filter(
                frame_new, sigma=SIGMA
            )  # used to reduce influence of jitter from one frame to the next

            #Calculate difference between frames
            frame_dif = np.absolute(frame_new - frame_old)
            frame_cut = frame_dif > mt_cutoff
            frame_cut = frame_cut.astype('uint8') * 255

            #Add text to videos
            if Freezing[x] == 100:
                texttext = 'FREEZING'
                textfontcolor = 255
                texttext = 'ACTIVE'
                textfontcolor = 255
            cv2.putText(frame, texttext, textposition, textfont, textfontscale,
                        textfontcolor, textlinetype)

            #Display video
            frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=img_scale, fy=img_scale)
            frame_cut = cv2.resize(frame_cut, (0, 0),
            preview = np.concatenate((frame, frame_cut))
            cv2.imshow("preview", preview)

            #Save video (if desired).
            if save_video:

            print('No frame detected at frame : ' + str(x) +
                  '.Stopping video play')

    #Close video window and video writer if open
    _ = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if save_video:
Пример #33
def test_gaussian_small_sigma():
    im = np.arange(128 * 4).reshape((16, -1))
    mh.gaussian_filter(im, .01)
def Calibrate(fpath, cal_sec, cal_pix, fps, SIGMA):

    #Upoad file
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fpath)

    #set seconds to examine and frames
    cal_frames = cal_sec * fps

    #Initialize matrix for difference values
    cal_dif = np.zeros((cal_frames, cal_pix))

    #Initialize video
        1, 0
    )  #first index references frame property, second specifies next frame to grab

    #Initialize first frame
    ret, frame =
    frame_new = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    frame_new = mh.gaussian_filter(frame_new, sigma=SIGMA)

    #Get random set of pixels to examine across frames
    h, w = frame_new.shape
    h_loc = np.random.rand(cal_pix, 1) * h
    h_loc = h_loc.astype(int)
    w_loc = np.random.rand(cal_pix, 1) * w
    w_loc = w_loc.astype(int)

    #Loop through frames to detect frame by frame differences
    for x in range(1, cal_frames):

        #Reset old frame
        frame_old = frame_new

        #Load next frame
        ret, frame =

        #Process frame
        frame_new = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame_new = mh.gaussian_filter(
            frame_new, sigma=SIGMA
        )  # used to reduce influence of jitter from one frame to the next

        #Get differences for select pixels
        frame_pix_dif = np.absolute(frame_new[h_loc, w_loc] -
                                    frame_old[h_loc, w_loc])
        frame_pix_dif = frame_pix_dif[:, 0]

        #Populate difference array
        cal_dif[x, :] = frame_pix_dif

    percentile = np.percentile(cal_dif, 99.99)

    #Calculate grayscale change cutoff for detecting motion
    cal_dif_avg = np.nanmean(cal_dif)

    #Set Cutoff
    mt_cutoff = 2 * percentile

    #Print stats and selected cutoff
    print('Average frame-by-frame pixel difference: ' + str(cal_dif_avg))
    print('99.99 percentile of pixel change differences: ' + str(percentile))
    print('Grayscale change cut-off for pixel change: ' + str(mt_cutoff))

    hist_freqs, hist_edges = np.histogram(cal_dif, bins=np.arange(30))
    hist = hv.Histogram((hist_edges, hist_freqs))
    hist.opts(title="Motion Cutoff: " + str(np.around(mt_cutoff, 1)),
              xlabel="Grayscale Change")
    vline = hv.VLine(mt_cutoff)
    return hist * vline
Пример #35
import mahotas as mh
from os import path
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

nuclear = mh.demos.load('nuclear')
nuclear = nuclear[:, :, 0]
nuclear = mh.gaussian_filter(nuclear, 1.)
threshed = (nuclear > nuclear.mean())
distances = mh.stretch(mh.distance(threshed))
Bc = np.ones((9, 9))

maxima = mh.morph.regmax(distances, Bc=Bc)
spots, n_spots = mh.label(maxima, Bc=Bc)
surface = (distances.max() - distances)
areas = mh.cwatershed(surface, spots)
areas *= threshed

import random
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib import cm

cols = [cm.jet(c) for c in range(0, 256, 4)]
cols[0] = (0., 0., 0., 1.)
rmap = colors.ListedColormap(cols)
plt.imshow(areas, cmap=rmap)

# import numpy as np
# import mahotas as mh
# image = mh.imread("C:/Users/Hyungi/Desktop/workplace/img/lena-ring.jpg")
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# plt.imshow(image)
# image = mh.colors.rgb2grey(image, dtype=np.uint8)
# plt.imshow(image)
# plt.gray()
# thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(image)

im16 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 16) #주변컬러값 16개
plt.imshow(im16) # 색깔이 뭉개져

import mahotas.demos
wally = mahotas.demos.load('Wally')

wfloat = wally.astype(float)
r, g, b = wfloat.transpose((2,0,1)) #transpose 시킴. 인덱스 번호는 0, 1, 2 순서로 갑니다. 그런데 지금 '2'가 면으로 왔습니다. ???????????????

w = wfloat.mean(2)# 2개씩 평균을 취해감.
Пример #37
import numpy as np
import scipy
import mahotas

f = mahotas.imread('/home/krish/Pictures/labeled-2.png')
f = mahotas.gaussian_filter(f, 4)
f = (f> f.mean())

labeled, n_nucleus = mahotas.label(f)
print('found {} nuclei.'.format(n_nucleus))

sizes = mahotas.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
too_big = np.where(sizes > 10000)
labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_big)

labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)

relabeled, n_left = mahotas.labeled.relabel(labeled)
print('After filtering and relabeling, there are {} nuclei left.'.format(n_left))
Пример #38
def method1(image, sigma):
    image = mh.imread(image)[:, :, 0]
    image = mh.gaussian_filter(image, sigma)
    binimage = image > image.mean()
    labeled, _ = mh.label(binimage)
    return labeled
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# 이미지 로드 & B&W로 변환
image = mh.imread('../SimpleImageDataset/scene00.jpg')
image = mh.colors.rgb2grey(image, dtype=np.uint8)
plt.title('original image')

thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(image)
print('Otsu threshold is {}.'.format(thresh))

threshed = (image > thresh)
plt.title('threholded image')
mh.imsave('thresholded.png', threshed.astype(np.uint8)*255)

im16 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 16)

# 블러링 이미지로 경계 연산 반복
thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(im16.astype(np.uint8))
threshed = (im16 > thresh)
plt.title('threholded image (after blurring)')
print('Otsu threshold after blurring is {}.'.format(thresh))
mh.imsave('thresholded16.png', threshed.astype(np.uint8)*255)
# This code is supporting material for the book
# Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
# by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho
# published by PACKT Publishing
# It is made available under the MIT License

import numpy as np
import mahotas as mh
image = mh.imread('../SimpleImageDataset/building05.jpg')
image = mh.colors.rgb2gray(image)

# Compute Gaussian filtered versions with increasing kernel widths
im8  = mh.gaussian_filter(image,  8)
im16 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 16)
im32 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 32)

# We now build a composite image with three panels:
# [ IM8 | | IM16 | | IM32 ]

h, w = im8.shape
canvas = np.ones((h, 3 * w + 256), np.uint8)
canvas *= 255
canvas[:, :w] = im8
canvas[:, w + 128:2 * w + 128] = im16
canvas[:, -w:] = im32
mh.imsave('../1400OS_10_05+.jpg', canvas[:, ::2])

# Threshold the image
# We need to first stretch it to convert to an integer image
Пример #41
  def invert(array, smooth=False, sigma=2.5):
    grad = mh.gaussian_filter(array, sigma)

    return (255-grad)
Пример #42
def test_gaussian_small_image():
    f = (np.random.random((10,141))*255).astype(np.uint8)
    ff = mh.gaussian_filter(f, 2.)
    assert f.shape == ff.shape
Пример #43
 def gaussian_order(order):
     mahotas.gaussian_filter(im, 2., order=order)
Пример #44
  def split(self, input):
    TODO: move to separate class

    ### Image and Segmentation tile
    values = input['value']
    tile = m.ObtainFullSizeImagesPanel(self.__u_info, self.__db, values["z"])
    segtile = m.ObtainFullSizeIdsPanel(self.__u_info, self.__db, values["z"])

    label_id = values['id']

    # crop according to bounding box
    bbox = values['brush_bbox']

    sub_tile = tile[bbox[2]:bbox[3],bbox[0]:bbox[1]]
    seg_sub_tile = segtile[bbox[2]:bbox[3],bbox[0]:bbox[1]]

    mh.imsave(self.__tmp_dojobox_tif, sub_tile);

    sub_tile = mh.gaussian_filter(sub_tile, 1).astype(np.uint8) # gaussian filter
    sub_tile = (255 * exposure.equalize_hist(sub_tile)).astype(np.uint8) # enhance contrast

    brush_mask = np.zeros((1024,1024),dtype=bool)
    brush_size = values['brush_size']

    i_js = values['i_js']

    # Generate dense brush
    dense_brush = []
    for i in range(len(i_js)-1):       
      # two sparse points
      p0 = i_js[i]
      p1 = i_js[i+1]

      # x and y coordinates of sparse points
      xp = [p0[1], p1[1]] if p0[1] < p1[1] else [p1[1], p0[1]]
      yp = [p0[0], p1[0]] if p0[1] < p1[1] else [p1[0], p0[0]]
      # linear interpolation between p0 and p1
      xs = [x for x in range(xp[0], xp[1]+1)]
      ys = np.round(np.interp(xs, xp, yp)).astype(np.int32)
      # add linear interpolation to brush stroke
      dense_brush += zip(ys,xs)
      # make x axis dense
      # x and y coordinates of sparse points
      xp = [p0[1], p1[1]] if p0[0] < p1[0] else [p1[1], p0[1]]
      yp = [p0[0], p1[0]] if p0[0] < p1[0] else [p1[0], p0[0]]
      # linear interpolation between p0 and p1
      ys = [y for y in range(yp[0], yp[1]+1)]
      xs = np.round(np.interp(ys, yp, xp)).astype(np.int32)
      # add linear interpolation to brush stroke
      dense_brush += zip(ys,xs)

      # dense_brush = list(set(dense_brush))

    # add dense brush stroke to mask image
    brush_mask = np.zeros((1024,1024),dtype=bool)

#    for c in i_js:
    for c in dense_brush:
        brush_mask[c[1],c[0]] = True
    # crop
    brush_mask = brush_mask[bbox[2]:bbox[3],bbox[0]:bbox[1]]
    brush_mask = mh.morph.dilate(brush_mask, np.ones((2*brush_size, 2*brush_size)))

    brush_image = np.copy(sub_tile)
    brush_image[~brush_mask] = 0

    # compute frame
    frame = np.zeros(brush_mask.shape,dtype=bool)
    frame[0,:] = True
    frame[:,0] = True
    frame[-1,:] = True
    frame[:,-1] = True

    # dilate non-brush segments
    outside_brush_mask = np.copy(~brush_mask)
    outside_brush_mask = mh.morph.dilate(outside_brush_mask, np.ones((brush_size, brush_size)))

    # compute end points of line
    end_points = np.zeros(brush_mask.shape,dtype=bool)

    first_point = i_js[0]
    last_point = i_js[-1]

    first_point_x = min(first_point[0] - bbox[0],brush_mask.shape[1]-1)
    first_point_y = min(first_point[1] - bbox[2], brush_mask.shape[0]-1)
    last_point_x = min(last_point[0] - bbox[0], brush_mask.shape[1]-1)
    last_point_y = min(last_point[1] - bbox[2], brush_mask.shape[0]-1)

    end_points[first_point_y, first_point_x] = True
    end_points[last_point_y, last_point_x] = True
    end_points = mh.morph.dilate(end_points, np.ones((2*brush_size, 2*brush_size)))

    # compute seeds
    seed_mask = np.zeros(brush_mask.shape,dtype=bool)
    # seed_mask[outside_brush_mask & brush_mask] = True 
    seed_mask[outside_brush_mask] = True 
    seed_mask[frame] = True
    # seed_mask[corners] = False
    seed_mask[end_points] = False

    # seeds,n = mh.label(brush_boundary_mask)
    seeds,n = mh.label(seed_mask)


    # remove small regions
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(seeds)
    min_seed_size = 5
    too_small = np.where(sizes < min_seed_size)
    seeds = mh.labeled.remove_regions(seeds, too_small).astype(np.uint8)

    # run watershed
    ws = mh.cwatershed(brush_image.max() - brush_image, seeds)

    mh.imsave(self.__tmp_end_points_tif, 50*end_points.astype(np.uint8))   ###########################################
    mh.imsave(self.__tmp_seeds_mask_tif, 50*seed_mask.astype(np.uint8))
    mh.imsave(self.__tmp_seeds_tif, 50*seeds.astype(np.uint8))
    mh.imsave(self.__tmp_ws_tif, 50*ws.astype(np.uint8))

    lines_array = np.zeros(ws.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
    lines = []


    # valid_labels = [label_id]

    # while label_id in self.__merge_table.values():
    #   label_id = self.__merge_table.values()[]
    #   valid_labels.append(label_id)

    for y in range(ws.shape[0]-1):
      for x in range(ws.shape[1]-1):

        if ws[y,x] != ws[y,x+1] and self.lookup_label(seg_sub_tile[y,x]) == label_id:  
          lines_array[y,x] = 1
        if ws[y,x] != ws[y+1,x] and self.lookup_label(seg_sub_tile[y,x]) == label_id:
          lines_array[y,x] = 1

    for y in range(1,ws.shape[0]):
      for x in range(1,ws.shape[1]):
        if ws[y,x] != ws[y,x-1] and self.lookup_label(seg_sub_tile[y,x]) == label_id:  
          lines_array[y,x] = 1
        if ws[y,x] != ws[y-1,x] and self.lookup_label(seg_sub_tile[y,x]) == label_id:
          lines_array[y,x] = 1
          #lines_array[y-1,x] = 1
    mh.imsave(self.__tmp_lines_tif, 50*lines_array.astype(np.uint8))  ###############################

    output = {}
    output['name'] = 'SPLITRESULT'
    output['origin'] = input['origin']
    output['value'] = lines
    # print output
Пример #45
#Filter based on luminescence and chromatic channels
imageY_S = imageY > 80

imageCr_S1 = imageCr > 135
imageCr_S2 = imageCr < 180
imageCr_S = imageCr_S1 & imageCr_S2

imageCb_S1 = imageCb > 85
imageCb_S2 = imageCb < 135
imageCb_S = imageCb_S1 & imageCb_S2

#Boolean matrix of the skin possibilities
imageBWTemp = imageY_S & imageCr_S
imageBW = imageBWTemp & imageCb_S

#For debugging purposes

imageBWFilt = mh.gaussian_filter(imageBW,8)
imageBWFilt = np.round(imageBWFilt*255)
imageBWFiltInt = imageBWFilt.astype(np.uint8)
#imageBWFiltInt = imageBWFiltInt*255
T = mh.thresholding.otsu(imageBWFiltInt)
imageBWThresh = imageBWFiltInt > T

#For debugging purposes
Пример #46
# This code is supporting material for the book
# Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
# by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho
# published by PACKT Publishing
# It is made available under the MIT License

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mahotas as mh
image = mh.imread('../1400OS_10_01.jpeg')
image = mh.colors.rgb2gray(image)
im8 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 8)
im16 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 16)
im32 = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 32)
h, w = im8.shape
canvas = np.ones((h, 3 * w + 256), np.uint8)
canvas *= 255
canvas[:, :w] = im8
canvas[:, w + 128:2 * w + 128] = im16
canvas[:, -w:] = im32
mh.imsave('../1400OS_10_05+.jpg', canvas[:, ::2])

im32 = mh.stretch(im32)
ot32 = mh.otsu(im32)
mh.imsave('../1400OS_10_06+.jpg', (im32 > ot32).astype(np.uint8) * 255)
Пример #47
import uuid

# Loads both nuclear (DAPI) and cytoplasm (SE) images
filenames = list(glob.glob('./new cellline/original images/*ch3*.tif'))

for idx, imageNumber in enumerate(range(len(filenames))):

    #print filenamesSE[imageNumber]
    #if not filenamesSE[imageNumber] == './cell images/r05c05f65p01-ch2sk1fk1fl1.tiff':
    #     continue

    # obtains image data
    image =[imageNumber])

    # applys gaussina filter
    imagef = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 15)

    # finds threshold
    T = mh.thresholding.otsu(np.uint16(imagef))
    imaget = imagef > T + 100

    # Finds seeds on the nuclear image
    rmax = mh.regmax(imagef)
    rmax[np.logical_not(imaget)] = 0

    # Watershed on the cytoplasm image
    seeds, nr_nuclei = mh.label(rmax)  # nuclei count
    imagew = mh.cwatershed(-imagef, seeds)
    # Remove areas that aren't nuclei
    imagen = np.logical_not(imaget)
Пример #48
 def gaussian_order(order):
     mahotas.gaussian_filter(im, 2., order=order)
Пример #49
import numpy as np
import pylab
import mahotas as mh
dna = mh.imread('playingcards2.jpg')
dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 1)
dnaf = (dnaf.astype(np.uint8))
T = mh.otsu(dnaf)
pylab.imshow(dnaf > T)
Пример #50
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Mar 24 14:23:01 2017

@author: rezaandriyunanto

import numpy as np
import pylab
import mahotas as mh

dna = mh.imread('sampledataset.jpg')

#print dna.shape
#print dna.dtype
#print dna.max()
#print dna.min()

dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 16)
rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf)
pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(dna, rmax))
Пример #51
def test_gaussian_small_sigma():
    im =  np.arange(128*4).reshape((16,-1))
    mh.gaussian_filter(im, .01)
Пример #52
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.misc as misc
import scipy as mdimage
import matplotlib.pylab as pyl
import mahotas as mh

# Circles
# Read and show image
circles = misc.imread('circles.png')

T = mh.otsu(circles)
circlesTh = (circles > T)
circlesF = mh.gaussian_filter(circles, 33)
circlesRegmax = mh.regmax(circlesF)
labels, near = mh.label(circlesRegmax)
pyl.imshow(mh.overlay(circles, circlesRegmax))

#Count circles
km, circlesCnt = mh.label(circlesRegmax)
print circlesCnt

#Find center points
centerMass = mh.center_of_mass(circles, labels)[1:]
print centerMass

objects = mh.imread('objects.png')
Пример #53
def test_gaussian_order():
    im = np.arange(64*64).reshape((64,64))
    for order in (1,2,3):
        g_mat = mahotas.gaussian_filter(im, 2., order=order)
Пример #54
## (TODO) Loop over each image in a directory
## (TODO) Load both nuclear (DAPI) and cytoplasm (SE) images

## (TODO) Find seeds on the nuclear image
## (TODO) Watershed on the cytoplasm image

dna = mh.imread('dna.jpeg')  # convert from memory to disk array
dna = dna.squeeze()  # change image array from 3d to 2d
pylab.gray()  # convert to gray scale
pylab.imshow(dna) # print image

T = mh.thresholding.otsu(dna)  # calculate a threshold value

# apply a gaussian filter that smoothen the image
dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 8)
dnat = dnaf > T  # do threshold

#labelling thereshold image
labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(dnat)
#print nr_objects # output number of objects
#pylab.jet() # makes image colourful

# Watershed
dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 28)
rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf)
    dna, rmax))  # print dna and rmax (with second channel in red) # seeds only show when image is zoomed in
dist = mh.distance(dnat)
Пример #55
 def filterImage(self,image,sd):
     if self.params['dirtyFilter']:
         self.params['filteredImage'] = mh.gaussian_filter(image,sd)
         self.params['dirtyFilter'] = 0
     return self.params['filteredImage']
Пример #56
def main(image, filter_name, filter_size, plot=False):
    '''Smoothes (blurs) `image`.

    image: numpy.ndarray
        grayscale image that should be smoothed
    filter_name: str
        name of the filter kernel that should be applied
        (options: ``{"avarage", "gaussian", "median", "bilateral"}``)
    filter_size: int
        size of the kernel
    plot: bool, optional
        whether a plot should be generated (default: ``False``)

    jtmodules.smooth.Output[Union[numpy.ndarray, str]]

        when `filter_name` is not
        ``"avarage"``, ``"gaussian"``, ``"median"`` or ``"bilateral"``
    se = np.ones((filter_size, filter_size))
    if filter_name == 'average':'apply "average" filter')
        smoothed_image = mh.mean_filter(image, se)
    elif filter_name == 'gaussian':'apply "gaussian" filter')
        smoothed_image = mh.gaussian_filter(image, filter_size)
    elif filter_name == 'median':'apply "median" filter')
        smoothed_image = mh.median_filter(image, se)
    elif filter_name == 'bilateral':
        smoothed_image = cv2.bilateralFilter(image.astype(np.float32),
        raise ValueError(
            'Arugment "filter_name" can be one of the following:\n'
            '"average", "gaussian", "median" or "bilateral"')
    smoothed_image = smoothed_image.astype(image.dtype)

    if plot:'create plot')
        from jtlib import plotting
        clip_value = np.percentile(image, 99.99)
        data = [
        figure = plotting.create_figure(
            title='Smoothed with "{0}" filter (kernel size: {1})'.format(
                filter_name, filter_size))
        figure = str()

    return Output(smoothed_image, figure)