Пример #1
def main(path):
    path = path.rstrip('/')
    group = load_group(path)
    dictionary = count_mutations(path, group)
    dictionary = aggregate_chars(group, dictionary)
    dictionary = OrderedDict(sorted(dictionary.items()))
    write_output(path, group, group_num, dictionary)
Пример #2
def main(proj_path, project_id):
    global Session, Sample, Variant
    engine = create_engine('sqlite:///{}/{}'.format(proj_path, db_filename))
    from db_utils import Sample, Variant, Base
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    proj_path = '{}/{}'.format(proj_path, project_id)
    sample_list = compile_group.load_group(proj_path)
    build_db(proj_path, project_id, sample_list)
Пример #3
def main(proj_path):
	path_config = get_config.all()
	snpEff_path = '{}/VScope/extensions/{}'.format(path_config['BASE_PATH'], path_config['SNPEFF'])
	group = load_group(proj_path)
	print('Annotating vcf files')
	db_info = load_db_tag(proj_path)
	snpeff_group(snpEff_path, db_info, proj_path, group)
	print('Counting impact categories')
	impact_count(proj_path, group)
Пример #4
def main(proj_path):
    group_num = '1'
    end = '_p'
    group = load_group(proj_path)
    dictionary_pair, total = find_singles(proj_path, group,
                                          end)  # Change to dict_pair
    dictionary_pair, found = find_data(proj_path, group, dictionary_pair, end)
    print('Group total muts:', total, found)
    combined_dict = combine_dicts(dictionary_pair)
    results = analyse(proj_path, group_num, combined_dict, len(group))
    write_output(proj_path, group_num, results)
Пример #5
def main(path, threshold):
	write_log(path, 'Performing subtraction with a quality threshold of {}'.format(threshold))
	group = load_group(path)
	ends = ('_p', ) # '_1', '_2', 
	for end in ends:
		dictionary_pair, total = find_singles(path, group, end)
		write_log(path, 'Processing {} total single occurrences from end {}'.format(total, end))
		dictionary_pair, found = find_data(path, dictionary_pair, total, group, end, threshold)
		write_log(path, 'Found records for {} out of {} single occurrences.'.format(found, total))
		chars_dict = count_mutations(dictionary_pair[0])
		for key, value in count_mutations(dictionary_pair[1]).items(): # Combine indels and snps
			chars_dict[key] += value
		chars_dict = aggregate_chars([], chars_dict)
		chars_dict = rename_chars(chars_dict)
		chars_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(chars_dict.items()))
		write_chars(path, end, chars_dict)