Пример #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            All of the custom logic in this form is to handle the professor verification flow:

                - show a "Request Professor Verification" checkbox by default
                - if checked, switch the checkbox to a "Professor Verification Requested" message and send admins an email
                - if an admin sets verified_professor=True, change the message to "Verified Professor"
        self.request = kwargs.pop("request", None)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.helper = FormHelper()
        self.helper.form_tag = True
        self.helper.layout = Layout(
            'email_address', 'attribution', 'affiliation',
                HTML('<div class="verified-professor">Verified Professor<span class="verified"></span></div>') if self.instance.verified_professor else
                HTML('<div class="verified-professor">Professor Verification Requested</div>') if self.instance.professor_verification_requested else
            Submit('submit', 'Save changes'),
            HTML('<a href="%s" class="btn btn-default">Change your password</a>' % reverse('password_change')),
        if self.instance.professor_verification_requested or self.instance.verified_professor:
            self.fields['professor_verification_requested'].label = 'Request Professor Verification'
        fix_after_rails("setting email_address.required to True manually until the field is required in the model")
        self.fields['email_address'].required = True
Пример #2
    def _search(cls,
        >>> _, case_factory, casebook_factory = [getfixture(i) for i in ['reset_sequences', 'case_factory', 'casebook_factory']]
        >>> casebooks = [casebook_factory() for i in range(3)]
        >>> users = [cc.user for cb in casebooks for cc in cb.contentcollaborator_set.all() ]
        >>> cases = [case_factory() for i in range(3)]
        >>> SearchIndex().create_search_index()

        Get all casebooks:
        >>> assert dump_search_results(SearchIndex().search('casebook')) == (
        ...     [
        ...         {'affiliation': 'Affiliation 0', 'created_at': '...', 'title': 'Some Title 0', 'attribution': 'Some User 0'},
        ...         {'affiliation': 'Affiliation 1', 'created_at': '...', 'title': 'Some Title 1', 'attribution': 'Some User 1'},
        ...         {'affiliation': 'Affiliation 2', 'created_at': '...', 'title': 'Some Title 2', 'attribution': 'Some User 2'}
        ...     ],
        ...     {'user': 3, 'case': 3, 'casebook': 3},
        ...     {}
        ... )

        Get casebooks by query string:
        >>> assert dump_search_results(SearchIndex().search('casebook', 'Some Title 0'))[0] == [
        ...     {'affiliation': 'Affiliation 0', 'created_at': '...', 'title': 'Some Title 0', 'attribution': 'Some User 0'},
        ... ]

        Get casebooks by filter field:
        >>> assert dump_search_results(SearchIndex().search('casebook', filters={'attribution': 'Some User 1'}))[0] == [
        ...     {'affiliation': 'Affiliation 1', 'created_at': '...', 'title': 'Some Title 1', 'attribution': 'Some User 1'},
        ... ]

        Get all users:
        >>> assert dump_search_results(SearchIndex().search('user')) == (
        ...     [
        ...         {'casebook_count': 1, 'attribution': 'Some User 0', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 0'},
        ...         {'casebook_count': 1, 'attribution': 'Some User 1', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 1'},
        ...         {'casebook_count': 1, 'attribution': 'Some User 2', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 2'},
        ...     ],
        ...     {'casebook': 3, 'case': 3, 'user': 3},
        ...     {},
        ... )

        Get all cases:
        >>> assert dump_search_results(SearchIndex().search('case')) == (
        ...     [
        ...         {'citations': '1 Mass. 1, 2 Jones 2', 'display_name': 'Foo0 v. Bar0', 'decision_date': '1900-01-01', 'decision_date_formatted': 'January   1, 1900'},
        ...         {'citations': '1 Mass. 1, 2 Jones 2', 'display_name': 'Foo1 v. Bar1', 'decision_date': '1900-01-01', 'decision_date_formatted': 'January   1, 1900'},
        ...         {'citations': '1 Mass. 1, 2 Jones 2', 'display_name': 'Foo2 v. Bar2', 'decision_date': '1900-01-01', 'decision_date_formatted': 'January   1, 1900'}
        ...     ],
        ...     {'case': 3, 'user': 3, 'casebook': 3},
        ...     {}
        ... )
        base_query = cls.objects.all()
        if query:
            base_query = base_query.filter(document=query)
        for k, v in filters.items():
            base_query = base_query.filter(**{'metadata__%s' % k: v})

        # get results
        results = base_query.filter(category=category).only(
            'result_id', 'metadata')
        if query:
            results = results.annotate(rank=SearchRank(F('document'), query))

        display_name = get_display_name_field(category)
        order_by_expression = [display_name]
        if order_by:
            # Treat 'decision date' like 'created at', so that sort-by-date is maintained
            # when switching between case and casebook tab.
            fix_after_rails('consider renaming these params "date".')
            if query and order_by == 'score':
                order_by_expression = ['-rank', display_name]
            elif category == 'casebook':
                if order_by in ['created_at', 'decision_date']:
                    order_by_expression = [
                        '-metadata__created_at', display_name
            elif category == 'case':
                if order_by in ['created_at', 'decision_date']:
                    order_by_expression = [
                        '-metadata__decision_date', display_name

        results = results.order_by(*order_by_expression)
        results = Paginator(results, page_size).get_page(page)

        # get counts
        counts = {
            c['category']: c['total']
            for c in base_query.values('category').annotate(
        results.__dict__['count'] = counts.get(
            category, 0)  # hack to avoid redundant query for count

        # get facets
        facets = {}
        for facet in facet_fields:
            facet_param = 'metadata__%s' % facet
            facets[facet] = base_query.filter(category=category).exclude(
                    facet_param: ''

        return results, counts, facets