def printQuerys(k): # listar consultas os.system("cls") querys = loadQuerys() parameters = ["Nº da Consulta", "Nome do Médico", "Nome do Paciente", "Data", "Horário"] printHeader2(parameters) print() for item in querys[:5+k]: for i in item: print("{0:<20}".format(i), end="") print() if len(querys[k:]) != 0: msg = "Deseja mostrar mais Consultas? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): k = k+5 printQuerys(k) else: msg = "Deseja voltar para o menu? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): menu() else: printQuerys(k) else: msg = "Deseja voltar para o menu? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): menu() else: printQuerys(k)
def restituzione(database): rows = database.select_prestiti_daRestituire(None) for row in rows: id_utente = row['id_utente'] id_libro = row['id_libro'] UtenteIsbloccato(database, id_utente) print( tabulate(rows, headers=[ "ID", "Data inizio", "Data Restituzione", "Data scedenza", "ID utente", "Nome", "Cognome", "ID Libro", "Titolo" ], tablefmt="github")) print("Inserisci il libro da restituire:") ID = input() rows = database.select_libri_categorie(id_libro) numerocopie = 0 for row in rows: numerocopie = row['numerocopie'] database.update_libri_numlibri(id_libro, numerocopie + 1) database.update_prestiti(ID) database.conn_db.commit()
def insert_row(): list_table = [] cursor.execute("select relname from pg_class where relkind='r' and relname !~ '^(pg_|sql_)';") tables = cursor.fetchall() tables_str = "" for i,k in enumerate(tables): for j in k: list_table.append(j) tables_str += f"\n{i+1} {j}" print(tables_str) check = int(input("Select Table: ")) cursor.execute(f"Select * FROM {list_table[check-1]} LIMIT 0") colnames = [desc[0] for desc in cursor.description] col_str = "" value_str = "" record = [] for i in colnames: val_col = input(f"enter value for {i}: ") col_str += f" {i}," value_str += " %s," record.append(val_col) postgres_insert_query = f""" INSERT INTO {list_table[check-1]} ({col_str[1:-1]}) VALUES ({value_str[1:-1]})""" record_to_insert = tuple(record) cursor.execute(postgres_insert_query, record_to_insert) connection.commit()
def eliminaUtente(database): rows = database.select_utenti(None) print("Quali tra i seguenti utenti vuoi eliminare? ") print( tabulate( rows, headers=["ID", "Nome", "Cognome", "Data registrazione", "Stato"], tablefmt="github")) id = input() # controllo che il numero inserito sia un intero altrimenti genero un errore try: id = int(id) except ValueError: print("Errore inserirsci un id corretto! ") Menu.scelta3(database) try: database.delete_utenti(id) except: print( "Impossibile eliminare utente perchè è già stato utilizzato in un altra tabella " ) Menu.scelta2(database) database.conn_db.commit()
def aggiungiUtente(): global utentiAggiunti print("Inserisci il nome \n") nome = input() print("Inserisci il cognome \n") cognome = input()
def hash_cracking_menu(): print("1: register a wordlist ") print("2: register a word ") print("3: crack hash ") print("4: Return ") while True: choix_1_1 = int(input("please type your choice : ")) try: if choix_1_1 in [1, 2, 3, 4]: if choix_1_1 == 1: register_wordlist() break if choix_1_1 == 2: word = input( "please type the word you'd like to regiser : ") register_word(word) print("word registred successfully") hash_cracking_menu() break if choix_1_1 == 3: crack_word() break elif choix_1_1 == 4: break else: print("Please provide integer between 1 and 4") except ValueError: print("Please provide integer") break
def loose_message(word): os.system('clear') print(life_status.get_loose_ascii()) print("The puzzle was " + word + "...\n") life_status.dead_status() time.sleep(4.3)
def printPatients(k): # listar lista de pacientes os.system("cls") patients = loadPatients() parameters = ["Nome", "E-Mail", "Telefone", "RG", "CPF", "Endereço", "Numero", "Bairro", "Cidade", "Estado", "Plano de Saúde"] printHeader(parameters) print() for item in patients[:5+k]: for i in range(len(item)): if i != 1: print("{0:<12}".format(item[i]), end="") else: print("{0:<24}".format(item[i]), end="") print() if len(patients[k:]) != 0: msg = "Deseja mostrar mais Pacientes? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): k = k+5 printPatients(k) else: msg = "Deseja voltar para o menu? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): menu() else: printPatients(k) else: msg = "Deseja voltar para o menu? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): menu() else: printPatients(k)
def scrambled(): """Unscramble the word""" content = helpers.init() print('\nYou can exit at anytime by entering \'menu\'.\n') random.shuffle(content) count = len(content) correct = 0 incorrect = 0 i = 0 shuffled = [] for word in content: scrmbld = helpers.scramble_string(word['key']) shuffled.append(scrmbld) for scr in shuffled: res = input('\n{}. {}.\n\t=>'.format(i + 1, scr)).lower() if res == content[i]['key'].lower(): count -= 1 correct += 1 if count > 0: print('\nGood Job! next word!') elif res == 'menu': else: incorrect += 1 count -= 1 if count > 1: print('\nIncorrect. Next word.') i += 1 print('\nYou got {} correct and {} incorrect'.format(correct, incorrect)) helpers.callback(scrambled)
def take_a_guess(word): guess = " " while guess not in string.ascii_letters: guess = input("Take a guess and type a letter! ") if guess == "quit" or guess == "exit": return guess
def show(): clscprilo() print(""" ############################################################# # Lockdoor Framework # # A Penetration Testing framework with CyberSec Resources # ############################################################# # -- Version: v2.2 01/01/2020 # # -- Developer: Sofiane Hamlaoui # # -- Thanks: No One # ############################################################# \033[94m-[!]-Description-[!]-\033[91m LockDoor is a Framework aimed at helping penetration testers, bug bounty hunters And cyber security engineers. This tool is designed for Debian/Ubuntu/ArchLinux based distributions to create a similar and familiar distribution for Penetration Testing. But containing the favorite and the most used tools by Pentesters. As pentesters, most of us has his personal ' /pentest/ ' directory so this Framework is helping you to build a perfect one. """) oktocont()
def def_first(): """Game for matching word to definiton""" content = helpers.init() print('\nYou can exit at anytime by entering \'menu\'.\n') random.shuffle(content) count = len(content) correct = 0 incorrect = 0 for word in content: print('\n{}. {}'.format(operator.indexOf(content, word) + 1, word['definition'])) res = input('\nWhat word does this definition belong to?\n\t=>').lower() if res == word['key'].lower(): count -= 1 correct += 1 if count > 0: print('\nGood Job! next word!') elif res == 'menu': else: incorrect += 1 count -= 1 if count > 1: print('\nIncorrect. Next word.') print('\nYou got {} correct and {} incorrect'.format(correct, incorrect)) helpers.callback(def_first)
def more():"clear") cprint ("Below is a list of GitHub repositories if you would like to download one enter", 'green') cprint ("the name of the repo as shown or just press inter to exit:", 'green') cprint ("\n\n\n1) Learn-Python-The-Hard-Way:", 'green', attrs=['bold']) cprint (" This repo is, at this time, most of the exercises from the book 'Learn\n Python The Hard way'. I found this book to be of great use.", 'green') cprint ("\n2) Pluralsight:", 'green', attrs=['bold']) cprint (" This repo is a project I did to learn PyQt and how to build GUI's. Its\n its called Pluarlsight because its a great websight that teaches differant programming languages and this is where I learned PyQt.", 'green') cprint ("\n3) Random:", 'green', attrs=['bold']) cprint (" This holds random code like a port scaner and a copy of my .bashrc.", 'green') cprint ("\n\n\n\nGit is required for the download to work:", 'green', 'on_red',attrs=['bold']) responce = raw_input(colored(">>> ")) if responce == "": elif responce == "Learn-Python-The-Hard-Way":['git', 'clone', 'https://github/kinsei/Learn-Python-The-Hard-Way']) more() elif responce == "Pluralsight":['git', 'clone', '']) more() elif responce == "Random":['git', 'clone', '']) more() else:
def printDoctors(k): # listar lista de médicos os.system("cls") doctors = loadDoctors() parameters = ["Nome", "E-Mail", "Telefone", "Celular", "CRM", "RG", "CPF", "Espec", "End", "^Nº ", "Cidade", "UF", "Plano"] printHeader(parameters) print() for item in doctors[:5+k]: for i in range(len(item)): if i != 1: print("{0:<12}".format(item[i]), end="") else: print("{0:<24}".format(item[i]), end="") print() if len(doctors[k:]) != 0: msg = "Deseja mostrar mais Médicos? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): k = k+5 printDoctors(k) else: msg = "Deseja voltar para o menu? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): menu() else: printDoctors(k) else: msg = "Deseja voltar para o menu? [y/n]: " if validateToContinue(msg): menu() else: printDoctors(k)
def menu(): print('\nElija que item desea actualizar\n') print('1 - Modificar datos en Martillos') print('2 - Modificar datos de la Camara 1') print('3 - Modificar datos de la Camara 2') print('9 - Salir a menu Principal') # SE LE SOLICITA UNA OPCION AL USUARIO opcion = input('\nIngrese la opcion deseada:\n>>>') if not opcion: print('\nNo escribio nada\n') print('\nVUelve a intentar\n') menu() if opcion == '1': os.system('clear') menu_martillo() elif opcion == '2': os.system('clear') menu_camara1() elif opcion == '3': os.system('clear') menu_camara2() elif opcion == '9': os.system('clear') else: print('\n*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*') print('No se encuentra la opcion requerida, elija de nuevo!!!') print('*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*\n') menu()
def cancellaLibro(database): print("Seleziona dal elenco il libro da eliminare: ") rows = database.select_libri_categorie(None) # tabulete crea una tabella per migliorare la visulizzazione dei nostri dati print( tabulate(rows, headers=[ "ID", "autore", "titolo", "Numero copie", "Anno produzione", "Categoria" ], tablefmt="github")) id = input() # controllo che il numero inserito sia un intero altrimenti genero un errore try: id = int(id) except ValueError: print("Errore inserirsci un id corretto! ") Menu.scelta4(database) try: database.delete_libri(id) except: print( "Impossibile eliminare la categoria perchè è già stata utilizzata in un altra tabella " ) Menu.scelta2(database) database.conn_db.commit()
def close_db(): if(connection): cursor.close() connection.close() print("PostgreSQL connection is closed") time.sleep(2)
def roundBooking(email, CONN_STRING, flightno, rs, dep_date, ret_date, source, dest): row = rs[flightno-1] if row[-2] <= 0: print("tickets not exists, please choose another flight") printInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, "1") try: sql = "select max(tno) from tickets" maxTno = main.sqlWithReturn(sql, CONN_STRING)[0][0] sql = "select name from passengers where email = '{0}'".format(email) name = main.sqlWithReturn(sql, CONN_STRING)[0][0] sql = "insert into tickets values({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')".format(maxTno+1, name, email, row[-1]) main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) sql = "insert into bookings values({0}, '{1}', '{2}', to_date('{3}', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), null)".format(maxTno+1, row[0], row[8], dep_date) main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) sql = "insert into bookings values({0}, '{1}', '{2}', to_date('{3}', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), null)".format(maxTno+1, row[10], row[-5], ret_date) main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) if row[1] is not None: sql = "insert into bookings values({0}, '{1}', '{2}', to_date('{3}', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), null)".format(maxTno+1, row[1], row[9], dep_date) main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) if row[11] is not None: sql = "insert into bookings values({0}, '{1}', '{2}', to_date('{3}', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), null)".format(maxTno+1, row[11], row[-4], ret_date) main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) print("success") except: print("There was an error during booking. Please try again"), CONN_STRING) printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date)
def venda(): modelo = dados.modelosFixos[pegou.pegaModelo()-1] numeracao = pegou.pegaNumeracao() quantidade = pegou.pegaQuantidade() cor = dados.lstCor[pegou.pegaCor()-1] achei = False for i, m in enumerate(dados.lstModelo): if modelo == dados.lstModelo[i] and int(numeracao) == int(dados.lstNumeracao[i]) and cor == dados.lstCor[i]: achei = True if int(dados.lstQtd[i]) >= quantidade: achei = True tabelas.tabelaVenda(modelo, numeracao, cor, quantidade) confirmacao = input("\n Confirma? s/n: ") if confirmacao == "s": dados.lstQtd[i] = int(dados.lstQtd[i]) - quantidade input("Venda confirmada. ") menu() else: input("Venda cancelada. ") calculos.calculaEstoqueModelo() calculos.calculaEstoqueTotal() if not achei: op = input("Produto não encontrado. Digite um produto cadastrado ou 0 para retornar ao menu. ") if op == "0": else: venda()
def hashing(): print("1: md5 ") print("2: sh1 ") print("3: sh256 ") print("4: sh512 ") print("5: Return ") while True: choix_1_1 = int(input("please type your choice : ")) try: if choix_1_1 in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: if choix_1_1 == 1: md5_enc() break if choix_1_1 == 2: sha1_enc() break if choix_1_1 == 3: sha256_enc() break if choix_1_1 == 4: sha512_enc() break elif choix_1_1 == 5: break else: print("Please provide integer between 1 and 5") except ValueError: print("Please provide integer") break
def menu(): clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ REVERSE ENGINEERING ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m1) Radar2 2) Virustotal 3) Miasm 4) Mirror 5) Dnspy 6) Angrio 7) DLLRunner 8) Yara\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m 9) Reverse Engineering Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@ReverseEngineering~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": radar2() elif choice == "2": virustotal() elif choice == "3": miasm() elif choice == "4": mirror() elif choice == "5": Dnspy() elif choice == "6": angrio() elif choice == "7": dllrunner() elif choice == "8": yara() elif choice == "9": revsh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def aggiungiUtente(database): print("Inserisci il nome \n") nome = input() print("Inserisci il cognome \n") cognome = input() database.insert_utenti(nome, cognome, DB.UTENTE_STATO_ATTIVO) database.conn_db.commit()
def katsu_hash_menu(): import cipher.hashbased.hashFunctions as hf import base64 choices = ["Generate a hash", "Check a hash", "Back to menu"] enumerate_menu(choices) selection = getInt(1, "choices") if selection == 1: size = getInt(256, "hash", True) if query_yn("Do you want to hash a file?", "no"): f = getFile() if f: print(f"File hash: {base64.b64encode(hf.sponge(bm.fileToBytes(f), size)).decode()}") else: katsu_hash_menu() else: msg = readFromUser("Enter the text to hash:") print(f"Text hash: {base64.b64encode(hf.sponge(msg.encode(), size)).decode()}") elif selection == 2: def verifyHash(h, msg): h2 = hf.sponge(msg, len(h) * 8) if h == h2: print("Hashes are the same !") else: print("Hashes are not the same !") h = getb64("hash") if h: if query_yn("Do you want to compare this hash to a file's one?", "no"): f = getFile() if f: verifyHash(h, bm.fileToBytes(f)) else: katsu_hash_menu() else: verifyHash(h, readFromUser("Enter the text to compare with the hash:").encode()) else: katsu_hash_menu() else: import main doSomethingElse(katsu_hash_menu)
def validateToRepeat(msg, function): # confirmar uma repetição de um metodo opc = input(msg).lower() if opc == "y": function() elif opc == "n": menu() else: print("OPÇÃO INCORRETA!!!") validateToRepeat(msg, function)
def psafrt(): clscprilo() print("\033[91mHere is the list of the files :\033[90m") print("\033[92m") os.system(" find " + installdirc + "/REPORT/TEMPLATES/ -type f") print("\033[90m") spc() oktocont()
def wtpp(): clscprilo() print("\033[91mHere is the list of the files :\033[90m") print("\033[92m") os.system(" find " + installdirc + "/WALK -type f") print("\033[90m") spc() oktocont()
def effettuaPrestito(database): print("Quale utente deve effettuare il prestito:\n") rows = database.select_utenti(None) # tabulete crea una tabella per migliorare la visulizzazione dei nostri dati print( tabulate( rows, headers=["ID", "Nome", "Cognome", "Data registrazione", "stato"], tablefmt="github")) idUtente = input() print("Quale libro deve essere preso in prestito: \n") rows = database.select_libri_categorie(None) print( tabulate(rows, headers=[ "ID", "autore", "titolo", "Numero copie", "Anno produzione", "Categoria" ], tablefmt="github")) idLibro = input() try: idLibro = int(idLibro) idUtente = int(idUtente) except ValueError: print("Errore inserirsci un id corretto! \n") Menu.scelta3(database) UtenteIsbloccato(database, idUtente) rows = database.select_libri_categorie(idLibro) numeroCopie = 0 for row in rows: numeroCopie = row['numerocopie'] rows = database.select_utenti(idUtente) stato = None NumPrenotazioniAttive = None for row in rows: stato = row['stato'] rows = database.select_NumPrestiti(idUtente) for row in rows: NumPrenotazioniAttive = row[0] if numeroCopie > 0 and stato == DB.UTENTE_STATO_ATTIVO and NumPrenotazioniAttive < 5: database.update_libri_numlibri(idLibro, numeroCopie - 1) database.insert_prestiti(__calcola_data_scadenza_prestito(), idUtente, idLibro) #Mantiene in memoria i dati nel database database.conn_db.commit() if numeroCopie <= 0: print("Non sono più disponibili copie per questo libro\n") if stato == DB.UTENTE_STATO_BLOCCATO: print( "Non è stato possibile effettuare il prestito perchè l'utente è stato bloccato\n" ) if NumPrenotazioniAttive == 5: print( "è stato superato il numero massimo di libri presi in presitito\n")
def stats_menu_watching(db, watched, diary, year): dict_stats = { 0: "General stats", 1: "Films viewed by year of release;", 2: "Most frequent people of the year;", 3: "Most liked people of the year;", 4: "Map;", 5: "Back;", 6: "Exit" } filter2 = 0 while filter2 != 8: print("\nSTATS\nWhat do you want to do?") for n2 in dict_stats: print(str(n2) + " - " + str(dict_stats[n2])) filter2 = int(input()) if filter2 == 0: from stats import general_year general_year(db, year) if filter2 == 1: try: from stats import watched_by_release_year watched_by_release_year(watched) except: print("\nError, check that you have built the main DB") pass if filter2 == 2: try: from stats import people_count people_count(db, 5) except: print("\nError, check that you have built the main DB") pass if filter2 == 3: try: from stats import people_top_count people_top_count(db, 5) except: print("\nError, check that you have built the main DB") pass if filter2 == 4: try: from stats import movie_map, movie_country movie_map(db) except: print("\nError, check that you have built the main DB") pass if filter2 == 5: from main import menu menu() if filter2 == 6: exit()
def show_tables(): cursor.execute("select relname from pg_class where relkind='r' and relname !~ '^(pg_|sql_)';") tables = cursor.fetchall() tables_str = "" for i,k in enumerate(tables): for j in k: tables_str += f"\n{i+1} {j}" print(tables_str) input("press enter")
def visualizzaUtenti(database): rows = database.select_utenti(None) # tabulete crea una tabella per migliorare la visulizzazione dei nostri dati print( tabulate(rows, headers=[ "ID", "Nome", "Cognome", "Data registrazione", "Bloccato" ], tablefmt="github"))
def connect_db(): # Print PostgreSQL Connection properties print ( connection.get_dsn_parameters(),"\n") # Print PostgreSQL version cursor.execute("SELECT version();") record = cursor.fetchone() print("You are connected to - ", record,"\n") time.sleep(2)
def storicoPresitti(database): rows = database.select_prestiti_utenti_libri() print( tabulate(rows, headers=[ "ID", "Data inizio", "Data Restituzione", "Data scedenza", "ID utente", "Nome", "Cognome", "ID Libro", "Titolo" ], tablefmt="github"))
def visualizzaInventario(database): rows = database.select_libri_categorie(None) print( tabulate(rows, headers=[ "ID", "autore", "titolo", "Numero copie", "Anno produzione", "Categoria" ], tablefmt="github"))
def objective():'clear') cprint("\n\nObjective:", 'green', attrs=['bold']) cprint(" Looking for a Python programmer position to refine my skills and to build\n new ones.", 'green') main_menu = raw_input(colored("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHit Enter to return to the Main Menu:\n>>> ", 'green',attrs=['bold'])) if main_menu == "": else:
def edu():"clear") cprint ("\n\n\nEducation:", 'green', attrs=['bold']) cprint (" Self-educated from online recorces and books. Such recorces include\n,, and books like Learn Python The \n Hard Way.", 'green') main_menu = raw_input(colored("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHit Enter to return to Main Menu:\n>>> ", 'green', attrs=['bold'])) if main_menu == "": else:
def history(): cl ="clear") cprint ("\nWork History:", 'green', attrs=['bold']) cprint (" Your looking at. This is a project to highlight some of my abilities. I\n also have more projects that can be seen on git hub at\n", 'green') main_menu = raw_input(colored("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWould you like to see more? (y/n):\n\n>>> ", 'green', attrs=['bold'])) if main_menu == "n": cl elif main_menu == "no": cl elif main_menu == "No": cl elif main_menu == "y": cl more.more() elif main_menu == "yes": cl more.more() elif main_menu == "Yes": cl more.more() else: cl
def recordDepart(email, CONN_STRING): # get user input flightno = input("Please enter the flight number: ") # check if the user entered a value if len(flightno) == 0: print("Flight number cannot be blank") return, CONN_STRING) # get more user input dep_date = input("Please enter the departure date(DD/MM/YYYY): ") if len(dep_date) == 0: print("Departure date must have a value.") return, CONN_STRING) # check if the user's input flight exists sql =""" select * from sch_flights where flightno = '{0}' and to_char(dep_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') = '{1}' """.format(flightno, dep_date) try: output = main.sqlWithReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) except: print("Improper input. Please try again") return, CONN_STRING) if len(output) == 0: print("There is no flight with that flight number and departure date") return, CONN_STRING) # get the value of the date and time of the actual departure time act_dep_time = input("Please enter the actual departure time(DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI): ") # create command to update act_dep_time in sch_flights table sql = "update sch_flights set act_dep_time = to_date('{0}', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') where flightno = '{1}' and to_char(dep_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') = '{2}'".format(act_dep_time, flightno, dep_date) # see if the command works try: main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) except: # if it does not, tell the user and return to the menu print("failed to record") return, CONN_STRING) # if it does, tell the user and return to the menu print("successfully recorded") return, CONN_STRING)
def recordArr(email, CONN_STRING): # get the user's desired flightno flightno = input("Please enter the flight number: ") # check if the user actually entered anything if len(flightno) == 0: print("Flight number cannot be blank") return, CONN_STRING) # get the user's flight's desired departure date dep_date = input("Please enter the departure date(DD/MM/YYYY): ") # check if the user actually entered anything if len(dep_date) == 0: print("Departure date must have a value.") return, CONN_STRING) # check if the user's input flight exists sql =""" select * from sch_flights where flightno = '{0}' and to_char(dep_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') = '{1}' """.format(flightno, dep_date) try: output = main.sqlWithReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) except: print("Improper input. Please try again") return, CONN_STRING) if len(output) == 0: print("There is no flight with that flight number and departure date") return, CONN_STRING) # get the departure date and time from the user act_arr_time = input("Please enter the actual arrival time(DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI): ") # sql command that sets the actual arrival time of the flight sql = "update sch_flights set act_arr_time = to_date('{0}', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') where flightno = '{1}' and to_char(dep_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') = '{2}'".format(act_arr_time, flightno, dep_date) # see if the command can successfully execute try: main.sqlWithNoReturn(sql, CONN_STRING) except: # if it can't, tell the user and go to the menu print("failed to record") return, CONN_STRING) # if it can, tell the user and go to the menu print("successfully recorded") return, CONN_STRING)
import main
def printInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, sortBy="1"): sortByPrice = """ select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' order by price asc) """.format(source, dest, dep_date) sortByStops = """ select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' order by stops, price asc) """.format(source, dest, dep_date) try: if sortBy == "1": rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) else: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) except: print("There was an error in finding your flight. Please try again.") return, CONN_STRING) if len(rs) != 0: i = 1 for row in desc: print(row[0], end=" ") print("") for row in rs: print(str(i)+".",row) i+=1 else: sortByPrice = """ select x.flightno1, x.flightno2, x.src, x.dst, to_char(x.dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, x.stops, 60 * x.layover as layover, x.price, x.fare1, x.fare2, (x.seats1 + x.seats2) / 2 - abs(x.seats1 - x.seats2)/2 as seats from airports a1, airports a2, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}')) x where (lower( like '%{0}%' or lower( like '%{0}%') and a1.acode = x.src and a2.acode = x.dst and (lower( like '%{1}%' or lower( like '%{1}%') order by price asc """.format(source.lower(), dest.lower(), dep_date) # query that selects suitable flights sorted by stops then price and # similar aiport name or city name sortByStops = """ select x.flightno1, x.flightno2, x.src, x.dst, to_char(x.dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, x.stops, 60 * x.layover as layover, x.price, x.fare1, x.fare2, (x.seats1 + x.seats2) / 2 - abs(x.seats1 - x.seats2)/2 as seats from airports a1, airports a2, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}')) x where (lower( like '%{0}%' or lower( like '%{0}%') and a1.acode = x.src and a2.acode = x.dst and (lower( like '%{1}%' or lower( like '%{1}%') order by stops, price asc """.format(source.lower(), dest.lower(), dep_date) try: if sortBy == "1": rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) else: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) except: print("Unexpected error occurred while trying to find flights. Please try again.") return, CONN_STRING) if len(rs) != 0: i = 1 for row in desc: print(row[0], end=" ") print("") for row in rs: print(str(i)+".", row) i+=1 else: print("no results"), CONN_STRING) print(str(len(rs)+1)+".", "Sort by number of connections") print(str(len(rs)+2)+".", "Make a booking") print(str(len(rs)+3)+".", "Go back to menu") option = input("Enter the number of an option: ") try: optNum = int(option) if optNum<0 or optNum>len(rs)+3: print("Not valid number") elif optNum == len(rs)+1: printInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, "2") elif optNum == len(rs)+2: flightno = int(input("Enter the number before the flight you want to book: ")) if sortBy == "1": rs = main.sqlWithReturn(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) else: newRs = main.sqlWithReturn(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) # compare each row in new result set with user selected row and # record the index selected = rs[flightno-1] i = 0 for row in newRs: if row[0] == selected[0] and row[1] == selected[1] and row[-3] == selected[-3] and row[-2] == selected[-2]: break else: i += 1 # if not found, print error message and go back if i == len(newRs): print("tickets for your selected flight has run out") return printInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, sortBy) # call booking function return booking(email, CONN_STRING, i+1, newRs, dep_date, source, dest) elif optNum == len(rs)+3:, CONN_STRING) else: print("Not valid number") printInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, "1") except: print("Not valid number") printInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, "1")
def printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy="1"): sortByPrice = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' order by price asc)) t2 order by price asc """.format(source, dest, dep_date, ret_date) sortByStops = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' order by price asc)) t2 order by stops, price asc """.format(source, dest, dep_date, ret_date) if sortBy == "1": try: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) except: print("no match found") return, CONN_STRING) else: try: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) except: print("no match found") return, CONN_STRING) if len(rs) != 0: i = 1 for row in desc: print(row[0], end=" ") print("") for row in rs: print(str(i)+".",row) i+=1 else: sortByPrice = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from airports a1, airports a2, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' order by price asc)) t2 where (lower( like '%{0}%' or lower( like '%{0}%') and a1.acode = t1.src and a2.acode = t1.dst and (lower( like '%{1}%' or lower( like '%{1}%') and t1.src = t2.dst and t1.dst = t2.src order by price asc """.format(source.lower(), dest.lower(), dep_date, ret_date) sortByStops = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from airports a1, airports a2, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' order by price asc)) t2 where (lower( like '%{0}%' or lower( like '%{0}%') and a1.acode = t1.src and a2.acode = t1.dst and (lower( like '%{1}%' or lower( like '%{1}%') and t1.src = t2.dst and t1.dst = t2.src order by price asc """.format(source.lower(), dest.lower(), dep_date, ret_date) if sortBy == "1": try: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) except: print("There was an unexpected error while trying to find flights. Please try again.") return, CONN_STRING) else: try: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) except: print("There was an unexpected error while trying to find flights. Please try again.") return, CONN_STRING) if len(rs) != 0: i = 1 for row in desc: print(row[0], end=" ") print("") for row in rs: print(str(i)+".", row) i+=1 else: print("no results") return, CONN_STRING) print(str(len(rs)+1)+".", "Sort by number of connections") print(str(len(rs)+2)+".", "Make a booking") print(str(len(rs)+3)+".", "Go back to menu") option = input("Enter the number of an option: ") try: optNum = int(option) if optNum<0 or optNum>len(rs)+3: print("Not valid number") elif optNum == len(rs)+1: printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, "2") elif optNum == len(rs)+2: flightno = int(input("Enter the number before the flight you want to book: ")) if sortBy == "1": rs = main.sqlWithReturn(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) else: newRs = main.sqlWithReturn(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) # compare each row in new result set with user selected row and # record the index selected = rs[flightno-1] i = 0 for row in newRs: if row[0] == selected[0] and row[1] == selected[1] and row[8] == selected[8] and row[9] == selected[9] and row[10] == selected[10] and row[11] == selected[11] and row[-5] == selected[-5] and row[-4] == selected[-4]: break else: i += 1 # if not found, print error message and go back if i == len(newRs): print("tickets for your selected flight has run out") return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy) # call booking function return roundBooking(email, CONN_STRING, i+1, newRs, dep_date, ret_date, source, dest) elif optNum == len(rs)+3:, CONN_STRING) else: print("Not valid number") return, CONN_STRING) except: print("Not valid number") return, CONN_STRING)
def printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy="1"): # query that selects suitable round trip flights sorted by price and # airport code sortByPrice = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' order by price asc)) t2 order by price asc """.format(source, dest, dep_date, ret_date) # query that selects suitable round trip flights sorted by first stops # then price and airport code sortByStops = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' and src='{0}' and dst='{1}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' and src='{1}' and dst='{0}' order by price asc)) t2 order by stops, price asc """.format(source, dest, dep_date, ret_date) # use the corresponding query to sort the result if sortBy == "1": try: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) except: print("no match found") return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, "1") else: try: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) except: print("no match found") return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, "1") # if there is result print column name and rows if len(rs) != 0: i = 1 for row in desc: print(row[0], end=" ") print("") for row in rs: print(str(i)+".",row) i+=1 # if no result then use implicit search else: # query that selects suitable round trip flights sorted by price and # similar aiport name or city name sortByPrice = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from airports a1, airports a2, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' order by price asc)) t2 where (lower(t1.src) = '{0}' and a1.acode = t1.src or (t1.src = a1.acode and lower( like '%{0}%' or lower( like '%{0}%')) and (lower(t1.dst) = '{1}' and a2.acode = t1.dst or (t1.dst = a2.acode and lower( like '%{1}%' or lower( like '%{1}%')) and t1.src = t2.dst and t1.dst = t2.src order by price asc """.format(source.lower(), dest.lower(), dep_date, ret_date) # query that selects suitable round trip flights sorted by stops # then price and similar aiport name or city name sortByStops = """ select t1.flightno1, t1.flightno2, t1.src, t1.dst, t1.dep_date, t1.dep_time, t1.arr_time, t1.layover, t1.fare1, t1.fare2, t2.flightno1 as flightno3, t2.flightno2 as flightno4, t2.dep_date as ret_date, t2.dep_time, t2.arr_time, t2.layover, t2.fare1 as fare3, t2.fare2 as fare4, t1.stops + t2.stops as stops, (t1.seats + t2.seats) / 2 - abs(t1.seats - t2.seats) / 2 as seats, t1.price + t2.price as price from airports a1, airports a2, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{2}' order by price asc)) t1, (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, to_char(dep_date) as dep_date, to_char(dep_time, 'HH24:MI') as dep_time, to_char(arr_time, 'HH24:MI') as arr_time, stops, 60 * layover as layover , price, fare1, fare2, (seats1 + seats2) / 2 - abs(seats1 - seats2) / 2 as seats from (select flightno1, flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 1 stops, layover, price, seats1, seats2, dep_date, fare1, fare2 from good_connections where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' union select flightno flightno1, '' flightno2, src, dst, dep_time, arr_time, 0 stops, 0 layover, price, seats seats1, seats+1 as seats2, dep_date, fare as fare1, null fare2 from available_flights where to_char(dep_date,'DD/MM/YYYY')='{3}' order by price asc)) t2 where (lower(t1.src) = '{0}' and a1.acode = t1.src or (t1.src = a1.acode and lower( like '%{0}%' or lower( like '%{0}%')) and (lower(t1.dst) = '{1}' and a2.acode = t1.dst or (t1.dst = a2.acode and lower( like '%{1}%' or lower( like '%{1}%')) and t1.src = t2.dst and t1.dst = t2.src order by stops, price asc """.format(source.lower(), dest.lower(), dep_date, ret_date) if sortBy == "1": rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) else: rs, desc = main.sqlWithReturnDesc(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) # print searching result if exists if len(rs) != 0: i = 1 for row in desc: print(row[0], end=" ") print("") for row in rs: print(str(i)+".", row) i+=1 # print error message and go back to menu else: print("no results") return, CONN_STRING) # print options print(str(len(rs)+1)+".", "Sort by number of connections") print(str(len(rs)+2)+".", "Make a booking") print(str(len(rs)+3)+".", "Go back to menu") # get options and call corresponding method option = input("Enter the number of an option: ") try: optNum = int(option) if optNum<0 or optNum>len(rs)+3: print("Not valid number") elif optNum == len(rs)+1: return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, "2") elif optNum == len(rs)+2: # get user selected number of flight flightno = int(input("Enter the number before the flight you want to book: ")) # go back to start of function if flightno is less than one # to prevent negative indexing issues if flightno < 1: return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy) # get a new result set of current data if sortBy == "1": newRs = main.sqlWithReturn(sortByPrice, CONN_STRING) else: newRs = main.sqlWithReturn(sortByStops, CONN_STRING) # compare each row in new result set with user selected row and # record the index selected = rs[flightno-1] i = 0 for row in newRs: if row[0] == selected[0] and row[1] == selected[1] and row[8] == selected[8] and row[9] == selected[9] and row[10] == selected[10] and row[11] == selected[11] and row[-5] == selected[-5] and row[-4] == selected[-4]: break else: i += 1 # if not found, print error message and go back if i == len(newRs): print("tickets for your selected flight has run out") return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy) # call booking function return roundBooking(email, CONN_STRING, i+1, newRs, dep_date, ret_date, source, dest) elif optNum == len(rs)+3: return, CONN_STRING) else: print("Not valid number") return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy) except: print("Not valid number") return printRoundInfo(email, CONN_STRING, source, dest, dep_date, ret_date, sortBy)