def showDialog(self): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Input Dialog', 'Enter your text:') if ok: if 'file:' in text: self.le.setText( main.mixText(main.readFile(text.replace('file:', '')))) else: self.le.setText(main.mixText(str(text) + '.'))
def openArquivo(): try: fileName = filedialog.askopenfilename(title="Select File", filetypes=(("txt files", "*.txt"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if fileName != '': code = main.readFile(fileName) textinput.delete('1.0', 'end-1c') textinput.insert("end-1c", code) except Exception as e: pass
def browse(self): options = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Options() options |= QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog self.inputFile = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.mainWindow, "QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()", "", options=options) if self.inputFile: self.inputFile = str(self.inputFile[0]) self.lines = classifier.readFile(self.inputFile) self.labelFileName.setText("Nazwa przetwarzanego pliku: \n" + self.inputFile.split("/")[-1]) self.progressBar.setProperty("value", 0) self.labelNumOfNature.setText("")
def debug(): try: entrada = textinput.get("1.0", 'end-1c') main.execultaDebug(entrada, var.get()) debug_message = main.readFile('parselog.txt') root2 = tk.Tk() root2.title("SiNo 1.0") root2.geometry('1366x768') #ico2 = PhotoImage(file = 'icones/post.png')'wm', 'iconphoto', root2._w, ico2) canvas = tk.Canvas(root2, bg='#FDF5E6', height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH) canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) label3 = tk.Label(root2, text=" DEBUG PLY ", bg='#FDF5E9'), rely=0.01) frame1 = tk.Frame(root2, bg='#FDF5E9', bd=5), rely=0.03, relwidth=0.95, relheight=0.95, anchor='n') textinput1 = tk.Text(frame1, font=(NORM_FONT, 15)), relheight=0.95) textinput1.insert("end-1c", debug_message) scrollBar_input1 = tk.Scrollbar(frame1), rely=0.01, relwidth=0.018) scrollBar_input1.config(command=textinput1.yview) textinput1.config(yscrollcommand=scrollBar_input1.set) root2.mainloop() except Exception as e: label.insert( "end-1c", ' \n ************************************* SiNo ************************************* \n' + '>>Return main:: ' + str(e))
plt.plot([real_global_returns] * len(hist)) plt.title("boxplot_ARMA") plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.boxplot([sim_garch]) plt.plot([real_global_returns] * len(hist)) plt.title("boxplot_GARCH") plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.boxplot([sim_sv]) plt.plot([real_global_returns] * 500) plt.title("boxplot_SV") #for test import main import GlobalValue if __name__ == '__main__': main.readFile('Portfolio structure.csv') main.readHistData('Historical Data.csv') modelp = pickle.load(open("globalValue_modelParams.dat", "rb")) yahoodata = pickle.load(open("globalValue_yahooData.dat", "rb")) #print(modelp[0]) #plot_simulation(modelp[0],yahoodata[0]) #plot_simulation(modelp[1],yahoodata[1]) #plot_simulation(modelp[2],yahoodata[2]) #returns = pickle.load(open("global_returns.dat", "rb"))
plt.title("boxplot_ARMA") plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.boxplot([sim_garch]) plt.plot([real_global_returns] * len(hist)) plt.title("boxplot_GARCH") plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.boxplot([sim_sv]) plt.plot([real_global_returns]*500) plt.title("boxplot_SV") #for test import main import GlobalValue if __name__ == '__main__': main.readFile('Portfolio structure.csv') main.readHistData('Historical Data.csv') modelp = pickle.load(open("globalValue_modelParams.dat", "rb")) yahoodata = pickle.load(open("globalValue_yahooData.dat", "rb")) #print(modelp[0]) #plot_simulation(modelp[0],yahoodata[0]) #plot_simulation(modelp[1],yahoodata[1]) #plot_simulation(modelp[2],yahoodata[2]) #returns = pickle.load(open("global_returns.dat", "rb"))
from main import readFile assert len(readFile( 'mapping-coding--graph.dat')) != 77485, "Houston we've got a problem"
default_element_size=(40, 1), grab_anywhere=False) check = False while True: # Event Loop event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break try: if event == 'Submit': if values['result_file_path'] == "Select result file": print("Please select result file path") else: #print(values['result_file_path']) path = values['result_file_path'] readFile(path) check = True #print(values) elif event == 'Generate' and check: if values['top_3']: print("Top 3 students\n") print('{:20s} {:20s} {:40s}'.format("Roll No.", "Name", "Percentage")) for x in range(3): print('{:20s} {:20s} {:40s}'.format( percentData[x]['rollNo'], percentData[x]['name'], percentData[x]['percentage'])) elif values['sub_wise']: for key, value in subjectCodeDist.items(): print( str(key) + " A1 = " + str(value['A1']) + " A2 = " +
def processFiles(self, path, gap): if self.isStopped(): return filenames = [] self.flag_ad = "0" self.flag_de = "0" for filename in os.listdir(path): #用来判断文件夹中是否有之前处理过的数据,记录下之前处理数据的下标 if str(filename).startswith("adsorption_spectrum") and str( filename).endswith(".xls"): self.flag_ad = str(int(str(filename)[-5]) + 1) if str(filename).startswith("desorption_spectrum") and str( filename).endswith(".xls"): self.flag_de = str(int(str(filename)[-5]) + 1) if str(filename).endswith(".jdx"): filenames.append(filename) flag = 0 for filename in filenames: if flag == 0: f = open("directory.txt", 'w') f.write(path + "\\" + filename) f.close() flag = 1 if self.isStopped(): return data = main.readFile(unicode(path + "\\" + filename)) if str(filename).endswith("ef.jdx"): self.data_ad[1:1] = [data] self.data_de[1:1] = [data] # [self.data_x1,self.data_y1]=data elif str(filename).endswith("ark.jdx"): self.data_ad[0:0] = [data] self.data_de[0:0] = [data] # [self.data_x2,self.data_y2]=data else: if str(filename).startswith("a") and str(filename).endswith( ".jdx"): self.data_ad.append(data) elif str(filename).startswith("d") and str(filename).endswith( ".jdx"): self.data_de.append(data) self.emit(SIGNAL("indexed(QString)"), filename) import xlwt file_ad = xlwt.Workbook() table_ad = file_ad.add_sheet('Sheet1', cell_overwrite_ok=True) + "\\" + 'adsorption_spectrum' + self.flag_ad + '.xls') count = 0 flag = 0 for i in range(2, len(self.data_ad), gap): print(i) temp = main.slotTest2DataProcess( self.data_ad[0][0], self.data_ad[0][1], self.data_ad[1][0], self.data_ad[1][1], self.data_ad[i][0], self.data_ad[i][1]) self.result_ad.append(temp) if flag == 0: data_x_smooth = temp[0] data_y_smooth = temp[1] if count == 0: for j in range(len(data_x_smooth)): table_ad.write(j, count, data_x_smooth[j]) table_ad.write(j, count + 1, data_y_smooth[j]) else: for j in range(len(data_y_smooth)): table_ad.write(j, count + 1, data_y_smooth[j]) count = count + 1 if count % 10 == 0: print("................") + "\\" + 'adsorption_spectrum' + self.flag_ad + '.xls') flag = (flag + 1) % 5 self.emit(SIGNAL("processed(QString)"), "adsorption --- %i " % i) + "\\" + 'adsorption_spectrum' + self.flag_ad + '.xls') file_de = xlwt.Workbook() table_de = file_de.add_sheet('Sheet1', cell_overwrite_ok=True) + "\\" + 'desorption_spectrum' + self.flag_de + '.xls') count = 0 flag = 0 for i in range(2, len(self.data_de), gap): print(i) temp = main.slotTest2DataProcess( self.data_de[0][0], self.data_de[0][1], self.data_de[1][0], self.data_de[1][1], self.data_de[i][0], self.data_de[i][1]) self.result_de.append(temp) if flag == 0: data_x_smooth = temp[0] data_y_smooth = temp[1] if count == 0: for j in range(len(data_x_smooth)): table_de.write(j, count, data_x_smooth[j]) table_de.write(j, count + 1, data_y_smooth[j]) else: for j in range(len(data_y_smooth)): table_de.write(j, count + 1, data_y_smooth[j]) count = count + 1 if count % 10 == 0: print("......................") + "\\" + 'desorption_spectrum' + self.flag_de + '.xls') flag = (flag + 1) % 10 self.emit(SIGNAL("processed(QString)"), "desorption --- %i " % i) + "\\" + 'desorption_spectrum' + self.flag_de + '.xls') self.completed = True