async def daily(self, ctx): main.cur.execute('SELECT daily FROM stats WHERE user_id = %s', (, )) daily_check = str(main.cur.fetchone()) utc = (int(time() % 86400) - 3600) if utc <= 0: utc += 86400 next_time = main.time_convert(86400 - utc) if daily_check != '(True,)': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET daily = true WHERE user_id = %s', main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET exp = exp + 100 WHERE user_id = %s', print(f'{} claimed their dailies') await main.channel_embed( ctx, 'Claimed!', f'You have claimed your daily today and gained 100 exp!\nYou can claim your next daily in {next_time}' ) else: await main.channel_embed( ctx, 'Oh no!', f'Unfortunately you have already claimed your dailies today\nCome back in {next_time} to claim your next daily!' )
async def on_message_edit(self, message_before, message_after): if != '0000': if message_after.content != '' and message_before.content != '': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET edited = edited + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', if != main.ids(0): if str( not in exempt_channels: if message_after.content != message_before.content: # prevent logging embeds loading if message_before.guild is None: jump = 'DMs**' else: jump = f'{}** [(jump)]({}/{}/{})' em_v = discord.Embed( color=int(main.values(1), 16), description=f'**Message edited in {jump}') em_v.add_field(name='Befored Edit:', value=message_before.content, inline=False) em_v.add_field(name='After Edit:', value=message_after.content, inline=False) em_v.set_footer( text= f'{} | ID: {}', channel = await await channel.send(embed=em_v) print( f'{} edited a message, Before: \"{message_before.content}\" After: \"{message_after.content}\"' )
async def flip(self, ctx): c = [SystemRandom().randrange(2)][0] + 1 if c == 1: main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET heads = heads + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await main.channel_embed(ctx, '🗣 Heads! 🗣') else: main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET tails = tails + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await main.channel_embed(ctx, '🦅 Tails! 🦅')
async def on_message(self, message): if != '0000': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET messages = messages + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', if (message.guild is None) and ( != main.ids(0)) and (str( not in exempt_users): channel = main.ids(4)) await main.log_embed(None, 'I have recieved a DM', message.content, channel, print(f'{} dmed me \"{message.content}\"')
async def regex_respond(self, message): b_guild = main.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM response WHERE delete=false') match_regex = main.cur.fetchall() for x in match_regex: if[0], message.content.lower()) is not None: main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET triggered_responses = triggered_responses + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', if (b_guild.get_member(main.ids(0)) in message.mentions) or (message.content.startswith('!')): title = '' if x[1].lower() == 'none' else x[1] desc = '' if x[2].lower() == 'none' else x[2] await main.channel_embed(, title, desc) print( f'{} manually triggered response #{x[5]}') if message.guild is not None: await message.delete() elif role_check(self,, x[4]) is not True: title = '' if x[1].lower() == 'none' else x[1] desc = '' if x[2].lower() == 'none' else x[2] print(f'{} triggered response #{x[5]}') em_v = discord.Embed(color=int(main.values(1), 16), title=title, description=desc) em_v.set_footer( text=f'{} | ID: {}', auto_response = await await auto_response.add_reaction('🗑️') def check(dreaction, duser): try: return ( == and ( == or staffr_check(self, is True) except AttributeError: pass try: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', timeout=1800, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass else: if str(reaction) == '🗑️' and != int(main.ids(0)): try: await auto_response.delete() except AttributeError: pass
async def on_message_delete(self, message): if != '0000': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET deleted = deleted + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', if ( != main.ids(0)) and (str( not in exempt_channels): channel = await if message.guild is None: del_channel = 'DMs' else: del_channel = await main.log_embed( None, None, f'**Message deleted in {del_channel}** \n{message.content}', channel, print( f'{} message was deleted: \"{message.content}\"' )
async def computer_rps(ctx, choice_num, choice, image): comp_choice = [SystemRandom().randrange(3)][0] + 1 if comp_choice == 1: str_compchoice = 'Rock' elif comp_choice == 2: str_compchoice = 'Paper' else: str_compchoice = 'Scissors' if choice_num == comp_choice: title = 'We Tied :|' main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET tied = tied + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', action = f'{choice} {tie} {str_compchoice}' elif choice_num + 1 < comp_choice or choice_num - 1 == comp_choice: title = 'You Won! :)' main.stat_update(r'UPDATE stats SET won = won + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', if choice_num == 1: action = rock_scissors elif choice_num == 2: action = paper_rock else: action = scissors_paper else: if comp_choice == 1: action = rock_scissors elif comp_choice == 2: action = paper_rock else: action = scissors_paper title = 'You lost :(' main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET lost = lost + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await main.channel_embed(ctx, title, action, image)
async def ls(self, ctx, choice=None): lizard_img = '' spock_img = '' rock_lizard = 'Rock crushes Lizard' paper_spock = 'Paper disproves Spock' scissors_lizard = 'Scissors decapitates Lizard' lizard_paper = 'Lizard eats Paper' lizard_spock = 'Lizard poisons Spock' spock_rock = 'Spock vaporizes Rock' spock_scissors = 'Spock smashes Scissors' if (choice is None) or (choice.lower() not in [ 'rock', 'paper', 'scissors', 'lizard', 'spock' ]): return await Help.rpsls(self, ctx) if choice.lower() == 'rock': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET rock = rock + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', user_choice = 1 image = rock_img elif choice.lower() == 'paper': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET paper = paper + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', user_choice = 2 image = paper_img elif choice.lower() == 'scissors': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET scissors = scissors + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', user_choice = 3 image = scissors_img elif choice.lower() == 'lizard': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET lizard = lizard + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', user_choice = 4 image = lizard_img else: main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET spock = spock + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', user_choice = 5 image = spock_img comp_choice = [SystemRandom().randrange(5)][0] + 1 if user_choice == 1 and comp_choice == 2: title = 'You lost :(' action = paper_rock elif user_choice == 1 and comp_choice == 5: title = 'You lost :(' action = spock_rock elif user_choice == 1 and comp_choice == 3: title = 'You Won! :)' action = rock_scissors elif user_choice == 1 and comp_choice == 4: title = 'You Won! :)' action = rock_lizard elif user_choice == 2 and comp_choice == 3: title = 'You lost :(' action = scissors_paper elif user_choice == 2 and comp_choice == 4: title = 'You lost :(' action = lizard_paper elif user_choice == 2 and comp_choice == 1: title = 'You Won! :)' action = paper_rock elif user_choice == 2 and comp_choice == 5: title = 'You Won! :)' action = paper_spock elif user_choice == 3 and comp_choice == 1: title = 'You lost :(' action = rock_scissors elif user_choice == 3 and comp_choice == 5: title = 'You lost :(' action = spock_scissors elif user_choice == 3 and comp_choice == 2: title = 'You Won! :)' action = scissors_paper elif user_choice == 3 and comp_choice == 4: title = 'You Won! :)' action = scissors_lizard elif user_choice == 4 and comp_choice == 1: title = 'You lost :(' action = rock_lizard elif user_choice == 4 and comp_choice == 3: title = 'You lost :(' action = scissors_lizard elif user_choice == 4 and comp_choice == 2: title = 'You Won! :)' action = lizard_paper elif user_choice == 4 and comp_choice == 5: title = 'You Won! :)' action = lizard_spock elif user_choice == 5 and comp_choice == 2: title = 'You lost :(' action = paper_spock elif user_choice == 5 and comp_choice == 4: title = 'You lost :(' action = lizard_spock elif user_choice == 5 and comp_choice == 1: title = 'You Won! :)' action = spock_rock elif user_choice == 5 and comp_choice == 3: title = 'You Won! :)' action = spock_scissors else: action = f'{choice} {tie} {choice}' title = 'We Tied :|' main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET tied = tied + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', if title == 'You Won! :)': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET won = won + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', elif title == 'You lost :(': main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET lost = lost + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await main.channel_embed(ctx, title, action, image)
async def scissors(self, ctx): main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET scissors = scissors + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await computer_rps(ctx, 3, 'Scissors', scissors_img)
async def paper(self, ctx): main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET paper = paper + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await computer_rps(ctx, 2, 'Paper', paper_img)
async def rock(self, ctx): main.stat_update( r'UPDATE stats SET rock = rock + 1 WHERE user_id = %s', await computer_rps(ctx, 1, 'Rock', rock_img)