Пример #1
def build_info(keys: str = Header(...),
               keyvalues: str = Header(...),
               maxbuilds: str = Header(...),
               token: str = Header(...)):
    # TODO get either address or longitude or longitude of building
    # TODO return all information as well as risk assessment
    # TODO return tips to make better
    Return list of buildings and their values based on the keys used.

    endpoint = 'build-info'
    return_dict = {'success': False}
        print("Executing {} endpoint".format(endpoint))
        role = registration.Login.validate_jwt_token(token)['roles']
        keys, keyvalues = keys.split('|'), keyvalues.split('|')
        if len(keys) == 0 or len(keyvalues) == 0:
            raise Exception('No query key found')
        build_obj = Building(role, keys[1:], keyvalues[1:], maxbuilds)

        return_dict['result'] = build_obj.retrieve_from_db()
        return_dict['success'] = True
        return JSONResponse(content=return_dict)

    except CustomException as ce:
        error_code, error = str(ce).split(':')
        return print_exception(error, error_code, endpoint, return_dict)

    except Exception as e:
        return print_exception(str(e), 400, endpoint, return_dict)