def __init__(self, fake, gender=None, dob=None, city=None, filename=None): m = 'profiles/main_config.json' main = open(m, 'r').read() self.all_profiles = MainConfig(main).config self.cities = demographics.make_cities() new_cities = {} for i in list(self.cities.keys()): if self.cities[i].split('|')[0] == city and self.cities[i].split( '|')[1] == 'CO': new_cities[i] = self.cities[i] if len(new_cities.keys()) > 0: self.cities = new_cities #age_gender = make_age_gender_dict() self.fake = fake self.ssn = fake.ssn() generated_gender, generated_dob = self.generate_age_gender() if gender is not None: self.gender = gender[0] else: self.gender = generated_gender #self.age = age if dob is not None: self.dob = self.convert_date(dob) else: self.dob = generated_dob self.first = self.get_first_name() self.last = fake.last_name() self.street = fake.street_address() self.addy = self.get_random_location() #make people under 22 mostly students, and over the age of 65 mostly retired if ( - date(self.dob.year, self.dob.month, ).days / 365. <= 22 and random.random() <= .8: self.job = 'Student' elif ( - date(self.dob.year, self.dob.month, ).days / 365. >= 65 and random.random() <= .8: self.job = 'Retired' else: self.job = fake.job() = fake.credit_card_number() = self.account = fake.random_number(digits=12) self.profile = self.find_profile() if filename is not None: self.save_to_file(filename)
def pickle_profiles(self): # turn all profiles into dicts to work with main = [p for p in self.profiles if 'main_config.json' in p][0] main = open(main, 'r').read() # pickle the main_config.json main_config = MainConfig(main).config with open('./pickles/all_profiles.pickle', 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(main_config, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # pickle the profiles individual_profiles = [p for p in self.profiles if 'main_config.json' not in p] for p, pro in [(p, open(p, 'r').read()) for p in individual_profiles]: profile = profile_weights_pickle.Profile(pro, self.start, self.end) # skip pickling the template if p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] == 'template': pass else: with open(p.replace('.json','.profile').\ replace('/profiles/','/pickles/'), \ 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(profile, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print_err(3) try: m = sys.argv[4] ## m = 'profiles/main_config.json' main = open(m, 'r').read() except: print_err(4) return num_cust, seed_num, base_home, main if __name__ == '__main__': # read and validate stdin num_cust, seed_num, base_home, main = validate() # from demographics module cities = demographics.make_cities(base_home) age_gender = demographics.make_age_gender_dict(base_home) fake = Faker() Faker.seed(seed_num) headers = Headers() # turn all profiles into dicts to work with all_profiles = MainConfig(main).config for _ in range(num_cust): Customer()