def querier_enclosure(i, q): """ Wrapper for the query procedure in order to be used in a Worker """ while not QUITTHREAD: print('Worker {}: Looking for the next query'.format(i)) args = q.get() query = inquirer.AcademicQuerier(args['query_type'], args['payload']) if query is not None: results = if results: if args['query_type'] == inquirer.AcademicQueryType.INTERPRET: expr = 'OR({})'.format(','.join([ interpretation['rules'][0]['value'] for interpretation in results ])) THE_QUEUE.put({ 'query_type': inquirer.AcademicQueryType.EVALUATE, 'payload': { 'expr': expr, 'attributes': '*' }, 'parent': None }) elif args['query_type'] == inquirer.AcademicQueryType.EVALUATE: parent = args.get('parent', None) branch = ROOT['articles'] if parent is None else ( find_article(parent))['cites'] for result in results: article = find_article(result['id'], parent) if article is None: branch.append(result) if parent is None: expr = 'RId={}'.format(result['id']) THE_QUEUE.put({ 'query_type': inquirer.AcademicQueryType.EVALUATE, 'payload': { 'expr': expr, 'attributes': '*' }, 'parent': result['id'] }) total = len(branch) if total % 50 == 0: new_payload = args['payload'].copy() new_payload['offset'] = total THE_QUEUE.put({ 'query_type': args['query_type'], 'payload': new_payload, 'parent': args['parent'] }) q.task_done() sleep(DELAY)
def main(): """ The method called when running this script """ usage = """ --expr "expresion" A command-line tool to test similarity to Microsoft's Academic Knowledge.""" fmt = IndentedHelpFormatter(max_help_position=50, width=100) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, formatter=fmt) group = OptionGroup( parser, 'Query arguments', 'These options define search query arguments and parameters.') group.add_option('-e', '--expresion', metavar='EXPR', default=None, help='Expression') group.add_option('-a', '--attributes', metavar='ATTR', default='Id', help='Expression') parser.add_option_group(group) options, _ = parser.parse_args() # Show help if we have not an expression if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() return 1 if options.expresion is None: print('Expression is mandatory!') return 1 query = inquirer.AcademicQuerier(inquirer.AcademicQueryType.HISTOGRAM, { 'expr': options.expresion, 'attributes': options.attributes }) if query is not None: histograms = for histogram in histograms: data = histogram['data'] rng = range(1, len(data) + 1) labels = [val['value'] for val in data], [val['count'] for val in data]) plt.xticks(rng, labels, rotation='vertical') plt.margins(0.2) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(histogram['attribute']) plt.ylabel('count') plt.title('Histogram for {}'.format(histogram['attribute']))
def main(): """ The method called when running this script """ usage = """ --s1 "this is a test" --s2 "that was a test" A command-line tool to test similarity to Microsoft's Academic Knowledge.""" fmt = IndentedHelpFormatter(max_help_position=50, width=100) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, formatter=fmt) group = OptionGroup( parser, 'Query arguments', 'These options define search query arguments and parameters.') group.add_option('--s1', metavar='STRING1', default=None, help='First string') group.add_option('--s2', metavar='STRING2', default=None, help='Second string') parser.add_option_group(group) options, _ = parser.parse_args() # Show help if we have neither keyword search nor author name if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() return 1 if options.s1 is None or options.s2 is None: print('Both strings are mandatory!') return 1 query = inquirer.AcademicQuerier(inquirer.AcademicQueryType.SIMILARITY, { 's1': options.s1, 's2': options.s2 }) if query is not None: similarity = print('Similarity between "{}" and "{}" is {}'.format( options.s1, options.s2, similarity))