Пример #1
def blackClip(imIn, imOut, step=0, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Performs a black skeleton clipping (clipping of a black skeleton image). 
    If 'step' is not defined (or equal to 0), the clipping is performed until 
    idempotence. If 'step' is defined, 'step' black points (if possible) will be 
    removed from each branch of the black skeleton.
    'edge' is always set to FILLED.

    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    mamba.negate(imIn, imOut)
    if step == 0:
        v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        v2 = 0
        while v1 != v2:
            v2 = v1
            endPoints(imOut, imWrk, grid=grid, edge=mamba.FILLED)
            mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
            v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        for i in range(step):
            endPoints(imOut, imWrk, grid=grid, edge=mamba.FILLED)
            mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
    mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
Пример #2
def hierarchicalLevel(imIn, imOut, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Computes the next hierarchical level of image 'imIn' in the
    waterfalls transformation and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    This operation makes sure that the next hierarchical level is embedded
    in the previous one.
    'imIn' must be a valued watershed image.

    imWrk0 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    mamba.threshold(imIn, imWrk1, 0, 0)
    mamba.negate(imWrk1, imWrk2)
    hierarchy(imIn, imWrk2, imWrk0, grid=grid)
    mamba.minima(imWrk0, imWrk2, grid=grid)
    mamba.label(imWrk2, imWrk4, grid=grid)
    mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk0, imWrk4, grid=grid)
    mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk4, 3, imWrk0)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk0, imWrk2, 0, 0)
    mamba.diff(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk3)
    mamba.build(imWrk1, imWrk3)
    se = mamba.structuringElement(mamba.getDirections(grid), grid)
    mamba.dilate(imWrk3, imWrk1, 1, se)
    mamba.diff(imWrk2, imWrk1, imWrk1)
    mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "sup")
    mamba.convertByMask(imWrk1, imWrk0, 255, 0)
    mamba.logic(imIn, imWrk0, imOut, "inf")
Пример #3
def rotatingThin(imIn, imOut, dse, edge=mamba.FILLED):
    Performs a complete rotation of thinnings , the initial 'dse' double
    structuring element being turned one step clockwise after each thinning.
    At each rotation step, the previous result is used as input for the next
    thinning (chained thinnings). Depending on the grid where 'dse' is defined,
    6 or 8 rotations are performed.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' are binary images.
    'edge' is set to FILLED by default (default value is EMPTY in simple thin).

    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    if edge == mamba.FILLED:
        mamba.negate(imIn, imOut)
        for d in mamba.getDirections(dse.getGrid(), True):
            hitOrMiss(imOut, imWrk, dse.flip(), edge=mamba.EMPTY)
            mamba.logic(imWrk, imOut, imOut, "sup")
            dse = dse.rotate()
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
        mamba.copy(imIn, imOut)
        for d in mamba.getDirections(dse.getGrid(), True):
            hitOrMiss(imOut, imWrk, dse, edge=mamba.EMPTY)
            mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
            dse = dse.rotate()
Пример #4
def fullThin(imIn, imOut, dse, edge=mamba.EMPTY):
    Performs a complete thinning of 'imIn' with the successive rotations of 'dse'
    (until idempotence) and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' are binary images.
    'edge' is set to EMPTY by default.

    if edge == mamba.EMPTY:
        imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
        mamba.copy(imIn, imOut)
        v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        v2 = 0
        while v1 != v2:
            v2 = v1
            for i in range(mamba.gridNeighbors(dse.getGrid())):
                hitOrMiss(imOut, imWrk, dse)
                mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
                dse = dse.rotate()
            v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        mamba.negate(imIn, imOut)
        v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        v2 = 0
        while v1 != v2:
            v2 = v1
            rotatingThick(imOut, imOut, dse.flip())
            v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
Пример #5
def partitionLabel(imIn, imOut):
    This procedure labels each cell of image 'imIn' and puts the result in
    'imOut'. The number of cells is returned. 'imIn' can be a 1-bit, 8-bit or a
    32-bit image. 'imOut' is a 32-bit image. When 'imIn' is a binary image, all the
    connected components of the background are also labelled. When 'imIn' is a grey
    image, the 0-valued cells are also labelled (which is not the case with the label
    Warning! The label values of adjacent cells are not necessarily consecutive.
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    if imIn.getDepth() == 1:
        mamba.negate(imIn, imWrk1)
        mamba.threshold(imIn, imWrk1, 0, 0)
    nb1 = mamba.label(imWrk1, imWrk2)
    mamba.convertByMask(imWrk1, imOut, mamba.computeMaxRange(imOut)[1], 0)
    mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imOut, "sup")
    nb2 = mamba.label(imIn, imWrk2)
    mamba.addConst(imWrk2, nb1, imWrk2)
    mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imOut, "inf")
    return nb1 + nb2
Пример #6
def partitionLabel(imIn, imOut):
    This procedure labels each cell of image 'imIn' and puts the result in
    'imOut'. The number of cells is returned. 'imIn' can be a 1-bit, 8-bit or a
    32-bit image. 'imOut' is a 32-bit image. When 'imIn' is a binary image, all the
    connected components of the background are also labelled. When 'imIn' is a grey
    image, the 0-valued cells are also labelled (which is not the case with the label
    Warning! The label values of adjacent cells are not necessarily consecutive.

    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)

    if imIn.getDepth() == 1:
        mamba.negate(imIn, imWrk1)
        mamba.threshold(imIn, imWrk1, 0, 0)
    nb1 = mamba.label(imWrk1, imWrk2)
    mamba.convertByMask(imWrk1, imOut, mamba.computeMaxRange(imOut)[1], 0)
    mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imOut, "sup")
    nb2 = mamba.label(imIn, imWrk2)
    mamba.addConst(imWrk2, nb1, imWrk2)
    mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imOut, "inf")
    return nb1 + nb2
Пример #7
def fullThin(imIn, imOut, dse, edge=mamba.EMPTY):
    Performs a complete thinning of 'imIn' with the successive rotations of 'dse'
    (until idempotence) and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' are binary images.
    'edge' is set to EMPTY by default.
    if edge == mamba.EMPTY:
        imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
        mamba.copy(imIn, imOut)
        v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        v2 = 0
        while v1 != v2:
            v2 = v1
            for i in range(mamba.gridNeighbors(dse.getGrid())):
                hitOrMiss(imOut, imWrk, dse)
                mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
                dse = dse.rotate()
            v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        mamba.negate(imIn, imOut)
        v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        v2 = 0
        while v1 != v2:
            v2 = v1
            rotatingThick(imOut, imOut, dse.flip())
            v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
Пример #8
def blackClip(imIn, imOut, step=0, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Performs a black skeleton clipping (clipping of a black skeleton image). 
    If 'step' is not defined (or equal to 0), the clipping is performed until 
    idempotence. If 'step' is defined, 'step' black points (if possible) will be 
    removed from each branch of the black skeleton.
    'edge' is always set to FILLED.
    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    mamba.negate(imIn, imOut)
    if step == 0:
        v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        v2 = 0
        while v1 != v2:
            v2 = v1
            endPoints(imOut, imWrk, grid=grid, edge=mamba.FILLED)
            mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
            v1 = mamba.computeVolume(imOut)
        for i in range(step):
            endPoints(imOut, imWrk, grid=grid, edge=mamba.FILLED)
            mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
    mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
Пример #9
def mosaicGradient(imIn, imOut, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Builds the mosaic-gradient image of 'imIn' and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    The mosaic-gradient image is built by computing the differences of two
    mosaic images generated from 'imIn', the first one having its watershed
    lines valued by the suprema of the adjacent catchment basins values, the
    second one been valued by the infima.

    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    mosaic(imIn, imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
    mamba.sub(imWrk2, imWrk3, imWrk1)
    mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk3, imWrk2, "sup")
    mamba.negate(imWrk2, imWrk2)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk6, 1, 255)
    mamba.multiplePoints(imWrk6, imWrk6, grid=grid)
    mamba.convertByMask(imWrk6, imWrk3, 0, 255)
    se = mamba.structuringElement(mamba.getDirections(grid), grid)
    mamba.dilate(imWrk1, imWrk4, se=se)
    mamba.dilate(imWrk2, imWrk5, se=se)
    while mamba.computeVolume(imWrk3) != 0:
        mamba.dilate(imWrk1, imWrk1, 2, se=se)
        mamba.dilate(imWrk2, imWrk2, 2, se=se)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk3, imWrk2, "inf")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk4, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk5, imWrk5, "sup")
        mamba.erode(imWrk3, imWrk3, 2, se=se)
    mamba.negate(imWrk5, imWrk5)
    mamba.sub(imWrk4, imWrk5, imOut)
Пример #10
def rotatingThin(imIn, imOut, dse, edge=mamba.FILLED):
    Performs a complete rotation of thinnings , the initial 'dse' double
    structuring element being turned one step clockwise after each thinning.
    At each rotation step, the previous result is used as input for the next
    thinning (chained thinnings). Depending on the grid where 'dse' is defined,
    6 or 8 rotations are performed.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' are binary images.
    'edge' is set to FILLED by default (default value is EMPTY in simple thin).
    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    if edge == mamba.FILLED:
        mamba.negate(imIn, imOut)
        for d in mamba.getDirections(dse.getGrid(), True):
            hitOrMiss(imOut, imWrk, dse.flip(), edge=mamba.EMPTY)
            mamba.logic(imWrk, imOut, imOut, "sup")
            dse = dse.rotate()
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
        mamba.copy(imIn, imOut)
        for d in mamba.getDirections(dse.getGrid(), True):
            hitOrMiss(imOut, imWrk, dse, edge=mamba.EMPTY)
            mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
            dse = dse.rotate()
Пример #11
def hierarchicalLevel(imIn, imOut, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Computes the next hierarchical level of image 'imIn' in the
    waterfalls transformation and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    This operation makes sure that the next hierarchical level is embedded
    in the previous one.
    'imIn' must be a valued watershed image.
    imWrk0 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    mamba.threshold(imIn,imWrk1, 0, 0)
    mamba.negate(imWrk1, imWrk2)
    hierarchy(imIn, imWrk2, imWrk0, grid=grid)
    mamba.minima(imWrk0, imWrk2, grid=grid)
    mamba.label(imWrk2, imWrk4, grid=grid)
    mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk0, imWrk4, grid=grid)
    mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk4, 3, imWrk0)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk0, imWrk2, 0, 0)
    mamba.diff(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk3)
    mamba.build(imWrk1, imWrk3)
    se = mamba.structuringElement(mamba.getDirections(grid), grid)
    mamba.dilate(imWrk3, imWrk1, 1, se)
    mamba.diff(imWrk2, imWrk1, imWrk1)
    mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "sup")
    mamba.convertByMask(imWrk1, imWrk0, 255, 0)
    mamba.logic(imIn, imWrk0, imOut, "inf")
Пример #12
def mosaicGradient(imIn, imOut, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Builds the mosaic-gradient image of 'imIn' and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    The mosaic-gradient image is built by computing the differences of two
    mosaic images generated from 'imIn', the first one having its watershed
    lines valued by the suprema of the adjacent catchment basins values, the
    second one been valued by the infima.

    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    mosaic(imIn, imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
    mamba.sub(imWrk2, imWrk3, imWrk1)
    mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk3, imWrk2, "sup")
    mamba.negate(imWrk2, imWrk2)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk6, 1, 255)
    mamba.multiplePoints(imWrk6, imWrk6, grid=grid)
    mamba.convertByMask(imWrk6, imWrk3, 0, 255)
    se = mamba.structuringElement(mamba.getDirections(grid), grid)
    mamba.dilate(imWrk1, imWrk4, se=se)
    mamba.dilate(imWrk2, imWrk5, se=se)
    while mamba.computeVolume(imWrk3) != 0:
        mamba.dilate(imWrk1, imWrk1, 2, se=se)
        mamba.dilate(imWrk2, imWrk2, 2, se=se)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk3, imWrk2, "inf")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk4, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk5, imWrk5, "sup")
        mamba.erode(imWrk3, imWrk3, 2, se=se)
    mamba.negate(imWrk5, imWrk5)
    mamba.sub(imWrk4, imWrk5, imOut)
Пример #13
def hitOrMiss3D(imIn, imOut, dse, edge=mamba.EMPTY):
    Performs a binary Hit-or-miss operation on 3D image 'imIn' using the 
    doubleStructuringElement3D 'dse'. Result is put in 'imOut'.
    WARNING! 'imIn' and 'imOut' must be different images.

    (width, height, length) = imIn.getSize()
    depth = imIn.getDepth()
    if depth != 1:
    if length != len(imOut):
    zext = dse.grid.getZExtension()
    imWrk = m3D.image3DMb(width, height, length + zext * 2, depth)

    # Border handling
    m3D.copy3D(imIn, imWrk, firstPlaneOut=1)
    if edge == mamba.FILLED:
        m3D.negate3D(imWrk, imWrk)
        for i in range(zext):
            imWrk[length + zext * 2 - 1 - i].reset()
        dse = dse.flip()

    # Central point
    if dse.se1.hasZero():
        m3D.copy3D(imWrk, imOut, firstPlaneIn=1)
        if dse.se0.hasZero():
            for i in range(length):
                mamba.negate(imWrk[i + 1], imOut[i])

    # Other directions
    dirs = m3D.getDirections3D(dse.getGrid(), True)
    dirs0 = dse.se0.getDirections()
    dirs1 = dse.se1.getDirections()
    grid2D = dse.getGrid().get2DGrid()
    for d in dirs:
        if d in dirs1:
            for i in range(length):
                (planeOffset, dc) = dse.getGrid().convertFromDir(d, i)
                mamba.infNeighbor(imWrk[i + 1 + planeOffset],
                                  1 << dc,
        elif d in dirs0:
            for i in range(length):
                (planeOffset, dc) = dse.getGrid().convertFromDir(d, i)
                mamba.diffNeighbor(imWrk[i + 1 + planeOffset],
                                   1 << dc,
Пример #14
def generalSegment(imIn, imOut, gain=2.0, offset=1, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    General segmentation algorithm. This algorithm is controlled by two
    parameters: the 'gain' (identical to the gain used in standard and P
    segmentation) and a new one, the 'offset'. The 'offset' indicates which
    level of hierarchy is compared to the current hierarchical image.
    The 'offset' is relative to the current hierarchical level. If 'offset' is
    equal to 1, this operator corresponds to the standard segmentation, if
    'offset' is equal to 255 (this value stands for the infinity), the operator
    is equivalent to P algorithm.
    Image 'imOut' contains all these hierarchies which are embedded.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' must be greyscale images. 'imIn' and 'imOut' must be
    This transformation returns the number of hierarchical levels.    
    imWrk0 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)    
    mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk1)
    mamba.mulRealConst(imIn, gain, imWrk6)
    mamba.floorSubConst(imWrk6, 1, imWrk6)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk6, imWrk4, 255, mamba.computeMaxRange(imWrk6)[1])  
    mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 0, imWrk0)
    mamba.convert(imWrk4, imWrk2)
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk0, "sup")
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk1, imWrk0, "sup")
    nbLevels = 0
    mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    flag = not(mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk4))
    while flag:
        nbLevels += 1
        hierarchy(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.add(imOut, imWrk4, imOut)
        v = max(nbLevels - offset, 0) + 1
        mamba.threshold(imOut, imWrk4, v, 255)
        mamba.valuedWatershed(imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
        mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk5, 1, 255)
        flag = not(mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk5))
        hierarchy(imWrk3, imWrk5, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.generateSupMask(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk5, strict=False)
        mamba.logic(imWrk4, imWrk5, imWrk4, "inf")
        mamba.convertByMask(imWrk4, imWrk3, 0, 255)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk3, "inf")
        mamba.negate(imWrk4, imWrk4)
        mamba.label(imWrk4, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk3, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 3, imWrk3)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk1, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    return nbLevels
Пример #15
def generalSegment(imIn, imOut, gain=2.0, offset=1, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    General segmentation algorithm. This algorithm is controlled by two
    parameters: the 'gain' (identical to the gain used in standard and P
    segmentation) and a new one, the 'offset'. The 'offset' indicates which
    level of hierarchy is compared to the current hierarchical image.
    The 'offset' is relative to the current hierarchical level. If 'offset' is
    equal to 1, this operator corresponds to the standard segmentation, if
    'offset' is equal to 255 (this value stands for the infinity), the operator
    is equivalent to P algorithm.
    Image 'imOut' contains all these hierarchies which are embedded.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' must be greyscale images. 'imIn' and 'imOut' must be
    This transformation returns the number of hierarchical levels.    

    imWrk0 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk1)
    mamba.mulRealConst(imIn, gain, imWrk6)
    mamba.floorSubConst(imWrk6, 1, imWrk6)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk6, imWrk4, 255, mamba.computeMaxRange(imWrk6)[1])
    mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 0, imWrk0)
    mamba.convert(imWrk4, imWrk2)
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk0, "sup")
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk1, imWrk0, "sup")
    nbLevels = 0
    mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    flag = not (mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk4))
    while flag:
        nbLevels += 1
        hierarchy(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.add(imOut, imWrk4, imOut)
        v = max(nbLevels - offset, 0) + 1
        mamba.threshold(imOut, imWrk4, v, 255)
        mamba.valuedWatershed(imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
        mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk5, 1, 255)
        flag = not (mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk5))
        hierarchy(imWrk3, imWrk5, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.generateSupMask(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk5, strict=False)
        mamba.logic(imWrk4, imWrk5, imWrk4, "inf")
        mamba.convertByMask(imWrk4, imWrk3, 0, 255)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk3, "inf")
        mamba.negate(imWrk4, imWrk4)
        mamba.label(imWrk4, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk3, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 3, imWrk3)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk1, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    return nbLevels
Пример #16
def standardSegment(imIn, imOut, gain=2.0, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    General standard segmentation. This algorithm keeps the contours of the 
    watershed transform which are above or equal to the hierarchical image 
    associated to the next level of hierarchy when the altitude of the contour
    is multiplied by a 'gain' factor (default is 2.0). This transform also ends 
    by idempotence. All the hierarchical levels of image 'imIn'(which is a 
    valued watershed) are computed. 'imOut' contains all these hierarchies which
    are embedded, so that hierarchy i is simply obtained by a threshold
    [i+1, 255] of image 'imOut'.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' must be greyscale images. 'imIn' and 'imOut' must be
    This transformation returns the number of hierarchical levels.    
    imWrk0 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)    
    mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk1)
    mamba.mulRealConst(imIn, gain, imWrk6)
    mamba.floorSubConst(imWrk6, 1, imWrk6)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk6, imWrk4, 255, mamba.computeMaxRange(imWrk6)[1])  
    mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 0, imWrk0)
    mamba.convert(imWrk4, imWrk2)
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk0, "sup")
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk1, imWrk0, "sup")
    nbLevels = 0
    mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    flag = not(mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk4))
    while flag:
        hierarchy(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.add(imOut, imWrk4, imOut)
        mamba.valuedWatershed(imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
        mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk5, 1, 255)
        flag = not(mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk5))
        hierarchy(imWrk3, imWrk5, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.generateSupMask(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk5, strict=False)
        mamba.logic(imWrk4, imWrk5, imWrk4, "inf")
        mamba.convertByMask(imWrk4, imWrk3, 0, 255)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk3, "inf")
        mamba.negate(imWrk4, imWrk4)
        mamba.label(imWrk4, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk3, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 3, imWrk3)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk1, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
        nbLevels += 1
    return nbLevels
Пример #17
def standardSegment(imIn, imOut, gain=2.0, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    General standard segmentation. This algorithm keeps the contours of the 
    watershed transform which are above or equal to the hierarchical image 
    associated to the next level of hierarchy when the altitude of the contour
    is multiplied by a 'gain' factor (default is 2.0). This transform also ends 
    by idempotence. All the hierarchical levels of image 'imIn'(which is a 
    valued watershed) are computed. 'imOut' contains all these hierarchies which
    are embedded, so that hierarchy i is simply obtained by a threshold
    [i+1, 255] of image 'imOut'.
    'imIn' and 'imOut' must be greyscale images. 'imIn' and 'imOut' must be
    This transformation returns the number of hierarchical levels.    

    imWrk0 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk1)
    mamba.mulRealConst(imIn, gain, imWrk6)
    mamba.floorSubConst(imWrk6, 1, imWrk6)
    mamba.threshold(imWrk6, imWrk4, 255, mamba.computeMaxRange(imWrk6)[1])
    mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 0, imWrk0)
    mamba.convert(imWrk4, imWrk2)
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk0, "sup")
    mamba.logic(imWrk0, imWrk1, imWrk0, "sup")
    nbLevels = 0
    mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    flag = not (mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk4))
    while flag:
        hierarchy(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.add(imOut, imWrk4, imOut)
        mamba.valuedWatershed(imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
        mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk5, 1, 255)
        flag = not (mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk5))
        hierarchy(imWrk3, imWrk5, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.generateSupMask(imWrk0, imWrk2, imWrk5, strict=False)
        mamba.logic(imWrk4, imWrk5, imWrk4, "inf")
        mamba.convertByMask(imWrk4, imWrk3, 0, 255)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk3, "inf")
        mamba.negate(imWrk4, imWrk4)
        mamba.label(imWrk4, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk3, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 3, imWrk3)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk1, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
        nbLevels += 1
    return nbLevels
Пример #18
def _generateMask_(imIn1, imIn2, imOut):
    #This procedure is used internally by the residues operators. It computes
    #a mask indicating the points in the image where 'imIn1' is greater or equal
    #to 'imIn2' with 'imIn1' strictly positive.
    #Depth of 'imOut' is 1.
    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imOut)
    mamba.generateSupMask(imIn1, imIn2, imOut, False)
    if imIn1.getDepth()==1:
        mamba.negate(imIn1, imWrk)
        mamba.threshold(imIn1, imWrk, 0, 0)
    mamba.diff(imOut, imWrk, imOut)
Пример #19
def hitOrMiss3D(imIn, imOut, dse, edge=mamba.EMPTY):
    Performs a binary Hit-or-miss operation on 3D image 'imIn' using the 
    doubleStructuringElement3D 'dse'. Result is put in 'imOut'.
    WARNING! 'imIn' and 'imOut' must be different images.
    (width,height,length) = imIn.getSize()
    depth = imIn.getDepth()
    if depth!=1:
    if length!=len(imOut):
    zext = dse.grid.getZExtension()
    imWrk = m3D.image3DMb(width, height, length+zext*2, depth)
    # Border handling
    m3D.copy3D(imIn, imWrk, firstPlaneOut=1)
    if edge==mamba.FILLED:
        m3D.negate3D(imWrk, imWrk)
        for i in range(zext):
        dse = dse.flip()

    # Central point
    if dse.se1.hasZero():
        m3D.copy3D(imWrk, imOut, firstPlaneIn=1)
        if dse.se0.hasZero():
            for i in range(length):
                mamba.negate(imWrk[i+1], imOut[i])

    # Other directions
    dirs = m3D.getDirections3D(dse.getGrid(), True)
    dirs0 = dse.se0.getDirections()
    dirs1 = dse.se1.getDirections()
    grid2D = dse.getGrid().get2DGrid()
    for d in dirs:
        if d in dirs1:
            for i in range(length):
                (planeOffset, dc) = dse.getGrid().convertFromDir(d,i)
                mamba.infNeighbor(imWrk[i+1+planeOffset], imOut[i], 1<<dc, grid=grid2D, edge=edge)
        elif d in dirs0:
            for i in range(length):
                (planeOffset, dc) = dse.getGrid().convertFromDir(d,i)
                mamba.diffNeighbor(imWrk[i+1+planeOffset], imOut[i], 1<<dc, grid=grid2D, edge=edge)
Пример #20
def negate3D(imIn, imOut):
    Negates the 3D image 'imIn' and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    The operation is a binary complement for binary images and a negation for
    greyscale and 32-bit images.
    outl = len(imOut)
    inl = len(imIn)
    if inl!=outl:
    for i in range(outl):
        mamba.negate(imIn[i], imOut[i])
Пример #21
def negate3D(imIn, imOut):
    Negates the 3D image 'imIn' and puts the result in 'imOut'.
    The operation is a binary complement for binary images and a negation for
    greyscale and 32-bit images.
    outl = len(imOut)
    inl = len(imIn)
    if inl != outl:

    for i in range(outl):
        mamba.negate(imIn[i], imOut[i])
Пример #22
def partitionErode(imIn, imOut, n=1, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Graph erosion of the corresponding partition image 'imIn'. The size is given
    by 'n'. The corresponding partition image of the resulting eroded graph is
    put in 'imOut'.
    'grid' can be set to HEXAGONAL or SQUARE.
    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    mamba.negate(imIn, imWrk)
    mamba.copy(imWrk, imOut)
    se = mamba.structuringElement(mamba.getDirections(grid), grid)
    for i in range(n):
        mamba.dilate(imOut, imOut, se=se)
        cellsBuild(imWrk, imOut, grid=grid)
    mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
Пример #23
def partitionErode(imIn, imOut, n=1, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Graph erosion of the corresponding partition image 'imIn'. The size is given
    by 'n'. The corresponding partition image of the resulting eroded graph is
    put in 'imOut'.
    'grid' can be set to HEXAGONAL or SQUARE.

    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    mamba.negate(imIn, imWrk)
    mamba.copy(imWrk, imOut)
    se = mamba.structuringElement(mamba.getDirections(grid), grid)
    for i in range(n):
        mamba.dilate(imOut, imOut, se=se)
        cellsBuild(imWrk, imOut, grid=grid)
    mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
Пример #24
def extendedSegment(imIn, imTest, imOut, offset=255, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Extended (experimental) segmentation algorithm. This algorithm is controlled
    by image 'imTest'. The current hierarchical image is compared to image
    'imTest'. This image must be a greyscale image. The 'offset' indicates which
    level of hierarchy is compared to the current hierarchical image.
    The 'offset' is relative to the current hierarchical level (by default,
    'offset' is equal to 255, so that the initial segmentation is used).
    Image 'imOut' contains all these hierarchies which are embedded.
    'imIn', 'imTest' and 'imOut' must be greyscale images.
    'imIn', 'imTest' and 'imOut' must be different.
    This transformation returns the number of hierarchical levels.    
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)    
    mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk1)
    nbLevels = 0
    mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    flag = not(mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk4))
    while flag:
        nbLevels += 1
        hierarchy(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.add(imOut, imWrk4, imOut)
        v = max(nbLevels - offset, 0) + 1
        mamba.threshold(imOut, imWrk4, v, 255)
        mamba.valuedWatershed(imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
        mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk5, 1, 255)
        flag = not(mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk5))
        hierarchy(imWrk3, imWrk5, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.generateSupMask(imTest, imWrk2, imWrk5, strict=False)
        mamba.logic(imWrk4, imWrk5, imWrk4, "inf")
        mamba.convertByMask(imWrk4, imWrk3, 0, 255)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk3, "inf")
        mamba.negate(imWrk4, imWrk4)
        mamba.label(imWrk4, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk3, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 3, imWrk3)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk1, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    return nbLevels
Пример #25
def extendedSegment(imIn, imTest, imOut, offset=255, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Extended (experimental) segmentation algorithm. This algorithm is controlled
    by image 'imTest'. The current hierarchical image is compared to image
    'imTest'. This image must be a greyscale image. The 'offset' indicates which
    level of hierarchy is compared to the current hierarchical image.
    The 'offset' is relative to the current hierarchical level (by default,
    'offset' is equal to 255, so that the initial segmentation is used).
    Image 'imOut' contains all these hierarchies which are embedded.
    'imIn', 'imTest' and 'imOut' must be greyscale images.
    'imIn', 'imTest' and 'imOut' must be different.
    This transformation returns the number of hierarchical levels.    

    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk5 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk6 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk1)
    nbLevels = 0
    mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    flag = not (mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk4))
    while flag:
        nbLevels += 1
        hierarchy(imWrk1, imWrk4, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.add(imOut, imWrk4, imOut)
        v = max(nbLevels - offset, 0) + 1
        mamba.threshold(imOut, imWrk4, v, 255)
        mamba.valuedWatershed(imWrk2, imWrk3, grid=grid)
        mamba.threshold(imWrk3, imWrk5, 1, 255)
        flag = not (mamba.checkEmptiness(imWrk5))
        hierarchy(imWrk3, imWrk5, imWrk2, grid=grid)
        mamba.generateSupMask(imTest, imWrk2, imWrk5, strict=False)
        mamba.logic(imWrk4, imWrk5, imWrk4, "inf")
        mamba.convertByMask(imWrk4, imWrk3, 0, 255)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk3, "inf")
        mamba.negate(imWrk4, imWrk4)
        mamba.label(imWrk4, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.watershedSegment(imWrk3, imWrk6, grid=grid)
        mamba.copyBytePlane(imWrk6, 3, imWrk3)
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk2, imWrk1, "sup")
        mamba.logic(imWrk1, imWrk3, imWrk1, "inf")
        mamba.threshold(imWrk1, imWrk4, 1, 255)
    return nbLevels
Пример #26
def simpleLevelling(imIn, imMask, imOut, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Performs a simple levelling of image 'imIn' controlled by image 'imMask'
    and puts the result in 'imOut'. This operation is composed of two
    geodesic reconstructions. This filter tends to level regions in the 
    image of homogeneous grey values.
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    mask_im = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    mamba.logic(imIn, imMask, imWrk1, "inf")
    mamba.build(imIn, imWrk1, grid=grid)
    mamba.logic(imIn, imMask, imWrk2, "sup")
    mamba.dualBuild(imIn, imWrk2, grid=grid)
    mamba.generateSupMask(imIn, imMask, mask_im, False)
    mamba.convertByMask(mask_im, imOut, 0, mamba.computeMaxRange(imIn)[1])
    mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk1, imWrk1, "inf")
    mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
    mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imOut, "inf")
    mamba.logic(imWrk1, imOut, imOut, "sup")
Пример #27
def tlaferm((name, thresh, outpath)):

    # =============== Load numpy file and create contours then save png =========
    #    threshold=25
    # print 'name= ',name
    zr = np.load(name)
    im = Image.fromarray(zr.T)
    xpixels, ypixels = im.size[1], im.size[0]
    dpi, scalefactor = 72, 1
    xinch = xpixels * scalefactor / dpi
    yinch = ypixels * scalefactor / dpi
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xinch, yinch))
    ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frame_on=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
    imc = plt.contourf(zr, [0, thresh], colors='black', origin='image')

    imfile = 'image_' + os.path.basename(name) + '.png'
    impath = os.path.dirname(name)

    plt.savefig(os.path.join(outpath, imfile), dpi=dpi)
    # =================== load png and use mamba then save  ======================================
    im = mamba.imageMb(os.path.join(outpath, imfile))
    im1, im2, im3, im4 = mamba.imageMb(im), mamba.imageMb(im), mamba.imageMb(
        im), mamba.imageMb(im)
    se = mamba.structuringElement([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], grid=mamba.HEXAGONAL)

    mamba.closeHoles(im, im)
    mamba.negate(im, im)
    mamba.closeHoles(im, im)
    mamba.negate(im, im)
    #mamba.opening(im, im1, n=2, se=se)
    ma_file = 'mamba_' + imfile + '.png'
    im.save(os.path.join(outpath, ma_file))
def tlaferm((name,thresh,outpath)):

    # =============== Load numpy file and create contours then save png =========
#    threshold=25
    # print 'name= ',name
    xpixels,ypixels = im.size[1],im.size[0]
    dpi,scalefactor = 72,1
    xinch = xpixels * scalefactor / dpi
    yinch = ypixels * scalefactor / dpi
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xinch,yinch))
    ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frame_on=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
    imc=plt.contourf(zr, [0,thresh], colors='black', origin='image') 

    plt.savefig(os.path.join(outpath,imfile), dpi=dpi)
    # =================== load png and use mamba then save  ======================================
    im = mamba.imageMb(os.path.join(outpath,imfile))
    se = mamba.structuringElement([0,1,2,3,4,5,6],grid=mamba.HEXAGONAL) 
    mamba.closeHoles(im, im)
    mamba.negate(im, im)
    mamba.closeHoles(im, im)
    mamba.negate(im, im)
    #mamba.opening(im, im1, n=2, se=se)
Пример #29
def closeHoles(imIn, imOut, grid=mamba.DEFAULT_GRID):
    Close holes in image 'imIn' and puts the result in 'imOut'. This operator
    works on binary and greytone images. In this case, however, it should be 
    used cautiously.
    imWrk = mamba.imageMb(imIn)
    mamba.negate(imIn, imIn)
    mamba.logic(imIn, imWrk, imWrk, "inf")
    build(imIn, imWrk, grid=grid)
    mamba.negate(imIn, imIn)
    mamba.negate(imWrk, imOut)
Пример #30
def feretDiameterLabelling(imIn, imOut, direc):
    The Feret diameter of each connected component of the binary image or the
    partition image 'imIn' is computed and its value labels the corresponding
    component. The labelled image is stored in the 32-bit image 'imOut'.
    If 'direc' is "vertical", the vertical Feret diameter is computed. If it is
    set to "horizontal", the corresponding diameter is used.    

    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)

    if direc == "horizontal":
        dir = 7
    elif direc == "vertical":
        dir = 1
        # The above statement generates an error ('direc' is not horizontal or
        # vertical.
    # An horizontal or vertical distance function is generated.
    mamba.linearErode(imWrk1, imWrk1, dir, grid=mamba.SQUARE, edge=mamba.EMPTY)
    mamba.computeDistance(imWrk1, imOut, grid=mamba.SQUARE, edge=mamba.FILLED)
    mamba.addConst(imOut, 1, imOut)
    if imIn.getDepth() == 1:
        # Each particle is valued with the distance.
        mamba.convertByMask(imIn, imWrk2, 0, mamba.computeMaxRange(imWrk3)[1])
        mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imWrk3, "inf")
        # The valued image is preserved.
        mamba.copy(imWrk3, imWrk4)
        # Each component is labelled by the maximal coordinate.
        mamba.build(imWrk2, imWrk3)
        # Using the dual reconstruction, we label the particles with the
        # minimal ccordinate.
        mamba.negate(imWrk2, imWrk2)
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk4, imWrk4, "sup")
        mamba.dualBuild(imWrk2, imWrk4)
        # We subtract 1 because the selected coordinate must be outside the particle.
        mamba.subConst(imWrk4, 1, imWrk4)
        mamba.negate(imWrk2, imWrk2)
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk4, imWrk4, "inf")
        # Then, the subtraction gives the Feret diameter.
        mamba.sub(imWrk3, imWrk4, imOut)
        mamba.copy(imOut, imWrk3)
        if imIn.getDepth() == 32:
            mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk2)
            mamba.convert(imIn, imWrk2)

# Using the cells builds (direct and dual to label the cells with the maximum
# and minimum distance.
        mamba.cellsBuild(imWrk2, imWrk3)
        mamba.cellsBuild(imWrk2, imWrk3)
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
        mamba.cellsBuild(imWrk2, imOut)
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
        # Subtracting 1...
        mamba.subConst(imOut, 1, imOut)
        # ... and getting the final result.
        mamba.sub(imWrk3, imOut, imOut)
Пример #31
# a problem of detection and counting of the teeth of a notched wheel when it is 
# associated to a preliminary selection of the zone where these teeth should be.

## SCRIPT ######################################################################
# Importing mamba
import mamba
import mambaDisplay

im = mamba.imageMb("wheel.png", 1)
im1 = mamba.imageMb(im, 1)
im2 = mamba.imageMb(im, 1)

# Opening of image
mamba.opening(im, im1, 3)
# Selection of the outside region
mamba.negate(im1, im2)
mamba.removeEdgeParticles(im2, im1)
mamba.diff(im2, im1, im2)
# Extracting the wheel teeth
mamba.logic(im, im2, im2, "inf")
# Cleaning the image
mamba.opening(im2, im2)
# Counting and marking each tooth
mamba.thinD(im2, im1)
nb_teeth = mamba.computeVolume(im1)
print("Number of teeth: %d" % (nb_teeth))
mamba.dilate(im1, im1, 3, mamba.SQUARE3X3)
im8 = mamba.imageMb(im, 8)
mamba.convert(im, im8)
mamba.subConst(im8, 1, im8)
Пример #32
def feretDiameterLabelling(imIn, imOut, direc):
    The Feret diameter of each connected component of the binary image or the
    partition image 'imIn' is computed and its value labels the corresponding
    component. The labelled image is stored in the 32-bit image 'imOut'.
    If 'direc' is "vertical", the vertical Feret diameter is computed. If it is
    set to "horizontal", the corresponding diameter is used.    
    imWrk1 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 1)
    imWrk2 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    imWrk3 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    imWrk4 = mamba.imageMb(imIn, 32)
    if direc == "horizontal":
        dir = 7    
    elif direc == "vertical":
        dir = 1
        # The above statement generates an error ('direc' is not horizontal or 
        # vertical.
    # An horizontal or vertical distance function is generated.
    mamba.linearErode(imWrk1, imWrk1, dir, grid=mamba.SQUARE, edge=mamba.EMPTY)
    mamba.computeDistance(imWrk1, imOut, grid=mamba.SQUARE, edge=mamba.FILLED)
    mamba.addConst(imOut, 1, imOut)
    if imIn.getDepth() == 1:
	    # Each particle is valued with the distance.
        mamba.convertByMask(imIn, imWrk2, 0, mamba.computeMaxRange(imWrk3)[1])
        mamba.logic(imOut, imWrk2, imWrk3, "inf")
        # The valued image is preserved.
        mamba.copy(imWrk3, imWrk4)
        # Each component is labelled by the maximal coordinate.
        mamba.build(imWrk2, imWrk3)
        # Using the dual reconstruction, we label the particles with the
        # minimal ccordinate.
        mamba.negate(imWrk2, imWrk2)
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk4, imWrk4, "sup")
        mamba.dualBuild(imWrk2, imWrk4)
        # We subtract 1 because the selected coordinate must be outside the particle.
        mamba.subConst(imWrk4, 1, imWrk4)
        mamba.negate(imWrk2, imWrk2)
        mamba.logic(imWrk2, imWrk4, imWrk4, "inf")
        # Then, the subtraction gives the Feret diameter.
        mamba.sub(imWrk3, imWrk4, imOut)
        mamba.copy(imOut, imWrk3)
        if imIn.getDepth() == 32:
            mamba.copy(imIn, imWrk2)
            mamba.convert(imIn, imWrk2)
	# Using the cells builds (direct and dual to label the cells with the maximum
        # and minimum distance.
        mamba.cellsBuild(imWrk2, imWrk3)
        mamba.cellsBuild(imWrk2, imWrk3)
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
        mamba.cellsBuild(imWrk2, imOut)
        mamba.negate(imOut, imOut)
        # Subtracting 1...
        mamba.subConst(imOut, 1, imOut)
        # ... and getting the final result.
        mamba.sub(imWrk3, imOut, imOut)
Пример #33
        def _watershed_using_quasi_distance(self):
            疑似ユークリッド距離(Quasi Distance) に基づく
            Watershed 領域分割

            from mamba import (

            from utils.convert import mamba2np, np2mamba

            # Channel Split
            if self.src_img.ndim == 3:
                b, g, r = [np2mamba(self.src_img[:, :, i]) for i in range(3)]
            elif self.src_img.ndim == 2:
                b, g, r = [np2mamba(self.src_img)] * 3

            # We will perform a thick gradient on each color channel (contours in original
            # picture are more or less fuzzy) and we add all these gradients
            gradient = imageMb(r)
            tmp_1 = imageMb(r)
            gradient(r, tmp_1, 2)
            add(tmp_1, gradient, gradient)
            gradient(g, tmp_1, 2)
            add(tmp_1, gradient, gradient)
            gradient(b, tmp_1, 2)
            add(tmp_1, gradient, gradient)

            # Then we invert the gradient image and we compute its quasi-distance
            quasi_dist = imageMb(gradient, 32)
            negate(gradient, gradient)
            quasiDistance(gradient, tmp_1, quasi_dist)

            if self.is_logging:
                self.logger.logging_img(tmp_1, "quasi_dist_gradient")
                self.logger.logging_img(quasi_dist, "quasi_dist")

            # The maxima of the quasi-distance are extracted and filtered (too close maxima,
            # less than 6 pixels apart, are merged)
            tmp_2 = imageMb(r)
            marker = imageMb(gradient, 1)
            copyBytePlane(quasi_dist, 0, tmp_1)
            subConst(tmp_1, 3, tmp_2)
            build(tmp_1, tmp_2)
            maxima(tmp_2, marker)

            # The marker-controlled watershed of the gradient is performed
            watershed = imageMb(gradient)
            label(marker, quasi_dist)
            negate(gradient, gradient)
            watershedSegment(gradient, quasi_dist)
            copyBytePlane(quasi_dist, 3, watershed)

            # The segmented binary and color image are stored
            logic(r, watershed, r, "sup")
            logic(g, watershed, g, "sup")
            logic(b, watershed, b, "sup")

            segmented_image = mix(r, g, b)

            if self.is_logging:
                self.logger.logging_img(segmented_image, "segmented_image")

            watershed = mamba2np(watershed)

            return watershed
Пример #34
# a problem of detection and counting of the teeth of a notched wheel when it is
# associated to a preliminary selection of the zone where these teeth should be.

## SCRIPT ######################################################################
# Importing mamba
import mamba
import mambaDisplay

im = mamba.imageMb("wheel.png", 1)
im1 = mamba.imageMb(im, 1)
im2 = mamba.imageMb(im, 1)

# Opening of image
mamba.opening(im, im1, 3)
# Selection of the outside region
mamba.negate(im1, im2)
mamba.removeEdgeParticles(im2, im1)
mamba.diff(im2, im1, im2)
# Extracting the wheel teeth
mamba.logic(im, im2, im2, "inf")
# Cleaning the image
mamba.opening(im2, im2)
# Counting and marking each tooth
mamba.thinD(im2, im1)
nb_teeth = mamba.computeVolume(im1)
print("Number of teeth: %d" % (nb_teeth))
mamba.dilate(im1, im1, 3, mamba.SQUARE3X3)
im8 = mamba.imageMb(im, 8)
mamba.convert(im, im8)
mamba.subConst(im8, 1, im8)