def freeze_all(user_id): """This function allows the ice king to potentially freeze all their guessed players. The function assumes the ice king is a participant, so make sure to have filtered this out already. The function returns a Mailbox. Keyword arguments: user_id -> the ice king's id""" uses = int(db_get(user_id,'uses')) if uses < 1: return Mailbox().respond("I am sorry! You currently don't have the ability to submit a freezing list!",True) db_set(user_id,'uses',uses - 1) user_channel = int(db_get(user_id,'channel')) user_undead = int(db_get(user_id,'undead')) correct = 0 incorrect = 0 for frozone in db.get_freezers(user_id): if not db.isParticipant(frozone[0]) or int(db_get(frozone[0],'abducted')) == 1: db.delete_freezer(user_id,frozone[0]) elif frozone[1] != db_get(frozone[0],'role'): incorrect += 1 else: correct += 1 if user_undead == 1: answer = Mailbox().msg("You have submitted a list that contains {} players. The result was **unsuccessful**. ".format(correct+incorrect),user_channel) answer.msg_add("This means that at least one role was incorrect!") answer.log("The **Undead** <@{}> has pretended to submit a freeze list.".format(user_id))"Hey, you're **Undead**, so this list would've failed anyway - but this helps a little to keep up your cover! 😉",user_id) return answer if incorrect > 0: answer = Mailbox().msg("You have submitted a list that contains {} players. The result was **unsuccessful**. ".format(correct+incorrect),user_channel) answer.msg_add("This means that at least one role was incorrect!") answer.log("The **Ice King** <@{}> has submitted an **unsuccessful** freeze list. ".format(user_id)) answer.log_add("The list contained {} guesses, of which {} were correct.".format(incorrect+correct,correct)) return answer # This will execute if all users on the list are correct. answer = Mailbox().msg("You have submitted a list that contains {} players. The result was **successful**!\n".format(correct),user_channel) if correct > 4: answer.msg_add("Congratulations! You guessed them all correctly! ").msg_react('🎉') answer.msg_add("Your guessed users will now be frozen.") for supersuit in db.get_freezers(user_id): db_set(supersuit[0],'frozen',1) db.delete_freezer(user_id,supersuit[0]) for channel_id in db.freeze(user_id): answer.edit_cc(channel_id,supersuit[0],2) # TODO: Give players access to frozen realm. return answer
def freeze(user_id, victim_id=None, role=None): """This function allows the ice king to add a user to their list of potential freezers, or possibly remove one. The function assumes both players are participants, so make sure to have filtered this out already. The function returns a Mailbox. Keyword arguments: user_id -> the ice king's id victim_id -> the guessed one's id role -> the role they were guessed as. (None if removing the guessed one)""" user_channel = int(db_get(user_id, 'channel')) if victim_id == None: if db.get_freezers(user_id) == []: return Mailbox().respond( "**INVALID SYNTAX:**\nPlease make sure to mention a user.\n\n**Tip:** You can also mention their emoji!", True) msg = "__Your current guesses:__\n" for freezer in db.get_freezers(user_id): msg += "{}. <@{}> - {}\n".format(db_get(freezer[0], 'emoji'), freezer[0], freezer[1]) return Mailbox().msg(msg, user_channel, True) victim_frozen = int(db_get(victim_id, 'frozen')) victim_abducted = int(db_get(victim_id, 'abducted')) # tODO: Prevent ice kings from guessing another ice kings (or themselves). if victim_abducted == 1: return Mailbox().msg( "You tried to freeze <@{}>... but you couldn't find them! That is strange." .format(victim_id), user_channel, True) if victim_frozen == 1: return Mailbox().msg( "You don't need to freeze <@{}>, you silly! They're already frozen!" .format(victim_id), user_channel, True) if role == None: if db.delete_freezer(user_id, victim_id) == True: return Mailbox().msg( "You have removed <@{}> from your freeze list.".format( victim_id), user_channel, True) return Mailbox().msg( "**INVALID SYNTAX:** No role provided!\n\nMake sure to provide with a role to add a user to your freeze list.", user_channel, True) old_role = db.add_freezer(user_id, victim_id, role) if old_role == None: return Mailbox().msg( "You have added <@{}> to your list as the **{}**.".format( victim_id, role), user_channel, True) return Mailbox().msg( "You have switched <@{}> from the **{}** to the **{}**.".format( victim_id, old_role, role), user_channel, True)
def test_control_freezers(): reset.reset(True) assert db.add_freezer(1, 3, 'Pyromancer') == None assert db.add_freezer(1, 3, 'The Thing') == 'Pyromancer' assert db.add_freezer(1, 4, 'Assassin') == None assert db.add_freezer(1, 3, 'Booh') == 'The Thing' assert db.add_freezer(1, 5, 'Hooker') == None assert db.add_freezer(2, 9, 'Fortune Teller') == None assert db.get_freezers(1) == [(3, 'Booh'), (4, 'Assassin'), (5, 'Hooker')] assert db.delete_freezer(1, 7) == False assert db.delete_freezer(1, 4) == True assert db.get_freezers(1) == [(3, 'Booh'), (5, 'Hooker')] reset.reset(True)