Пример #1
    def import_file_h(self, directory, platform, gateway_type):
        Import a .h file (see manifold.metadata/*.h)
            directory: A String instance containing directory storing the .h files
                Example: STATIC_ROUTES_DIR = "/usr/share/manifold/metadata/"
            platform: A String instance containing the name of the platform
                Examples: "ple", "senslab", "tdmi", "omf", ...
            gateway_types: A String instnace containing the type of the Gateway
                Examples: "SFA", "XMLRPC", "MaxMind", "tdmi"
                    sqlite3 /var/myslice/db.sqlite
                    > select gateway_type from platform;
            A list of Announce instances, each Announce embeds a Table instance.
            This list may be empty.
        # Check path
        filename = os.path.join(directory, "%s.h" % gateway_type)
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            filename = os.path.join(directory,
                                    "%s-%s.h" % (gateway_type, platform))
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                    "Metadata file '%s' not found (platform = %r, gateway_type = %r)"
                    % (filename, platform, gateway_type))
                return []

        # Read input file
        Log.debug("Platform %s: Processing %s" % (platform, filename))
        return import_file_h(filename, platform)
Пример #2
def make_sub_graph(metadata, relevant_fields):
    \brief Create a reduced graph based on g.
        We only keep vertices having a key in relevant_fields
    \param g A DiGraph instance (the full 3nf graph)
    \param relevant_fields A dictionnary {Table: Fields}
        indicating for each Table which Field(s) are relevant.
    \return The corresponding sub-3nf-graph
    g = metadata.graph
    sub_graph = DiGraph()
    copy = dict()
    vertices_to_keep = set(relevant_fields.keys())

    # Copy relevant vertices from g
    for u in vertices_to_keep:
        copy_u = Table.make_table_from_fields(u, relevant_fields[u])
        copy[u] = copy_u
        sub_graph.add_node(copy_u)  # no data on nodes

    # Copy relevant arcs from g
    for u, v in g.edges():
            copy_u, copy_v = copy[u], copy[v]

        sub_graph.add_edge(copy_u, copy_v, deepcopy(g.edge[u][v]))
        Log.debug("Adding copy of : %s" % metadata.print_arc(u, v))

    return sub_graph
Пример #3
 def remove_pid_file(self):
     \brief Remove the pid file (internal usage)
     # The lock file is implicitely released while removing the pid file
     Log.debug("Removing %s" % Options().pid_filename)
     if os.path.exists(Options().pid_filename) == True:
Пример #4
 def remove_pid_file(self):
     \brief Remove the pid file (internal usage)
     # The lock file is implicitely released while removing the pid file
     Log.debug("Removing %s" % Options().pid_filename)
     if os.path.exists(Options().pid_filename) == True:
Пример #5
 def make_lock_file(self):
     \brief Prepare the lock file required to manage the pid file
         Initialize Options().lock_file
     if Options().pid_filename and Options().no_daemon == False:
         Log.debug("Daemonizing using pid file '%s'" % Options().pid_filename)
         Options().lock_file = lockfile.FileLock(Options().pid_filename)
         if Options().lock_file.is_locked() == True:
             log_error("'%s' is already running ('%s' is locked)." % (Options().get_name(), Options().pid_filename))
         Options().lock_file = None
Пример #6
    def make_arc(self, u, v):
        \brief Connect a "u" Table to a "v" Table (if necessary) in the DbGraph
        \param u The source node (Table instance)
        \param v The target node (Table instance)

        #@accepts(set, Key)
        def make_predicate(fields_u, key_v):
            \brief Compute the Predicate to JOIN a "u" Table with "v" Table
            \param fields_u The set of Field of u required to JOIN with v
            \param key_v The Key of v involved in the JOIN. You may pass None
                if v has no key.
            \return This function returns :
                - either None iif u embeds a set of v instances
                - either a Predicate instance which indicates how to join u and v
            if len(fields_u) == 1 and list(fields_u)[0].is_array():
                # u embed an array of element of type v, so there is
                # no JOIN and thus no Predicate.
                # Note that v do not even require to have a key
                return None

            # u and v can be joined
            # This code only support Key made of only one Field
            assert key_v,                       "Can't join with None key"
            assert len(fields_u) == len(key_v), "Can't join fields = %r with key = %r" % (fields_u, key_v)
            assert len(key_v) == 1,             "Composite key not supported: key = %r" % key_v

            return Predicate(
                "%s" % list(fields_u)[0].get_name(),
                "%s" % list(key_v)[0].get_name()


        if u == v:

        relations = u.get_relations(v, self)
        if relations:
            self.graph.add_edge(u, v, relations=relations)
            Log.debug("NEW EDGE %s" % self.print_arc(u, v))

            relations_str = [ r.get_str_type() for r in relations]
Пример #7
    def child_callback(self, child_id, record):
        \brief Processes records received by the child node
        \param child_id identifier of the child that received the record
        \param record dictionary representing the received record
        if record.is_last():
            # XXX SEND ALL

        key = self.key.get_field_names()

        # DISTINCT not implemented, just forward the record
        if not key:
            Log.critical("No key associated to UNION operator")

        # Send records that have no key
        if not Record.has_fields(record, key):
                "UNION::child_callback sent record without key '%(key)s': %(record)r",

        key_value = Record.get_value(record, key)

        if key_value in self.key_map:
            Log.debug("UNION::child_callback merged duplicate records: %r" %
            prev_record = self.key_map[key_value]
            for k, v in record.items():
                if not k in prev_record:
                    prev_record[k] = v
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    if not prev_record[k]:
                        prev_record[k] = list(
                        )  # with failures it can occur that this is None
                    prev_record[k].extend(v)  # DUPLICATES ?
                #    if not v == previous[k]:
                #        print "W: ignored conflictual field"
                #    # else: nothing to do
            self.key_map[key_value] = record
Пример #8
 def make_lock_file(self):
     \brief Prepare the lock file required to manage the pid file
         Initialize Options().lock_file
     if Options().pid_filename and Options().no_daemon == False:
         Log.debug("Daemonizing using pid file '%s'" %
         Options().lock_file = lockfile.FileLock(Options().pid_filename)
         if Options().lock_file.is_locked() == True:
             log_error("'%s' is already running ('%s' is locked)." %
                       (Options().get_name(), Options().pid_filename))
         Options().lock_file = None
Пример #9
    def start_reactor(self):
        self._num_instances += 1

        if self._reactorStarted:
            Log.debug("Reactor already started")
        self._reactorStarted = True

        # Should not occur
        if self._reactorRunning:
            Log.debug("Reactor already running: should not occur")

        cpt = 0
        while not self._reactorRunning:
            cpt += 1
            if cpt > 5:
                raise ReactorException, "Reactor thread is too long to start... cancelling"
        self.reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown',
Пример #10
            def wrap(source, args):
                #token = yield SFAManageToken().get_token(self.interface)
                args = (name,) + args
                printable_args = []
                for arg in args:
                    if is_rspec(arg):
                    elif is_credential(arg):
                    elif is_credential_list(arg):
                    elif is_user_list(arg):
                        printable_args.append('<user list>')

                self.started = time.time()
                self.arg0 = printable_args[0]
                self.arg1 = printable_args[1:]
                Log.debug("SFA CALL %s(%s) - interface = %s" % (printable_args[0], printable_args[1:], self.interface))
                print("SFA CALL %s(%s) - interface = %s" % (printable_args[0], printable_args[1:], self.interface))
                self.proxy.callRemote(*args).addCallbacks(proxy_success_cb, proxy_error_cb)
Пример #11
 def proxy_error_cb(error):
     diff = time.time() - self.started
     Log.debug('SFA CALL ERROR %s(%s) - interface = %s - execution time = %s sec.' % (self.arg0, self.arg1, self.interface, round(diff,2)))
     d.errback(ValueError("Error in SFA Proxy %s" % error))
Пример #12
 def proxy_success_cb(result):
     diff = time.time() - self.started
     Log.debug('SFA CALL SUCCESS %s(%s) - interface = %s - execution time = %s sec.' % (self.arg0, self.arg1, self.interface, round(diff,2)))
Пример #13
 def stop(self):
     Log.debug("Stopping '%s'" % self.daemon_name)
Пример #14
def build_pruned_tree(metadata, needed_fields, map_vertex_pred):
    \brief Compute the pruned 3-nf tree included in a 3nf-graph g according
        to a predecessors map modeling a 3-nf tree and a set of need fields.
    \param g The 3-nf graph
    \param needed_fields A set of Field instances, queried by the user
    \param map_vertex_pred The predecessor map related to the tree we are pruning
        \sa manifold.util.dfs.py
        An instance of networkx.DiGraph representing the pruned 3-nf tree 
        Data related to this graph are copied from g, so it can be safely modified
        without impacting g. Such graph is typically embedded in a DBGraph instance.
        \sa manifold.core.dbgraph.py

    Log.debug("-" * 100)
    Log.debug("Prune useless keys/nodes/arcs from tree")
    Log.debug("-" * 100)

    g = metadata.graph

    (_, relevant_fields,
     missing_fields) = prune_precedessor_map(metadata, needed_fields,
    # XXX we don't use predecessor graph for building subgraph, a sign we can simplify here
    tree = make_sub_graph(metadata, relevant_fields)

    # Print tree
    Log.debug("-" * 100)
    Log.debug("Minimal tree:")
    Log.debug("-" * 100)
    for table in tree.nodes():
        Log.debug("%s\n" % table)
    Log.debug("-" * 100)

    return (tree, missing_fields)
Пример #15
    def execute(self, query, params=None, cursor_factory=None):
        Execute a SQL query on PostgreSQL 
            query: a String containing a SQL query 
            params: a dictionnary or None if unused 
            cursor_factory: see http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/extras.html
            The corresponding cursor
        # modified for psycopg2-2.0.7
        # executemany is undefined for SELECT's
        # see http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/
        # accepts either None, a single dict, a tuple of single dict - in which case it execute's
        # or a tuple of several dicts, in which case it executemany's


        cursor = self.connect(cursor_factory)
            # psycopg2 requires %()s format for all parameters,
            # regardless of type.
            # this needs to be done carefully though as with pattern-based filters
            # we might have percents embedded in the query
            # so e.g. GetPersons({"email":"*fake*"}) was resulting in .. LIKE "%sake%"
            if psycopg2:
                query = re.sub(r"(%\([^)]*\)|%)[df]", r"\1s", query)
            # rewrite wildcards set by Filter.py as "***" into "%"
            query = query.replace("***", "%")

            if not params:
            elif isinstance(params, StringValue):
                cursor.execute(query, params)
            elif isinstance(params, dict):
                cursor.execute(query, params)
            elif isinstance(params, tuple) and len(params) == 1:
                cursor.execute(query, params[0])
                param_seq = params
                cursor.executemany(query, param_seq)
            (self.rowcount, self.description, self.lastrowid) = \
                            (cursor.rowcount, cursor.description, cursor.lastrowid)
        except Exception, e:
            uuid = uuid4()  #commands.getoutput("uuidgen")
            Log.debug("Database error %s:" % uuid)
            msg = str(e).rstrip()  # jordan
            raise Exception(self.make_error_message(msg, uuid))
Пример #16
    def make_table(self, table_name):
        Build a Table instance according to a given table/view name by
        quering the PostgreSQL schema.

            table_name: Name of a view or a relation in PostgreSQL (String instance)
            The Table instance extracted from the PostgreSQL schema related
            to the queried view/relation
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        table = Table(self.get_platform(), None, table_name, None, None)
        param_execute = {"table_name": table_name}

        # FOREIGN KEYS:
        # We build a foreign_keys dictionary associating each field of
        # the table with the table it references.
        cursor.execute(PostgreSQLGateway.SQL_TABLE_FOREIGN_KEYS, param_execute)
        fks = cursor.fetchall()
        foreign_keys = {fk.column_name: fk.foreign_table_name for fk in fks}

        # COMMENTS:
        # We build a comments dictionary associating each field of the table with
        # its comment.
        comments = self.get_fields_comment(table_name)

        # FIELDS:
        fields = set()
        cursor.execute(PostgreSQLGateway.SQL_TABLE_FIELDS, param_execute)
        for field in cursor.fetchall():
            # PostgreSQL types vs base types
                      if field.is_updatable == "YES" else ["const"],
                      if field.column_name in foreign_keys else
                      is_array=(field.data_type == "ARRAY"),
                      if field.column_name in comments else "(null)"))

        # PRIMARY KEYS: XXX simple key ?
        # We build a key dictionary associating each table with its primary key
        cursor.execute(PostgreSQLGateway.SQL_TABLE_KEYS, param_execute)
        fks = cursor.fetchall()

        primary_keys = dict()
        for fk in fks:
            foreign_key = tuple(fk.column_names)
            if table_name not in primary_keys.keys():
                primary_keys[table_name] = set()

        if table_name in primary_keys.keys():
            for k in primary_keys[table_name]:

        # PARTITIONS:
        # TODO

        #mc = MetadataClass('class', table_name)
        #mc.fields = fields

        table.capabilities.retrieve = True
        table.capabilities.join = True
        table.capabilities.selection = True
        table.capabilities.projection = True
        Log.debug("Adding table: %s" % table)
        return table
Пример #17
def to_3nf(metadata):
    Compute a 3nf schema
    See also http://elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~ee221/EE221-DB-7.pdf p14
        metadata: A dictionnary {String => list(Announces)} which maps
            platform name a list containing its corresponding Announces.
        The corresponding 3nf graph (DbGraph instance)
    # 1) Compute functional dependancies
    tables = []
    map_method_capabilities = {}
    for platform, announces in metadata.items():
        for announce in announces:
            map_method_capabilities[(platform, announce.table.get_name())] = announce.table.get_capabilities()
    fds = make_fd_set(tables)

    # 2) Find a minimal cover
    (fds_min_cover, fds_removed) = fd_minimal_cover(fds)

    # 3) Reinjecting fds removed during normalization
    reinject_fds(fds_min_cover, fds_removed)

    # 4) Grouping fds by method
#OBOSOLETE|    fdss = fds_min_cover.group_by_method() # Mando
    fdss = fds_min_cover.group_by_tablename_method() # Jordan

    # 5) Making 3-nf tables
    tables_3nf = list()
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|    map_tablename_methods = dict() # map table_name with methods to demux
    for table_name, map_platform_fds in fdss.items():
        # For the potential parent table
        # Stores the number of distinct platforms set
        num_platforms = 0

        # Stores the set of platforms
        all_platforms = set()
        common_fields = Fields()
        common_key_names = set()

        # Annotations needed for the query plan
        child_tables = list()

        for platform, fds in map_platform_fds.items():
            platforms         = set()
            fields            = set()
            keys              = Keys()

            # Annotations needed for the query plane
            map_method_keys   = dict()
            map_method_fields = dict()

            for fd in fds:
                key = fd.get_determinant().get_key()
                fields |= fd.get_fields()
                # We need to add fields from the key
                for key_field in key:
                    fields.add(key_field) # XXX

                for field, methods in fd.get_map_field_methods().items():

                    for method in methods:

                        # key annotation
                        if not method in map_method_keys.keys():
                            map_method_keys[method] = set()

                        # field annotations
                        if not method in map_method_fields.keys():
                            map_method_fields[method] = set()

#DEPRECATED|LOIC|                        # demux annotation
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|                        method_name = method.get_name()
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|                        if method_name != table_name :
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|                            if method_name not in map_tablename_methods.keys():
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|                                map_tablename_methods[method_name] = set()
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|                            map_tablename_methods[method_name].add(method)

            table = Table(platforms, None, table_name, fields, keys)

            # inject field and key annotation in the Table object
            table.map_method_keys   = map_method_keys
            table.map_method_fields = map_method_fields
            Log.debug("TABLE 3nf:", table, table.keys)
            #print "     method fields", map_method_fields

            num_platforms += 1
            all_platforms |= platforms
            if common_fields.is_empty():
                common_fields = Fields(fields)
                common_fields &= Fields(fields)

            keys_names = frozenset([field.get_name() for field in key for key in keys])

        # Convert common_key_names into Keys() according to common_fields
        common_keys = set()
        map_name_fields = dict()
        for field in common_fields:
            map_name_fields[field.get_name()] = field
        for key_names in common_key_names:
            common_keys.add(Key(frozenset([map_name_fields[field_name] for field_name in key_names])))

        # Several platforms provide the same object, so we've to build a parent table
        if num_platforms > 1:
            parent_table = Table(all_platforms, None, table_name, common_fields, common_keys)

            # Migrate common fields from children to parents, except keys
            parent_map_method_fields = dict()
            names_in_common_keys = key.get_field_names()

            for field in common_fields:
                methods = set()
                field_name = field.get_name()
                for child_table in child_tables:
                    # Objective = remove the field from child table
                    # Several methods can have it
                    for _method, _fields in child_table.map_method_fields.items():
                        if field_name in _fields:
                            if field_name not in names_in_common_keys:

                if field_name not in names_in_common_keys:

                # Add the field with all methods to parent_table
                for method in methods:
                    if not method in parent_map_method_fields: parent_map_method_fields[method] = set()


            # inject field and key annotation in the Table object
#MANDO|DEPRECATED|            parent_table.map_method_keys   = dict() #map_common_method_keys
            parent_table.map_method_fields = parent_map_method_fields
            Log.debug("Parent table TABLE 3nf:", parent_table, table.get_keys())
            #print "     method fields", parent_map_method_fields

        # XXX we already know about the links between those two platforms
        # but we can find them easily (cf dbgraph)

#DEPRECATED|LOIC|    # inject demux annotation
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|    for table in tables_3nf:
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|        if table.get_name() in map_tablename_methods.keys():
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|            table.methods_demux = map_tablename_methods[table.get_name()]
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|        else:
#DEPRECATED|LOIC|            table.methods_demux = set()

    # 6) Inject capabilities
    # TODO: capabilities are now in tables, shall they be present in tables_3nf
    # instead of relying on map_method_capabilities ?
    for table in tables_3nf:
        for announces in metadata.values():
            for announce in announces:
                if announce.get_table().get_name() == table.get_name():
                    capabilities = table.get_capabilities()
                    if capabilities.is_empty():
                    elif not capabilities == announce.get_table().get_capabilities():
                        Log.warning("Conflicting capabilities for tables %r (%r) and %r (%r)" % (
    # 7) Building DBgraph
    graph_3nf = DBGraph(tables_3nf, map_method_capabilities)

    for table in tables_3nf:
        Log.info("%s" % table)
    return graph_3nf
Пример #18
 def stop(self):
     Log.debug("Stopping '%s'" % self.daemon_name)
Пример #19
def prune_precedessor_map(metadata, queried_fields, map_vertex_pred):
    \brief Prune from a predecessor map (representing a tree)
       the entries that are not needed (~ remove from a tree
       useless nodes).
    \param metadata DBGraph instance
    \param queried_fields The fields that are queried by the user
        A node/table u is useful if one or both of those condition is
        - u provides a field queried by the user
        - u is involved in a join required to answer to the query
    \param map_vertex_pred A dictionnary {Talbe => Table} which maps a vertex and
        its predecessor in the tree we're considering
    \return A tuple made of
        - predecessors A dictionnary {Table => Table} included in map_vertex_pred
            containing only the relevant arcs
        - relevant_keys A dictionnary {Table => set(Key)} which indicates
            for each 3nf Table which are its relevant Keys NOT USED ANYMORE
        - relevant_fields A dictionnary {Table => set(Field)} which indicates
            for each 3nf Table which are its relevant Fields
    # NOTE: The pruning step could be avoided if we integrated all these conditions into the DFS procedure

    g = metadata.graph

    # Helper function to manage a dictionary of sets
    def update_map(m, k, s):
        if k not in m.keys():
            m[k] = set()
        m[k] |= s

    # Vertices in predecessors have been already examined in a previous iteration
    predecessor = dict()
    # A map that associates each table with the set of fields that it uniquely provides
    relevant_fields = dict()

    missing_fields = queried_fields
    # XXX In debug comments, we need to explain for each table, why it has been
    # kept or discarded succintly

    # Loop in arbitrary order through the 3nf tables
    for v, u in map_vertex_pred.items():
        Log.debug("Considering %r -> [[ %r ]]" % (u, v))
        # For each table, we determine the set of fields it provides that are
        # necessary to answer the query
        queried_fields_v = v.get_fields_with_name(queried_fields, metadata)
        # and those that are not present in the parent (foreign keys)
        queried_fields_u = u.get_fields_with_name(queried_fields,
                                                  metadata) if u else set()
        queried_fields_v_unique = queried_fields_v - queried_fields_u

        # ??? missing_fields -= queried_fields_v

        # If v is not the root or does not provide relevant fields (= not found
        # in the parent), then we prune it by not including it in the
        # predecessor map we return. (We do not need a table if all fields can
        # be found in the parent.)
        if u and not queried_fields_v_unique:
            Log.debug("    [X] No interesting field")

        # Let's now consider all pairs of table (u -> v) up to the root,
        # focusing on table v
        # All tables back to the root are necessary at least to be able to
        # retrieve v through successive joins (and we will thus need the keys
        # of intermediate tables).
        while True:

            # v has already been considered
            if v in predecessor.keys():
                Log.debug("    [X] Already processed %r" % v)

            # TABLE
            # Don't discard table v by adding it to the predecessor map
            predecessor[v] = u

            # FIELDS
            # Relevants fields for table v are those contributing to the query
            # Including fields that might be in the key is not important, since
            # they are all added later on.
            # eg. queried_fields has slice_hrn, but resource has slice
            # relevant fields, hence queried_field_v should have slice
            print "queried_fields==", queried_fields
            queried_fields_v = v.get_fields_with_name(queried_fields, metadata)
            missing_fields -= set(map(lambda x: x.get_name(),
            print "we got", queried_fields_v
            print "missing_fields becomes", missing_fields

            # resolve
            queried_fields_v = set(
                map(lambda x: x.get_name(), queried_fields_v))

            update_map(relevant_fields, v, queried_fields_v)

            # KEYS
            # Key fields are necessary to perform JOIN in at least one table (otherwise we would not have distinct 3nf tables)
            if u:  # thus, we are not considering the root (no need for keys)
                # for u, select the first join (arbitrary) (Key or set(Field) instances depending on the arc label)
                key_u = metadata.get_relation(u, v).get_predicate().get_key()
                if isinstance(key_u, StringTypes):
                    key_u = [key_u]
                key_u = set(key_u)
                # for v, arbitrarily choose the first key assuming it is used for the join
                key_v = v.get_keys().one().get_names()

                # Adding keys...
                update_map(relevant_fields, u, key_u)
                update_map(relevant_fields, v, key_v)

                # Queries fields do not necessarily include fields from the key, so add
                # them all the time, otherwise they will get pruned
                update_map(relevant_fields, v, key_v)

            Log.debug("    [V] Table %r, relevant_fields=%r" %
                      (v, relevant_fields.get(v, None)))

            # Stopping conditions:
            if not u:
                # u = None : u is the root, no need to continue
                Log.debug("<<< reached root")

            # Move to the previous arc u' -> v'=u -> v
            v = u
            u = map_vertex_pred[u]

    return (predecessor, relevant_fields, missing_fields)