def construct(self): axes = Axes(x_axis_config={ "include_ticks": False }, y_axis_config={ "include_ticks": False }, number_line_config={ "color": self.axes_color }).scale(0.9) self.add(axes) ellipse = Ellipse(width=self.width, height=self.height) ellipse_x_axis = DashedLine(self.width / 2 * LEFT, self.width / 2 * RIGHT, color=BLACK) ellipse_y_axis = DashedLine(self.height / 2 * UP, self.height / 2 * DOWN, color=BLACK) elipticity_line = Line(self.width / 2 * LEFT, self.height / 2 * UP, color=BLUE) elipticity_arc = Arc(0, math.atan(self.height / self.width)).shift( self.width / 2 * LEFT) ellipse_group = VGroup(ellipse, ellipse_x_axis, ellipse_y_axis, elipticity_arc, elipticity_line) ellipse_group.rotate(self.azimuth) self.add(ellipse_group) rightest = self.get_ellipse_rightest_point(self.width / 2, self.height / 2, self.azimuth) highest = self.get_ellipse_highest_point(self.width / 2, self.height / 2, self.azimuth) vertical_line = Line(rightest * RIGHT, rightest * RIGHT + highest * UP, color=GREEN) horizontal_line = Line(highest * UP, highest * UP + rightest * RIGHT, color=GREEN) self.bring_to_back(vertical_line, horizontal_line) azimuth_arc = Arc(0, self.azimuth) self.add(azimuth_arc) self.wait()
def construct(self): number_line = NumberLine(x_min=-2, x_max=2) text_1 = TextMobject("Theorem of") \ .next_to(number_line, DOWN) text_2 = TextMobject("Beethoven") \ .next_to(number_line, DOWN) dashed_line = DashedLine( number_line.get_left(), number_line.get_right(), color=YELLOW, ).set_stroke(width=11) self.add(number_line, text_1) LaggedStart(*[ ShowCreationThenDestruction(dashed_segment) for dashed_segment in dashed_line ], run_time=5), AnimationGroup(Animation(Mobject(), run_time=2.1), ReplacementTransform(text_1, text_2), lag_ratio=1)) self.wait()
def generate_points(self): dim, border = self.get_dimension_and_border() axis = self.get_rotation_axis() anchors = border.get_anchors() num_pts = dim + 1 lpts, rpts = pts = [[ interpolate(sv, ev, alpha) for alpha in np.linspace(0, 1, num_pts) ][1:-1] for sv, ev in (anchors[0:2:1], anchors[-2:-4:-1])] lines = VGroup(*[ DashedLine(lp, rp, **self.line_config) for lp, rp in zip(lpts, rpts) ]) for angle in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 6, endpoint=False): self.add(lines.copy().rotate_about_origin(angle, axis=axis)) for k in range(3): self.add(DashedLine(anchors[k], anchors[k + 3], **self.line_config)) # Hacky solution to the perspective problem in 3D if self.mob_type == "ct": height = self.ct_or_hexagon.get_height() self.shift(height * (IN + LEFT + DOWN))
def construct(self): number_line = NumberLine(x_min=-2, x_max=2) text = TextMobject("Text") \ .next_to(number_line, DOWN) dashed_line = DashedLine( number_line.get_left(), number_line.get_right(), color=YELLOW, ).set_stroke(width=11) self.add(number_line) self.wait(0.3) LaggedStart(*[ ShowCreationThenDestruction(dashed_segment) for dashed_segment in dashed_line ], run_time=5), AnimationGroup(Animation(Mobject(), run_time=2.1), Write(text), lag_ratio=1)) self.wait()
def __init__(self, mob, **kwargs): VGroup.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.dashed == True: medicion = DashedLine( ORIGIN, mob.get_length() * RIGHT, dashed_segment_length=self.dashed_segment_length).set_color( self.color) else: medicion = Line(ORIGIN, mob.get_length() * RIGHT) medicion.set_stroke(None, self.stroke) pre_medicion = Line(ORIGIN, self.lateral * RIGHT).rotate(PI / 2).set_stroke( None, self.stroke) pos_medicion = pre_medicion.copy() pre_medicion.move_to(medicion.get_start()) pos_medicion.move_to(medicion.get_end()) angulo = mob.get_angle() matriz_rotacion = rotation_matrix(PI / 2, OUT) vector_unitario = mob.get_unit_vector() direccion = np.matmul(matriz_rotacion, vector_unitario) self.direccion = direccion self.add(medicion, pre_medicion, pos_medicion) self.rotate(angulo) self.move_to(mob) if self.invert == True: self.shift(-direccion * self.buff) else: self.shift(direccion * self.buff) self.set_color(self.color) self.tip_point_index = -np.argmin(self.get_all_points()[-1, :])
def scroll_through_patrons(self): logo_box = Square(side_length=2.5) logo_box.to_corner(DOWN + LEFT, buff=MED_LARGE_BUFF) total_width = FRAME_X_RADIUS - logo_box.get_right()[0] black_rect = Rectangle( fill_color=BLACK, fill_opacity=1, stroke_width=3, stroke_color=BLACK, width=FRAME_WIDTH, height=0.6 * FRAME_HEIGHT, ) black_rect.to_edge(UP, buff=0) line = DashedLine(FRAME_X_RADIUS * LEFT, FRAME_X_RADIUS * RIGHT) line.move_to(ORIGIN) thanks = TextMobject(self.thanks_words) thanks.scale(0.9) thanks.next_to(black_rect.get_bottom(), UP, SMALL_BUFF) thanks.set_color(YELLOW) underline = Line(LEFT, RIGHT) underline.match_width(thanks) underline.scale(1.1) underline.next_to(thanks, DOWN, SMALL_BUFF) thanks.add(underline) changed_patron_names = map( self.modify_patron_name, self.specific_patrons, ) patrons = VGroup(*map( TextMobject, changed_patron_names, )) patrons.scale(self.patron_scale_val) for patron in patrons: if patron.get_width() > self.max_patron_width: patron.set_width(self.max_patron_width) columns = VGroup(*[ VGroup(*patrons[i::self.n_patron_columns]) for i in range(self.n_patron_columns) ]) for column in columns: for n, name in enumerate(column): name.shift(n * self.name_y_spacing * DOWN) columns.arrange( RIGHT, buff=LARGE_BUFF, aligned_edge=UP, ) max_width = FRAME_WIDTH - 1 if columns.get_width() > max_width: columns.set_width(max_width) underline.match_width(columns) # thanks.to_edge(RIGHT, buff=MED_SMALL_BUFF) columns.next_to(underline, DOWN, buff=2) columns.generate_target(), buff=2) vect = - columns.get_center() distance = get_norm(vect) wait_time = 20 always_shift( columns, direction=normalize(vect), rate=(distance / wait_time) ) self.add(columns, black_rect, line, thanks) self.wait(wait_time)
def construct(self): # Add title title = self.title = TextMobject("Clicky Stuffs") title.scale(1.5) title.to_edge(UP, buff=MED_SMALL_BUFF) pi_creatures = VGroup(Randolph(), Mortimer()) for pi, vect in zip(pi_creatures, [LEFT, RIGHT]): pi.set_height(title.get_height()) pi.change_mode("thinking") pi.look(DOWN) pi.next_to(title, vect, buff=MED_LARGE_BUFF) self.add(title, pi_creatures) # Set the top of the screen logo_box = Square(side_length=2.5) logo_box.to_corner(DOWN + LEFT, buff=MED_LARGE_BUFF) black_rect = Rectangle( fill_color=BLACK, fill_opacity=1, stroke_width=3, stroke_color=BLACK, width=FRAME_WIDTH, height=0.6 * FRAME_HEIGHT, ) black_rect.to_edge(UP, buff=0) line = DashedLine(FRAME_X_RADIUS * LEFT, FRAME_X_RADIUS * RIGHT) line.move_to(ORIGIN) # Add thanks thanks = TextMobject(self.thanks_words) thanks.scale(0.9) thanks.next_to(black_rect.get_bottom(), UP, SMALL_BUFF) thanks.set_color(YELLOW) underline = Line(LEFT, RIGHT) underline.match_width(thanks) underline.scale(1.1) underline.next_to(thanks, DOWN, SMALL_BUFF) thanks.add(underline) # Build name list file_name = os.path.join(get_directories()["data"], "patrons.txt") with open(file_name, "r") as fp: names = [ self.modify_patron_name(name.strip()) for name in fp.readlines() ] if self.randomize_order: random.shuffle(names) else: names.sort() name_labels = VGroup(*map(TextMobject, names)) name_labels.scale(self.patron_scale_val) for label in name_labels: if label.get_width() > self.max_patron_width: label.set_width(self.max_patron_width) columns = VGroup(*[ VGroup(*name_labels[i::self.n_patron_columns]) for i in range(self.n_patron_columns) ]) column_x_spacing = 0.5 + max([c.get_width() for c in columns]) for i, column in enumerate(columns): for n, name in enumerate(column): name.shift(n * self.name_y_spacing * DOWN) name.align_to(ORIGIN, LEFT) column.move_to(i * column_x_spacing * RIGHT, UL) max_width = FRAME_WIDTH - 1 if columns.get_width() > max_width: columns.set_width(max_width) underline.match_width(columns) columns.next_to(underline, DOWN, buff=3) # Set movement columns.generate_target() distance = columns.get_height() + 2 wait_time = self.scroll_time frame = frame_shift = ApplyMethod( frame.shift, distance * DOWN, run_time=wait_time, rate_func=linear, ) blink_anims = [] blank_mob = Mobject() for x in range(wait_time): if random.random() < 0.25: blink_anims.append(Blink(random.choice(pi_creatures))) else: blink_anims.append(Animation(blank_mob)) blinks = Succession(*blink_anims) static_group = VGroup(black_rect, line, thanks, pi_creatures, title) static_group.fix_in_frame() self.add(columns, static_group), blinks)
def get_refline(self): if not hasattr(self, "refline"): anchors = self.rhombus.get_anchors() self.refline = DashedLine(anchors[0], anchors[2], **self.refline_config) return self.refline
def __init__(self, bond, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) start = bond.get_center() + (self.length / 2) * DOWN end = start + self.length * UP DashedLine.__init__(self, start=start, end=end)
def scroll_through_patrons(self): logo_box = Square(side_length=2.5) logo_box.to_corner(DOWN + LEFT, buff=MED_LARGE_BUFF) total_width = FRAME_X_RADIUS - logo_box.get_right()[0] black_rect = Rectangle( fill_color=BLACK, fill_opacity=1, stroke_width=3, stroke_color=BLACK, width=FRAME_WIDTH, height=0.6 * FRAME_HEIGHT, ) black_rect.to_edge(UP, buff=0) line = DashedLine(FRAME_X_RADIUS * LEFT, FRAME_X_RADIUS * RIGHT) line.move_to(ORIGIN) thanks = TextMobject(self.thanks_words) thanks.scale(0.9) thanks.next_to(black_rect.get_bottom(), UP, SMALL_BUFF) thanks.set_color(YELLOW) underline = Line(LEFT, RIGHT) underline.match_width(thanks) underline.scale(1.1) underline.next_to(thanks, DOWN, SMALL_BUFF) thanks.add(underline) changed_patron_names = map( self.modify_patron_name, self.specific_patrons, ) patrons = VGroup(*map( TextMobject, changed_patron_names, )) patrons.scale(self.patron_scale_val) for patron in patrons: if patron.get_width() > self.max_patron_width: patron.set_width(self.max_patron_width) columns = VGroup(*[ VGroup(*patrons[i::self.n_patron_columns]) for i in range(self.n_patron_columns) ]) for column in columns: for n, name in enumerate(column): name.shift(n * self.name_y_spacing * DOWN) columns.arrange( RIGHT, buff=LARGE_BUFF, aligned_edge=UP, ) if columns.get_width() > self.max_patron_width: columns.set_width(total_width - 1) thanks.to_edge(RIGHT, buff=MED_SMALL_BUFF) columns.next_to(underline, DOWN, buff=2) columns.generate_target(), buff=2) vect = - columns.get_center() distance = get_norm(vect) wait_time = 20 always_shift( columns, direction=normalize(vect), rate=(distance / wait_time) ) self.add(columns, black_rect, line, thanks) self.wait(wait_time)