Пример #1
def test_ram():
    main = m.DefineCircuit("main", "rdata", m.Out(m.Bit), "CLKIN",

    ram = mantle.RAM(4, 1, name="ram")

    waddr = mantle.Counter(2, cout=False)
    wdata = mantle.Counter(1, cout=False)
    we = 1
    raddr = mantle.Counter(2, cout=False)

    ram(raddr, waddr, wdata, we, CLK=main.CLKIN)

    m.wire(ram.RDATA[0], main.rdata)
    if m.mantle_target == "coreir":
        output = "coreir"
        suffix = "json"
        output = "verilog"
        suffix = "v"
    m.compile(f"build/test_common_ram_{m.mantle_target}", main, output)
    assert check_files_equal(
        __file__, f"build/test_common_ram_{m.mantle_target}.{suffix}",
Пример #2
def test_ram():
    main = m.DefineCircuit("main", "rdata", m.Out(m.Bit), "CLKIN",

    ram = mantle.RAM(4, 1)

    waddr = mantle.Counter(4)
    wdata = mantle.Counter(1)
    we = 1
    raddr = mantle.FF()(mantle.Counter(4))

    ram(raddr, waddr, wdata, we, CLK=main.CLKIN)

    m.wire(ram.RDATA, main.rdata)
    m.compile("build/test_common_ram", main)
Пример #3
    def definition(io):
        edge_r = rising(io.SCK)
        edge_f = falling(io.SCK)

        # pixels come 16 bits (high and low byte) at a time
        bit_counter = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)
        m.wire(edge_r, bit_counter.CE)

        # find when the high and low byte are valid
        low = mantle.Decode(15, 4)(bit_counter.O)
        high = mantle.Decode(7, 4)(bit_counter.O)

        # shift registers to store high and low byte
        low_byte = mantle.PIPO(8, has_ce=True)
        high_byte = mantle.PIPO(8, has_ce=True)

        low_byte(0, io.DATA, low)
        high_byte(0, io.DATA, high)

        m.wire(low, low_byte.CE)
        m.wire(high, high_byte.CE)

        # assemble the 16-bit RGB565 value
        px_bits = (m.uint(mantle.LSL(16)((m.uint(m.concat(high_byte.O, zeros))), m.bits(8, 4)))
                   + m.uint(m.concat(low_byte.O, zeros)))

        # extract the values for each color
        r_val = m.uint(mantle.LSR(16)((px_bits & RMASK), m.bits(11, 4)))
        g_val = m.uint(mantle.LSR(16)((px_bits & GMASK), m.bits(5, 4)))
        b_val = m.uint(px_bits & BMASK)

        # sum them to get grayscale (0 to 125)
        px_val = (r_val + g_val + b_val)

        # --------------------------UART OUTPUT---------------------------- #

        # run 16-bit UART at 2x speed
        baud = edge_r | edge_f

        # reset at start of pixel transfer
        ff1 = mantle.FF(has_ce=True)
        m.wire(baud, ff1.CE)
        u_reset = mantle.LUT2(I0 & ~I1)(io.VALID, ff1(io.VALID))
        m.wire(u_reset, bit_counter.RESET)

        # generate load signal
        ff2 = mantle.FF(has_ce=True)
        m.wire(baud, ff2.CE)
        load = mantle.LUT3(I0 & I1 & ~I2)(io.VALID, high, ff2(high))

        uart = UART(16)
        uart(CLK=io.CLK, BAUD=baud, DATA=px_val, LOAD=load)

        m.wire(px_val, io.PXV)
        m.wire(uart,   io.UART)
        m.wire(load,   io.LOAD)
Пример #4
def test_ram():
    main = m.DefineCircuit("main", "rdata", m.Out(m.Bit), "CLKIN",

    ram = mantle.RAM(4, 1)

    waddr = mantle.Counter(4, cout=False)
    wdata = mantle.Counter(1, cout=False)
    we = 1
    raddr = mantle.Counter(4, cout=False)

    ram(raddr, waddr, wdata, we, CLK=main.CLKIN)

    m.wire(ram.RDATA[0], main.rdata)
    if m.mantle_target == "coreir":
        output = "coreir"
        output = "verilog"
    m.compile("build/test_common_ram", main, output)
Пример #5
import magma as m
import mantle
from mantle.util.lfsr import DefineLFSR
from loam.shields.megawing import MegaWing

if m.mantle_target == 'spartan3':
    from loam.boards.papilioone import PapilioOne as Papilio
elif m.mantle_target == 'spartan6':
    from loam.boards.papiliopro import PapilioPro as Papilio

LFSR8 = DefineLFSR(8, has_ce=True)

megawing = MegaWing(Papilio)

main = megawing.main()

counter = mantle.Counter(22)

lfsr = LFSR8()

m.wire(lfsr(ce=counter.COUT), main.LED)

Пример #6

# hx8kboard.J2[18].output().on()
# hx8kboard.J2[19].output().on()


main = hx8kboard.main()

# Generate the SCLK signal (12 MHz/32 = 375 kHz)
clk_counter = mantle.Counter(2)
sclk = clk_counter.O[-1]

# Initialize Modules

# ArduCAM
cam = ArduCAM()
m.wire(main.CLKIN, cam.CLK)
m.wire(sclk, cam.SCK)
m.wire(main.J2_8, cam.MISO)

# Pre-processing
process = Process()
m.wire(main.CLKIN, process.CLK)
m.wire(sclk, process.SCK)
m.wire(cam.DATA, process.DATA)
Пример #7
from loam.shields.megawing import MegaWing
from bit1 import Bit1

N = 32
NI = 2
NO = 2

def prog():
    from bit1.isa import clr, set, O0
    set(O0, jump=0)

megawing = MegaWing(PapilioPro)

main = megawing.main()
if NO == 1:
    main.LED = m.bits([main.LED])

slow = mantle.Counter(16)
select = debounce(main.SELECT, slow.COUT)
step = falling(select)

bit1 = Bit1(prog, N, NI, NO, has_ce=True)

m.wire(bit1(m.bits([1, 1]), ce=step), main.LED)
Пример #8
# hx8kboard.J2[12].output().on()

# hx8kboard.J2[16].output().on()
# hx8kboard.J2[17].output().on()
# hx8kboard.J2[18].output().on()
# hx8kboard.J2[19].output().on()

main = hx8kboard.main()

# "test" data
init = [m.uint(i, 16) for i in range(16)]
printf = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)
rom = ROM16(4, init, printf.O)

clk_counter = mantle.Counter(5)
sclk = clk_counter.O[4]

edge_r = rising(sclk)
edge_f = falling(sclk)
baud = edge_r | edge_f

bit_counter = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)
m.wire(edge_r, bit_counter.CE)

high = mantle.Decode(7, 4)(bit_counter.O)

ff2 = mantle.FF(has_ce=True)
Пример #9
import magma as m
import mantle
from loam.boards.zed import Zed

zed = Zed()

main = zed.main()

counter = mantle.Counter(32)

m.wire( counter.O[24], main.LED )

Пример #10
    def definition(cam):
        edge_f = falling(cam.SCK)
        edge_r = rising(cam.SCK)

        # ROM to store commands
        rom_index = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)
        rom = ROM16(4, init, rom_index.O)

        # Message length is 16 bits, setup counter to generate done signal
        # after EOM
        done_counter = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)
        count = done_counter.O
        done = mantle.Decode(16, 5)(count)

        # State machine to generate run signal (enable)
        run = mantle.DFF(has_ce=True)
        run_n = mantle.LUT3([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0])
        run_n(done, trigger, run)
        m.wire(edge_f, run.CE)

        # Reset the message length counter after done
        run_reset = mantle.LUT2(I0 | ~I1)(done, run)
        done_counter(CE=edge_r, RESET=run_reset)

        # State variables for high-level state machine
        ready = mantle.LUT2(~I0 & I1)(run, edge_f)
        start = mantle.ULE(4)(rom_index.O, m.uint(3, 4))
        burst = mantle.UGE(4)(rom_index.O, m.uint(9, 4))

        # Shift register to store 16-bit command|data to send
        mosi = mantle.PISO(16, has_ce=True)
        # SPI enable is negative of load-don't load and shift out data at the
        # same time
        enable = mantle.LUT3(I0 & ~I1 & ~I2)(trigger, run, burst)
        mosi(~burst, rom.O, enable)
        m.wire(edge_f, mosi.CE)

        # Shit register to read in 8-bit data
        miso = mantle.SIPO(8, has_ce=True)
        valid = mantle.LUT2(~I0 & I1)(enable, edge_r)
        m.wire(valid, miso.CE)

        # Capture done state variable
        cap_done = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
        cap_done(mantle.EQ(8)(miso.O, m.bits(0x08, 8)), 0)
        m.wire(enable & edge_r, cap_done.CE)

        # Use state variables to determine what commands are sent (how)
        increment = mantle.LUT4(I0 & (I1 | I2) & ~I3)(
            ready, start, cap_done, burst)
        m.wire(increment, rom_index.CE)

        # wire outputs
        m.wire(enable, cam.EN)
        m.wire(mosi.O, cam.MOSI)
        m.wire(miso.O, cam.DATA)
        m.wire(burst,  cam.VALID)

        # --------------------------UART OUTPUT---------------------------- #

        # run UART at 2x SPI rate to allow it to keep up
        baud = edge_r | edge_f

        # reset when SPI burst read (image transfer) begins
        ff = mantle.FF(has_ce=True)
        m.wire(edge_r, ff.CE)
        u_reset = mantle.LUT2(I0 & ~I1)(burst, ff(burst))

        # UART data out every 8 bits
        u_counter = mantle.CounterModM(8, 3, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)
        u_counter(CE=edge_r, RESET=u_reset)
        load = burst & rising(u_counter.COUT)

        uart = UART(8)
        uart(CLK=cam.CLK, BAUD=baud, DATA=miso, LOAD=load)

        # wire output
        m.wire(uart, cam.UART)

        # generate signal for when transfer is done
        data_count = mantle.Counter(18, has_ce=True)
        tx_done = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
        # transfer has size 153600 bytes, first 2 bytes are ignored
        tx_done(mantle.EQ(18)(data_count.O, m.bits(153602, 18)), 0)
        m.wire(load, tx_done.CE)
        m.wire(load, data_count.CE)

        # wire output
        m.wire(tx_done, cam.DONE)
Пример #11
from magma.bitutils import int2seq
import mantle
from loam.boards.icestick import IceStick
from rom import ROM

icestick = IceStick()

main = icestick.main()

valid = 1

init = [m.array(int2seq(ord(c), 8)) for c in 'hello, world  \r\n']

printf = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)
rom = ROM(4, init, printf.O)

data = m.array([rom.O[7], rom.O[6], rom.O[5], rom.O[4],
                rom.O[3], rom.O[2], rom.O[1], rom.O[0], 0])

counter = mantle.CounterModM(103, 8)
baud = counter.COUT

count = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)
decode = mantle.Decode(15, 4)
done = decode(count.O)

run = mantle.DFF(has_ce=True)
run_n = mantle.LUT3([0,0,1,0, 1,0,1,0])
run_n(done, valid, run.O)
Пример #12
main = icestick.main()

# img_list = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15840, 32752, 16176, 816, 1008, 480, 0, 0, 0, 0,
#             0]  # 9, last col->first col
img_list = [
    0, 0, 0, 0, 960, 2016, 1632, 1632, 2016, 960, 224, 224, 224, 224, 64, 0
]  # 9, first row->last row
# img_list = [0, 0, 0, 896, 984, 3680, 7216, 6204, 14456, 14448, 8160, 3840,
#             0, 0, 0, 0] # 0
# img_list = range(2, 18)

num_data = [m.uint(img_list[i], 16) for i in range(16)]

# decrease the frequency to avoid timing violation
counter = mantle.Counter(4)
sclk = counter.O[-1]
rom_idx = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)

full = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
check = mantle.EQ(4)(rom_idx.O, m.bits(15, 4))
full(check, 0)
m.wire(falling(sclk), full.CE)
rom_ce = rising(sclk) & ~full.O
m.wire(rom_ce, rom_idx.CE)

rom = ROM16(4, num_data, rom_idx.O)

pipeline = Pipeline()

m.wire(sclk, pipeline.CLK)
Пример #13
    def definition(io):
        load = io.LOAD
        baud = rising(io.SCK) | falling(io.SCK)

        valid_counter = mantle.CounterModM(buf_size, 12, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(load & baud, valid_counter.CE)

        valid_list = [wi * (b - 1) + i * a - 1 for i in range(1, wo + 1)]  # len = 32

        valid = m.GND

        for i in valid_list:
            valid = valid | mantle.Decode(i, 12)(valid_counter.O)

        # register on input
        st_in = mantle.Register(width, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(load, st_in.CE)

        # --------------------------DOWNSCALING----------------------------- #
        # downscale the image from 352x288 to 32x32
        Downscale = m.DeclareCircuit(
                    "I_0_0", m.In(m.Array(1, m.Array(1, m.Array(width, m.Bit)))),
                    "WE", m.In(m.Bit), "CLK", m.In(m.Clock),
                    "O", m.Out(m.Array(width, m.Bit)), "V", m.Out(m.Bit))

        dscale = Downscale()

        m.wire(st_in.O, dscale.I_0_0[0][0])
        m.wire(1, dscale.WE)
        m.wire(load, dscale.CLK)

        add16 = mantle.Add(width)  # needed for Add16 definition

        # --------------------------FILL IMG RAM--------------------------- #
        # each valid output of dscale represents an entry of 32x32 binary image
        # accumulate each group of 32 entries into a 32-bit value representing a row
        col = mantle.CounterModM(32, 6, has_ce=True) 
        col_ce = rising(valid) 
        m.wire(col_ce, col.CE)

        # shift each bit in one at a time until we get an entire row
        px_bit = mantle.ULE(16)(dscale.O, m.uint(THRESH, 16)) & valid
        row_reg = mantle.SIPO(32, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(col_ce, row_reg.CE)

        # reverse the row bits since the image is flipped
        row = reverse(row_reg.O)

        rowaddr = mantle.Counter(6, has_ce=True)

        img_full = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
        img_full(mantle.EQ(6)(rowaddr.O, m.bits(32, 6)), 0)
        m.wire(falling(col.COUT), img_full.CE)
        row_ce = rising(col.COUT) & ~img_full.O
        m.wire(row_ce, rowaddr.CE)

        waddr = rowaddr.O[:5]

        rdy = col.COUT & ~img_full.O
        pulse_count = mantle.Counter(2, has_ce=True)
        we = mantle.UGE(2)(pulse_count.O, m.uint(1, 2))

        # ---------------------------UART OUTPUT----------------------------- #

        row_load = row_ce
        row_baud = mantle.FF()(baud)
        uart_row = UART(32)
        uart_row(CLK=io.CLK, BAUD=row_baud, DATA=row, LOAD=row_load)

        uart_addr = UART(5)
        uart_addr(CLK=io.CLK, BAUD=row_baud, DATA=waddr, LOAD=row_load)

        m.wire(waddr, io.WADDR)
        m.wire(img_full, io.DONE) #img_full
        m.wire(uart_row, io.UART) #uart_st
        m.wire(row, io.O)
        m.wire(we, io.VALID)

        m.wire(valid, io.T0)
        m.wire(uart_addr, io.T1)
Пример #14
 def definition(cls):
     counter = mantle.Counter(width, has_ce=has_en)
     m.wire(counter.O, cls.out)
     m.wire(counter.CLK, cls.clk)
     if has_en:
         m.wire(counter.CE, cls.en)
Пример #15
from loam.boards.papiliopro import PapilioPro
from loam.shields.megawing import MegaWing
from bit1 import Bit1

N = 32
NR = 4
NO = NR + 4

def prog():
    from bit1.isa import not_, if1, jump
    for i in range(NR):
        not_(i, i)
        if1(i, 0)
    jump( 0 )

megawing = MegaWing(PapilioPro)

main = megawing.main()

clock = mantle.Counter(22) 

bit1 = Bit1( prog, N, NI, NO, has_ce=True )

O = bit1( bit1.O[:NR], ce=clock.COUT )
m.wire( bit1.O[NR:], main.LED )

Пример #16
    def definition(io):
        load = io.LOAD
        baud = rising(io.SCK) | falling(io.SCK)

        valid_counter = mantle.CounterModM(buf_size, 13, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(load & baud, valid_counter.CE)

        valid_list = [wi * (b - 1) + i * a - 1 for i in range(1, wo + 1)]

        valid = m.GND

        for i in valid_list:
            valid = valid | mantle.Decode(i, 13)(valid_counter.O)

        # register on input
        st_in = mantle.Register(16, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(load, st_in.CE)

        # --------------------------DOWNSCALING----------------------------- #
        # downscale the image from 320x240 to 16x16
        Downscale = m.DeclareCircuit(
                    "I_0_0", m.In(m.Array(1, m.Array(1, m.Array(16, m.Bit)))),
                    "WE", m.In(m.Bit), "CLK", m.In(m.Clock),
                    "O", m.Out(m.Array(16, m.Bit)), "V", m.Out(m.Bit))

        dscale = Downscale()

        m.wire(st_in.O, dscale.I_0_0[0][0])
        m.wire(1, dscale.WE)
        m.wire(load, dscale.CLK)

        add16 = mantle.Add(16)  # needed for Add16 definition

        # --------------------------FILL IMG RAM--------------------------- #
        # each valid output of dscale represents a pixel in 16x16 binary image
        # accumulate each group of 16 pixels into a 16-bit value representing
        # a row in the image
        col = mantle.CounterModM(16, 5, has_ce=True)
        col_ce = rising(valid)
        m.wire(col_ce, col.CE)

        # shift each bit in one at a time until we get an entire row
        px_bit = mantle.ULE(16)(dscale.O, m.uint(THRESH, 16)) & valid
        row_reg = mantle.SIPO(16, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(col_ce, row_reg.CE)

        # reverse the row bits since the image is flipped
        row = reverse(row_reg.O)

        rowaddr = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)

        img_full = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
        img_full(mantle.EQ(5)(rowaddr.O, m.bits(16, 5)), 0)
        m.wire(falling(col.COUT), img_full.CE)
        row_ce = rising(col.COUT) & ~img_full.O
        m.wire(row_ce, rowaddr.CE)

        waddr = rowaddr.O[:4]

        # we_counter = mantle.CounterModM(16, 5, has_ce=True)
        # m.wire(rising(valid), we_counter.CE)

        rdy = col.COUT & ~img_full.O
        pulse_count = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)
        we = mantle.UGE(5)(pulse_count.O, m.uint(1, 5))
        pulse_count(CE=(we | rdy))

        # ---------------------------UART OUTPUT----------------------------- #

        row_load = row_ce
        row_baud = mantle.FF()(baud)
        uart_row = UART(16)
        uart_row(CLK=io.CLK, BAUD=row_baud, DATA=row, LOAD=row_load)

        uart_addr = UART(4)
        uart_addr(CLK=io.CLK, BAUD=row_baud, DATA=waddr, LOAD=row_load)

        # split 16-bit row data into 8-bit packets so it can be parsed
        low_byte = row & LOW_MASK
        high_byte = row & HIGH_MASK
        uart_counter = mantle.CounterModM(8, 4, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(rising(valid), uart_counter.CE)

        m.wire(waddr, io.WADDR)
        m.wire(img_full, io.DONE)
        m.wire(uart_row, io.UART)
        m.wire(row, io.O)
        m.wire(we, io.VALID)
Пример #17

img_list = [
    0, 0, 0, 0, 960, 4064, 48, 32, 96, 192, 192, 384, 768, 512, 1536, 0

# from arducam
#img_list = [0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 57440, 50720, 50976, 50592, 64576, 28672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32768] # 3, last col->first col
#img_list = [0, 0, 192, 480, 816, 528, 528, 528, 528, 1552, 1552, 560, 880, 992, 448, 0] # 0
# [1536, 3840, 8064, 6528, 4224, 4224, 6400, 3840, 3840, 8064, 14720, 14720, 14784, 14784, 16256, 7936]
# [0, 1, 256, 1920, 3136, 2112, 64, 128, 128, 256, 768, 1536, 4080, 8176, 6144, 0]

num_data = [m.uint(img_list[i], 16) for i in range(16)]

# decrease the frequency to avoid timing violation
counter = mantle.Counter(5)
sclk = counter.O[4]
baud = mantle.FF()(rising(sclk) | falling(sclk))

rom_idx = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)
addr = rom_idx.O[:4]

bit_counter = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)
m.wire(rising(sclk), bit_counter.CE)

we = mantle.Decode(0, 5)(bit_counter.O)
load = rising(we)

full = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
check = mantle.EQ(5)(rom_idx.O, m.bits(16, 5))
full(check, 0)
Пример #18
import magma as m
import mantle
from loam.boards.mojo import Mojo

mojo = Mojo()

main = mojo.main()

N = 32

counter = mantle.Counter( N )

count, cout = counter()

m.wire( count[24], main.LED1 )

Пример #19
NI = 1
NO = 8

def prog():
    from bit1.isa import set, clr, halt
    for i in range(NO):
        j = (i - 1 + NO) % NO
    clr(NO - 1)

megawing = MegaWing(PapilioPro)

main = megawing.main()

slow = mantle.Counter(16)
select = debounce(main.SELECT, slow.COUT)
step = falling(select)

clock = mantle.Counter(24)

bit1 = Bit1(prog, N, NI, NO, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)

m.wire(bit1(m.bits(0, 1), ce=clock.COUT, reset=step), main.LED)
Пример #20
# size of buffer for storing image n rows at a time
buf_size = wi * b - 1  # 4800 - 1 = 4799

hx8kboard = HX8KBoard()


main = hx8kboard.main()

# "test" data
init = [m.uint(i, 16) for i in range(16)]
printf = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)
rom = ROM16(4, init, printf.O)

# baud for uart output
clock = mantle.CounterModM(103, 8)
baud = clock.COUT

bit_counter = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)
m.wire(baud, bit_counter.CE)

load = mantle.Decode(0, 5)(bit_counter.O)

valid_counter = mantle.CounterModM(buf_size, 13, has_ce=True)
m.wire(load & baud, valid_counter.CE)

valid_list = [wi * (b - 1) + i * a - 1 for i in range(1, wo + 1)]  # len = 16
Пример #21
    def definition(io):
        load = io.LOAD
        baud = io.BAUD

        valid_counter = mantle.CounterModM(buf_size, 13, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(load & baud, valid_counter.CE)

        valid_list = [wi * (b - 1) + i * a - 1 for i in range(1, wo + 1)]
        valid = m.GND

        for i in valid_list:
            valid = valid | mantle.Decode(i, 13)(valid_counter.O)

        # register on input
        st_in = mantle.Register(16, has_ce=True)
        m.wire(load, st_in.CE)

        # --------------------------DOWNSCALING----------------------------- #
        # downscale the image from 320x240 to 16x16
        Downscale = m.DeclareCircuit(
                    "I_0_0", m.In(m.Array(1, m.Array(1, m.Array(16, m.Bit)))),
                    "WE", m.In(m.Bit), "CLK", m.In(m.Clock),
                    "O", m.Out(m.Array(16, m.Bit)), "V", m.Out(m.Bit))

        dscale = Downscale()

        m.wire(st_in.O, dscale.I_0_0[0][0])
        m.wire(1, dscale.WE)
        m.wire(load, dscale.CLK)

        add16 = mantle.Add(16)  # needed for Add16 definition

        # --------------------------FILL IMG RAM--------------------------- #
        # each valid output of dscale represents an entry of 16x16 binary image
        # accumulate each group of 16 entries into a 16-bit value representing
        # a row of the image
        col = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)

        row_full = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
        row_full(mantle.EQ(4)(col.O, m.bits(15, 4)), 0)
        m.wire(falling(dscale.V), row_full.CE)
        col_ce = rising(dscale.V) & ~row_full.O
        m.wire(col_ce, col.CE)

        row = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)

        img_full = mantle.SRFF(has_ce=True)
        img_full(mantle.EQ(4)(row.O, m.bits(15, 4)), 0)
        m.wire(falling(col.COUT), img_full.CE)
        row_ce = rising(col.COUT) & ~img_full.O
        m.wire(row_ce, row.CE)

        # ---------------------------UART OUTPUT----------------------------- #

        uart_st = UART(16)
        uart_st(CLK=io.CLK, BAUD=baud, DATA=dscale.O, LOAD=load)

        m.wire(row.O, io.ROW)
        m.wire(img_full.O, io.DONE)
        m.wire(uart_st.O, io.UART)
Пример #22
width = 16
TIN = m.Array(width, m.BitIn)
TOUT = m.Array(width, m.Out(m.Bit))

icestick = IceStick()
for i in range(3):

main = icestick.main()

# baud for uart output
clock = mantle.CounterModM(103, 8)
baud = clock.COUT

bit_counter = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)
m.wire(baud, bit_counter.CE)

load = mantle.Decode(0, 5)(bit_counter.O)

# # "test" data
# init = [m.uint(i, 16) for i in range(16)]
# printf = mantle.Counter(4, has_ce=True)
# rom = ROM16(4, init, printf.O)
# m.wire(load & baud, printf.CE)


ReduceHybrid = m.DeclareCircuit('ReduceHybrid', 'I_0', m.In(m.Array(a, TIN)),
                                'I_1', m.In(m.Array(a, TIN)), 'O', TOUT,
                                'WE', m.BitIn, 'V', m.Out(m.Bit), 'CLK',
Пример #23
    #out(  1,0, 0)
    #inst([0,0, 0])
    #inst([1,1, 0])
    #inst([0,0, 0])
    #inst([1,1, 0], ZERO, label()-1 )
    #out(  1,0, 1,  jump=label()) # halt

papilio = PapilioPro()
for i in range(3):

main = papilio.main()

clock = mantle.Counter(6)()
reset = clock.COUT
counter = mantle.Counter(5, has_ce=True)
mosi = mantle.PISO(16, has_ce=True) 
bit1 = Bit1(main, N, NI, NO, mode='parallel', has_reset=True))

sclk, ss = bit1(counter.O[4], reset=reset)


mosi( 0, m.bits(1,16), reset, ce=reset|sclk )

m.wire( ss,   main.A[0] )
m.wire( sclk, main.A[1] )
m.wire( mosi.O, main.A[2] )