Пример #1
    def __init__(self, ref_costmap, update_width, update_height, d2, d1, w,
        # Robot shape: This is a rectangle, but we can use other stuff
        self.d2 = d2  # robot center to fork edge distance
        self.d1 = d1  # robot center to front laser distance
        self.w = w  # truck width
        self.blind_offset = blind_offset  # extra margin
        self.robotVerts = [
            (self.d1 + self.blind_offset, self.w / 2 + self.blind_offset),
            (-self.d2 - self.blind_offset, self.w / 2 + self.blind_offset),
            (-self.d2 - self.blind_offset, -self.w / 2 - self.blind_offset),
            (self.d1 + self.blind_offset, -self.w / 2 - self.blind_offset)

        self.current_occ_grid = ref_costmap
        self.current_occ_grid.header.seq = -1

        # these are for easiness...
        self.resolution = ref_costmap.info.resolution
        self.height = ref_costmap.info.height
        self.width = ref_costmap.info.width
        self.ox = self.current_occ_grid.info.origin.position.x
        self.oy = self.current_occ_grid.info.origin.position.y

        #MFC: layered costmap kind of assumes same position and orientation in all static maps... so DON'T use rotations!
        # self.oa = self.get_rotation(self.current_occ_grid.info.origin.orientation)

        # MFC: odd stuff happens if you use different static map sizes...
        # self.height = int(20.0 / self.resolution) #y
        # self.width  = int(26.0 / self.resolution) #x
        # self.current_occ_grid.info.height = self.height
        # self.current_occ_grid.info.width = self.width

        # Translate to be centered under costmap_frame_id
        #MFC: layered costmap kind of assumes same position and orientation in all static maps... so DON'T use rotations!
        # self.current_occ_grid.info.origin = Pose()
        # self.current_occ_grid.info.origin.position.x = -(self.width/2.0)   * self.resolution
        # self.current_occ_grid.info.origin.position.y = -(self.height/2.0)  * self.resolution

        # clear data
        self.current_occ_grid.data = np.zeros(self.width * self.height)
        self.lock = Lock()

        self.local_human_pose = None
        self.local_robot_pose = None
        self.situation = None
        self.angle_bounds = np.array([0, 2.0 * np.pi])
        # Updates will be our way of adding new data
        self.update = OccupancyGridUpdate()
        self.update.header = self.current_occ_grid.header
        self.update.header.seq = -1


        self.update.width = self.width
        self.update.height = self.height
        self.update.x = 0
        self.update.y = 0
        self.update.data = np.zeros(self.update.width * self.update.height)
Пример #2
 def costmap_updates_callback(self,msg):        
     with self.lock: 
         self.costmap_update = msg
         self.path_costmap_update = OccupancyGridUpdate()
         self.path_costmap_update.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
         self.path_costmap_update.header.seq = msg.header.seq
         self.path_costmap_update.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
         self.path_costmap_update.width = msg.width
         self.path_costmap_update.height = msg.height
         self.path_costmap_update.x = msg.x
         self.path_costmap_update.y = msg.y
         self.path_costmap_update.data = np.zeros(self.path_costmap_update.width * self.path_costmap_update.height)
Пример #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.data = GetMapResponse()
     a = OccupancyGridUpdate()
     rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/global_costmap/costmap", OccupancyGrid,
     self.waitFlag = False
     while not self.waitFlag:
     self.waitFlag = False
                      OccupancyGridUpdate, self.callback2)
     s = rospy.Service('/map_service', GetMap, self.handleMapService)
     rospy.loginfo("Costmap service have been ready!")
Пример #4
    def map_update_to_message(self, update):
        :type update: OccupancyGridUpdate
        update_ros = OccupancyGridUpdateROS()

        # Fill in the header
        update_ros.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        update_ros.header.frame_id = update.header.frame_id

        update_ros.x = update.x
        update_ros.y = update.y
        update_ros.width = update.width
        update_ros.height = update.height
        update_ros.data = update.data

        return update_ros
Пример #5
import rospy
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.path as mpltPath

from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Quaternion, PointStamped, Point
from nav_msgs.msg import OccupancyGrid
from map_msgs.msg import OccupancyGridUpdate
from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseActionResult, MoveBaseActionFeedback
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker

cost_update = OccupancyGridUpdate()
result = MoveBaseActionResult()
newPose = PoseStamped()
q = Quaternion()

class jackal_explore:
    def __init__(self):
        self.costmap = OccupancyGrid()
        self.flagm = 0
        self.flagg = 0
        self.init = 0
        self.newcost = []
        self.grid = OccupancyGrid()
        self.feedback = MoveBaseActionFeedback()
        self.prevpnt = -1
Пример #6
                  str((closest_x, closest_y, cost)))

    rospy.loginfo("radius 40 (would be 2m at 0.05 resolution)")
    rospy.loginfo("Getting closest x y over (look point: " + str((0, 0)))
    closest_x, closest_y, cost = ogm.get_closest_cell_over_cost(0, 0, 253, 5)
    rospy.loginfo("closest x y cost over: " +
                  str((closest_x, closest_y, cost)))

    # Repeat again but with updateable occupancy grid
    rospy.loginfo("\n\n\n\nRepeating map test but subscribed to updates")
    ogm = OccupancyGridManager('/map', subscribe_to_updates=True)
    # Give a moment to initialize

    # simulate an update with adding all of it again
    ogu = OccupancyGridUpdate()
    ogu.header = map_msg.header
    ogu.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ogu.x = ogu.y = 0
    ogu.width = map_msg.info.width
    ogu.height = map_msg.info.height
    ogu.data = map_msg.data

    # Wait a moment for the update to arrive

    # Check bounds are correct (e.g. x is x and y is y)
    # Note that X is height, and Y is width, both starting
    # from the bottom left corner
    print("map info: ")
                cost = ogm.get_cost_from_costmap_x_y(x, y)
                print("x: {}, y: {} is in gridmap (cost: {})".format(
                    x, y, cost))
                print("x: {}, y: {} is NOT in gridmap".format(x, y))

    if ogm.is_in_gridmap(ogm.width - 1, ogm.height - 1):
        print("ogm.width - 1: {}, ogm.height - 1: {} is in gridmap.".format(
            ogm.width - 1, ogm.height - 1))
            "ogm.width - 1: {}, ogm.height - 1: {} is NOT in gridmap.".format(
                ogm.width - 1, ogm.height - 1))

    # simulate an update with adding all of it again
    ogu = OccupancyGridUpdate()
    ogu.header = occgrid.header
    ogu.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ogu.x = ogu.y = 0
    ogu.width = occgrid.info.width
    ogu.height = occgrid.info.height
    ogu.data = occgrid.data

    ogm = OccupancyGridManager('/map', subscribe_to_updates=True)
    # Give a moment to the update subscriber to initialize

    # Wait a moment for the update to arrive