Пример #1
    def __init__(self, config, callback, last_pose):
        Instantiate a Linear move command object.

        :param config: (dict) Configuration dictionary, with parameters:
                                  * "start_position": (list|np.ndarray) (Optional)[Default: last_pose.position)
                                                                        Starting position [x, y] of the robot.
                                  * "end_position": (list|np.ndarray) Ending position [x, y] of the robot.
                                  * "steps": (int) Number of desired steps/poses for the movement
                                  * "deterministic": (bool) (Optional)[Default: None] Overrides general deterministic
                                                     configuration for this move. If None, then general config applies.
                                  * "scans": (int) (Optional)[Default: None] Overrides general number of scans per move
                                             configuration for this move. If None, then general config applies.
        :param callback: (callable) Function, lambda or other callable object to be executed
                                    when calling the command object.
        :param last_pose: (Pose) Last pose of the robot before this command.

        if 'start_position' in config:
            start = to_np(config['start_position'])
            start = last_pose.position

        end = to_np(config['end_position'])

        diff = end - start
        theta = np.arctan2(diff[1], diff[0])
        if theta > np.pi:
            theta -= 2 * np.pi
        if theta < -np.pi:
            theta += 2 * np.pi

        config['end_orientation'] = theta

        if 'start_position' in config or 'start_orientation' in config or abs(
                theta - last_pose.orientation) > 1e-6:
            config['start_orientation'] = theta

        super(MoveLinearCommand, self).__init__(config, callback, last_pose)
Пример #2
    def set_center(self, position, compute_poses=True):
        Sets the position of the circular trajectory's center.

        :param position: (list|np.ndarray) Center position [x, y] of the circular arch to follow.
        :param compute_poses: (bool)[Default: True] Recompute the robot pose list if True.

        :return: (None)

        self._center = to_np(position)

        if compute_poses:
Пример #3
    def set_end_position(self, position, compute_poses=True):
        Sets the target position of the robot.

        :param position: (list|np.ndarray) Target position [x, y] of the robot.
        :param compute_poses: (bool)[Default: True] Recompute the robot pose list if True.

        :return: (None)

        self._end_position = to_np(position)

        if compute_poses:
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, pose, orientation):
     self.position = to_np(pose)
     self.orientation = normalize_angles(to_np(orientation))