def test_map_init(): m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) eq_(m.width, 256) eq_(m.height, 256) eq_(m.srs, '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') eq_(m.base, '') m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256, '+proj=latlong') eq_(m.srs, '+proj=latlong')
def test_map_pickle(): # Fails due to scale() not matching, possibly other things raise(Todo("Map does not support pickling yet (Tickets #345).")) m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) eq_(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m)), m) m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256, '+proj=latlong') eq_(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m)), m)
def get_paired_images(w, h, mapfile): tmp_map = 'tmp_map.xml' m = mapnik2.Map(w, h) mapnik2.load_map(m, mapfile) i = mapnik2.Image(w, h) m.zoom_all() mapnik2.render(m, i) mapnik2.save_map(m, tmp_map) m2 = mapnik2.Map(w, h) mapnik2.load_map(m2, tmp_map) i2 = mapnik2.Image(w, h) m2.zoom_all() mapnik2.render(m2, i2) os.remove(tmp_map) return i, i2
def loop(self, nb): self.m = mapnik.Map(TILES_SIZE, TILES_SIZE) # Load style XML mapnik.load_map(self.m, self.mapfile, True) # Obtain <Map> projection self.prj = mapnik.Projection(self.m.srs) # Projects between tile pixel co-ordinates and LatLong (EPSG:4326) self.tileproj = GoogleProjection(self.maxZoom + 1) while True: #Fetch a tile from the queue and render it r = self.q.get() if (r == None): self.q.task_done() break else: (name, tile_uri, x, y, z) = r exists = "" if os.path.isfile(tile_uri + '.' + FILE_EXTENSION): exists = "exists" else: self.render_tile(tile_uri, x, y, z) self.printLock.acquire() print name, ":", z, x, y, exists self.printLock.release() self.q.task_done()
def serialize(xml, options): try: import mapnik2 as mapnik except: try: import mapnik except: sys.exit( color_text( 1, 'Error: saving xml requires Mapnik python bindings to be installed' )) m = mapnik.Map(1, 1) if options.from_string: mapnik.load_map_from_string(m, xml, True) else: mapnik.load_map(m, xml, True) if options.output: mapnik.save_map(m, options.output) else: if hasattr(mapnik, 'mapnik_version') and mapnik.mapnik_version() >= 700: print mapnik.save_map_to_string(m) else: sys.exit( color_text( 1, 'Minor error: printing XML to stdout requires Mapnik >=0.7.0, please provide a second argument to save the output to a file' ))
def render_location(self): # spherical mercator (most common target map projection of osm data imported with osm2pgsql) merc = mapnik.Projection('+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over') longlat = mapnik.Projection('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') mapfile = "renderer/map_data/styles/bs_complete.xml" bounds = (self.lon-self.size,, self.lon+self.size, z = 1 imgx = 224 * z imgy = 224 * z m = mapnik.Map(imgx,imgy) mapnik.load_map(m,mapfile) m.srs = merc.params() if hasattr(mapnik,'Box2d'): bbox = mapnik.Box2d(*bounds) else: bbox = mapnik.Envelope(*bounds) transform = mapnik.ProjTransform(longlat,merc) merc_bbox = transform.forward(bbox) m.zoom_to_box(merc_bbox) #render the map to an image im = mapnik.Image(imgx,imgy) mapnik.render(m, im) img = im.tostring('png256') img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8), 1) img =np.asarray(img) window_name = "Location" cv2.imshow(window_name, img) cv2.waitKey(0)
def test_hit_grid(): import os from itertools import groupby def rle_encode(l): """ encode a list of strings with run-length compression """ return [ "%d:%s" % (len(list(group)), name) for name, group in groupby(l) ] m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) mapnik2.load_map(m, '../data/good_maps/agg_poly_gamma_map.xml') m.zoom_all() join_field = 'NAME' fg = [] # feature grid for y in range(0, 256, 4): for x in range(0, 256, 4): featureset = m.query_map_point(0, x, y) added = False for feature in featureset.features: fg.append(feature[join_field]) added = True if not added: fg.append('') hit_list = '|'.join(rle_encode(fg)) eq_(hit_list[:16], '730:|2:Greenland') eq_(hit_list[-12:], '1:Chile|812:')
def render_legend(mapfile, tile_uri): m = mapnik.Map(1024, 2048) # Load style XML mapnik.load_map(m, mapfile, True) # Obtain <Map> projection prj = mapnik.Projection(m.srs) # Projects between tile pixel co-ordinates and LatLong (EPSG:4326) tileproj = GoogleProjection(20) # Convert to map projection (e.g. mercator co-ords EPSG:900913) c0 = prj.forward(mapnik.Coord(14.4503,50.0673)) c1 = prj.forward(mapnik.Coord(14.457,50.0678)) # Bounding box for the tile if hasattr(mapnik,'mapnik_version') and mapnik.mapnik_version() >= 800: bbox = mapnik.Box2d(c0.x,c0.y, c1.x,c1.y) else: bbox = mapnik.Envelope(c0.x,c0.y, c1.x,c1.y) render_size_x = 1024 render_size_y = 1500 m.resize(render_size_x, render_size_y) m.zoom_to_box(bbox) m.buffer_size = 128 # Render image with default Agg renderer im = mapnik.Image(render_size_x, render_size_y) mapnik.render(m, im), 'png256') surface = cairo.SVGSurface('legend.svg', render_size_x, render_size_y) mapnik.render(m, surface) surface.finish()
def compare_map(in_map): mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map) (handle, test_map) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.xml', prefix='mapnik-temp-map1-') os.close(handle) (handle, test_map2) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.xml', prefix='mapnik-temp-map2-') os.close(handle) if os.path.exists(test_map): os.remove(test_map) mapnik2.save_map(map, test_map) new_map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) mapnik2.load_map(new_map, test_map) open(test_map2, 'w').write(mapnik2.save_map_to_string(new_map)) diff = ' diff %s %s' % (os.path.abspath(test_map), os.path.abspath(test_map2)) try: eq_(open(test_map).read(), open(test_map2).read()) except AssertionError, e: raise AssertionError( 'serialized map "%s" not the same after being reloaded, \ncompare with command:\n\n$%s' % (in_map, diff))
def renderToPdf(envLL, filename, sizex, sizey): """Renders the specified Box2d and zoom level as a PDF""" basefilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] mergedpdf = None for mapname in MAPNIK_LAYERS: print 'Rendering', mapname # Render layer PDF. localfilename = basefilename + '_' + mapname + '.pdf' file = open(localfilename, 'wb') surface = cairo.PDFSurface(, sizex, sizey) envMerc = LLToMerc(envLL) map = mapnik.Map(sizex, sizey) mapnik.load_map(map, mapname + ".xml") map.zoom_to_box(envMerc) mapnik.render(map, surface) surface.finish() file.close() # Merge with master. if not mergedpdf: mergedpdf = PdfFileWriter() localpdf = PdfFileReader(open(localfilename, "rb")) page = localpdf.getPage(0) mergedpdf.addPage(page) else: localpdf = PdfFileReader(open(localfilename, "rb")) page.mergePage(localpdf.getPage(0)) output = open(filename, 'wb') mergedpdf.write(output) output.close()
def loop(self): self.m = mapnik.Map(128, 128) # Load style XML #mapnik.load_map(self.m, self.mapfile, True) # Obtain <Map> projection self.prj = mapnik.Projection(self.m.srs) # Projects between tile pixel co-ordinates and LatLong (EPSG:4326) #self.tileproj = GoogleProjection(self.maxZoom+1) while True: #Fetch a tile from the queue and render it r = self.q.get() if (r == None): self.q.task_done() break else: (name, bounds, data, item, label, lat, layer, lon, num_items, projec) = r self.rendertiles(bounds, data, item, label, lat, layer, lon, num_items, projec) self.printLock.acquire() self.printLock.release() self.q.task_done()
def run(self): self.mapnik_map = mapnik2.Map(self.width, self.height) mapnik2.load_map(self.mapnik_map, self.config, True) self.map_projection = mapnik2.Projection(self.mapnik_map.srs) self.tile_projection = projections.GoogleProjection() while True: tile_parameters = None # Try to fetch a tile from any queue for tile_queue in self.tile_queues: try: tile_parameters = tile_queue.get_nowait() break except Queue.Empty: pass # Couldn't get tile parameters from any queue--all done if not tile_parameters: return # Skip rendering existing tiles if self.skip_existing: filename = tile_parameters[0] if os.path.exists(filename): print 'Skipping %s' % (filename) tile_queue.task_done() continue self.render(*tile_parameters) tile_queue.task_done()
def renderArea(self, width, height, srs, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, zoom): """ """ if self.mapnik is None: self.mapnik = mapnik.Map(0, 0) if exists(self.mapfile): mapnik.load_map(self.mapnik, str(self.mapfile)) else: handle, filename = mkstemp() os.write(handle, urlopen(self.mapfile).read()) os.close(handle) mapnik.load_map(self.mapnik, filename) os.unlink(filename) self.mapnik.width = width self.mapnik.height = height self.mapnik.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Envelope(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) img = mapnik.Image(width, height) mapnik.render(self.mapnik, img) img = Image.fromstring('RGBA', (width, height), img.tostring()) return img
def create_grid_map(width,height): places_ds = mapnik2.PointDatasource() places_ds.add_point(143.10,-38.60,'Name','South East') places_ds.add_point(142.48,-38.60,'Name','South West') places_ds.add_point(142.48,-38.38,'Name','North West') places_ds.add_point(143.10,-38.38,'Name','North East') s = mapnik2.Style() r = mapnik2.Rule() #symb = mapnik2.PointSymbolizer() symb = mapnik2.MarkersSymbolizer() symb.allow_overlap = True r.symbols.append(symb) label = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer(mapnik2.Expression('[Name]'), 'DejaVu Sans Book', 10, mapnik2.Color('black') ) label.allow_overlap = True label.displacement = (0,-10) #r.symbols.append(label) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik2.Layer('Places') lyr.datasource = places_ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') m = mapnik2.Map(width,height) m.append_style('places_labels',s) m.layers.append(lyr) return m
def loop(self): self.m = mapnik.Map(256, 256) # Load style XML mapnik.load_map(self.m, self.mapfile, True) # Obtain <Map> projection self.prj = mapnik.Projection(self.m.srs) # Projects between tile pixel co-ordinates and LatLong (EPSG:4326) self.tileproj = spherical_mercator.SphericalMercator(self.maxZoom + 1) while True: # Fetch a tile from the queue and render it r = self.q.get() if (r == None): self.q.task_done() break else: (name, tile_uri, x, y, z) = r exists = "" if os.path.isfile(tile_uri): exists = "exists" else: self.render_tile(tile_uri, x, y, z) bytes = os.stat(tile_uri)[6] empty = '' if bytes == 103: empty = " Empty Tile " self.printLock.acquire() print(name, ":", z, x, y, exists, empty) self.printLock.release() self.q.task_done()
def test_map_init_from_string(): map_string = '''<Map background-color="steelblue" srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"> <Style name="My Style"> <Rule> <PolygonSymbolizer> <CssParameter name="fill">#f2eff9</CssParameter> </PolygonSymbolizer> <LineSymbolizer> <CssParameter name="stroke">rgb(50%,50%,50%)</CssParameter> <CssParameter name="stroke-width">0.1</CssParameter> </LineSymbolizer> </Rule> </Style> <Layer name="boundaries"> <StyleName>My Style</StyleName> <Datasource> <Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter> <Parameter name="file">../../demo/data/boundaries</Parameter> </Datasource> </Layer> </Map>''' m = mapnik2.Map(600, 300) mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string) mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, "") mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, True, "") raise(Todo("Need to write more map property tests in ''..."))
def renderTile(self, width, height, srs, coord): """ """ if self.mapnik is None: self.mapnik = mapnik.Map(0, 0) mapnik.load_map(self.mapnik, str(self.mapfile)) nw = self.layer.projection.coordinateLocation(coord) se = self.layer.projection.coordinateLocation(coord.right().down()) ul = self.mercator.locationProj(nw) lr = self.mercator.locationProj(se) self.mapnik.width = width self.mapnik.height = height self.mapnik.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(ul.x, ul.y, lr.x, lr.y)) # create grid as same size as map/image grid = mapnik.Grid(width, height) # render a layer to that grid array mapnik.render_layer(self.mapnik, grid, layer=self.layer_index, fields=self.fields) # then encode the grid array as utf, resample to 1/scale the size, and dump features grid_utf = grid.encode('utf', resolution=self.scale, features=True) if self.wrapper is None: return SaveableResponse(json.dumps(grid_utf)) else: return SaveableResponse(self.wrapper + '(' + json.dumps(grid_utf) + ')')
def rendertiles(self, bounds, data, item, label, lat, layer, lon, num_items, projec): z = 1 imgx = 128 * z imgy = 128 * z mapfile = "/map_data/styles/bs_" + layer + ".xml" m = mapnik.Map(imgx, imgy) mapnik.load_map(m, mapfile) # ensure the target map projection is mercator m.srs = projec.params() if hasattr(mapnik, 'Box2d'): bbox = mapnik.Box2d(*bounds) else: bbox = mapnik.Envelope(*bounds) transform = mapnik.ProjTransform(longlat, projec) merc_bbox = transform.forward(bbox) m.zoom_to_box(merc_bbox) # render the map to an image im = mapnik.Image(imgx, imgy) mapnik.render(m, im) img = im.tostring('png256') data[(item, layer)] = img
def test_dataraster_query_point(): srs = '+init=epsg:32630' lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster') lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal( file='../data/raster/dataraster.tif', band=1, ) lyr.srs = srs _map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256, srs) _map.layers.append(lyr) # point inside raster extent with valid data x, y = 427417, 4477517 features = _map.query_point(0, x, y).features assert len(features) == 1 feat = features[0] center = feat.envelope().center() assert center.x == x and center.y == y, center value = feat['value'] assert value == 21.0, value # point outside raster extent features = _map.query_point(0, -427417, 4477517).features assert len(features) == 0 # point inside raster extent with nodata features = _map.query_point(0, 126850, 4596050).features assert len(features) == 0
def render_location_with_variants(self, variants): # target projection #merc = mapnik.Projection('+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over') data = [] for item in range(0,variants): if item == 0: teta = 0 zoom = 20 shift_lat = 0 shift_lon = 0 else: shift_lat = 0.1*self.size*(random.random()-random.random()) shift_lon = 0.1*self.size*(random.random()-random.random()) teta = 45 * (random.random()-random.random()) zoom = random.randint(17,21) layer = "complete" projec = mapnik.Projection('+proj=aeqd +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=90 +lon_0='+str(teta)) # WGS lat/long source projection of centre longlat = mapnik.Projection('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') # make a new Map object for the given mapfile m = mapnik.Map(self.width, self.height) mapfile = "renderer/map_data/styles/bs_" + layer + ".xml" mapnik.load_map(m, mapfile) # ensure the target map projection is mercator m.srs = projec.params() # transform the centre point into the target coord sys centre = mapnik.Coord(self.lon+shift_lon, transform = mapnik.ProjTransform(longlat, projec) merc_centre = transform.forward(centre) # 360/(2**zoom) degrees = 256 px # so in merc 1px = (20037508.34*2) / (256 * 2**zoom) # hence to find the bounds of our rectangle in projected coordinates + and - half the image width worth of projected coord units dx = ((20037508.34*2*(self.width/2)))/(256*(2 ** (zoom))) minx = merc_centre.x - dx maxx = merc_centre.x + dx # grow the height bbox, as we only accurately set the width bbox m.aspect_fix_mode = mapnik.aspect_fix_mode.ADJUST_BBOX_HEIGHT bounds = mapnik.Box2d(minx, merc_centre.y-10, maxx, merc_centre.y+10) # the y bounds will be fixed by mapnik due to ADJUST_BBOX_HEIGHT m.zoom_to_box(bounds) # render the map image to a file # mapnik.render_to_file(m, output) #render the map to an image im = mapnik.Image(self.width,self.height) mapnik.render(m, im) img = im.tostring('png256') img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8), 1) img =np.asarray(img) data.append(img) data = np.stack(data) return data
def run(self): self.log("Loading map XML") self.m = mapnik2.Map(TS, TS) try: mapnik2.load_map_from_string(self.m, self.xml) except RuntimeError, why: logging.error("Cannot load map: %s" % why) os._exit(1)
def test_load_save_load_map(): map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) in_map = "../data/good_maps/glyph_symbolizer.xml" mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map) style = map.find_style('arrows') sym = style.rules[0].symbols[0] assert isinstance(sym, mapnik2.GlyphSymbolizer) assert sym.angle_mode == mapnik2.angle_mode.AZIMUTH out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map).decode('utf8') map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) mapnik2.load_map_from_string(map, out_map.encode('utf8')) assert 'GlyphSymbolizer' in out_map assert 'RasterColorizer' in out_map # make sure non-ascii characters are well supported since most interesting # glyphs for symbology are usually in that range assert u'í' in out_map, out_map
def init_zoomlevel(self, z): self.currentz = z self.tilesize = getTileSize(NTILES[z], True) self.maps = {} for mapName in MAPNIK_LAYERS: console.debugMessage('Loading mapnik.Map: ' + mapName) self.maps[mapName] = mapnik.Map(self.tilesize, self.tilesize) mapnik.load_map(self.maps[mapName], mapName + ".xml")
def test_simplest_render(): m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) i = mapnik2.Image(m.width, m.height) mapnik2.render(m, i) s = i.tostring() eq_(s, 256 * 256 * '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
def test_adding_datasource_to_layer(): map_string = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Map> <Layer name="world_borders"> <StyleName>world_borders_style</StyleName> <StyleName>point_style</StyleName> <!-- leave datasource empty --> <!-- <Datasource> <Parameter name="file">../data/shp/world_merc.shp</Parameter> <Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter> </Datasource> --> </Layer> </Map> ''' m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string) # validate it loaded fine eq_(m.layers[0].styles[0],'world_borders_style') eq_(m.layers[0].styles[1],'point_style') eq_(len(m.layers),1) # also assign a variable reference to that layer # below we will test that this variable references # the same object that is attached to the map lyr = m.layers[0] # ensure that there was no datasource for the layer... eq_(m.layers[0].datasource,None) eq_(lyr.datasource,None) # also note that since the srs was black it defaulted to wgs84 eq_(m.layers[0].srs,'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') eq_(lyr.srs,'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') # now add a datasource one... ds = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp') m.layers[0].datasource = ds # now ensure it is attached eq_(m.layers[0],"shape") eq_(,"shape") # and since we have now added a shapefile in spherical mercator, adjust the projection lyr.srs = '+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' # test that assignment eq_(m.layers[0].srs,'+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs') eq_(lyr.srs,'+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
def test_render_grid(): places_ds = mapnik2.PointDatasource() places_ds.add_point(143.10, -38.60, 'Name', 'South East') places_ds.add_point(142.48, -38.60, 'Name', 'South West') places_ds.add_point(142.48, -38.38, 'Name', 'North West') places_ds.add_point(143.10, -38.38, 'Name', 'North East') s = mapnik2.Style() r = mapnik2.Rule() #symb = mapnik2.PointSymbolizer() symb = mapnik2.MarkersSymbolizer() symb.allow_overlap = True r.symbols.append(symb) label = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer(mapnik2.Expression('[Name]'), 'DejaVu Sans Book', 10, mapnik2.Color('black')) label.allow_overlap = True label.displacement = (0, -10) #r.symbols.append(label) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik2.Layer('Places') lyr.datasource = places_ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) m.append_style('places_labels', s) m.layers.append(lyr) ul_lonlat = mapnik2.Coord(142.30, -38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik2.Coord(143.40, -38.80) m.zoom_to_box(mapnik2.Box2d(ul_lonlat, lr_lonlat)) grid = mapnik2.render_grid(m, 0, key='Name', resolution=4, fields=['Name']) eq_(grid, grid_correct) eq_(resolve(grid, 0, 0), None) # check every pixel of the nw symbol expected = {"Name": "North West"} # top row eq_(resolve(grid, 23, 9), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 23, 10), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 23, 11), expected) # core eq_(resolve(grid, 24, 8), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 24, 9), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 24, 10), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 24, 11), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 24, 12), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 25, 8), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 25, 9), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 25, 10), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 25, 11), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 25, 12), expected) # bottom row eq_(resolve(grid, 26, 9), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 26, 10), expected) eq_(resolve(grid, 26, 11), expected)
def test_load_save_map(): map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) in_map = "../data/good_maps/raster_symbolizer.xml" mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map) out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map) assert 'RasterSymbolizer' in out_map assert 'RasterColorizer' in out_map assert 'ColorBand' in out_map
def test_gen_map(): mapxmlfile = '../data/good_maps/raster_colorizer.xml' mapxmloutputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test_save.xml' outputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test.png' m = mapnik2.Map(800, 600) mapnik2.load_map(m, mapxmlfile) mapnik2.save_map(m, mapxmloutputfile) m.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(m, outputfile)
def __init__(self, tile_dir, mapfile, q, maxZoom): self.tile_dir = tile_dir self.q = q self.m = mapnik.Map(256, 256) # Load style XML mapnik.load_map(self.m, mapfile, False) # Obtain <Map> projection self.prj = mapnik.Projection(self.m.srs) # Projects between tile pixel co-ordinates and LatLong (EPSG:4326) self.tileproj = GoogleProjection(maxZoom+1)
def assert_loads_successfully(file): m = mapnik2.Map(512, 512) strict = True mapnik2.load_map(m, file, strict) # libxml2 is not smart about paths, and clips the last directory off # of a path if it does not end in a trailing slash base_path = os.path.dirname(file) + '/' mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, open(file, 'rb').read(), strict, base_path)