def get_size_estimate(provider, bbox, srs='3857'): """ Args: provider: The name of the provider, corresponds to the name field in Export Provider model bbox: A bbox in the format of an array srs: An EPSG code for the map being used. Returns: Estimated size in GB """ try: provider = ExportProvider.objects.get(name=provider) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None levels = range(provider.level_from, provider.level_to + 1) req_srs = mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs) bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(4326), req_srs) tile_size = (256, 256) tile_grid = mapproxy_grid.TileGrid(srs, tile_size=tile_size, levels=len(levels)) total_tiles = 0 tiles = [] for level in levels: # get_affected_level_tiles() returns a list with three # things: first a tuple with the bounding box, second # the height and width in tiles, and third a list of tile # coordinate tuples. result[1] gives the tuple with # the width/height of the desired set of tiles. result = tile_grid.get_affected_level_tiles(bbox, int(level)) total_tiles += result[1][0] * result[1][1] tiles.append(result[1][0] * result[1][1]) return [total_tiles, get_gb_estimate(total_tiles), tiles]
def get_vector_estimate(provider, bbox, srs="4326"): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object tile_grid = ek_stats.get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = ek_stats.get_area_bbox(req_bbox) # Compute estimate size_per_km, method = ek_stats.query( provider.slug, field=Stats.Fields.SIZE, statistic_name=Stats.MEAN, bbox=bbox, bbox_srs=srs, gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0, ) method["size_per_km"] = size_per_km return req_area * size_per_km, method
def get_vector_estimate(provider, bbox, srs='4326'): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object tile_grid = ek_stats.get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = ek_stats.get_area_bbox(req_bbox) # Compute estimate size_per_km, method = ek_stats.query( provider.export_provider_type.type_name, 'size', 'mean', bbox, srs, grouping='provider_type', gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0) method['size_per_km'] = size_per_km return req_area * size_per_km, method
def get_tile_stats(parent, tile_grid, bbox, create_if_absent=False, cache_key=None): """ Intersects the bbox with the tile grid, returning all of the corresponding objects that hold data samples for those tiles :param parent: Parent dictionary :param tile_grid: The tile grid defining per-tile statistics to generate :param bbox: Query bounding box :param create_if_absent: True if objects should be created if not-currently there :param tid_cache: Optional cache storing results of bbox query on grid :param cid: Optional id used to access/store results of bbox query on grid, tid_cache MUST be provided when used :return: The list of objects intersecting the bbox, or an empty array """ run_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, bbox_srs=mapproxy_srs.SRS(4326), srs=tile_grid.srs) affected_tiles = tile_grid.get_affected_level_tiles( run_bbox, tile_grid.levels - 1) # Use highest res grid tile_coords = [] for tile_coord in affected_tiles[2]: tile_coords += [tile_coord] tile_stats = list( map(lambda t: get_tile_stat(parent, t, create_if_absent), tile_coords)) if create_if_absent: return tile_stats # We won't have None entries else: return [x for x in tile_stats if x is not None]
def get_vector_estimate(provider, bbox, srs='4326'): """ :param provider: The DataProvider to test :param bbox: The bounding box of the request :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :return: (estimate in mbs, object w/ metadata about how it was generated) """ # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object tile_grid = ek_stats.get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = ek_stats.get_area_bbox(req_bbox) # Compute estimate size_per_km, method = ek_stats.query(provider.export_provider_type.type_name, 'size', 'mean', bbox, srs, grouping='provider_type', gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=0) method['size_per_km'] = size_per_km return req_area * size_per_km, method
def get_total_num_pixels(tile_grid, bbox, srs='4326', with_clipping=True): """ Determine the number of pixels in the tile_grid (across all levels) that are within the specified bounding box :param tile_grid: :param bbox: The bounding box defining the export region :param srs: The SRS of the bounding box :param with_clipping: When True tiles within the bbox will also have any pixels outside the bbox excluded. False will use all pixels from tiles that intersect the bbox :return: Total number of pixels """ grid_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(srs), tile_grid.srs) # Determine all affected tiles across all provider levels total_pixels = 0 px_per_tile = tile_grid.tile_size[0] * tile_grid.tile_size[1] for lvl in range(0, tile_grid.levels): result = tile_grid.get_affected_level_tiles(grid_bbox, int(lvl)) tile_coords = result[2] if with_clipping: # Determine number of pixels contained in the bbox ONLY for tile_coord in tile_coords: tile_bbox = tile_grid.tile_bbox(tile_coord, True) i = get_bbox_intersect(grid_bbox, tile_bbox) # Assume uniform spacing of pixels in the tile tile_num_px = (get_area_bbox(i) / get_area_bbox(tile_bbox)) * px_per_tile total_pixels += tile_num_px else: num_tiles = result[1][0] * result[1][1] # xdim * ydim total_pixels += px_per_tile * num_tiles return total_pixels
def query(group_name, field, statistic_name, bbox, bbox_srs, gap_fill_thresh=0.1, default_value=None, custom_stats=None, grouping='provider_name'): """ Finds the highest resolution of the requested statistic: 1. Within group and bbox region (leveraging tile grid) 2. Within group 3. Global 4. Default value :param group_name: Must match grouping semantics (e.g. grouping='provider_type' then group_name in wms, osm, ...) :param field: The field to query (e.g. size, mpp, duration) :param statistic_name: The name of the statistic (e.g. mean, ci_90, ..) :param bbox: The bounding box defining the region to estimate :param bbox_srs: The srs of bbox :param gap_fill_thresh: If bbox has less that this % overlap with tile-level statistics then fill-gaps using group level or global level size/, otherwise gap-fill using the mean of observed tile-level stats :param default_value: A default value to return if no statistics exist :param custom_stats: Use custom statistics dictionary rather than cached (see get_statistics or compute_statistics) :param grouping: iff custom_stats is None, defines which stat grouping to use (must match group_name semantics) :return: (Highest resolution of statistic, object w/ metadata about how it was generated incl. resolution) """ if custom_stats is not None: all_stats = custom_stats else: all_stats = get_statistics(grouping=grouping) method = { 'stat': statistic_name, } def get_single_value(o): fld = o.get(field) if fld: return fld.get(statistic_name) def get_upper_ci_value(o): fld = o.get(field) if fld and fld.get( statistic_name): # Can be missing (e.g. 1 data sample) return fld[statistic_name][1] # Get the upper bound get_value = get_upper_ci_value if statistic_name.startswith( 'ci_') else get_single_value stat_value = None if all_stats: group_stats = all_stats.get(group_name) if group_stats: # TODO tile_grid params should be serialized on all_stats object # We have some statistics specific to this group (e.g. osm, wms, etc) tile_grid = get_default_tile_grid() req_bbox = mapproxy_grid.grid_bbox(bbox, mapproxy_srs.SRS(bbox_srs), tile_grid.srs) req_area = get_area_bbox(req_bbox) affected_tiles = get_tile_stats(group_stats, tile_grid, req_bbox) if affected_tiles and len(affected_tiles) > 0: # We have some stats specific to this group, at tiles within the user-defined region # We want to weight tile-specific statistics based on its % overlap with the bbox # (e.g. tile1 accounts for 50% of bbox area, its stats should be weighted at 50% total_weight = 0 values = [] stat_value = 0 for tile_stat in affected_tiles: t_val = get_value(tile_stat) if t_val is not None: tile_coord = tile_stat['tile_coord'] inter = get_bbox_intersect( req_bbox, tile_grid.tile_bbox(tile_coord, True)) weight = get_area_bbox(inter) / req_area stat_value += weight * t_val values += [t_val] total_weight += weight if total_weight > 1.0: # Shouldn't happen since tile-grid is disjoint... stat_value /= total_weight elif total_weight < gap_fill_thresh: # If the overlap was very minor than gap fill using the group-wide stats stat_value += (1.0 - total_weight) * get_value(group_stats) else: # Otherwise, gap fill using the average from the tiles we did see stat_value += (1.0 - total_weight) * statistics.mean(values) if total_weight > 0: method['group'] = '{}_tiles'.format(group_name) method['tiles'] = { 'count': len(affected_tiles), 'total_weight': 100 * total_weight, 'gap_fill': group_name if total_weight < gap_fill_thresh else 'tile_mean' } else: # It's possible that none of the tiles had the stat we were looking for in which case gap_fill # is essentially the same as using the group-level statistic method['group'] = group_name else: # No overlapping tiles, use group specific stats method['group'] = group_name stat_value = get_value(group_stats) elif 'GLOBAL' in all_stats: # No group-specific data, use statistics computed across all groups (i.e. every completed job) method['group'] = 'GLOBAL' stat_value = get_value(all_stats['GLOBAL']) if stat_value is None: # No statistics... use default method['group'] = 'None' stat_value = default_value return stat_value, method