class Action(db.Model): """An action on a task""" __tablename__ = 'actions' id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True) timestamp = db.Column( db.DateTime, # store the timestamp as naive UTC time, nullable=False) user_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', onupdate="cascade", ondelete="cascade")) task_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', onupdate="cascade", ondelete="cascade")) status = db.Column(db.String(), nullable=False) editor = db.Column(db.String()) __table_args__ = (db.Index('idx_action_timestamp', timestamp), db.Index('idx_action_userid', user_id), db.Index('idx_action_taskid', task_id), db.Index('idx_action_status', status)) def __repr__(self): return "<Action %s set on %s>" % (self.status, self.timestamp) def __init__(self, status, user_id=None, editor=None): self.status = status # store the timestamp as naive UTC time self.timestamp = if user_id: self.user_id = user_id if editor: self.editor = editor
class Challenge(db.Model): """A MapRoulette Challenge""" __tablename__ = 'challenges' id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, primary_key=True, nullable=False) slug = db.Column(db.String(72), unique=True, primary_key=True, nullable=False) title = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False) description = db.Column(db.String, default="") blurb = db.Column(db.String, default="") geom = db.Column(Geometry('POLYGON')) help = db.Column(db.String, default="") instruction = db.Column(db.String, default="") active = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) difficulty = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=1) tasks = db.relationship("Task", cascade="all, delete-orphan", passive_deletes=True, backref="challenges") type = db.Column(db.String, default='default', nullable=False) options = db.Column(db.String, default='', nullable=True) # note that spatial indexes seem to be created automagically __table_args__ = (db.Index('idx_challenge_slug', slug), ) def __init__(self, slug, title, geometry=None, description=None, blurb=None, help=None, instruction=None, active=None, difficulty=None, options=None): if geometry is None: geometry = world_polygon if active is None: active = False self.slug = slug self.title = title self.geometry = from_shape(geometry) self.description = description self.blurb = blurb = help self.instruction = instruction = active self.difficulty = difficulty self.options = options def __unicode__(self): return self.slug def __repr__(self): return '<Challenge %s>' % self.slug @hybrid_property def polygon(self): """Retrieve the polygon for this challenge, or return the World if there is none""" if self.geom is not None: return to_shape(self.geom) else: return Polygon([(-180, -90), (-180, 90), (180, 90), (180, -90), (-180, -90)]) @polygon.setter def polygon(self, shape): """Set the polygon for the challenge from a Shapely geometry""" self.geom = from_shape(shape) polygon = synonym('geom', descriptor=polygon) @hybrid_property def islocal(self): """Returns the localness of a challenge (is it small)""" # If the challange has no geometry, it is global if self.geom is None: return False # otherwise get the area and compare against local threshold area = db.session.query(self.geom.ST_Area()).one()[0] return (area <= app.config['MAX_SQ_DEGREES_FOR_LOCAL'])
class Task(db.Model): """A MapRoulette task""" __tablename__ = 'tasks' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence('tasks_id_seq'), unique=True, nullable=False) identifier = db.Column(db.String(72), primary_key=True, nullable=False) challenge_slug = db.Column(db.String, db.ForeignKey('challenges.slug', onupdate="cascade", ondelete="cascade"), primary_key=True) random = db.Column(db.Float, default=getrandom, nullable=False) manifest = db.Column(db.String) # not used for now location = db.Column(Geometry) geometries = db.relationship("TaskGeometry", cascade='all,delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True, backref=db.backref("task")) actions = db.relationship("Action", cascade='all,delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True, backref=db.backref("task")) status = db.Column(db.String) instruction = db.Column(db.String) # note that spatial indexes seem to be created automagically __table_args__ = (db.Index('idx_id', id), db.Index('idx_identifer', identifier), db.Index('idx_challenge', challenge_slug), db.Index('idx_random', random)) # geometries should always be provided for new tasks, defaulting to None so # we can handle task updates and two step initialization of tasks def __init__(self, challenge_slug, identifier, geometries=[], instruction=None, status='created'): self.challenge_slug = challenge_slug self.identifier = identifier self.instruction = instruction self.geometries = geometries self.append_action(Action('created')) def __repr__(self): return '<Task {identifier}>'.format(identifier=self.identifier) def __str__(self): return self.identifier @hybrid_method def has_status(self, statuses): if not type(statuses) == list: statuses = [statuses] return self.status in statuses @has_status.expression def has_status(cls, statuses): if not type(statuses) == list: statuses = [statuses] return cls.status.in_(statuses) def update(self, new_values, geometries, commit=True): """This updates a task based on a dict with new values""" for k, v in new_values.iteritems(): # if a status is set, append an action if k == 'status': self.append_action(Action(v)) elif not hasattr(self, k): app.logger.debug('task does not have %s' % (k, )) return False setattr(self, k, v) self.geometries = geometries # set the location for this task, as a representative point of the # combined geometries. if self.location is None: self.set_location() db.session.add(self) if commit: try: db.session.commit() except Exception as e: app.logger.warn(e.message) db.session.rollback() raise e return True @property def is_within(self, lon, lat, radius): return self.location.intersects(Point(lon, lat).buffer(radius)) def append_action(self, action): self.actions.append(action) # duplicate the action status string in the tasks table to save lookups self.status = action.status try: db.session.commit() except Exception as e: app.logger.warn(e.message) db.session.rollback() raise e def set_location(self): """Set the location of a task as a cheaply calculated representative point of the combined geometries.""" # set the location field, which is a representative point # for the task's geometries # first, get all individual coordinates for the geometries coordinates = [] for geometry in self.geometries: coordinates.extend(list(to_shape(geometry.geom).coords)) # then, set the location to a representative point # (cheaper than centroid) if len(coordinates) > 0: self.location = from_shape( MultiPoint(coordinates).representative_point(), srid=4326)