def online_get_phase_graph(): mpr = check_apikey() compat = MaterialsProjectCompatibility() print("input the elements list") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() elements = in_str.split() web = "" proc_str = "Reading Data From " + web + " ..." step_count = 1 procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') unprocessed_entries = mpr.get_entries_in_chemsys(elements) processed_entries = compat.process_entries(unprocessed_entries) pd = PhaseDiagram(processed_entries) pdp = PDPlotter(pd, show_unstable=True) try: except: pass finally: step_count += 1 filename = 'phase.png' proc_str = "Writing Data to " + filename + " File..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') pdp.write_image(filename)
def charge_density_diff(): print("input the name of charge density file like this") print("file_A file_B, or") print("it means rho(A)-rho(B))") print("file_A file_B file_C") print("it means rho(A)-rho(B)-rho(C)") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() filenames = in_str.split() len_file = len(filenames) chg = [None] * len_file if len_file >= 2: for i in range(len_file): fchg = filenames[i] proc_str = "Reading Charge Density From " + fchg + " File ..." procs(proc_str, i + 1, sp='-->>') chg[i] = CHGCAR.from_file(fchg) diff_chg = copy(chg[0]) for j in range(len_file - 1): diff_chg -= chg[j + 1] proc_str = "Writing Charge Density Difference to Diff.vasp File ..." procs(proc_str, i + 2, sp='-->>') diff_chg.write_file('Diff.vasp', 'total') else: print("you must input at least 2 files")
def is_pbc(): print('your choice ?') print('{} >>> {}'.format('1', 'crystal')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2', 'molecule/cluster')) wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() choice = int(in_str) assert choice in [1, 2] if choice == 1: return True else: return False
def online_get_properties(): mpr = check_apikey() print("input the mp-ID") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() mp_id = in_str proc_str = "Reading Data From " + web + " ..." step_count = 1 procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') data = mpr.get_data(mp_id) filename = mp_id + '.json' proc_str = "Writing Data To " + filename + " File ..." step_count += 1 procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') json_store(data, filename)
def online_get_banddos(): check_matplotlib() mpr = check_apikey() print("input the mp-ID") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() mp_id = in_str step_count = 1 proc_str = "Reading Data From " + web + " ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') data = mpr.get_entry_by_material_id(mp_id) sepline() print(data) sepline() step_count += 1 proc_str = "Reading Band Data From " + web + " ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') band = mpr.get_bandstructure_by_material_id(mp_id) step_count += 1 filename = mp_id + '_band.png' proc_str = "Writing Data to " + filename + " File..." bsp = BSPlotter(band) procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') bsp.save_plot(filename=filename, img_format="png") step_count += 1 proc_str = "Reading DOS Data From " + web + " ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') dos = mpr.get_dos_by_material_id(mp_id) step_count += 1 filename = mp_id + '_dos.png' proc_str = "Writing Data to " + filename + " File..." dsp = DosPlotter() dsp.add_dos('Total', dos) procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') dsp.save_plot(filename=filename, img_format="png")
def select_function(choice): # structure operation if choice == "a1": random_operation() elif choice == "a2": covert_operation() elif choice == "a3": build_operation() elif choice == "a4": cleave_operation() elif choice == "a5": strain_operation() elif choice == 'a6': twoD_operation() # structure analysis elif choice == "b1": structure_symmetry() elif choice == "b2": structure_finger_print() elif choice == "b3": structures_difference() elif choice == "b4": get_primitive_cell() elif choice == "b5": get_conventional_cell() elif choice == "b6": get_xrd() # vasp in/out tools elif choice == "c1": struct = readstructure(crystal=True, molecule=False, filename='POSCAR', cano=False) sepline(ch=' prepare intput files ', sp='-') print('your choce ?') print('{} >>> {}'.format('1', 'prepare all files automatically')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2', 'prepare INCAR file')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('3', 'prepare KPOINTS file')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('4', 'prepare POTCAR file')) wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() choice = int(in_str) if choice == 1: generate_all_input(struct) elif choice == 2: generate_incar(struct) elif choice == 3: generate_kpoint(struct) elif choice == 4: generate_potcar(struct) else: print("unknown choice") elif choice == "cxx": sepline(ch=' summary output files ', sp='=') print('{} >>> {}'.format('1', 'describe OUCAR file')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2', 'describe OSICAR file')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('3', 'describe vasprun.xml file')) wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() choice = int(in_str) if choice == 1: describe_outcar() elif choice == 2: describe_OSICAR() elif choice == 3: describe_vasprun() else: print("unknow choice") elif choice == "c2": sepline(ch=' vasp output analysis ', sp='-') print('{} >>> {}'.format('1 ', 'total density of states')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2 ', 'projected density of states')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('3 ', 'band structure')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('4 ', 'projected band structure')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('5 ', 'select one band structure')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('6 ', 'charge density')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('7 ', 'spin density')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('8 ', 'charge density difference')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('9 ', 'spin density component: up/down')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('10', 'average charge density/potential')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('11', 'optics analysis')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('12', 'mechanical analysis')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('13', 'ab initio molecular dynamics analysis')) wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() choice = int(in_str) if choice == 1: total_dos() elif choice == 2: projected_dos() elif choice == 3: band_structure() elif choice == 4: projected_band_structure() elif choice == 5: select_one_band_structure() elif choice == 6: charge_density() elif choice == 7: spin_density() elif choice == 8: charge_density_diff() elif choice == 9: spin_density_component() elif choice == 10: chg_locp_average() elif choice == 11: optics_analysis() elif choice == 12: elastic_analysis() elif choice == 13: aimd_analysis() else: print("unknow choice") # online exctraction elif choice == "e1": online_get_banddos() elif choice == "e2": online_get_structure() elif choice == "e3": online_get_properties() elif choice == "e4": online_get_phase_graph() elif choice == "88": return else: print("unknow choice") return
def readstructure(crystal=True, molecule=False, filename=None, multi_files=False, cano=False): if multi_files: if crystal: print('input the full file names seperated by space') print('supported format 1: a.vasp') print('supported format 2: a.cif') print('supported format 3: a.vasp b.vasp') print('supported format 4: *.vasp') print('supported format 5: *.cif') structs = [] wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() if '*' in in_str: fnames = glob.glob(in_str) else: fnames = in_str.split() #print(fnames) for fname in fnames: if 'vasp' in fname: try: struct = MStructure.from_file(fname) except: nfname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '_POSCAR' os.symlink(fname, nfname) mpt_log.debug("linke file for %s is %s" % (fname, nfname)) fname = nfname struct = MStructure.from_file(fname) os.unlink(fname) else: try: #print(fname) struct = MStructure.from_file(fname) except: raise Exception("Unknown format") #print(struct) #print(type(struct)) if cano: struct.canonical_form() structs.append(struct) return structs, fnames if molecule: print( 'input the full file names seperated by space (only for .xyz format)' ) print('supported format 1:') print('supported format 2: *.xyz') structs = [] wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() if '*' in in_str: fnames = glob.glob(in_str) else: fnames = in_str.split() for fname in fnames: struct = MMolecule.from_file(fname) if cano: struct.canonical_form() structs.append(struct) return structs, fnames if filename is not None: try: struct = MStructure.from_file(filename) if cano: struct.canonical_form() except: struct = MMolecule.from_file(filename) if cano: struct.canonical_form() return struct # sepline(ch='Read Structure',sp='=') print('your choice ?') print('{} >>> {}'.format('0', 'specific the file name!')) if crystal: print('{} >>> {}'.format('1', 'POSCAR')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2', 'CONTCAR')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('3', 'CHGCAR')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('4', 'LOCPOT')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('5', NAME + '.cif')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('6', NAME + '.xsf')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('7', NAME + '.nc')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('8', NAME + '.yaml')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('9', NAME + '.json')) if molecule: print('{} >>> {}'.format('1', NAME + '.xyz')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2', NAME + '.mol')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('3', NAME + '.nc')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('4', NAME + '.yaml')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('5', NAME + '.json')) wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() fstin = int(in_str) if crystal: if fstin == 0: print('input the full file name') wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() fname = in_str if fname.endswith('.vasp'): nfname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '_POSCAR' os.symlink(fname, nfname) fname = nfname else: fname = infile_list_c[fstin - 1] struct = MStructure.from_file(fname) if cano: struct.canonical_form() if molecule: if fstin == 0: print('input the full file name') wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() fname = in_str else: fname = infile_list_m[fstin - 1] struct = MMolecule.from_file(fname) if cano: struct.canonical_form() return struct
def online_get_structure(): mpr = check_apikey() print('your choice ?') print('{} >>> {}'.format('1', 'get a structure by mp-ID')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('2', 'get a structure by fomular')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('3', 'get a structure by elements')) wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() choice = int(in_str) if choice == 1: print("input the mp-ID") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() mp_id = in_str struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(mp_id) web = "" step_count = 1 proc_str = "Reading Data From " + web + " ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') filename = mp_id + '.vasp' step_count += 1 proc_str = "Writing Data to " + filename + " File..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>'), fmt='POSCAR') elif choice == 2: print("input the formula of structure") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() formula = in_str mpid = mpr.query(criteria={'pretty_formula': formula}, properties=['material_id']) web = "" proc_str = "Reading Data From " + web + " ..." step_count = 1 procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') for i in range(len(mpid)): sid = mpid[i]['material_id'] struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(sid) filename = sid + '.cif' step_count += 1 proc_str = "Writing Data to " + filename + " File..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')'cif', filename=filename) elif choice == 3: print("input the elements list") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() elements = in_str.split() data = mpr.get_entries_in_chemsys(elements=elements) web = "" proc_str = "Reading Data From " + web + " ..." step_count = 1 procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') for i in range(len(data)): if len(data[i].composition) == len(elements): sid = data[i].entry_id struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(sid) filename = sid + '.cif' step_count += 1 proc_str = "Writing Data to " + filename + " File..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')'cif', filename=filename) else: print('unknow choice')
def print_menu(): sepline(ch=" structural operation ", sp='=') print('{} >>> {}'.format('a1', 'random operation')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('a2', 'covert operation')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('a3', 'build operation')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('a4', 'cleave operation')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('a5', 'strain operation')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('a6', '2D structure operation')) sepline(ch=" structural analysis ", sp='=') print('{} >>> {}'.format('b1', 'structure symmetry')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('b2', 'structure finger print')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('b3', 'structure difference')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('b4', 'get primitive cell')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('b5', 'get conventional cell')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('b6', 'get XRD pattern')) sepline(ch=" vasp in/out tools ", sp='=') print('{} >>> {}'.format('c1', 'prepare input files')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('c2', 'analysis output files')) # print('{} >>> {}'.format('c3','summary output files')) #sepline(ch=" vasp auto calculation ",sp='=') #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d1','optimize structure')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d2','calculate band structure')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d3','calculate band structure HSE06')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d4','calculate dos')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d5','calculate dos by HSE06')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d6','calculate elastic properties')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d7','calculate phonon')) #print('{} >>> {}'.format('d8','execute MD simulation')) sepline(ch=" online retrieve ", sp='=') print('{} >>> {}'.format('e1', 'get band/dos by mp-ID')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('e2', 'get structure from materialsproject database')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('e3', 'get properties by mp-ID')) print('{} >>> {}'.format('e4', 'get phase graph')) sepline(ch="=", sp='=') #TODO # sepline(ch=" siesta tools ",sp='=') # print('{} >>> {}'.format('si1','prepare input files')) # sepline(ch=" gaussian tools ",sp='=') # print('{} >>> {}'.format('gi1','prepare input files')) # sepline(ch=" nwchem tools ",sp='=') # print('{} >>> {}'.format('ni1','prepare input files')) # sepline(ch=" quantum espresso tools ",sp='=') # print('{} >>> {}'.format('qi1','prepare input files')) # sepline(ch=" lammps tools ",sp='=') # print('{} >>> {}'.format('li1','prepare input files')) print("") print("") print("88 >>> exit") print("your choice ?") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() select_function(in_str)
def chg_locp_average(): chg = False print("which file would like to average: CHG or LOCPOT ?") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() if in_str.lower() == 'chg': filename = 'CHG' check_file(filename) grid_data = CHGCAR.from_file(filename) head_line = "#%(key1)+s %(key2)+s" % { 'key1': 'Distance/Ang', 'key2': 'Average Charge/(e/Ang**3)' } chg = True elif in_str.lower() == 'locpot': filename = 'LOCPOT' check_file(filename) grid_data = Locpot.from_file(filename) head_line = "#%(key1)+s %(key2)+s" % { 'key1': 'Distance/Ang', 'key2': 'Average Potential/(eV)' } else: print('unknown file file: ' + in_str) os._exit() step_count = 1 check_file(filename) proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') volume = grid_data.structure.volume print("which direction would like to average: x y or z ?") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip().lower() if in_str == "x": selected_dir = 0 elif in_str == 'y': selected_dir = 1 elif in_str == 'z': selected_dir = 2 else: print("Unknow Direction!") return axis_grid = grid_data.get_axis_grid(selected_dir) if chg: aver_grid = grid_data.get_average_along_axis(selected_dir) / volume else: aver_grid = grid_data.get_average_along_axis(selected_dir) data = np.vstack((axis_grid, aver_grid)).T step_count += 1 if chg: filename = "average_CHG_" + in_str + '.dat' else: filename = "average_LOCPOT_" + in_str + '.dat' proc_str = "Writting Average Data to " + filename + " File ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') write_col_data(filename, data, head_line)
def select_one_band_structure(): check_matplotlib() step_count = 1 filename = 'vasprun.xml' check_file(filename) proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') vsr = Vasprun(filename) step_count += 1 filename = 'KPOINTS' check_file(filename) proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') bands = vsr.get_band_structure(filename, line_mode=True, efermi=vsr.efermi) nelect = vsr.parameters['NELECT'] nbands = bands.nb_bands if vsr.is_spin: proc_str = "This Is a Spin-polarized Calculation." procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>') ISPIN = 2 else: if vsr.parameters['LNONCOLLINEAR']: proc_str = "This Is a Non-Collinear Calculation." procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>') ISPIN = 3 else: proc_str = "This Is a Non-Spin Calculation." procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>') ISPIN = 1 proc_str = "Total band number is " + str(nbands) procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>') proc_str = "Total electron number is " + str(nelect) procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>') print("which band would like to select ?") wait_sep() in_str = "" while in_str == "": in_str = input().strip() selected_band = int(in_str) step_count += 1 filename = "BAND_" + str(selected_band) + '.dat' proc_str = "Writting Selected Band Structure Data to " + filename + " File ..." procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>') if ISPIN == 1 or ISPIN == 3: band_data = bands.bands[Spin.up][selected_band - 1] - vsr.efermi data = np.vstack((bands.distance, band_data)).T head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s" % { 'key1': 'K-Distance', 'key2': 'Energy(ev)' } write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, len(band_data)) else: band_data_up = bands.bands[Spin.up][selected_band - 1] - vsr.efermi band_data_down = bands.bands[Spin.down][selected_band - 1] - vsr.efermi data = np.vstack((bands.distance, band_data_up, band_data_down)).T head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s%(key3)+15s" % { 'key1': 'K-Distance', 'key2': 'UpEnergy(ev)', 'key3': 'DownEnergy(ev)' } write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, len(band_data_up)) return