Пример #1
    def test_scope_queue_name(self):
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name('my-q'), '/my-q')
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name('my-q', None), '/my-q')
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name('my-q', '123'), '123/my-q')

        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name(None), '/')
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name(None, '123'), '123/')
Пример #2
    def test_scope_queue_name(self):
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name('my-q'), '/my-q')
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name('my-q', None), '/my-q')
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name('my-q', '123'), '123/my-q')

        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name(None), '/')
        self.assertEqual(utils.scope_queue_name(None, '123'), '123/')
Пример #3
    def create(self, name, project=None):
        # NOTE(flaper87): If the connection fails after it was called
        # and we retry to insert the queue, we could end up returning
        # `False` because of the `DuplicatedKeyError` although the
        # queue was indeed created by this API call.
        # TODO(kgriffs): Commented out `retries_on_autoreconnect` for
        # now due to the above issue, since creating a queue is less
        # important to make super HA.

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Start counting at 1, and assume the first
            # message ever posted will succeed and set t to a UNIX
            # "modified at" timestamp.
            counter = {'v': 1, 't': 0}

            scoped_name = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
                'p_q': scoped_name,
                'm': {},
                'c': counter

        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
            return False
            return True
Пример #4
    def _count(self, queue_name, project=None, include_claimed=False):
        """Return total number of messages in a queue.

        This method is designed to very quickly count the number
        of messages in a given queue. Expired messages are not
        counted, of course. If the queue does not exist, the
        count will always be 0.

        Note: Some expired messages may be included in the count if
            they haven't been GC'd yet. This is done for performance.
        query = {
            # Messages must belong to this queue and project.
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Messages must be finalized (i.e., must not
            # be part of an unfinalized transaction).
            # See also the note wrt 'tx' within the definition
            # of ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS.
            'tx': None,

        if not include_claimed:
            # Exclude messages that are claimed
            query['c.e'] = {'$lte': timeutils.utcnow_ts()}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        return collection.find(query).hint(COUNTING_INDEX_FIELDS).count()
Пример #5
    def bulk_get(self, queue_name, message_ids, project=None):
        message_ids = [mid for mid in map(utils.to_oid, message_ids) if mid]
        if not message_ids:
            return iter([])

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        # Base query, always check expire time
        query = {
            '_id': {
                '$in': message_ids
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        # NOTE(flaper87): Should this query
        # be sorted?
        messages = collection.find(query).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS)

        def denormalizer(msg):
            return _basic_message(msg, now)

        return utils.HookedCursor(messages, denormalizer)
Пример #6
    def _count(self, queue_name, project=None, include_claimed=False):
        """Return total number of messages in a queue.

        This method is designed to very quickly count the number
        of messages in a given queue. Expired messages are not
        counted, of course. If the queue does not exist, the
        count will always be 0.

        Note: Some expired messages may be included in the count if
            they haven't been GC'd yet. This is done for performance.
        query = {
            # Messages must belong to this queue and project.
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Messages must be finalized (i.e., must not
            # be part of an unfinalized transaction).
            # See also the note wrt 'tx' within the definition
            # of ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS.
            'tx': None,

        if not include_claimed:
            # Exclude messages that are claimed
            query['c.e'] = {'$lte': timeutils.utcnow_ts()}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        return collection.find(query).hint(COUNTING_INDEX_FIELDS).count()
Пример #7
    def _claimed(self, queue_name, claim_id,
                 expires=None, limit=None, project=None):

        if claim_id is None:
            claim_id = {'$ne': None}

        query = {
            'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
            'c.id': claim_id,
            'c.e': {'$gt': expires or timeutils.utcnow_ts()},

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Claimed messages bust be queried from
        # the primary to avoid a race condition caused by the
        # multi-phased "create claim" algorithm.
        preference = pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference.PRIMARY
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        msgs = collection.find(query, sort=[('k', 1)],

        if limit is not None:
            msgs = msgs.limit(limit)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        def denormalizer(msg):
            doc = _basic_message(msg, now)
            doc['claim'] = msg['c']

            return doc

        return utils.HookedCursor(msgs, denormalizer)
Пример #8
    def _unclaim(self, queue_name, claim_id, project=None):
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim_id)

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): early abort - avoid a DB query if we're handling
        # an invalid ID
        if cid is None:

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera):  unclaim by setting the claim ID to None
        # and the claim expiration time to now
        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

            PROJ_QUEUE: scope,
            'c.id': cid
        }, {'$set': {
            'c': {
                'id': None,
                'e': now
Пример #9
    def _claimed(self, queue_name, claim_id,
                 expires=None, limit=None, project=None):

        if claim_id is None:
            claim_id = {'$ne': None}

        query = {
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
            'c.id': claim_id,
            'c.e': {'$gt': expires or timeutils.utcnow_ts()},

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Claimed messages bust be queried from
        # the primary to avoid a race condition caused by the
        # multi-phased "create claim" algorithm.
        preference = pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference.PRIMARY
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        msgs = collection.find(query, sort=[('k', 1)],

        if limit is not None:
            msgs = msgs.limit(limit)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        def denormalizer(msg):
            doc = _basic_message(msg, now)
            doc['claim'] = msg['c']

            return doc

        return utils.HookedCursor(msgs, denormalizer)
Пример #10
    def bulk_delete(self, queue_name, message_ids, project=None):
        message_ids = [mid for mid in map(utils.to_oid, message_ids) if mid]
        query = {
            '_id': {'$in': message_ids},
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        collection.remove(query, w=0)
Пример #11
    def bulk_delete(self, queue_name, message_ids, project=None):
        message_ids = [mid for mid in map(utils.to_oid, message_ids) if mid]
        query = {
            '_id': {'$in': message_ids},
            'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        collection.remove(query, w=0)
Пример #12
    def get(self, project, queue):
        fields = {'_id': 0}
        key = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
        entry = self._col.find_one({PRIMARY_KEY: key}, fields=fields)

        if entry is None:
            raise errors.QueueNotMapped(project, queue)

        return _normalize(entry)
Пример #13
    def update(self, queue, claim_id, metadata, project=None):
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim_id)
        if cid is None:
            raise exceptions.ClaimDoesNotExist(claim_id, queue, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        ttl = int(metadata.get('ttl', 60))
        expires = now + ttl

        msg_ctrl = self.driver.message_controller
        claimed = msg_ctrl._claimed(queue,

        except StopIteration:
            raise exceptions.ClaimDoesNotExist(claim_id, queue, project)

        meta = {
            'id': cid,
            't': ttl,
            'e': expires,

        # TODO(kgriffs): Create methods for these so we don't interact
        # with the messages collection directly (loose coupling)
        scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
        collection = msg_ctrl._collection(queue, project)
            'p_q': scope,
            'c.id': cid
        }, {'$set': {
            'c': meta

        # NOTE(flaper87): Dirty hack!
        # This sets the expiration time to
        # `expires` on messages that would
        # expire before claim.
            'p_q': scope,
            'e': {
                '$lt': expires
            'c.id': cid
        }, {'$set': {
            'e': expires,
            't': ttl
Пример #14
    def get(self, project, queue):
        fields = {'_id': 0}
        key = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
        entry = self._col.find_one({PRIMARY_KEY: key},

        if entry is None:
            raise errors.QueueNotMapped(queue, project)

        return _normalize(entry)
Пример #15
    def _purge_queue(self, queue_name, project=None):
        """Removes all messages from the queue.

        Warning: Only use this when deleting the queue; otherwise
        you can cause a side-effect of reseting the marker counter
        which can cause clients to miss tons of messages.

        If the queue does not exist, this method fails silently.

        :param queue_name: name of the queue to purge
        :param project: ID of the project to which the queue belongs
        scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        collection.remove({PROJ_QUEUE: scope}, w=0)
Пример #16
    def _purge_queue(self, queue_name, project=None):
        """Removes all messages from the queue.

        Warning: Only use this when deleting the queue; otherwise
        you can cause a side-effect of reseting the marker counter
        which can cause clients to miss tons of messages.

        If the queue does not exist, this method fails silently.

        :param queue_name: name of the queue to purge
        :param project: ID of the project to which the queue belongs
        scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        collection.remove({PROJ_QUEUE: scope}, w=0)
Пример #17
    def create(self, name, project=None):
            # NOTE(kgriffs): Start counting at 1, and assume the first
            # message ever posted will succeed and set t to a UNIX
            # "modified at" timestamp.
            counter = {'v': 1, 't': 0}

            scoped_name = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
            self._collection.insert({'p_q': scoped_name, 'm': {},
                                     'c': counter})

        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
            return False
            return True
Пример #18
    def delete(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None, claim=None):
        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - this is an invalid message
        # id so we won't be able to find it any way
        mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
        if mid is None:

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        query = {
            '_id': mid,
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - the user gaves us an
        # invalid claim id and that renders the rest of this
        # request moot
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim)
        if cid is None:

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        cursor = collection.find(query).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS)

            message = next(cursor)
        except StopIteration:

        is_claimed = (message['c']['id'] is not None
                      and message['c']['e'] > now)

        if claim is None:
            if is_claimed:
                raise errors.MessageIsClaimed(message_id)

            if message['c']['id'] != cid:
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Read from primary in case the message
                # was just barely claimed, and claim hasn't made it to
                # the secondary.
                pref = pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference.PRIMARY
                message = collection.find_one(query, read_preference=pref)

                if message['c']['id'] != cid:
                    raise errors.MessageIsClaimedBy(message_id, claim)

        collection.remove(query['_id'], w=0)
Пример #19
    def delete(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None, claim=None):
        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - this is an invalid message
        # id so we won't be able to find it any way
        mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
        if mid is None:

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        query = {
            '_id': mid,
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - the user gaves us an
        # invalid claim id and that renders the rest of this
        # request moot
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim)
        if cid is None:

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        cursor = collection.find(query).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS)

            message = next(cursor)
        except StopIteration:

        is_claimed = (message['c']['id'] is not None and
                      message['c']['e'] > now)

        if claim is None:
            if is_claimed:
                raise errors.MessageIsClaimed(message_id)

            if message['c']['id'] != cid:
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Read from primary in case the message
                # was just barely claimed, and claim hasn't made it to
                # the secondary.
                pref = pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference.PRIMARY
                message = collection.find_one(query, read_preference=pref)

                if message['c']['id'] != cid:
                    raise errors.MessageIsClaimedBy(message_id, claim)

        collection.remove(query['_id'], w=0)
Пример #20
    def get(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None):
        mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
        if mid is None:
            raise errors.MessageDoesNotExist(message_id, queue_name, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        query = {"_id": mid, PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        message = list(collection.find(query).limit(1).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS))

        if not message:
            raise errors.MessageDoesNotExist(message_id, queue_name, project)

        return _basic_message(message[0], now)
Пример #21
    def _unclaim(self, queue_name, claim_id, project=None):
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim_id)

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): early abort - avoid a DB query if we're handling
        # an invalid ID
        if cid is None:

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera):  unclaim by setting the claim ID to None
        # and the claim expiration time to now
        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        collection.update({PROJ_QUEUE: scope, 'c.id': cid},
                          {'$set': {'c': {'id': None, 'e': now}}},
                          upsert=False, multi=True)
Пример #22
    def pop(self, queue_name, limit, project=None):
        query = {PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)}

        # Only include messages that are not part of
        # any claim, or are part of an expired claim.
        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        query["c.e"] = {"$lte": now}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        fields = {"_id": 1, "t": 1, "b": 1}

        messages = (collection.find_and_modify(query, fields=fields, remove=True) for _ in range(limit))

        messages = itertools.ifilter(None, messages)

        final_messages = [_basic_message(message, now) for message in messages]

        return final_messages
Пример #23
    def create(self, name, project=None):
            # NOTE(kgriffs): Start counting at 1, and assume the first
            # message ever posted will succeed and set t to a UNIX
            # "modified at" timestamp.
            counter = {'v': 1, 't': 0}

            scoped_name = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
                'p_q': scoped_name,
                'm': {},
                'c': counter

        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
            return False
            return True
Пример #24
    def get(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None):
        mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
        if mid is None:
            raise errors.MessageDoesNotExist(message_id, queue_name, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        query = {
            '_id': mid,
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        message = list(collection.find(query).limit(1).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS))

        if not message:
            raise errors.MessageDoesNotExist(message_id, queue_name, project)

        return _basic_message(message[0], now)
Пример #25
    def bulk_get(self, queue_name, message_ids, project=None):
        message_ids = [mid for mid in map(utils.to_oid, message_ids) if mid]
        if not message_ids:
            return iter([])

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        # Base query, always check expire time
        query = {"_id": {"$in": message_ids}, PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        # NOTE(flaper87): Should this query
        # be sorted?
        messages = collection.find(query).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS)

        def denormalizer(msg):
            return _basic_message(msg, now)

        return utils.HookedCursor(messages, denormalizer)
Пример #26
    def update(self, queue, claim_id, metadata, project=None):
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim_id)
        if cid is None:
            raise errors.ClaimDoesNotExist(claim_id, queue, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        ttl = int(metadata.get('ttl', 60))
        expires = now + ttl

        msg_ctrl = self.driver.message_controller
        claimed = msg_ctrl._claimed(queue, cid, expires=now,
                                    limit=1, project=project)

        except StopIteration:
            raise errors.ClaimDoesNotExist(claim_id, queue, project)

        meta = {
            'id': cid,
            't': ttl,
            'e': expires,

        # TODO(kgriffs): Create methods for these so we don't interact
        # with the messages collection directly (loose coupling)
        scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
        collection = msg_ctrl._collection(queue, project)
        collection.update({'p_q': scope, 'c.id': cid},
                          {'$set': {'c': meta}},
                          upsert=False, multi=True)

        # NOTE(flaper87): Dirty hack!
        # This sets the expiration time to
        # `expires` on messages that would
        # expire before claim.
        collection.update({'p_q': scope,
                           'e': {'$lt': expires},
                           'c.id': cid},
                          {'$set': {'e': expires, 't': ttl}},
                          upsert=False, multi=True)
Пример #27
    def _count(self, queue_name, project=None, include_claimed=False):
        """Return total number of messages in a queue.

        This method is designed to very quickly count the number
        of messages in a given queue. Expired messages are not
        counted, of course. If the queue does not exist, the
        count will always be 0.

        Note: Some expired messages may be included in the count if
            they haven't been GC'd yet. This is done for performance.
        query = {
            # Messages must belong to this queue
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)

        if not include_claimed:
            # Exclude messages that are claimed
            query["c.e"] = {"$lte": timeutils.utcnow_ts()}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        return collection.find(query).hint(COUNTING_INDEX_FIELDS).count()
Пример #28
    def delete(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None, claim=None):
        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - this is an invalid message
        # id so we won't be able to find it any way
        mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
        if mid is None:

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        query = {
            '_id': mid,
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - the user gaves us an
        # invalid claim id and that renders the rest of this
        # request moot
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim)
        if cid is None:

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        message = collection.find_one(query)

        if message is None:

        is_claimed = (message['c']['id'] is not None and
                      message['c']['e'] > now)

        if claim is None:
            if is_claimed:
                raise errors.MessageIsClaimed(message_id)

            if message['c']['id'] != cid:
                raise errors.MessageIsClaimedBy(message_id, claim)

        collection.remove(query['_id'], w=0)
Пример #29
    def delete(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None, claim=None):
        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - this is an invalid message
        # id so we won't be able to find it any way
        mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
        if mid is None:

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        query = {
            '_id': mid,
            'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        # NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - the user gaves us an
        # invalid claim id and that renders the rest of this
        # request moot
        cid = utils.to_oid(claim)
        if cid is None:

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        message = collection.find_one(query)

        if message is None:

        is_claimed = (message['c']['id'] is not None and
                      message['c']['e'] > now)

        if claim is None:
            if is_claimed:
                raise exceptions.MessageIsClaimed(message_id)

            if message['c']['id'] != cid:
                raise exceptions.MessageIsClaimedBy(message_id, claim)

        collection.remove(query['_id'], w=0)
Пример #30
    def _count(self, queue_name, project=None, include_claimed=False):
        """Return total number of messages in a queue.

        This method is designed to very quickly count the number
        of messages in a given queue. Expired messages are not
        counted, of course. If the queue does not exist, the
        count will always be 0.

        Note: Some expired messages may be included in the count if
            they haven't been GC'd yet. This is done for performance.
        query = {
            # Messages must belong to this queue
            'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        if not include_claimed:
            # Exclude messages that are claimed
            query['c.e'] = {'$lte': timeutils.utcnow_ts()}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        return collection.find(query).hint(COUNTING_INDEX_FIELDS).count()
Пример #31
    def pop(self, queue_name, limit, project=None):
        query = {
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

        # Only include messages that are not part of
        # any claim, or are part of an expired claim.
        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        query['c.e'] = {'$lte': now}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
        fields = {'_id': 1, 't': 1, 'b': 1}

        messages = (collection.find_and_modify(query,
                    for _ in range(limit))

        messages = itertools.ifilter(None, messages)

        final_messages = [_basic_message(message, now) for message in messages]

        return final_messages
Пример #32
    def list(self, project=None, marker=None,
             limit=None, detailed=False):

        if limit is None:
            limit = self.driver.limits_conf.default_queue_paging

        query = {}
        scoped_name = utils.scope_queue_name(marker, project)

        if not scoped_name.startswith('/'):
            # NOTE(kgriffs): scoped queue, e.g., 'project-id/queue-name'
            project_prefix = '^' + project + '/'
            query['p_q'] = {'$regex': project_prefix, '$gt': scoped_name}
        elif scoped_name == '/':
            # NOTE(kgriffs): list global queues, but exclude scoped ones
            query['p_q'] = {'$regex': '^/'}
            # NOTE(kgriffs): unscoped queue, e.g., '/my-global-queue'
            query['p_q'] = {'$regex': '^/', '$gt': scoped_name}

        fields = {'p_q': 1, '_id': 0}
        if detailed:
            fields['m'] = 1

        cursor = self._collection.find(query, fields=fields)
        cursor = cursor.limit(limit).sort('p_q')
        marker_name = {}

        def normalizer(record):
            queue = {'name': utils.descope_queue_name(record['p_q'])}
            marker_name['next'] = queue['name']
            if detailed:
                queue['metadata'] = record['m']
            return queue

        yield utils.HookedCursor(cursor, normalizer)
        yield marker_name and marker_name['next']
Пример #33
    def create(self, name, project=None):
        # NOTE(flaper87): If the connection fails after it was called
        # and we retry to insert the queue, we could end up returning
        # `False` because of the `DuplicatedKeyError` although the
        # queue was indeed created by this API call.
        # TODO(kgriffs): Commented out `retries_on_autoreconnect` for
        # now due to the above issue, since creating a queue is less
        # important to make super HA.

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Start counting at 1, and assume the first
            # message ever posted will succeed and set t to a UNIX
            # "modified at" timestamp.
            counter = {'v': 1, 't': 0}

            scoped_name = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
            self._collection.insert({'p_q': scoped_name, 'm': {},
                                     'c': counter})

        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
            return False
            return True
Пример #34
    def list(self, project=None, marker=None, limit=None, detailed=False):

        if limit is None:
            limit = self.driver.limits_conf.default_queue_paging

        query = {}
        scoped_name = utils.scope_queue_name(marker, project)

        if not scoped_name.startswith('/'):
            # NOTE(kgriffs): scoped queue, e.g., 'project-id/queue-name'
            project_prefix = '^' + project + '/'
            query['p_q'] = {'$regex': project_prefix, '$gt': scoped_name}
        elif scoped_name == '/':
            # NOTE(kgriffs): list global queues, but exclude scoped ones
            query['p_q'] = {'$regex': '^/'}
            # NOTE(kgriffs): unscoped queue, e.g., '/my-global-queue'
            query['p_q'] = {'$regex': '^/', '$gt': scoped_name}

        fields = {'p_q': 1, '_id': 0}
        if detailed:
            fields['m'] = 1

        cursor = self._collection.find(query, fields=fields)
        cursor = cursor.limit(limit).sort('p_q')
        marker_name = {}

        def normalizer(record):
            queue = {'name': utils.descope_queue_name(record['p_q'])}
            marker_name['next'] = queue['name']
            if detailed:
                queue['metadata'] = record['m']
            return queue

        yield utils.HookedCursor(cursor, normalizer)
        yield marker_name and marker_name['next']
Пример #35
    def post(self, queue_name, messages, client_uuid, project=None):
        if not self._queue_ctrl.exists(queue_name, project):
            raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(queue_name, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        # Set the next basis marker for the first attempt.
        next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(queue_name, project)

        # Unique transaction ID to facilitate atomic batch inserts
        transaction = objectid.ObjectId()

        prepared_messages = [{
            utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
            now_dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=message['ttl']),
            'c': {
                'id': None,
                'e': now
            message['body'] if 'body' in message else {},
            next_marker + index,
        } for index, message in enumerate(messages)]

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't take the time to do a 2-phase insert
        # if there is no way for it to partially succeed.
        if len(prepared_messages) == 1:
            transaction = None
            prepared_messages[0]['tx'] = None

        # Use a retry range for sanity, although we expect
        # to rarely, if ever, reach the maximum number of
        # retries.
        # NOTE(kgriffs): With the default configuration (100 ms
        # max sleep, 1000 max attempts), the max stall time
        # before the operation is abandoned is 49.95 seconds.
        for attempt in self._retry_range:
                ids = collection.insert(prepared_messages)

                # Log a message if we retried, for debugging perf issues
                if attempt != 0:
                    msgtmpl = _(u'%(attempts)d attempt(s) required to post '
                                u'%(num_messages)d messages to queue '
                                u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                             attempts=attempt + 1,

                # Update the counter in preparation for the next batch
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index on the messages
                # collection, competing inserts will fail as a whole,
                # and keep retrying until the counter is incremented
                # such that the competing marker's will start at a
                # unique number, 1 past the max of the messages just
                # inserted above.

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Finalize the insert once we can say that
                # all the messages made it. This makes bulk inserts
                # atomic, assuming queries filter out any non-finalized
                # messages.
                if transaction is not None:
                    collection.update({'tx': transaction},
                                      {'$set': {
                                          'tx': None

                return map(str, ids)

            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as ex:
                # TODO(kgriffs): Record stats of how often retries happen,
                # and how many attempts, on average, are required to insert
                # messages.

                # NOTE(kgriffs): This can be used in conjunction with the
                # log line, above, that is emitted after all messages have
                # been posted, to gauge how long it is taking for messages
                # to be posted to a given queue, or overall.
                # TODO(kgriffs): Add transaction ID to help match up loglines
                if attempt == 0:
                    msgtmpl = _(u'First attempt failed while '
                                u'adding messages to queue '
                                u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                    LOG.debug(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Never retry past the point that competing
                # messages expire and are GC'd, since once they are gone,
                # the unique index no longer protects us from getting out
                # of order, which could cause an observer to miss this
                # message. The code below provides a sanity-check to ensure
                # this situation can not happen.
                elapsed = timeutils.utcnow_ts() - now
                if elapsed > MAX_RETRY_POST_DURATION:
                    msgtmpl = _(u'Exceeded maximum retry duration for queue '
                                u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                    LOG.warning(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name,

                # Chill out for a moment to mitigate thrashing/thundering

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Perhaps we failed because a worker crashed
                # after inserting messages, but before incrementing the
                # counter; that would cause all future requests to stall,
                # since they would keep getting the same base marker that is
                # conflicting with existing messages, until the messages that
                # "won" expire, at which time we would end up reusing markers,
                # and that could make some messages invisible to an observer
                # that is querying with a marker that is large than the ones
                # being reused.
                # To mitigate this, we apply a heuristic to determine whether
                # a counter has stalled. We attempt to increment the counter,
                # but only if it hasn't been updated for a few seconds, which
                # should mean that nobody is left to update it!
                # Note that we increment one at a time until the logjam is
                # broken, since we don't know how many messages were posted
                # by the worker before it crashed.
                next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._inc_counter(
                    queue_name, project, window=COUNTER_STALL_WINDOW)

                # Retry the entire batch with a new sequence of markers.
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index, and how
                # MongoDB works with batch requests, we will never
                # end up with a partially-successful update. The first
                # document in the batch will fail to insert, and the
                # remainder of the documents will not be attempted.
                if next_marker is None:
                    # NOTE(kgriffs): Usually we will end up here, since
                    # it should be rare that a counter becomes stalled.
                    next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(
                        queue_name, project)
                    msgtmpl = (u'Detected a stalled message counter for '
                               u'queue "%(queue)s" under project %(project)s. '
                               u'The counter was incremented to %(value)d.')


                for index, message in enumerate(prepared_messages):
                    message['k'] = next_marker + index

            except Exception as ex:

        msgtmpl = _(u'Hit maximum number of attempts (%(max)s) for queue '
                    u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')


        succeeded_ids = []
        raise errors.MessageConflict(queue_name, project, succeeded_ids)
Пример #36
 def delete(self, project, queue):
     self._col.remove({PRIMARY_KEY: utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)},
Пример #37
def _get_scoped_query(name, project):
    return {'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)}
Пример #38
 def exists(self, project, queue):
     key = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
     return self._col.find_one({PRIMARY_KEY: key}) is not None
Пример #39
    def _list(self, queue_name, project=None, marker=None,
              echo=False, client_uuid=None, fields=None,
              include_claimed=False, sort=1, limit=None):
        """Message document listing helper.

        :param queue_name: Name of the queue to list
        :param project: (Default None) Project `queue_name` belongs to. If
            not specified, queries the "global" namespace/project.
        :param marker: (Default None) Message marker from which to start
            iterating. If not specified, starts with the first message
            available in the queue.
        :param echo: (Default False) Whether to return messages that match
        :param client_uuid: (Default None) UUID for the client that
            originated this request
        :param fields: (Default None) Fields to include in emitted
        :param include_claimed: (Default False) Whether to include
            claimed messages, not just active ones
        :param sort: (Default 1) Sort order for the listing. Pass 1 for
            ascending (oldest message first), or -1 for descending (newest
            message first).
        :param limit: (Default None) The maximum number of messages
            to list. The results may include fewer messages than the
            requested `limit` if not enough are available. If limit is
            not specified

        :returns: Generator yielding up to `limit` messages.

        if sort not in (1, -1):
            raise ValueError(u'sort must be either 1 (ascending) '
                             u'or -1 (descending)')

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        query = {
            # Messages must belong to this queue and project.
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Messages must be finalized (i.e., must not
            # be part of an unfinalized transaction).
            # See also the note wrt 'tx' within the definition
            # of ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS.
            'tx': None,

        if not echo:
            query['u'] = {'$ne': client_uuid}

        if marker is not None:
            query['k'] = {'$gt': marker}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        if not include_claimed:
            # Only include messages that are not part of
            # any claim, or are part of an expired claim.
            query['c.e'] = {'$lte': now}

        # Construct the request
        cursor = collection.find(query, fields=fields, sort=[('k', sort)])

        if limit is not None:

        # NOTE(flaper87): Suggest the index to use for this query to
        # ensure the most performant one is chosen.
        return cursor.hint(ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS)
Пример #40
    def _list(self,
        """Message document listing helper.

        :param queue_name: Name of the queue to list
        :param project: (Default None) Project `queue_name` belongs to. If
            not specified, queries the "global" namespace/project.
        :param marker: (Default None) Message marker from which to start
            iterating. If not specified, starts with the first message
            available in the queue.
        :param echo: (Default False) Whether to return messages that match
        :param client_uuid: (Default None) UUID for the client that
            originated this request
        :param fields: (Default None) Fields to include in emitted
        :param include_claimed: (Default False) Whether to include
            claimed messages, not just active ones
        :param sort: (Default 1) Sort order for the listing. Pass 1 for
            ascending (oldest message first), or -1 for descending (newest
            message first).
        :param limit: (Default None) The maximum number of messages
            to list. The results may include fewer messages than the
            requested `limit` if not enough are available. If limit is
            not specified

        :returns: Generator yielding up to `limit` messages.

        if sort not in (1, -1):
            raise ValueError(u'sort must be either 1 (ascending) '
                             u'or -1 (descending)')

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        query = {
            # Messages must belong to this queue and project.
            PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Messages must be finalized (i.e., must not
            # be part of an unfinalized transaction).
            # See also the note wrt 'tx' within the definition
            # of ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS.
            'tx': None,

        if not echo:
            query['u'] = {'$ne': client_uuid}

        if marker is not None:
            query['k'] = {'$gt': marker}

        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        if not include_claimed:
            # Only include messages that are not part of
            # any claim, or are part of an expired claim.
            query['c.e'] = {'$lte': now}

        # Construct the request
        cursor = collection.find(query,
                                 sort=[('k', sort)],

        # NOTE(flaper87): Suggest the index to use for this query to
        # ensure the most performant one is chosen.
        return cursor.hint(ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS)
Пример #41
 def _insert(self, project, queue, shard, upsert):
     key = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
     return self._col.update({PRIMARY_KEY: key}, {'$set': {
         's': shard
Пример #42
def _get_scoped_query(name, project):
    return {'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)}
Пример #43
 def _insert(self, project, queue, pool, upsert):
     key = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
     return self._col.update({PRIMARY_KEY: key},
                             {'$set': {'s': pool}}, upsert=upsert)
Пример #44
    def create(self, queue, metadata, project=None,
        """Creates a claim.

        This implementation was done in a best-effort fashion.
        In order to create a claim we need to get a list
        of messages that can be claimed. Once we have that
        list we execute a query filtering by the ids returned
        by the previous query.

        Since there's a lot of space for race conditions here,
        we'll check if the number of updated records is equal to
        the max number of messages to claim. If the number of updated
        messages is lower than limit we'll try to claim the remaining
        number of messages.

        This 2 queries are required because there's no way, as for the
        time being, to execute an update on a limited number of records.
        msg_ctrl = self.driver.message_controller

        ttl = metadata['ttl']
        grace = metadata['grace']
        oid = objectid.ObjectId()

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        claim_expires = now + ttl

        message_ttl = ttl + grace
        message_expiration = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            claim_expires + grace)

        meta = {
            'id': oid,
            't': ttl,
            'e': claim_expires,

        # Get a list of active, not claimed nor expired
        # messages that could be claimed.
        msgs = msg_ctrl._active(queue, fields={'_id': 1}, project=project,

        messages = iter([])
        ids = [msg['_id'] for msg in msgs]

        if len(ids) == 0:
            return (None, messages)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Set the claim field for
        # the active message batch, while also
        # filtering out any messages that happened
        # to get claimed just now by one or more
        # parallel requests.
        # Filtering by just 'c.e' works because
        # new messages have that field initialized
        # to the current time when the message is
        # posted. There is no need to check whether
        # 'c' exists or 'c.id' is None.
        collection = msg_ctrl._collection(queue, project)
        updated = collection.update({'_id': {'$in': ids},
                                     'c.e': {'$lte': now}},
                                    {'$set': {'c': meta}},

        # NOTE(flaper87): Dirty hack!
        # This sets the expiration time to
        # `expires` on messages that would
        # expire before claim.
        new_values = {'e': message_expiration, 't': message_ttl}
        collection.update({'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project),
                           'e': {'$lt': message_expiration},
                           'c.id': oid},
                          {'$set': new_values},
                          upsert=False, multi=True)

        if updated != 0:
            # NOTE(kgriffs): This extra step is necessary because
            # in between having gotten a list of active messages
            # and updating them, some of them may have been
            # claimed by a parallel request. Therefore, we need
            # to find out which messages were actually tagged
            # with the claim ID successfully.
            claim, messages = self.get(queue, oid, project=project)

        return (str(oid), messages)
Пример #45
    def post(self, queue_name, messages, client_uuid, project=None):
        if not self._queue_ctrl.exists(queue_name, project):
            raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(queue_name, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        # Set the next basis marker for the first attempt.
        next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(queue_name, project)

        prepared_messages = [
                "t": message["ttl"],
                PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
                "e": now_dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=message["ttl"]),
                "u": client_uuid,
                "c": {"id": None, "e": now},
                "b": message["body"] if "body" in message else {},
                "k": next_marker + index,
            for index, message in enumerate(messages)

        # Use a retry range for sanity, although we expect
        # to rarely, if ever, reach the maximum number of
        # retries.
        # NOTE(kgriffs): With the default configuration (100 ms
        # max sleep, 1000 max attempts), the max stall time
        # before the operation is abandoned is 49.95 seconds.
        for attempt in self._retry_range:
                ids = collection.insert(prepared_messages)

                # Log a message if we retried, for debugging perf issues
                if attempt != 0:
                    msgtmpl = _(
                        u"%(attempts)d attempt(s) required to post "
                        u"%(num_messages)d messages to queue "
                        u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s'

                        msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, attempts=attempt + 1, num_messages=len(ids), project=project)

                # Update the counter in preparation for the next batch
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index on the messages
                # collection, competing inserts will fail as a whole,
                # and keep retrying until the counter is incremented
                # such that the competing marker's will start at a
                # unique number, 1 past the max of the messages just
                # inserted above.
                self._queue_ctrl._inc_counter(queue_name, project, amount=len(ids))

                return map(str, ids)

            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as ex:
                # Try again with the remaining messages

                # TODO(kgriffs): Record stats of how often retries happen,
                # and how many attempts, on average, are required to insert
                # messages.

                # NOTE(kgriffs): This can be used in conjunction with the
                # log line, above, that is emitted after all messages have
                # been posted, to guage how long it is taking for messages
                # to be posted to a given queue, or overall.
                # TODO(kgriffs): Add transaction ID to help match up loglines
                if attempt == 0:
                    msgtmpl = _(
                        u"First attempt failed while "
                        u"adding messages to queue "
                        u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s'

                    LOG.debug(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Never retry past the point that competing
                # messages expire and are GC'd, since once they are gone,
                # the unique index no longer protects us from getting out
                # of order, which could cause an observer to miss this
                # message. The code below provides a sanity-check to ensure
                # this situation can not happen.
                elapsed = timeutils.utcnow_ts() - now
                if elapsed > MAX_RETRY_POST_DURATION:
                    msgtmpl = _(u"Exceeded maximum retry duration for queue " u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                    LOG.warning(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))

                # Chill out for a moment to mitigate thrashing/thundering

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Perhaps we failed because a worker crashed
                # after inserting messages, but before incrementing the
                # counter; that would cause all future requests to stall,
                # since they would keep getting the same base marker that is
                # conflicting with existing messages, until the messages that
                # "won" expire, at which time we would end up reusing markers,
                # and that could make some messages invisible to an observer
                # that is querying with a marker that is large than the ones
                # being reused.
                # To mitigate this, we apply a heuristic to determine whether
                # a counter has stalled. We attempt to increment the counter,
                # but only if it hasn't been updated for a few seconds, which
                # should mean that nobody is left to update it!
                # Note that we increment one at a time until the logjam is
                # broken, since we don't know how many messages were posted
                # by the worker before it crashed.
                next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._inc_counter(queue_name, project, window=COUNTER_STALL_WINDOW)

                # Retry the entire batch with a new sequence of markers.
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index, and how
                # MongoDB works with batch requests, we will never
                # end up with a partially-successful update. The first
                # document in the batch will fail to insert, and the
                # remainder of the documents will not be attempted.
                if next_marker is None:
                    # NOTE(kgriffs): Usually we will end up here, since
                    # it should be rare that a counter becomes stalled.
                    next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(queue_name, project)
                    msgtmpl = (
                        u"Detected a stalled message counter for "
                        u'queue "%(queue)s" under project %(project)s. '
                        u"The counter was incremented to %(value)d."

                    LOG.warning(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, project=project, value=next_marker))

                for index, message in enumerate(prepared_messages):
                    message["k"] = next_marker + index

            except Exception as ex:
                # TODO(kgriffs): Query the DB to get the last marker that
                # made it, and extrapolate from there to figure out what
                # needs to be retried.


        msgtmpl = _(u"Hit maximum number of attempts (%(max)s) for queue " u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

        LOG.warning(msgtmpl, dict(max=self.driver.mongodb_conf.max_attempts, queue=queue_name, project=project))

        succeeded_ids = []
        raise errors.MessageConflict(queue_name, project, succeeded_ids)
Пример #46
 def exists(self, project, queue):
     key = utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)
     return self._col.find_one({PRIMARY_KEY: key}) is not None
Пример #47
 def delete(self, project, queue):
     self._col.remove({PRIMARY_KEY: utils.scope_queue_name(queue, project)},
Пример #48
    def post(self, queue_name, messages, client_uuid, project=None):
        # NOTE(flaper87): This method should be safe to retry on
        # autoreconnect, since we've a 2-step insert for messages.
        # The worst-case scenario is that we'll increase the counter
        # several times and we'd end up with some non-active messages.

        if not self._queue_ctrl.exists(queue_name, project):
            raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(queue_name, project)

        now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
        now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now)
        collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)

        # Set the next basis marker for the first attempt.
        next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(queue_name, project)

        # Unique transaction ID to facilitate atomic batch inserts
        transaction = objectid.ObjectId()

        prepared_messages = [
                PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
                't': message['ttl'],
                'e': now_dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=message['ttl']),
                'u': client_uuid,
                'c': {'id': None, 'e': now},
                'b': message['body'] if 'body' in message else {},
                'k': next_marker + index,
                'tx': transaction,

            for index, message in enumerate(messages)

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't take the time to do a 2-phase insert
        # if there is no way for it to partially succeed.
        if len(prepared_messages) == 1:
            transaction = None
            prepared_messages[0]['tx'] = None

        # Use a retry range for sanity, although we expect
        # to rarely, if ever, reach the maximum number of
        # retries.
        # NOTE(kgriffs): With the default configuration (100 ms
        # max sleep, 1000 max attempts), the max stall time
        # before the operation is abandoned is 49.95 seconds.
        for attempt in self._retry_range:
                ids = collection.insert(prepared_messages)

                # Log a message if we retried, for debugging perf issues
                if attempt != 0:
                    msgtmpl = _(u'%(attempts)d attempt(s) required to post '
                                u'%(num_messages)d messages to queue '
                                u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                                   attempts=attempt + 1,

                # Update the counter in preparation for the next batch
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index on the messages
                # collection, competing inserts will fail as a whole,
                # and keep retrying until the counter is incremented
                # such that the competing marker's will start at a
                # unique number, 1 past the max of the messages just
                # inserted above.
                self._queue_ctrl._inc_counter(queue_name, project,

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Finalize the insert once we can say that
                # all the messages made it. This makes bulk inserts
                # atomic, assuming queries filter out any non-finalized
                # messages.
                if transaction is not None:
                    collection.update({'tx': transaction},
                                      {'$set': {'tx': None}},
                                      upsert=False, multi=True)

                return map(str, ids)

            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as ex:
                # TODO(kgriffs): Record stats of how often retries happen,
                # and how many attempts, on average, are required to insert
                # messages.

                # NOTE(kgriffs): This can be used in conjunction with the
                # log line, above, that is emitted after all messages have
                # been posted, to gauge how long it is taking for messages
                # to be posted to a given queue, or overall.
                # TODO(kgriffs): Add transaction ID to help match up loglines
                if attempt == 0:
                    msgtmpl = _(u'First attempt failed while '
                                u'adding messages to queue '
                                u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                    LOG.debug(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Never retry past the point that competing
                # messages expire and are GC'd, since once they are gone,
                # the unique index no longer protects us from getting out
                # of order, which could cause an observer to miss this
                # message. The code below provides a sanity-check to ensure
                # this situation can not happen.
                elapsed = timeutils.utcnow_ts() - now
                if elapsed > MAX_RETRY_POST_DURATION:
                    msgtmpl = _(u'Exceeded maximum retry duration for queue '
                                u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')

                                dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))

                # Chill out for a moment to mitigate thrashing/thundering

                # NOTE(kgriffs): Perhaps we failed because a worker crashed
                # after inserting messages, but before incrementing the
                # counter; that would cause all future requests to stall,
                # since they would keep getting the same base marker that is
                # conflicting with existing messages, until the messages that
                # "won" expire, at which time we would end up reusing markers,
                # and that could make some messages invisible to an observer
                # that is querying with a marker that is large than the ones
                # being reused.
                # To mitigate this, we apply a heuristic to determine whether
                # a counter has stalled. We attempt to increment the counter,
                # but only if it hasn't been updated for a few seconds, which
                # should mean that nobody is left to update it!
                # Note that we increment one at a time until the logjam is
                # broken, since we don't know how many messages were posted
                # by the worker before it crashed.
                next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._inc_counter(
                    queue_name, project, window=COUNTER_STALL_WINDOW)

                # Retry the entire batch with a new sequence of markers.
                # NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index, and how
                # MongoDB works with batch requests, we will never
                # end up with a partially-successful update. The first
                # document in the batch will fail to insert, and the
                # remainder of the documents will not be attempted.
                if next_marker is None:
                    # NOTE(kgriffs): Usually we will end up here, since
                    # it should be rare that a counter becomes stalled.
                    next_marker = self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(
                        queue_name, project)
                    msgtmpl = (u'Detected a stalled message counter for '
                               u'queue "%(queue)s" under project %(project)s. '
                               u'The counter was incremented to %(value)d.')


                for index, message in enumerate(prepared_messages):
                    message['k'] = next_marker + index

            except Exception as ex:

        msgtmpl = _(u'Hit maximum number of attempts (%(max)s) for queue '
                    u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')


        succeeded_ids = []
        raise errors.MessageConflict(queue_name, project,