Пример #1
def getAttrXML( presets=False ):    
    presetPath = XMLUtility.getPresetPath( '' )
    fullPath = '{0}frames/bits/bitAttributes.xml'.format( presetPath )
    returnList = []
    xmlDoc = ET.parse( fullPath )
    xmlRoot = xmlDoc.getroot()
    if presets:
        presetList = xmlRoot.find( 'presets' )
        for preset in presetList.findall( 'preset' ):
            tempList = { 'presetName':preset.get('name') }
            tempList['attrs'] = []
            for attr in preset.findall( 'attr' ):
                tempList['attrs'].append( attr.get('name') )
            returnList.append( tempList )
        attrList = xmlRoot.find( 'attributes' )
        for attr in attrList.findall( 'attr' ):
            returnList.append( { 'name':attr.get('name'), 'attrType':attr.get('attrType'), 'attrDataType':attr.get('attrDataType') } )    
    return returnList
Пример #2
def buildFrameModule( inDir=None, inXMLFile=None ):
    from marigold.meta.metaNode import MetaNode
    # Get the XML settings for the frame module.
    dirPath = XMLUtility.getPresetPath( XMLUtility.FRAME_PRESETS_PATH+inDir )
    fullPath = dirPath+'/'+inXMLFile+'.xml'
    xmlDict = readFrameModuleXML( fullPath )
    # Get the metanode.
    metanode = xmlDict['metanode']
    meta = metanode['name']
    metaPlugs = metanode['plugs']
    metaType = metanode['metaType']
    metaClass = metanode['metaClass']
    metanode = MetaNode( inNodeName=meta, inNodeMetaType=metaType )
    metanode = cmds.ls( selection=True )[0]
    metaPlugs = xmlDict['metanode']['plugs']
    for plug in metaPlugs:
        if not NodeUtility.attributeCheck( metanode, plug['name'] ):
            addPlug( metanode, plug['name'], plug['attrType'], plug['attrDataType'] )
        if plug['connected'] == 'False':
            setPlug( metanode, plug['name'], plug['value'], inAttrDataType=plug['attrDataType'] )
    # Get the bits.
    bits = xmlDict['bits']
    # Make a group for the module.
    for bit in bits:
        if bit['name'] == 'frame_root':
            for plug in bit['plugs']:
                if plug['name'] == 'prefix':
                    modulePrefix = plug['value']
    moduleGroup = '|{0}'.format( cmds.group( em=True, name=modulePrefix+'_'+metaClass ) )

    # Make each bit.
    tick = 0
    storeBitConnections = []

    while tick < len(bits):
        bitName = bits[0]['name']
        if bits[0]['parent'] == 'None':
            # This is the root bit. The | is there to represent this. We don't need it now.
            # Plus it causes problems with the full path name stuff (double ||). So we
            # remove it.
            bitParent = moduleGroup
            bitParent = moduleGroup+bits[0]['parent']
        bitPlugs = bits[0]['plugs']
        bitShape = bits[0]['shape']
        # Make the bit.
        if cmds.objExists( bitParent ):
            newBit = cmds.makeGLBit( name=bitName, objecttype=bits[0]['shapeType'] )            
            cmds.parent( newBit, bitParent )
            # From this point we use the long name for the bit. This avoids any
            # name clashes.
            fullBitName = '{0}{1}'.format( bitParent, newBit )
            # Get the frame_root for the module. We want to return this at the very end.
            if bitName == 'frame_root':
                rootFullName = fullBitName
            # Setup plugs for transform and custom attributes.
            for plug in bitPlugs:
                if not NodeUtility.attributeCheck( fullBitName, plug['name'] ):
                    addPlug( fullBitName, plug['name'], plug['attrType'], plug['attrDataType'] )
                    if plug['value'] is not None:
                        setPlug( fullBitName, plug['name'], plug['value'], inAttrDataType=plug['attrDataType'] )
                    # Setup position and rotation.
                    setPlug( fullBitName, plug['name'], plug['value'] )
                # Connect plug to meta node.
                for mplug in metaPlugs:
                    if '{0}.{1}'.format(bitName, plug['name']) == mplug['value']:
                        inSourcePlug = fullBitName+'.'+plug['name']
                        inDestinationPlug = metanode+'.'+mplug['name']
                        NodeUtility.connectPlugs( inSourcePlug, inDestinationPlug )
            # Setup plugs for shape attributes.
            shapeName = cmds.listRelatives( fullBitName, shapes=True )
            fullShapeName = '{0}|{1}'.format( fullBitName, shapeName[0] )
            for plug in bitShape:
                if plug['attrDataType'] == 'TdataCompound':
                    # We skip compound nodes at this stage. They are for the child arrow drawing and must be
                    # hooked up after all the objects are created.
                    connectionChild = '{0}{1}'.format( moduleGroup, plug['value'] )
                    storeBitConnections.append( { 'parent':fullBitName, 'child':connectionChild } )
                    setPlug( fullShapeName, plug['name'], plug['value'], inAttrDataType=plug['attrDataType'] )
            bits.remove( bits[0] )
            tick = tick+1
    # Now do the hook ups for the child arrows.
    for i in storeBitConnections:
        setBitChild( i['parent'], i['child'] )
    return rootFullName
Пример #3
def readFrameModuleXML( inFile=None, inCallScript=False ):
    Processes an XML file to get the parts/settings for the module.
    @param inFullPath: Full directory path + filename + extension of the XML file.
    @return: A dictionary.
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    if inFile is None:
        # Browse for file to replace or new file to make.
        moduleFilter = "*.xml"
        dialogResults = cmds.fileDialog2( fileFilter=moduleFilter, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=XMLUtility.getPresetPath( XMLUtility.FRAME_PRESETS_PATH ) )
        dialogResults = [ inFile ]
    returnDict = {}
    xmlDoc = ET.parse( dialogResults[0] )
    xmlRoot = xmlDoc.getroot()

    # Process meta nodes.
    for metanode in xmlRoot.findall( 'metanode' ):
        metaType = metanode.get( 'metaType' )
        returnDict[ 'metanode' ] = { 'name':metanode.get('name'), 'metaType':metanode.get('metaType'), 'metaClass':metanode.get('metaClass') }
        plugList = []
        for plug in metanode.findall( 'plug' ):
            plugList.append( { 'name':plug.get('name'), 'connected':plug.get('connected'), 'attrType':plug.get('attrType'), 'attrDataType':plug.get('attrDataType'), 'value':plug.text } )
        returnDict[ 'metanode' ].update( { 'plugs':plugList } )
    # Process bit nodes.
    bitList = []
    for bit in xmlRoot.findall( 'bit' ):
        # Get shape type.
        shape = bit.findall( 'shape' )
        shapeType = shape[0].get('name')
        bitDict = { 'name':bit.get('name'), 'parent':bit.get('parent'), 'shapeType':shapeType }
        plugList = []
        for plug in bit.findall( 'plug' ):
            plugList.append( { 'name':plug.get('name'), 'attrType':plug.get('attrType'), 'attrDataType':plug.get('attrDataType'), 'value':plug.text } )
        bitDict[ 'plugs' ] = plugList
        shapePlugList = []
        for plug in shape[0].findall( 'plug' ):
            shapePlugList.append( { 'name':plug.get('name'), 'attrType':plug.get('attrType'), 'attrDataType':plug.get('attrDataType'), 'value':plug.text } )
        bitDict[ 'shape' ] = shapePlugList
        bitList.append( bitDict )
        returnDict[ 'bits' ] = bitList
    # Call the script.
    if inCallScript:
        # Or just return the list.
        return returnDict
Пример #4
def createFrameModuleXML():
    # Browse for file to replace or new file to make.
    moduleFilter = "*.xml"
    dialogResults = cmds.fileDialog2( fileFilter=moduleFilter, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=XMLUtility.getPresetPath( XMLUtility.FRAME_PRESETS_PATH ) )
    tempPath = dialogResults[0].split( '/' )
    fullFileName = tempPath[ len( tempPath )-1 ]
    filePath = dialogResults[0].rstrip( fullFileName )
    fileName = fullFileName.split( '.' )[0]
    # Get the name of the selected node and it's plugs.
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True )
    node = selList[0]
    nodeAttrs = getFrameBitSettings( node )
    # Build a list with each entry representing a line in the XML file.
    xmlList = []
    xmlList.append( '<data>' ) # Set the first line
    # Meta node.
    xmlList.append( '\t<metanode name=\"{0}\" metaType=\"{1}\" metaClass=\"{2}\">'.format( node, nodeAttrs['metaType'], nodeAttrs['metaClass'] ) )
    # Loop through the attributes.
    for attr in nodeAttrs:
        plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( node, attr )
        if plug.isConnected():
            connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( node, attr )
            types = getAttrTypes( node, attr )
            xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" connected=\"{1}\" attrType=\"{2}\" attrDataType=\"{3}\">{4}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                                connection[0]+'.'+connection[1] ) )
            types = getAttrTypes( node, attr )
            xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" connected=\"{1}\" attrType=\"{2}\" attrDataType=\"{3}\">{4}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                                NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug ) ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t</metanode>' )
    # Get the root bit of the frame module.
    rootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( node, 'rootBit' )
    if not rootBit:
        raise ValueError( 'The meta node\'s ({0}) ROOT BIT attribute is not connected.'.format(node) )

    # Get the parent's full path. We need to remove the group name from the beginning as well.
    parent = cleanParentFullName( rootBit[0] )

    xmlList.append( '\t<bit name=\"{0}\" parent=\"{1}\">'.format( rootBit[0], parent ) )
    rootAttrs = getFrameBitSettings( rootBit[0] )
    for attr in rootAttrs:
        types = getAttrTypes( rootBit[0], attr )
        plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( rootBit[0], attr )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                          NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug ) ) )
    wmRootBit = TransformUtility.getMatrix( rootBit[0], 'matrix' )
    pos = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( wmRootBit, OpenMaya.MFn.kWorld )
    rot = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( wmRootBit, 'eulerVector' )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.x ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.y ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.z ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.x) ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.y) ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.z) ) )
    # Shape nodes attributes.
    rootShape = NodeUtility.getDagPath( rootBit[0] ).child( 0 )
    depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( rootShape )
    shapeName = cmds.listRelatives( rootBit[0], shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
    shapeType = depFn.typeName()
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<shape name=\"{0}\">'.format( shapeType ) )
    # Get the shape's local position and scale.
    for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, channelBox=True ):
        types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
        aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                            NodeUtility.getPlugValue(aPlug) ) )
    # Get the shape's custom attributes.
    for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, multi=True, keyable=True ):
        if attr.find( '[' ) is not -1:
            # Special case handle array attributes. The [] needs to be removed so we can get
            # the base name for the attribute. From there we can then loop through it's children.
            # First we get the connection since these plugs won't return a value, but rather a
            # connected node.
            connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( shapeName, attr )
            bitChildren = cmds.listRelatives( rootBit[0], type='transform', children=True, fullPath=True )
            for child in bitChildren:
                if child.find( connection[0] ):
                    plugValue = child
            # Now we get the compound attribute's name by removing the index brackets.
            attrSplit = attr.split('[')
            attr = attrSplit[0]
            aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
            plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( aPlug )
        types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
        if types[0] is not False:
            xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                plugValue ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t</shape>' )
    xmlList.append( '\t</bit>')

    # Get all of the root's children.
    children = getFrameRootAllChildren( rootBit[0] )
    for child in children:
        # Bit name.
        bitName = child
        parent = cleanParentFullName( child )
        childFrameAttrs = getFrameBitSettings( child )
        xmlList.append( '\t<bit name=\"{0}\" parent=\"{1}\">'.format( bitName, parent ) )
        # Transform nodes attributes.
        if childFrameAttrs is not None:
            for attr in childFrameAttrs:
                types = getAttrTypes( child, attr )
                plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( child, attr )
                xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                  NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug ) ) )
        # Get the position and rotation.
        wmBit = TransformUtility.getMatrix( child, 'matrix' )
        pos = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( wmBit, OpenMaya.MFn.kWorld )
        rot = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( wmBit, 'eulerVector' )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.x ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.y ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.z ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.x) ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.y) ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.z) ) )
        # Shape nodes attributes.
        childShape = NodeUtility.getDagPath( child ).child( 0 )
        depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( childShape )
        shapeName = cmds.listRelatives( child, shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
        shapeType = depFn.typeName() 
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<shape name=\"{0}\">'.format( shapeType ) )
        # Get the shape's local position and scale.
        for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, channelBox=True ):
            types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
            aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
            xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                NodeUtility.getPlugValue(aPlug) ) )
        # Get the shape's custom attributes.
        for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, multi=True, keyable=True ):
            if attr.find( '[' ) is not -1:
                # Special case handle array attributes. The [] needs to be removed so we can get
                # the base name for the attribute. From there we can then loop through it's children.
                # First we get the connection since these plugs won't return a value, but rather a
                # connected node.
                connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( shapeName, attr )
                bitChildren = cmds.listRelatives( child, type='transform', children=True, fullPath=True )
                for c in bitChildren:
                    if c.find( connection[0] ):
                        plugValue = c
                # Now we get the compound attribute's name by removing the index brackets.
                attrSplit = attr.split('[')
                attr = attrSplit[0]
                aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
                plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( aPlug )
            types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
            if types[0] is not False:
                xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                    plugValue ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t</shape>' )  
        # Close the bit.
        xmlList.append( '\t</bit>' )
    # Close the data tag.
    xmlList.append( '</data>' )
    # Create the new file.
    newfile = file( os.path.join( filePath, fullFileName ), 'w')      
    for i in xmlList:
        newfile.write( i+'\n' )