class _Schema(Schema): n_classes = fields.Int(required=True, description='Number of classes', example=2) learning_rate = fields.Float( missing=None, description='Learning rate used in training.', example=0.01) loss = fields.String(missing='cross_entropy', description='Loss function used for training.', validate=OneOf(segmentation_losses.keys())) metrics = fields.List( fields.String, missing=['accuracy', 'iou'], description='List of metrics used for evaluation.', validate=ContainsOnly(segmentation_metrics.keys())) class_weights = fields.Dict( missing=None, description='Dictionary mapping class id with weight. ' 'If key for some labels is not specified, 1 is used.') prediction_visualization = fields.Bool( missing=False, description='Record prediction visualization summaries.') prediction_visualization_num = fields.Int( missing=5, description='Number of images used for prediction visualization.')
class AccountSchema(BaseSchema): username = fields.Str( required=True, validate=[ Range( min=USERNAME_MIN, max=USERNAME_MAX, error='Got: {input} as input, should be between {min} - {max}.' ), Regexp(regex=USERNAME_REGEX, error="'{input}' not matching to '{regex}'") ]) password = fields.Str( required=True, validate=[ Range( min=USERNAME_MIN, max=USERNAME_MAX, error='Got: {input} as input, should be between {min} - {max}.' ), Regexp(regex=PASSWORD_REGEX, error="'{input}' not matching to '{regex}'") ]) firstName = fields.Str( required=True, validate=[ Range( min=FIRSTNAME_MIN, max=FIRSTNAME_MAX, error='Got: {input} as input, should be between {min} - {max}.' ), Regexp(regex=FIRSTNAME_REGEX, error="'{input}' not matching to '{regex}'") ]) lastName = fields.Str( required=True, validate=[ Range( min=LASTNAME_MIN, max=LASTNAME_MAX, error='Got: {input} as input, should be between {min} - {max}.' ), Regexp(regex=LASTNAME_REGEX, error="'{input}' not matching to '{regex}'") ]) email = fields.Email(required=True, error='Email not valid') dateOfBirth = fields.Date( required=True, error='Not valid date. Provide ISO8601-formatted date string.') acceptTermsOfService = fields.Bool(required=True, validate=[ContainsOnly(choices='True')])
class UserLoginSchema(Schema): """用户登录表单""" CATEGORY_FACE = 1 CATEGORY_CARD = 2 username = fields.String( required=True ) # required表示这个字段必须要有,然后会先转换对应的类型,再通过validate函数验证。required, 默认为False。 password = fields.String(required=True, validate=lambda x: len(x) > 0) phone = fields.Method('get_prefix_phone_code') # 直接通过方法 prefix_phone_code = fields.Function(convert_prefix_phone_code) # 也可以通过函数 val1 = fields.Integer( required=False, missing=5, allow_none=True) # 如果没有出现在表单里,则给它默认值 5;以及允许None值, missing用于load。 val2 = fields.Integer(required=True, validate=OneOf([5, 10, 20])) # 值要在这个里面 val3 = fields.Integer(required=False, default=5) # 使用dump时,默认值是用default表示; missing 用于load. created_at = fields.DateTime(format='iso') # 或者是iso格式的时间 end_at = fields.DateTime(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 或者是标准时间格式 platform_ids = fields.List(fields.Integer(), required=True) # 还可以是list # 对于list类型,要求只能包含哪些内容 category_id = fields.List( fields.Integer(), required=True, validate=ContainsOnly(choices=( CATEGORY_FACE, CATEGORY_CARD, # CATEGORY_IMAGE, CATEGORY_BODY, # CATEGORY_FACE_V2, CATEGORY_CARD_V2 ))) # 如果是load时,则参数会是原来传进来的dict # 如果是dump时,则参数会是传进来的object def get_prefix_phone_code(self, obj): return convert_prefix_phone_code(obj.parent_end_user) @post_load def post_load_func(self, data): """这个修饰器很好用,表示格式化之后,调用这个函数""" data.val1 = 2333 return data
def _load_app_options(env: Env): from octokit.utils import get_json_data as octokit_get_json_data global APP_NAME, APP_DESCRIPTION, APP_ORGANIZATION, APP_PUBLIC global APP_DEFAULT_EVENTS, APP_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS valid_events = octokit_get_json_data("events.json") with env.prefixed("APP_"): APP_NAME = env.str("NAME", "gh-app") APP_DESCRIPTION = env.str("DESCRIPTION", "") APP_ORGANIZATION = env.str("ORGANIZATION", None) APP_PUBLIC = env.bool("PUBLIC", True) with env.prefixed("DEFAULT_"): APP_DEFAULT_EVENTS = env.list("EVENTS", "push", validate=ContainsOnly(valid_events)) APP_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS = env.dict("PERMISSIONS", "metadata=read")
class ParamSchema(Schema): class Meta: unknown = EXCLUDE admin_pw = Str(required=True) city = Str(required=True) country_code = Str( validate=[ Length(2, 2), Predicate( "isupper", error="Non-uppercased characters aren't allowed", ), ], required=True, ) email = Email(required=True) hostname = Str(required=True) org_name = Str(required=True) state = Str(required=True) optional_scopes = List( Str(), validate=ContainsOnly(OPTIONAL_SCOPES), missing=[], ) ldap_pw = Str(missing="", default="") sql_pw = Str(missing="", default="") couchbase_pw = Str(missing="", default="") couchbase_superuser_pw = Str(missing="", default="") auth_sig_keys = Str(missing="") auth_enc_keys = Str(missing="") @validates("hostname") def validate_fqdn(self, value): fqdn = FQDN(value) if not fqdn.is_valid: raise ValidationError("Invalid FQDN format.") @validates("admin_pw") def validate_password(self, value, **kwargs): if not raise ValidationError( "Must be at least 6 characters and include " "one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit, " "and one special character." ) @validates_schema def validate_ldap_pw(self, data, **kwargs): if "ldap" in data["optional_scopes"]: try: self.validate_password(data["ldap_pw"]) except ValidationError as exc: raise ValidationError({"ldap_pw": exc.messages}) @validates_schema def validate_ext_persistence_pw(self, data, **kwargs): err = {} scope_attr_map = [ ("sql", "sql_pw"), ("couchbase", "couchbase_pw"), ] for scope, attr in scope_attr_map: # note we don't enforce custom password validation as cloud-based # databases may use password that not conform to our policy # hence we simply check for empty password only if scope in data["optional_scopes"] and data[attr] == "": err[attr] = ["Empty password isn't allowed"] if err: raise ValidationError(err)
class HealthSchema(Schema): status = fields.String(validate=ContainsOnly(choices=["ok", "error"]), )