Пример #1
    def factory(self, all=None, **kw):
        values = {}

        if all is not None:
            if util.check_subclass(all, components.Permission):
                all = grokcore.component.name.bind().get(all)
            for action in SCAFFOLD_ACTIONS:
                values[action] = all

        for action, value in kw.items():
            if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
                value = grokcore.component.name.bind().get(value)
            values[action] = value
        return values
Пример #2
 def validate(self, value):
     if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
     if util.not_unicode_or_ascii(value):
         raise GrokImportError(
             "You can only pass unicode, ASCII, or a subclass "
             "of grok.Permission to the '%s' directive." % self.name)
Пример #3
 def validate(self, value):
     if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
     if util.not_unicode_or_ascii(value):
         raise GrokImportError(
             "You can only pass unicode, ASCII, or a subclass "
             "of grok.Permission to the '%s' directive." % self.name)
Пример #4
 def validate(self, all=None, **kw):
     items = list(kw.items())
     if all is not None:
         items += [("all", all)]
     for action, value in kw.items():
         if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
         if util.not_unicode_or_ascii(value):
             raise GrokImportError(
                 "You can only pass unicode, ASCII, or a subclass "
                 "of grok.Permission to the '%s' directive." % self.name
Пример #5
    def factory(self,
        if provides is not None and not IInterface.providedBy(provides):
            raise GrokImportError("You can only pass an interface to the "
                                  "provides argument of %s." % self.name)

        if provides is None:
            # We cannot bind the provides directive and get information
            # from the factory, so we do it "manually" as we know how
            # to get to the information.
            dotted = grokcore.component.provides.dotted_name()
            provides = getattr(factory, dotted, None)

        if provides is None:
            if util.check_subclass(factory, LocalUtility):
                baseInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(LocalUtility)
                utilityInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(factory)
                provides = list(utilityInterfaces - baseInterfaces)

                if len(provides) == 0 and len(list(utilityInterfaces)) > 0:
                    raise GrokImportError(
                        "Cannot determine which interface to use "
                        "for utility registration of %r. "
                        "It implements an interface that is a specialization "
                        "of an interface implemented by grok.LocalUtility. "
                        "Specify the interface by either using grok.provides "
                        "on the utility or passing 'provides' to "
                        "grok.local_utility." % factory, factory)
                provides = list(interface.implementedBy(factory))

            util.check_implements_one_from_list(provides, factory)
            provides = provides[0]

        if (provides, name) in self.frame.f_locals.get(self.dotted_name(), {}):
            raise GrokImportError(
                "Conflicting local utility registration %r. "
                "Local utilities are registered multiple "
                "times for interface %r and name %r." %
                (factory, provides, name), factory)

        info = LocalUtilityInfo(factory, provides, name, setup, public,
        return (provides, name), info
Пример #6
    def search(self, term, index="searchabletext", permission="zope.View"):
        if not len(term):
            return []
        results = []
        catalog = self.catalog

        if not index in catalog:
            raise ValueError("Index %r does not exist" % index)

        if util.check_subclass(permission, grok.Permission):
            permission = grok.name.bind().get(permission)

        uidutil = getUtility(IIntIds)
        results = catalog[index].apply(term)
        return PermissionAwareResultSet(results, uidutil, permission)
Пример #7
    def factory(self, factory, provides=None, name=u'',
                setup=None, public=False, name_in_container=None):
        if provides is not None and not IInterface.providedBy(provides):
            raise GrokImportError("You can only pass an interface to the "
                                  "provides argument of %s." % self.name)

        if provides is None:
            # We cannot bind the provides directive and get information
            # from the factory, so we do it "manually" as we know how
            # to get to the information.
            dotted = grokcore.component.provides.dotted_name()
            provides = getattr(factory, dotted, None)

        if provides is None:
            if util.check_subclass(factory, LocalUtility):
                baseInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(LocalUtility)
                utilityInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(factory)
                provides = list(utilityInterfaces - baseInterfaces)

                if len(provides) == 0 and len(list(utilityInterfaces)) > 0:
                    raise GrokImportError(
                        "Cannot determine which interface to use "
                        "for utility registration of %r. "
                        "It implements an interface that is a specialization "
                        "of an interface implemented by grok.LocalUtility. "
                        "Specify the interface by either using grok.provides "
                        "on the utility or passing 'provides' to "
                        "grok.local_utility." % factory, factory)
                provides = list(interface.implementedBy(factory))

            util.check_implements_one_from_list(provides, factory)
            provides = provides[0]

        if (provides, name) in self.frame.f_locals.get(self.dotted_name(), {}):
            raise GrokImportError(
                "Conflicting local utility registration %r. "
                "Local utilities are registered multiple "
                "times for interface %r and name %r." %
                (factory, provides, name), factory)

        info = LocalUtilityInfo(factory, provides, name, setup, public,
        return (provides, name), info
Пример #8
 def factory(self, value):
     if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
         return grokcore.component.name.bind().get(value)
     return value
Пример #9
 def factory(self, value):
     if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
         return grokcore.component.name.bind().get(value)
     return value
Пример #10
    def grok(self, name, factory, context, module_info, templates):
        infos = util.class_annotation_list(factory, 'grok.local_utility', None)
        if infos is None:
            return False

        for info in infos:
            if info.public and not IContainer.implementedBy(factory):
                raise GrokError(
                    "Cannot set public to True with grok.local_utility as "
                    "the site (%r) is not a container." %
                    factory, factory)
            if info.provides is None:
                if util.check_subclass(info.factory, grok.LocalUtility):
                    baseInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(grok.LocalUtility)
                    utilityInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(info.factory)
                    provides = list(utilityInterfaces - baseInterfaces)

                    if len(provides) == 0 and len(list(utilityInterfaces)) > 0:
                        raise GrokError(
                            "Cannot determine which interface to use "
                            "for utility registration of %r in site %r. "
                            "It implements an interface that is a specialization "
                            "of an interface implemented by grok.LocalUtility. "
                            "Specify the interface by either using grok.provides "
                            "on the utility or passing 'provides' to "
                            "grok.local_utility." % (info.factory, factory),
                    provides = list(interface.implementedBy(info.factory))

                util.check_implements_one_from_list(provides, info.factory)
                info.provides = provides[0]

        # raise an error in case of any duplicate registrations
        # on the class level (subclassing overrides, see below)
        used = set()
        class_infos = util.class_annotation(factory, 'grok.local_utility',
        for info in class_infos:
            key = (info.provides, info.name)
            if key in used:
                raise GrokError(
                    "Conflicting local utility registration %r in "
                    "site %r. Local utilities are registered multiple "
                    "times for interface %r and name %r." %
                    (info.factory, factory, info.provides, info.name),

        # Make sure that local utilities from subclasses override
        # utilities from base classes if the registration (provided
        # interface, name) is identical.
        overridden_infos = []
        used = set()
        for info in reversed(infos):
            key = (info.provides, info.name)
            if key in used:

        # store infos on site class
        factory.__grok_utilities_to_install__ = overridden_infos
                                 adapts=(factory, grok.IObjectAddedEvent))

        return True
Пример #11
    def grok(self, name, factory, context, module_info, templates):
        view_context = util.determine_class_context(factory, context)

        factory.module_info = module_info
        factory_name = factory.__name__.lower()

        if util.check_subclass(factory, components.GrokForm):
            # setup form_fields from context class if we've encountered a form
            if getattr(factory, 'form_fields', None) is None:
                factory.form_fields = formlib.get_auto_fields(view_context)

            if not getattr(factory.render, 'base_method', False):
                raise GrokError(
                    "It is not allowed to specify a custom 'render' "
                    "method for form %r. Forms either use the default "
                    "template or a custom-supplied one." % factory,

        # find templates
        template_name = util.class_annotation(factory, 'grok.template',
        template = templates.get(template_name)

        if factory_name != template_name:
            # grok.template is being used
            if templates.get(factory_name):
                raise GrokError("Multiple possible templates for view %r. It "
                                "uses grok.template('%s'), but there is also "
                                "a template called '%s'."
                                % (factory, template_name, factory_name),

        if template:
            if (getattr(factory, 'render', None) and not
                util.check_subclass(factory, components.GrokForm)):
                # we do not accept render and template both for a view
                # (unless it's a form, they happen to have render.
                raise GrokError(
                    "Multiple possible ways to render view %r. "
                    "It has both a 'render' method as well as "
                    "an associated template." % factory, factory)

            factory.template = template
            if not getattr(factory, 'render', None):
                # we do not accept a view without any way to render it
                raise GrokError("View %r has no associated template or "
                                "'render' method." % factory, factory)

        view_name = util.class_annotation(factory, 'grok.name',
        # __view_name__ is needed to support IAbsoluteURL on views
        factory.__view_name__ = view_name
                                 adapts=(view_context, IDefaultBrowserLayer),

        # protect view, public by default
        default_permission = get_default_permission(factory)
        make_checker(factory, factory, default_permission)

        # safety belt: make sure that the programmer didn't use
        # @grok.require on any of the view's methods.
        methods = util.methods_from_class(factory)
        for method in methods:
            if getattr(method, '__grok_require__', None) is not None:
                raise GrokError('The @grok.require decorator is used for '
                                'method %r in view %r. It may only be used '
                                'for XML-RPC methods.'
                                % (method.__name__, factory), factory)
        return True