def print_workflows(self, workflows: List[Workflow], namespace: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None): workflows.sort(key=lambda o: o.namespace) if len(workflows) == 1: str_resp = json.dumps(workflows[0].to_dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=False), JsonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) elif len(workflows) > 0: to_values = list( map(lambda wf: [wf.namespace, wf.command, wf.description], workflows)) namesp = f"Workflow " if namespace: namesp += f"{namespace}" banner(f"Available {namesp} Methods") tabulate(to_values, headers=["namespace", "command", "description"])) else: logger.error( "No workflows registered. Register operators by running \"mason apply\"" )
def print_configs(self, configs: List[Config], environment: Optional[MasonEnvironment] = None): configs.sort(key=lambda o: current_config: Optional[str] = None if environment: current_config = environment.state_store.get_session_config() if len(configs) == 1: str_resp = json.dumps(configs[0].to_dict(current_config), indent=4, sort_keys=False), JsonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())) elif len(configs) > 0: to_values = list( map(lambda c: c.extended_info(current_config), configs)) banner(f"Available Configs") tabulate(to_values, headers=[ "id", "execution", "metastore", "storage", "scheduler" ])) if current_config:"* Current Session Configuration") else: logger.error( "No configs. Register configs by running \"mason apply\"")
def print_resources( self, resources: List[Union[Operator, Workflow, Config, MalformedResource]], type: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[MasonEnvironment] = None) -> Response: if len(resources) == 0: logger.error(self.none_message(type, namespace, command)) else: operators, workflows, configs, bad = sequence_4( resources, Operator, Workflow, Config, MalformedResource) type_name = type or "all" # TODO: dry up with resources if type in ["all", "operator", "operators"]: self.print_operators(operators, namespace, command) if type in ["all", "workflow", "workflows"]: self.print_workflows(workflows, namespace, command) if type in ["all", "config", "configs"]: self.print_configs(configs, environment) return Response()
def run(self): try: # banner("Importing all registered_operator modules for API") env = MasonEnvironment() # operators.import_all(env) base_swagger = from_root("/api/base_swagger.yml") # banner(f"Regenerating api yaml based on registered_operators to {base_swagger}") # operators.update_yaml(env, base_swagger) app = connexion.App(__name__, specification_dir='api') # Read the swagger.yml file to configure the endpoints swagger = from_root("/api/base_swagger.yml") app.add_api(swagger) # Create a URL route in our application for "/" @app.route('/') def home(): """ This function just responds to the browser ULR localhost:5000/ :return: the rendered template 'home.html' """ readme_file = open("../", "r") md_template_string = markdown.markdown(, extensions=["fenced_code"]) return md_template_string # If we're running in stand alone mode, run the application if __name__ == 'mason.server':'', port=5000, debug=True) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: logger.error(str(e))
def parse_yaml(file: str): try: with open(file, 'r') as stream: try: yaml_load: dict = yaml.safe_load(stream) if type(yaml_load).__name__ == "dict": return yaml_load else: logger.error(f"\nInvalid YAML {file}: {yaml_load}\n") except yaml.YAMLError as exc: logger.error(f"\nInvalid YAML {file}: {exc}\n") except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error(f"Specified YAML does not exist: {e}")
def print_json(d: dict): formatted_json = to_json(d) # colorful_json = highlight(formatted_json, lexers.JsonLexer(), formatters.TerminalFormatter()) colorful_json = formatted_json return logger.error(colorful_json)
def add_error(self, error: str, log: bool = True): error = self.add_timestamp(error) if log: logger.error(error) self.errors.append(error)
def print_invalid(self, invalid: List[InvalidObject]): for i in invalid: logger.error(i.message)