class User(): """ User table """ def __init__(self): self.db = DbConn() def select(self, sql, args=None): return, args) def execute(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.execute(sql, args) def executemany(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.executemany(sql, args) def insert_user(self, user_id, password, user_name, sex, birth, job, company): sql = f""" INSERT INTO user (user_id, password, user_name, sex, birth, job, company) VALUES ('{user_id}', '{password}', '{user_name}', {sex}, STR_TO_DATE('{birth}', '%Y-%m-%d'), '{job}', '{company}') """ return self.db.execute(sql) def idcheck(self, user_id): sql = f"select * from user where user_id = '{user_id}'" return def login_go(self, user_id, password): sql = f"select user_idx,user_id,user_name,sex,birth,job,company from user where user_id ='{user_id}' and password='******'" return # def logout(self,sessionid): # sql =f"delet from django_session where session_key='{sessionid}'" # return self.db.execute(sql) def findpw(self, user_id, user_name): sql = f"select * from user where user_id = '{user_id}' and user_name='{user_name}'" return def modifypw_go(self, password, user_id, user_name): sql = f"update user set password = '******' where user_id='{user_id}' and user_name='{user_name}'" # print(sql) return self.db.execute(sql)
def __init__(self): self.db = DbConn()
class ColorList(): """ ColorList table """ def __init__(self): self.db = DbConn() def select(self, sql, args=None): return, args) def execute(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.execute(sql, args) def executemany(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.executemany(sql, args) def select_all(self, start=None, end=None): limit_sql = "" if start is not None: limit_sql = "limit " + str(start) if end is not None: limit_sql = limit_sql + ', ' + str(end) sql = f""" select * from color_list {limit_sql} """ return def insert_color(self, user_idx, path, color_pick): color_pick = json.loads(color_pick) sql = f""" insert into color_list(user_idx, h1,s1,v1,h2,s2,v2,h3,s3,v3,h4,s4,v4, color, cp, cw, season, value, hex1, hex2, hex3, hex4, origin_url) values ({user_idx}, '{color_pick['h1']}', '{color_pick['s1']}', '{color_pick['v1']}', '{color_pick['h2']}', '{color_pick['s2']}', '{color_pick['v2']}', '{color_pick['h3']}', '{color_pick['s3']}', '{color_pick['v3']}', '{color_pick['h4']}', '{color_pick['s4']}', '{color_pick['v4']}', '{color_pick['color']}', '{color_pick['cp']}', '{color_pick['cw']}', '{color_pick['season']}', '{color_pick['value']}', '{color_pick['hex1']}', '{color_pick['hex2']}', '{color_pick['hex3']}', '{color_pick['hex4']}', '{path}' ) """ return self.db.execute(sql) def list_filter(self, color_type=None, season_type=None, cw_type=None, cp_type=None, value_type=None, limit_start=0, limit_end=100, user_idx=None): # sql = "select * from color_list" sql = ''' select a.*, ( select count(*) like_btn from like_btn where cl_idx = a.cl_idx ) as cnt, ( select user_name from user where user_idx = a.user_idx ) as user_name ''' if user_idx != None: sql += f''' , if( (select count(*) from like_btn where user_idx = {user_idx} AND cl_idx = a.cl_idx) > 0, 'T', 'F') as mylike ''' sql += ''' from color_list as a''' where = "" if color_type or season_type or cw_type or cp_type or value_type: where += " where " where_value = "" if color_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "color in (" for index, val in enumerate(color_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if season_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "season in (" for index, val in enumerate(season_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if cw_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "cw in (" for index, val in enumerate(cw_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if cp_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "cp in (" for index, val in enumerate(cp_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if value_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "value in (" for index, val in enumerate(value_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" where = where + where_value sql = sql + where + f" order by create_date desc limit {limit_start}, {limit_end};" return def get_user_like(self, cl_idx, user_idx): return f"select * from like_btn where cl_idx = {cl_idx} and user_idx = {user_idx};" ) def set_like(self, cl_idx, user_idx): return self.db.execute( f"insert into like_btn(cl_idx, user_idx) values({cl_idx}, {user_idx});" ) def drop_like(self, cl_idx, user_idx): return self.db.execute( f"delete from like_btn where cl_idx = {cl_idx} and user_idx = {user_idx};" )
class GallaryList(): """ GallaryList table """ def __init__(self): self.db = DbConn() def select(self, sql, args=None): return, args) def execute(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.execute(sql, args) def executemany(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.executemany(sql, args) def select_all(self, start=None, end=None): limit_sql = "" if start is not None: limit_sql = "limit " + str(start) if end is not None: limit_sql = limit_sql + ', ' + str(end) sql = f""" select * from gallary_list {limit_sql} """ return def insert_mp_info(self, user_idx, image_name, origin_url, masterpiece_url, artist): sql = f"insert into gallary_list(user_idx, image_name, origin_url, masterpiece_url, artist) values({user_idx}, '{image_name}', '{origin_url}', '{masterpiece_url}', '{artist}');" return self.db.execute(sql) def insert_mp_info2(self, user_idx, image_name, origin_url, masterpiece_url, hex1, hex2, hex3, hex4): sql = f"insert into gallary_list(user_idx, image_name, origin_url, masterpiece_url, hex1,hex2,hex3,hex4, artist) values({user_idx}, '{image_name}', '{origin_url}', '{masterpiece_url}', '{hex1}', '{hex2}', '{hex3}', '{hex4}', 'color');" # 아티스트 부분은 color 로 입력 return self.db.execute(sql) def image_filter(self, opt_type, user_idx): sql = '''select a.*, (select count(*) like_btn from like_btn where gl_idx = a.gl_idx) as cnt''' if user_idx != None: sql += f''', if( (select count(*) from like_btn where user_idx = {user_idx} AND gl_idx = a.gl_idx) > 0, 'T', 'F') as mylike ''' sql += ''' , (SELECT user_name FROM user WHERE user_idx = a.user_idx) AS user_name from gallary_list as a''' where = "" if opt_type: where += " where " where_value = "" if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "artist in (" for index, val in enumerate(opt_type.split(',')): if index == 0: if val == "cd": where_value += "'color'" else: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: if val == "cd": where_value += ", 'color'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" where = where + where_value sql = sql + where + " order by create_date desc limit 100;" return def get_user_like(self, gl_idx, user_idx): return f"select * from like_btn where gl_idx = {gl_idx} and user_idx = {user_idx};" ) def set_like(self, gl_idx, user_idx): return self.db.execute( f"insert into like_btn(gl_idx, user_idx) values({gl_idx}, {user_idx});" ) def drop_like(self, gl_idx, user_idx): return self.db.execute( f"delete from like_btn where gl_idx = {gl_idx} and user_idx = {user_idx};" )
class ColorPallate(): """ ColorPallate table """ def __init__(self): self.db = DbConn() def select(self, sql, args=None): return, args) def execute(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.execute(sql, args) def executemany(self, sql, args=None): return self.db.executemany(sql, args) def select_all(self, start=None, end=None): limit_sql = "" if start is not None: limit_sql = "limit " + str(start) if end is not None: limit_sql = limit_sql + ', ' + str(end) sql = f""" select * from color_pallate {limit_sql} """ return def emotion_filter(self, color_type=None, season_type=None, cw_type=None, cp_type=None, value_type=None, limit_start=0, limit_end=100): sql = "select * from color_pallate" where = "" if color_type or season_type or cw_type or cp_type or value_type: where += " where " where_value = "" if color_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "color in (" for index, val in enumerate(color_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if season_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "season in (" for index, val in enumerate(season_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if cw_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "cw in (" for index, val in enumerate(cw_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if cp_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "cp in (" for index, val in enumerate(cp_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" if value_type: if len(where_value) > 0: where_value += " and " where_value += "value in (" for index, val in enumerate(value_type.split(',')): if index == 0: where_value += "'" + val + "'" else: where_value += ", '" + val + "'" where_value += ")" where = where + where_value sql = sql + where + f" limit {limit_start}, {limit_end};" return