Пример #1
def new_sheet_request():
    form = request.form
    tid = form.get("tid").lstrip("0")
    mid = form.get("mid").strip().upper()
    alliance = form.get("alliance")

    if not validate_match(mid):
        # Match id does not match the regex
        raise WebException("Invalid match id.")

    _match = match.get_match(mid=mid).first()
    if _match is None:
        # Match does not exist yet, so create one

    _team = team.get_team(tid=tid).first()
    if _team is None:
        # Team does not exist yet, so create one

    sheet = get_sheet(tid=tid, mid=mid, alliance=alliance).first()
    if sheet is not None:
        # Duplicate sheet exists, so alert the user
        raise WebException("Sheet already exists.")

    # Create a new sheet
    new_sheet(tid, mid, alliance)

    return {"success": 1, "message": "Sheet created."}
Пример #2
def callback(channel, method, properties,
             body):  # required signature for the callback; no return
    print("Received a match from recommendation")

    with match.app.test_request_context('/match/'):
        # print("The body is")
        # print(type(body))
        # print(body)
        # print(body.decode("UTF-8"))
        print(f"Message received: {json.loads(body)}")
        data = json.loads(body)
        id1 = data["userid"]
        # print(id1)
        id2 = data["visitedid"]
        # print(id2)
        result = match.add_match(id1, id2)

    # print("Type is ")
    # print(type(result))
    # print(result)
    print(f"Message from match {result[0].get_json()}")
    # result = json.dumps(result,default=str)
    # result = get_all()
    # result = processOrder(json.loads(body))
    # json.dump(result, sys.stdout, default=str)
    # print processing result; not really needed
    # json.dump(result, sys.stdout, default=str) # convert the JSON object to a string and print out on screen
    print()  # print a new line feed to the previous json dump
    # print() # print another new line as a separator

    # prepare the reply message and send it out
    # replymessage = json.dumps(result, default=str) # convert the JSON object to a string
    # replyqueuename="profile.reply"

    # A general note about AMQP queues: If a queue or an exchange doesn't exist before a message is sent,
    # - the broker by default silently drops the message;
    # - So, if really need a 'durable' message that can survive broker restarts, need to
    #  + declare the exchange before sending a message, and
    #  + declare the 'durable' queue and bind it to the exchange before sending a message, and
    #  + send the message with a persistent mode (delivery_mode=2).

    # set up the exchange if the exchange doesn't exist
    # exchangename="recommendation_direct"
    # channel.exchange_declare(exchange=exchangename, exchange_type='direct')

    # channel.queue_declare(queue=replyqueuename, durable=True) # make sure the queue used for "reply_to" is durable for reply messages
    # channel.queue_bind(exchange=exchangename, queue=replyqueuename, routing_key=replyqueuename) # make sure the reply_to queue is bound to the exchange
    # channel.basic_publish(exchange=exchangename,
    #         routing_key=properties.reply_to, # use the reply queue set in the request message as the routing key for reply messages
    #         body=result,
    #         properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode = 2, # make message persistent (stored to disk, not just memory) within the matching queues; default is 1 (only store in memory)
    #             correlation_id = properties.correlation_id, # use the correlation id set in the request message
    #         )
    # )
    )  # acknowledge to the broker that the processing of the request message is completed
Пример #3
def update_sheet_request():
    form = request.form
    sid = form.get("sid")
    mid = form.get("mid").strip().upper()
    tid = form.get("tid").lstrip("0")
    alliance = form.get("alliance")

    if not validate_match(mid):
        # Match id does not match the regex
        raise WebException("Invalid match id.")

    _match = match.get_match(mid=mid).first()
    if _match is None:
        # Match does not exist yet, so create one

    _team = team.get_team(tid=tid).first()
    if _team is None:
        # Team does not exist yet, so create one

    update_sheet(sid, mid, tid, alliance)
    return {"success": 1, "message": "Sheet updated."}