Пример #1
def ar_func(ind,ar_src, cv_cover, cv_cov_vid, opts):
    im = ar_src[44:311,:,:]
    cropped_im =  cv2.resize(im,(im.shape[1],cv_cover.shape[0]))
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover,cv_cov_vid,opts)
    locs1 = locs1[matches[:,0],0:2]
    locs2 = locs2[matches[:,1],0:2]
    bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(locs1, locs2, opts)
    resize_im =  cv2.resize(im,(im.shape[1],cv_cover.shape[0]))
    cropped_im = resize_im[:, int(cropped_im.shape[1]/2)-(int(cv_cover.shape[1]/2)) : int(cropped_im.shape[1]/2)+(int(cv_cover.shape[1]/2)),:]
    composite_img = compositeH(bestH2to1, cropped_im, cv_cov_vid)
    return composite_img
Пример #2
def ablation(opts, cv_cover, cv_desk):
    sigmas = np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)
    ratios = np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)
    for s in sigmas:
        for r in ratios:
            opts.ratio = r
            opts.sigma = s
            print("Using ratio {:.2f}, sigma {:.2f}".format(r, s))

            cvc = cv_cover.copy()
            cvd = cv_desk.copy()

            matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cvc, cvd, opts)
            plotMatches(cv_cover, cv_desk, matches, locs1, locs2, opts)
Пример #3
def stitch(img1, img2, black_removal=False):
    # Images dimensions
    h1, w1, _ = img1.shape
    h2, w2, _ = img2.shape

    # Match
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img1, img2, opts)
    # plotMatches(img1, img2, matches, locs1, locs2, opts)
    locs1 = locs1[matches[:, 0]]
    locs2 = locs2[matches[:, 1]]
    locs1[:, [0, 1]] = locs1[:, [1, 0]]
    locs2[:, [0, 1]] = locs2[:, [1, 0]]

    # Homography
    H, inliers = computeH_ransac(locs1, locs2, opts)

    # Determine final size of panorama
    corners = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [w2, 0, 1], [0, h2, 1], [w2, h2, 1]],
    corners = np.matmul(H, corners.T)
    corners = np.divide(corners, corners[-1, :]).T
    # print(corners)

    # Warp
    if black_removal:
        # Define the width
        min_w = int(min(corners[1, 0], corners[3, 0]))
        width_right = max(min_w, w1)
        width = width_right

        # Define the height
        max_h = int(np.max(corners[:2, 1]))
        height_top = max(0, max_h)
        min_h = int(np.min(corners[2:, 1]))
        height_low = min(min_h, h1)
        height = height_low - height_top

        pano = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, H, (width, height))
        pano[:height, :w1, :] = img1[:height, :]
        pano = pano[height_top:, :]
        width = w1 + int(0.5 * w2)
        height = h1 + int(0.5 * h2)
        pano = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, H, (width, height))
        pano[:h1, :w1, :] = img1

    return pano
Пример #4
def func_result(cv_cover, frame, ar_f, opts):
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover, frame, opts)
    x1 = locs1[matches[:, 0], 0:2]
    x2 = locs2[matches[:, 1], 0:2]

    H2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(x1, x2, opts)
    ar_f = ar_f[45:310, :, :]
    cover_width = cv_cover.shape[1]
    width = int(ar_f.shape[1] / ar_f.shape[0]) * cv_cover.shape[0]

    resized_ar = cv2.resize(ar_f, (width, cv_cover.shape[0]),
    h, w, d = resized_ar.shape
    cropped_ar = resized_ar[:,
                            int(w / 2) - int(cover_width / 2):int(w / 2) +
                            int(cover_width / 2), :]

    result = compositeH(H2to1, cropped_ar, frame)

    return result
Пример #5
def createVideoFiles(args):
    opts, numframes, ar_source, book, cv_cover, bookdim = args

    for i in range(numframes):
        bookframe = book[i, :, :, :]
        pandaframe = ar_source[i, :, :]
        panda_crop = pandaframe[40:320, 208:431, :]
        panda = cv2.resize(panda_crop, bookdim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

        matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover, bookframe, opts)

        # plotMatches(cv_cover, bookframe, matches, locs1, locs2)
        locs1 = locs1[matches[:, 0]]
        locs2 = locs2[matches[:, 1]]
        locs1[:, [1, 0]] = locs1[:, [0, 1]]
        locs2[:, [1, 0]] = locs2[:, [0, 1]]

        H2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(locs1, locs2, opts)

        image = compositeH(H2to1, panda, bookframe)
        np.save("../test1/img{}.npy".format(i), image)
Пример #6
def createvideo(panda, book_frames, edge_crop, x_start, x_end, cv_cover):
    for idx in range(frame_no):
        panda_img = panda[idx]
        # crop the panda frame
        panda_img = panda_img[edge_crop:-edge_crop, x_start:x_end]
        panda_img = cv2.resize(panda_img,
                               (cv_cover.shape[1], cv_cover.shape[0]))
        book_img = book_frames[idx]

        matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(book_img, cv_cover, opts)
        pair1 = locs1[matches[:, 0]]
        pair2 = locs2[matches[:, 1]]
        homography = computeH_ransac(pair1, pair2, opts)
        # panda_warped = cv2.warpPerspective(panda_img,homography,(book_img.shape[1],book_img.shape[0]))
        # mask = compositeH(homography, book_img, panda_warped)
        merge_frame = compositeH(homography, book_img, panda_img)

        #merge frame
        # merge_frame = (1- mask)*(book_img) + mask * panda_warped
        # print(merge_frame.shape)
Пример #7
def rotTest():
    opts = get_opts()
    ratio = opts.ratio  #'ratio for BRIEF feature descriptor'
    sigma = opts.sigma  #'threshold for corner detection using FAST feature detector'

    #Read the image and convert to grayscale
    cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
    img = cv_cover

    locs = []  # N x 2 matrix containing x,y coords or matched point pairs
    hist = []
    num_matches = []
    bin_list = []
    for i in range(36):
        #Rotate Image
        rotImg = ndimage.rotate(img, i * 10, reshape=True)

        #Compute features, descriptors and Match features
        img_matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(rotImg, img, opts)

        #plotMatches(rotImg, img, img_matches, locs1, locs2) # display matches between both pictures

        #plt.hist(num_matches, bins=36, range=None, density=False) ## put shape of matches in histogram
        plt.bar(i * 10,
                height=num_matches[i])  ## put shape of matches in histogram

        plt.title('Histogram of matches')
        plt.ylabel('Number of matches')


Пример #8
# Just for testing
# n_frames = 24

print("Writing AR video...")
for i in range(n_frames):
    print(f"Frame {i}/{n_frames}")
    ar_frame = ar_frames[i]
    ar_frame = ar_frame[50:-50, int((w2-w1)/2):int((w2+w1)/2)]
    ar_frame = cv2.resize(ar_frame, dsize=(w1, h1))
    # print(ar_cover.shape, h1)

    # cv2.imshow('ar_c',ar_cover)

    # Match features
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover, bk_frames[i], opts)
    # plotMatches(cv_cover, hp_cover, matches, locs1, locs2, opts)
    locs1 = locs1[matches[:, 0]]
    locs1[:, [0, 1]] = locs1[:, [1, 0]]
    locs2 = locs2[matches[:, 1]]
    locs2[:, [0, 1]] = locs2[:, [1, 0]]

    # Homography and warping
    H, inliers = computeH_ransac(locs1, locs2, opts)
    composite_img = compositeH(H, ar_frame, bk_frames[i])
    # cv2.imshow('warped', composite_img)

3. Uses the computed homography to warp hp cover.jpg to the dimensions of the cv desk.png image using the OpenCV function cv2.warpPerspective function.
4. At this point you should notice that although the image is being warped to the correct location, it is not filling up the same space as the book. Why do you think this is happening? How would you modify hp cover.jpg to fix this issue?
5. Implement the function:
composite img = compositeH( H2to1, template, img )
to now compose this warped image with the desk image as in in Figure 4
6. Include your result in your write-up.


cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
cv_desk = cv2.imread('../data/cv_desk.png')

matches1,locs1,locs2=matchPics(cv_desk,cv_cover,  opts)#Match between first two images

locs1[:,[0,1]] = locs1[:,[1,0]]
locs2[:,[0,1]] = locs2[:,[1,0]]

plotMatches(cv_desk,cv_cover,  matches1,locs1,locs2)

print('locs1m1 Shape :',locs1.shape)
print('locs2m1 Shape :',locs2.shape)

print('matches :',matches1.shape)


#print('Best :',bestH2to1)
Пример #10
from opts import get_opts
from helper import plotMatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

opts = get_opts()
#Read the image and convert to grayscale, if necessary
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
matchesnumber = np.zeros((36))

for i in range(36):
    #Rotate Image
    cv_cover_rot = scipy.ndimage.rotate(cv_cover, 10 * i)

    #Compute features, descriptors and Match features
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover, cv_cover_rot, opts)
    #Update histogram
    matchesnumber[i] = np.size(matches, axis=0)

    if (i == 3):
        plotMatches(cv_cover, cv_cover_rot, matches, locs1, locs2)
    if (i == 15):
        plotMatches(cv_cover, cv_cover_rot, matches, locs1, locs2)
    if (i == 30):
        plotMatches(cv_cover, cv_cover_rot, matches, locs1, locs2)

#Display histogram

# plt.hist(matchesnumber, bins = 36)
# plt.show()
# x = np.arange(36)
import numpy as np
import cv2
from opts import get_opts

#Import necessary functions
from matchPics import matchPics
from planarH import computeH_ransac, compositeH

#Write script for Q2.2.4
opts = get_opts()
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
cv_desk = cv2.imread('../data/cv_desk.png')
hp_cover = cv2.imread('../data/hp_cover.jpg')

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(np.transpose(cv_cover, (1, 0, 2)),
                                  np.transpose(cv_desk, (1, 0, 2)), opts)
bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(matches, locs1, locs2, opts)
composite_img = compositeH(bestH2to1, hp_cover, cv_desk, cv_cover)
Пример #12
im = cv2.imread("../data/cv_cover.jpg")
# cv2.imshow('image', im)
# cv2.waitKey(0)

match_count = np.zeros((36, 2))

for i in range(36):
    # Rotate Image
    rot = (i + 1) * 10
    im_rot = scipy.ndimage.rotate(im, rot)
    # cv2.imshow(f'rot {i}', im_rot)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)
    # cv2.destroyWindow(f'rot {i}')

    # Compute features, descriptors and Match features
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(im, im_rot, opts)

    # Plot them
    opts.name = f"rot_{rot}_m_{len(matches)}"
    # plotMatches(im, im_rot, matches, locs1, locs2, opts)

    # Update histogram
    print(f"Matches {len(matches)} Angle {rot}")
    match_count[i] = [rot, len(matches)]


# Display histogram
plt.bar(match_count[:, 0], match_count[:, 1], width=8)
Пример #13
import numpy as np
import cv2
import skimage.io
import skimage.color

#Import necessary functions
from matchPics import matchPics
from helper import plotMatches
from planarH import *

#Write script for Q2.2.4
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
cv_desk = cv2.imread('../data/cv_desk.png')
hp_cover = cv2.imread('../data/hp_cover.jpg')

H, W, _ = cv_cover.shape
hp_cover_resized = cv2.resize(hp_cover, dsize=(W, H))

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_desk, hp_cover)
H2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(locs1[matches[:, 0]], locs2[matches[:, 1]])
warped_img = cv2.warpPerspective(hp_cover_resized,
                                 dsize=(cv_desk.shape[1], cv_desk.shape[0]))
cv2.imwrite('./result/HarryPotter_made.jpg', warped_img)
cv2.imshow('HarryPotter_made', warped_img)

composite_img = compositeH(H2to1, hp_cover_resized, cv_desk)
cv2.imwrite('./result/HarryPotter_Desk.jpg', composite_img)
cv2.imshow('HarryPotter_Desk', composite_img)
Пример #14
import cv2
from matchPics import matchPics
from helper import plotMatches
from opts import get_opts

opts = get_opts()

cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
cv_desk = cv2.imread('../data/cv_desk.png')

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover, cv_desk, opts)
#display matched features
plotMatches(cv_cover, cv_desk, matches, locs1, locs2)
Пример #15
#print("Shape of ar after padding:",ar.shape)
#Write script for Q3.1

opts = get_opts()
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')

for i in range(book.shape[0]):
    print('i :{} and book :{}'.format(i,book[i,:,:,:].shape))
    locs1[:,[0,1]] = locs1[:,[1,0]]
    locs2[:,[0,1]] = locs2[:,[1,0]]
    #print('Aspect ratio :',aspect_ratio)
    video_cover=video_cover[44:-44,:]#We chop off the black portions

    #print('Shape of ar:',video_cover_cropped.shape)
Пример #16
# 	#Compute features, descriptors and Match features
#     matches , locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img_ori,img_rotate , opts)
# 	#Update histogram
#     match_hist[i] = matches.shape[0]
# x = np.linspace(0,10*(iteration - 1), iteration)
# plt.bar(x,match_hist)
# plt.show()

# For visualizing rotate images

#rotate image at 20 degree
img_rotate = ndimage.rotate(img_ori, 20)
matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img_ori, img_rotate, opts)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)

#rotate image at 60 degree
img_rotate = ndimage.rotate(img_ori, 60)
Пример #17
import opts
#Read the image and convert to grayscale, if necessary

img = cv2.imread(
x = []
y = []
opts1 = opts.get_opts()
for i in range(36):
    #Rotate Image
    img_rotate = sci.rotate(img, i * 10)

    #Compute features, descriptors and Match features
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img, img_rotate, opts1)

    #Update histogram
    # degree = i * 10
    x.append(i * 10)
    # match_count = matches.shape[0]

#Display histogram
plt.bar(x, y, 5)
# plt.bar(x[0],y[0],5)
# plt.bar(x[1],y[1],5)
# plt.bar(x[2],y[2],5)
#Read the image and convert to grayscale, if necessary
from opts import get_opts

opts = get_opts()

cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')

matches_hist = list()

for i in range(36):
    #Rotate Image

    rotated_img = rotate(cv_cover, 10 * (i))
    #Compute features, descriptors and Match features

    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cv_cover, rotated_img, opts)
    #Update histogram

    if (i % 11 == 0):
        plotMatches(cv_cover, rotated_img, matches, locs1, locs2)

#Display histogram
m_hist = np.asarray(matches_hist)
ang = np.asarray([i for i in range(0, 360, 10)]).T

y = np.arange(len(ang))
plt.bar(y, m_hist.T, align='center')
plt.xticks(y, ang)
Пример #19
from opts import get_opts

#Import necessary functions
from matchPics import matchPics
from planarH import computeH_ransac, compositeH
from loadVid import loadVid

#Write script for Q3.1
opts = get_opts()
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')  # 440, 350, 3
ar_source = loadVid('../data/ar_source.mov')
np.save("ar_source.npy", ar_source)
book = loadVid('../data/book.mov')
np.save("book.npy", book)
# ar_source = np.load('ar_source.npy', allow_pickle=True)  # 511, 360, 640, 3
# book = np.load('book.npy', allow_pickle=True)  # 641, 480, 640, 3

#Processing the video one frame at a time
cap = cv2.VideoWriter('ar.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 15.0, (book.shape[0], book.shape[1]))
for frame_num in range(ar_source.shape[0]):
    frame_source = ar_source[frame_num]
    frame_book = book[frame_num]
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(np.transpose(cv_cover, (1, 0, 2)), np.transpose(frame_book, (1, 0, 2)), opts)
    bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(matches, locs1, locs2, opts)
    frame_source = frame_source[48:-48, 145:495]  # crop black part from top and bottom of ar_cource video
    composite_img = compositeH(bestH2to1, frame_source, frame_book, cv_cover)
    # cv2.imwrite('ar_final/frame_{}.png'.format(frame_num), composite_img)
from matchPics import matchPics
from opts import get_opts
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Q2.1.6
# Read the image and convert to grayscale, if necessary
img = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
opts = get_opts()
x = []

for i in range(36):
    # Rotate Image
    rotated_img = scipy.ndimage.rotate(img, i * 10)

    # Compute features, descriptors and Match features
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img, rotated_img, opts)

    # Update histogram

# Display histogram
angles = [i for i in range(0, 360, 10)]
angles = np.asarray(angles)

plt.bar(angles, x, 5, color='red')
plt.xlabel('Rotation Angle')
plt.ylabel('Number of Matches')
plt.title('Number of Matches vs Rotation Angle')
# plt.hist(x, bins=angles)
Пример #21
                                              [h2, w2]]),

    # perspectiveTransform works for set of points unlike warpPerspective which works on entire image
    img2_corners = cv2.perspectiveTransform(img2_corners, H)
    composite_corners = np.r_[img1_corners, img2_corners]
    [x_min, y_min] = np.int32(composite_corners.min(axis=0).flatten() - 0.5)
    [x_max, y_max] = np.int32(composite_corners.max(axis=0).flatten() + 0.5)

    rotation_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, -x_min], [0, 1, -y_min], [0, 0, 1]])

    # Warp second image to the complete scene
    composite_img = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, rotation_matrix.dot(H),
                                        (x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min))
    composite_img[-y_min:w1 - y_min, -x_min:h1 - x_min] = img1
    return composite_img

# Read the images using cv2
img1 = cv2.imread('../ec/img_left.JPG')
img2 = cv2.imread('../ec/img_right.JPG')

# get opts for matching points and ransac
opts = get_opts()

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(np.transpose(img1, (1, 0, 2)),
                                  np.transpose(img2, (1, 0, 2)), opts)
bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(matches, locs1, locs2, opts)
img = get_panaroma(img1, img2, bestH2to1)
cv2.imwrite('panaroma.png', img)
Пример #22
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Read the image and convert to grayscale, if necessary
I1 = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
# img = cv2.cvtColor(I1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# hist = []
rot = [10, 20, 30]
hist_sum = []
for i in range(36):
    print('%d th rot processing.....' % i)
    #Rotate Image
    rot_img = rotate(I1, i * 10, reshape=True)
    #Compute features, descriptors and Match features
    matches, locs, rot_locs = matchPics(I1, rot_img)
    # if i in rot:
    # plotMatches(I1, rot_img, matches, locs, rot_locs, '%d rot match.jpeg'%i)
    # Update histogram
    hist_, bin_ = np.histogram(matches[:, 0])
    # plt.figure()
    # if n ==0:
    #     hist = hist_
    #     bin = bin_
    # else:
    #     hist = np.vstack((hist, hist_))
    #     bin = np.vstack((bin, bin_))
    # n += 1

#Display histogram
Пример #23
from matchPics import matchPics
from helper import plotMatches
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

opts = get_opts()

#Write script for Q4.2x
pano_left = cv2.imread('../IMG-7543.jpg')
pano_right = cv2.imread('../IMG-7544.jpg')

H1 = np.size(pano_left, axis = 0)
W1 = np.size(pano_left, axis = 1)
H2 = np.size(pano_right, axis = 0)
W2 = np.size(pano_right, axis = 1)

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(pano_left, pano_right, opts)

plotMatches(pano_left, pano_right, matches, locs1, locs2)
locs1 = locs1[matches[:,0]]
locs2 = locs2[matches[:,1]]
locs1[:,[1,0]] = locs1[:,[0,1]]
locs2[:,[1,0]] = locs2[:,[0,1]]

H2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(locs1, locs2, opts)

corners_right = np.array([[0,0,W2-1,W2-1],[0,H2-1,H2-1,0],[1,1,1,1]])

corners_left_pred = H2to1 @ corners_right

corners_left_pred = (corners_left_pred/corners_left_pred[-1,:]).round().astype(int)
Пример #24
from helper import plotMatches
from opts import get_opts

# Q2.1.6
opts = get_opts()
# Read the image and convert to grayscale, if necessary
cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')

histogram = []
choice = [1, 17, 35]
for i in range(36):
    # Rotate Image
    cover_rotate = scipy.ndimage.rotate(cover, i * 10, reshape=False)

    # Compute features, descriptors and Match features
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(cover, cover_rotate, opts)
    if i in choice:
        plotMatches(cover, cover_rotate, matches, locs1, locs2)

    # Update histogram

# Display histogram
chosen_histogram = [histogram[1]] + [histogram[17]] + [histogram[35]]
plt.bar(np.arange(3), chosen_histogram)
plt.xlabel('Rotation Degrees')
plt.ylabel('Matches Count')
plt.xticks(np.arange(3), choice * 10)
plt.title('Number of Matches for BRIEF Rotation')
Пример #25
import numpy as np
import cv2
import skimage.io 
import skimage.color
from opts import get_opts

#Import necessary functions
from matchPics import matchPics
from planarH import computeH_ransac
from helper import plotMatches

#Write script for Q2.2.4
opts = get_opts()

# Read cv_cover.jpg, cv_desk.png and hp_cover.jpg
img1 = cv2.imread('D:/Academic/CMU/Course/2020Fall/CV/Homework/HW2_Handout/HW2_Handout/data\cv_cover.jpg',1)
img2 = cv2.imread('D:/Academic/CMU/Course/2020Fall/CV/Homework/HW2_Handout/HW2_Handout/data\cv_desk.png',1)
img3 = cv2.imread('D:/Academic/CMU/Course/2020Fall/CV/Homework/HW2_Handout/HW2_Handout/data\hp_cover.jpg',1)

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img1,img1, opts)
locs1 = locs1[matches[:,0],:]
locs2 = locs2[matches[:,1],:]
plotMatches(img1, img2, matches, locs1, locs2)

result = computeH_ransac(locs2, locs1, opts)
Пример #26
#Write script for Q3.1

opts = get_opts()

#load vids and template image
panda_source = loadVid("../data/ar_source.mov")
book_source = loadVid("../data/book.mov")
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')

for frame in range(book_source.shape[0]):
    # assigned each video frame to variable: book_frame
    print(frame)  #print frame number to track processing
    book_frame = book_source[frame]

    #compute matches
    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(book_frame, cv_cover, opts)

    #compute ransac
    matched_locs1 = np.array([locs1[i] for i in matches[:0]])
    matched_locs2 = np.array([locs2[i] for i in matches[:1]])

    bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(
        matched_locs1, matched_locs2,
        opts)  # buggy computeH.ranac function, unable to produce output
    #bestH2to1, inlirs = cv2.findHomography(matched_locs1, matched_locs2, cv2.RANSAC,5.0) - for debugging

    #crop and resize
    width_newPanda = int(cv.cover.shape[1] / cv_cover.shape[0] *
                         panda_source.shape[1])  # w x h
    crop = int(panda_source.shape[2] - width_newPanda) // 2
    ##crop = int(panda_source.shape[2]- width_newPanda)/2 for debugging
Пример #27
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pdb
import scipy
import skimage.io
import skimage.color
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from opts import get_opts
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matchPics import matchPics
from statistics import stdev
from skimage import img_as_float64
opts = get_opts()

left = cv2.imread('../data/pano_left.jpg')  #use PIL
right = cv2.imread('../data/pano_right.jpg')

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(np.transpose(left, (1, 0, 2)),
                                  np.transpose(right, (1, 0, 2)), opts)

bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(matches, locs1, locs2, opts)

warped_im = cv2.warpPerspective(right, (bestH2to1),
                                (np.max(im1.shape[1]), left.shape[0]))
Пример #28
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from imutils import paths
import argparse
import imutils

#Write script for Q2.2.4
opts = get_opts()
#read in images
img_left = cv2.imread('../data/pano_left.jpg')
img_right = cv2.imread('../data/pano_right.jpg')
img_left = cv2.cvtColor(img_left, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_right = cv2.cvtColor(img_right, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(img_left, img_right, opts)
pair1 = locs1[matches[:, 0]]
pair2 = locs2[matches[:, 1]]
homography = computeH_ransac(pair1, pair2, opts)
right_warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img_right, homography,
                                   (img_left.shape[1], img_left.shape[0]))

images = []

stitcher = cv2.createStitcher() if imutils.is_cv3() else cv2.Stitcher_create()
(status, stitched) = stitcher.stitch(images)

if status == 0:
    # write the output stitched image to disk
Пример #29
# Write script for Q3.1
opts = get_opts()
ar_frames = loadVid('../data/ar_source.mov')
book_frames = loadVid('../data/book.mov')
cv_cover = cv2.imread('../data/cv_cover.jpg')
f, H, W = ar_frames.shape[:3]
ar_frames = ar_frames[:, 44:-44, 200:430, :]

if not os.path.exists('../result'):

fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v')
writer = cv2.VideoWriter('../result/ar.avi', fourcc, 25,
                         (book_frames.shape[2], book_frames.shape[1]), True)

for i in range(f):
    book = book_frames[i]
    ar = ar_frames[i]

    matches, locs1, locs2 = matchPics(book, cv_cover, opts)
    if matches.shape[0] >= 4:
        x1 = locs1[matches[:, 0], :]
        x2 = locs2[matches[:, 1], :]
        x1[:, [0, 1]] = x1[:, [1, 0]]
        x2[:, [0, 1]] = x2[:, [1, 0]]
        bestH2to1, inliers = computeH_ransac(x1, x2, opts)

        ar = cv2.resize(ar, (345, 444))
        composite_img = compositeH(bestH2to1, ar, book)