Пример #1
def fixation_prob(n, m, a):
    matrix = [[0 for i in range(len(a))] for j in range(m)]
    # Population is diploid so number of alleles is 2N    
    n = 2*n
    for i in range(len(a)):
        # Frequency of each number of recessive alleles in the current pop.
        curr_gen = [0 for x in range(n+1)]
        curr_gen[a[i]] = 1
        # For each generatjon...
        for gen in range(m):
            next_gen = [0 for x in range(n+1)]
            for j in range(n+1): # frequency in next generation...
                for k in range(n+1): # frequency in current geneneration...
                    p1 = f(n) / f(j) / f(n-j) 
                    p2 = (k/n)**j * (1-(k/n))**(n-j) 
                    p3 = curr_gen[k]
                    next_gen[j] += p1 * p2 * p3
            curr_gen = next_gen
            # Store the common logarithm of the answer.
            matrix[gen][i] = log10(curr_gen[0])

    return matrix
Пример #2
def main():
    size = 20
    # size 'rights' + size 'downs'
    # combinations formula
    steps = size * 2
    result = f(steps) / (f(size) * f(steps - size))
    print('Result: ', int(result))
Пример #3
def perms(alist):
    acounter = Counter(alist)
    n = len(alist)
    ans = f(n)
    for key in acounter:
        ans /= f(acounter[key])
    return ans
Пример #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        school_dict = dict()
        for m in Project.objects.filter(
            if school_dict.has_key(m.manager.school):
                school_dict[m.manager.school] += 1
                school_dict[m.manager.school] = 1
        school_pairs = school_dict.items()
        school_pairs.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
        school_list = map(lambda x: x[0], school_pairs)
        robot_count = sum(school_dict.values())

        # generate groups
        if robot_count % 4 == 1:
            group_count = robot_count / 4
        elif robot_count % 4 == 2:
            group_count = robot_count / 4 + 1
        elif robot_count % 4 == 3:
            group_count = robot_count / 4 + 1
        elif robot_count % 4 == 0:
            group_count = robot_count / 4

        for i in range(1, group_count+1):
            SumoGroup.objects.create(order=i, is_final=False)

        group_list = SumoGroup.objects.filter(is_final=False)
        active_groups = list(group_list)
        passive_groups = list()

        for school in school_list:
            for m in Project.objects.filter(
                    manager__school=school, is_confirmed=True):
                if len(active_groups) == 0:
                    active_groups = passive_groups[:]
                    passive_groups = list()
                current_group = active_groups.pop()
                    group=current_group, robot=m)
        self.stdout.write('Sumo groups generated.')

        for group in SumoGroup.objects.all():
            order = 1
            teams = SumoGroupTeam.objects.filter(group=group)
            team_list = list(teams)
            count = len(team_list)
            for j in range(f(count) / f(2) / f(count-2) / 2):
                for i in range(0, len(team_list) / 2):
                        away=team_list[len(team_list) - i - 1].robot,
                        group=group, order=order)
                    order += 1
                hold = team_list.pop()
                team_list.insert(1, hold)
        self.stdout.write("Fixtures generated.")
Пример #5
def pure_py(xyz, Snlm, Tnlm, nmax, lmax):
    from scipy.special import lpmv, gegenbauer, eval_gegenbauer, gamma
    from math import factorial as f

    Plm = lambda l,m,costh: lpmv(m, l, costh)
    Ylmth = lambda l,m,costh: np.sqrt((2*l+1)/(4 * np.pi) * f(l-m)/f(l+m)) * Plm(l,m,costh)

    twopi = 2*np.pi
    sqrtpi = np.sqrt(np.pi)
    sqrt4pi = np.sqrt(4*np.pi)

    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, axis=0))
    X = xyz[2]/r # cos(theta)
    sinth = np.sqrt(1 - X**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0])
    xsi = (r - 1) / (r + 1)

    density = 0
    potenti = 0
    gradien = np.zeros_like(xyz)
    sph_gradien = np.zeros_like(xyz)
    for l in range(lmax+1):
        r_term1 = r**l / (r*(1+r)**(2*l+3))
        r_term2 = r**l / (1+r)**(2*l+1)
        for m in range(l+1):
            for n in range(nmax+1):
                Cn = gegenbauer(n, 2*l+3/2)
                Knl = 0.5 * n * (n+4*l+3) + (l+1)*(2*l+1)
                rho_nl = Knl / twopi * sqrt4pi * r_term1 * Cn(xsi)
                phi_nl = -sqrt4pi * r_term2 * Cn(xsi)

                density += rho_nl * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +
                potenti += phi_nl * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +

                # derivatives
                dphinl_dr = (2*sqrtpi*np.power(r,-1 + l)*np.power(1 + r,-3 - 2*l)*
                              (-2*(3 + 4*l)*r*eval_gegenbauer(-1 + n,2.5 + 2*l,(-1 + r)/(1 + r)) +
                              (1 + r)*(l*(-1 + r) + r)*eval_gegenbauer(n,1.5 + 2*l,(-1 + r)/(1 + r))))
                sph_gradien[0] += dphinl_dr * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +

                A = np.sqrt((2*l+1) / (4*np.pi)) * np.sqrt(gamma(l-m+1) / gamma(l+m+1))
                dYlm_dth = A / sinth * (l*X*Plm(l,m,X) - (l+m)*Plm(l-1,m,X))
                sph_gradien[1] += (1/r) * dYlm_dth * phi_nl * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +

                sph_gradien[2] += (m/(r*sinth)) * phi_nl * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (-Snlm[n,l,m]*np.sin(m*phi) +

    cosphi = np.cos(phi)
    sinphi = np.sin(phi)
    gradien[0] = sinth*cosphi*sph_gradien[0] + X*cosphi*sph_gradien[1] - sinphi*sph_gradien[2]
    gradien[1] = sinth*sinphi*sph_gradien[0] + X*sinphi*sph_gradien[1] + cosphi*sph_gradien[2]
    gradien[2] = X*sph_gradien[0] - sinth*sph_gradien[1]

    return density, potenti, gradien
Пример #6
def solve(fname):
    v,c = read_connections(fname)
    c = sorted(c,key=lambda x:x[2])
    from math import factorial as f
    n = len(c)
    for subset in itertools.combinations(c,v-1):
        if fully_connected(v,subset):
            return weight(c)-weight(subset)
Пример #7
def surprise_value(ss):
    from dist import simple_dist
    from math import factorial as f
    if len(ss) < 2: return 0

    l = len(ss)
    nC2 = f(l) / 2 / f(l-2)
    total_dist = sum(simple_dist(a,b) for (a,b) in itertools.combinations(ss,2))
    return total_dist / nC2
Пример #8
 def cntMatrix(self, A):
     # determine how far columns are sorted
     N, count = len(A), 0
     for i in xrange(1, N + 1):
         if N % i == 0:
             # check if all i chunks of array are sorted
             if self.chunkSortedChecker(i, A):
                 print 'For i: ', i,  pow(f(i), N / i, mod)
                 count += pow(f(i), N / i, mod)
     return count % mod
Пример #9
def bp_prob(s, a, b, k):
    n = len(s)
    N = count_kmers(s, 1)
    nn = [(i[1], i[0] in [a,b]) for i in N.items()]
    if k > min(N[a],N[b]) or k < 0: 
        return 0 
    ns = sum([( f(n-j) / ( reduce(lambda x,y: x*( f(y[0] - (j if y[1] else 0) ) ) , nn, 1) * f(j-k) * f(k) ) ) * (-1)**(j-k)\
              for j in range(k,min(N[a],N[b])+1)])
    return (ns / ( f(n) / ( reduce(lambda x,y: x*f(y[0]) , nn, 1) ) / 10**100   )   )*(10.0**(-100))
Пример #10
 def getPermutation(self, n, k):
     from math import factorial as f
     nums = range(1, n + 1)
     result = ''
     for i in range(n):
         q, r = k / f(n - 1 - i), k % f(n - 1 - i)
         if r > 0:
             q += 1
         result += str(nums[q - 1])
         nums.remove(nums[q - 1])
         k = r
     return result
def solve_equation(a, b, c):
    d = b * b - 4 * a * c
    if d > 0:
        x1 = (-b + f(d)) / (2 * a)
        x2 = (-b - f(d)) / (2 * a)
        return x1, x2
    elif d == 0:
        x = -b / (2 * a)
        return x, x
        x1 = complex(-b / (2 * a), f(-d) / (2 * a))
        x2 = complex(-b / (2 * a), -f(-d) / (2 * a))
        return x1, x2
Пример #12
def foo(num):
	while 1:
		tmp=sum([f(int(i)) for i in list(str(a[-1]))])
		if tmp in a: break
	return len(a)
Пример #13
def factorial_digits(x):
    x = str(x)
    total = 0
    for c in x:
        total += f(int(c))

    return total
Пример #14
def ncr(n,r):
    a = max(n-r,r)
    b = min(n-r,r)
    fac = 1
    while n>a:
        fac *= n
        n -= 1
    return fac/f(b)
Пример #15
def factorial_sum(n):
    if type(n) != list:
        n = list(str(n))
    for j,i in enumerate(n):
        n[j] = int(i)
    sum = 0
    for i in n:
        sum = sum + f(i)
    return sum
Пример #16
def main():
    # the max that we can reach is 9! * the number of digits
    i = 1
    lim = f(9)
    while lim * i > pow(10, i):
        i += 1
    lim *= i

    return sum([n for n in xrange(lim + 1) if is_factorian(n)])
Пример #17
def foo2(num):
	while 1:
		if a[-1] in b: tmp=b[a[-1]]
			tmp=sum([f(int(i)) for i in list(str(a[-1]))])
		if tmp in a: break
	return len(a)
Пример #18
 def __init__(self,h=5,w=8):
     bdata = []
     ndata = []
     mdata = []
     for l in range(h):
         line1 = []
         line2 = []
         line3 = []
         for c in range(w):
             line1 += [int(f(l+c)/(f(l+c-c)*f(c)))]
             line2 += [0]
             line3 += [0]
         ndata += [line1]
         bdata += [line2]
         mdata += [line3]
     self.h, self.w = h, w
     self.bdata = bdata
     self.ndata = ndata
     self.score = None
def getExpansion(beta_i,tList,lambda_s,alpha):
    term1 = [ alpha*np.exp(-beta_i*0.5)*np.exp(-1j*beta_i*t) / \
              (2*beta_i*np.sinh(beta_i/2))+ \
              alpha*np.exp(beta_i*0.5)*np.exp(1j*beta_i*t) /\
              for t in tList]

    expansionVersion = [0.0]*len(term1)
    for t_i in range(len(tList)):
        for n in range(100):
            expansionVersion[t_i] += ((np.exp(-alpha*lambda_s)/f(n))*term1[t_i]**n)
    return expansionVersion
Пример #20
def check(stars, smin=0, smax=2):
    if len(stars) == 0: return True
    len_s = len(stars)
    combos = f(len_s) / (f(len_s - 2) * 2)
    valid_combos = len(
        [pair for pair in combinations(stars, 2) if not adjacent(*pair)])
    if not (combos == valid_combos):
        return False
    for i in range(10):
        # Column check
        col_count = sum([1 if p % 10 == i else 0 for p in stars])
        if not (smin <= col_count <= smax):
            return False
        # Row check
        row_count = sum([1 if p // 10 == i else 0 for p in stars])
        if not (smin <= row_count <= smax):
            return False
        group_count = len(positions[i] & stars)
        if not (smin <= group_count <= smax):
            return False
    return True
Пример #21
 def form_Q(self):
     Q_list = []
     for l in range(1,self.m+1):
         for i in range(self.n):       
             for j in range(self.n):
                 if (((i>3) and (j<=3))) or (((j>3) and (i<=3))):
                 elif (i<=3) and (j<=3):
                     Q_i[i][j]= (f(r)*f(c)*(pow(self.t[l],r+c-7)-pow(self.t[l-1],r+c-7)))/(f(r-4)*f(c-4)*(r+c-7))
     Q = Q_list[0]
     for i in Q_list:
Пример #22
def buildHeap(arr, n):
    :param arr: given array
    :param n: size of array
    :return: None
    arr.insert(0, None)  # adding None
    start, stop, step = f(n / 2), 0, -1
    for i in range(start, stop, step):
        heapify(arr, n, i)
    heap_sort(arr, n)
    del arr[0]  # removing None
Пример #23
 def __getitem__(self, n):
     assert type(n) == int, 'Moment number must be an integer'
     m = 0
     a = np.real(self.fs[0])
     for i in range(1000):
             change = 2 * pi / f(i) * np.conj(((self.fs)**i)[n])
         except IndexError:
         m += change
         if abs(change) < 2**-10:
     return m
def missing4(my_list):
    n = 100
    mul_list = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, my_list)
    x_mul_y = f(n) // mul_list
    x_add_y = n * (n + 1) // 2 - sum(my_list)
    Substituting x from x_add_y to x*y=x_mul_y, gives us polynomial equation : 
    x**2 - x_add_y * x + x_mul_y = 0
    Now, Lets solve this polynomial equation using numpy module.
    coef = [1, -x_add_y, x_mul_y]
    x = np.roots(coef)  # Gives the two possible values of x.
    print(f'Two missing numbers are: {int(x[0])}, {int(x[1])}')
Пример #25
    def pdf(self, k):
        """Probability density function calculator for the gaussian distribution.
            k (float): point for calculating the probability density function
            float: probability density function output

        # TODO: Calculate the probability density function for a binomial distribution
        #  For a binomial distribution with n trials and probability p,
        #  the probability density function calculates the likelihood of getting
        #   k positive outcomes.
        #   For example, if you flip a coin n = 60 times, with p = .5,
        #   what's the likelihood that the coin lands on heads 40 out of 60 times?

        function = (f(self.n) / (f(k) * f(self.n - k))) * (self.p**k) * (
            (1 - self.p)**(self.n - k))
        return function
Пример #26
def probability(n, m, g, k):  
    # Population is diploid so number of alleles is 2N    
    n = 2*n
    # Hold the frequency of each number of dominant alleles in the current pop.
    curr_gen = [0 for i in range(n+1)]
    curr_gen[m] = 1
    # For each generation...
    for gen in range(g):
        next_gen = [0 for i in range(n+1)]
        for i in range(n+1): # next generation...
            for j in range(n+1): # current geneneration...
                a = f(n) / f(i) / f(n-i) 
                b = (j/n)**i * (1-(j/n))**(n-i) 
                c = curr_gen[j]
                next_gen[i] += a * b * c
        curr_gen = next_gen

    return sum(curr_gen[:-k])
Пример #27
def solution(n, k):
    result = []
    # 1~n까지의 배열 생성
    line = list(range(1, n + 1))

    while line:
        # 맨 앞자리수가 같은 수의 개수는 (n-1)!
        factorial = f(len(line) - 1)
        # 차례대로 존재하는 line 앞자리수의 인덱스를 구하기
        result.append(line.pop((k - 1) // factorial))
        k %= factorial

    return result
Пример #28
def main(): # how many lattice-routes (right, down) are there through a 20x20 grid?
	n = (20,20)
	path_length = n[0]

	# n! ouch!
	one_route = [0 for i in xrange(n[0])] + [1 for i in xrange(n[0])] # one-route right:0, down:1
	all_routes = set(list(permutations(one_route)))
	return len(all_routes)
	# this method assumes symmetry for grid
	# calculating combinations is much faster than permutations... like n^2 ?
	return len(list(combinations(range(path_length*2),path_length)))

	# I think we can do better...
	# oh duh... we don't need a list of all the paths,
	# just get the number -> use math:
	# n! / ( r! (n - r)! )
	n = path_length*2
	r = path_length
	ret = f(n)/( f(r) * f(n-r) )
	return ret
Пример #29
def calc(s):
    a, b = map(int, s.split(':'))

    if a < b:
        a, b = b, a

    if b < 24:
        return f(24 + b) // f(24) // f(b)

    return f(48) // f(24) // f(24) * 2**(b - 24)
Пример #30
def calc(s, k):
    a, b = map(int, s.split(':'))

    if a < b:
        a, b = b, a

    if b < k:
        return f(k + b) // f(k) // f(b)

    return f(2 * k) // f(k) // f(k) * 2**(b - k)
Пример #31
    def getPermutation(self, n: int, k: int) -> str:
        k -= 1
        arr = list(range(1, n + 1))
        indices = []
        step = f(n)
        while k != 0:
            step //= n
            i, k = divmod(k, step)
            n -= 1

        result = []
        for i in indices:
            del arr[i]

        return "".join(map(str, result + arr))
Пример #32
def col(n):
    while True:
        n=sum(list(map(lambda x: f(int(x)),str(n))))
        if n in v:
        if n<1000001:
            if A[n]!=0:
    for i in range(len(v)):
        if v[i]<1000001:
Пример #33
def func():
    n = 0
    x = n

    t1 = time.time()
    while n < 100000000000:
        if n == sum(f(int(d)) for d in str(n)):
            print("{}: {}".format(n, True))
            n += 1
            n += 1
        y = n
    t2 = time.time()
    print("\nFirst item: {}".format(x))
    print("Last item checked: {}".format(y))

    print("Time taken: {}s".format(round(t2 - t1, 4)))
def doTriangle(delta):
    betas = list(np.linspace(beta_i-delta,beta_i+delta,101))
    rho = [getRho(beta,delta,beta_i) for beta in betas]
    rhoArea = np.trapz(rho,x=betas)
    rho = [x/rhoArea for x in rho]
    P = [rho[b]/(2.0*betas[b]*np.sinh(betas[b]*0.5)) for b in range(len(betas))]
    integral = [alpha*np.trapz([P[b]*np.exp(-beta*0.5)*np.exp(-1j*beta*t) + \
                                P[b]*np.exp( beta*0.5)*np.exp( 1j*beta*t) \
                          for b,beta in enumerate(betas)],x=betas) for t in tList]

    triangleVersion = [0.0]*len(integral)
    for t_i in range(len(tList)):
        for n in range(50):
            triangleVersion[t_i] += ((np.exp(-alpha*lambda_s)/f(n))*integral[t_i]**n)
    return triangleVersion
Пример #35
def solve():
    m = f(9)
    for i in range(1,10):
        if i*m < 10**(i-1):
            lim = 10**(i-1)
    n = 10
    s = 0
    while n < lim: 
        p = f_sum(n)
        if p == n:
            s += n
        if p > n:
            n = (n//10 + 1)*10
            n += 1
    return s
Пример #36
def main():
    # Seek to find the number of non-repeating chains below one million
    # that have 60 terms

    # Upper limit
    lim = 1000000

    # First populate a cache of the factorials so we don't repeat them
    factorials = dict((str(n), f(n)) for n in range(10))

    # Cache chain lengths
    chain_lengths = {}

    for n in xrange(lim):
        current_chain = []

        new = n
        while True:
            new = sum(factorials[i] for i in str(new))

            if new in chain_lengths:
                # We know how long this chain is

            if new in current_chain:
                # repeated digit, chain is over

        # Find the additional contribution from the last sum
        additional_size = chain_lengths.get(new, 0)

        for i, num in enumerate(current_chain):
            if num not in chain_lengths:
                chain_lengths[num] = additional_size + len(current_chain) - i

    # Find all chains that are 60 sections long before they repeat
    # Note: in python, True is treated as 1 and False as 0
    solution = sum(value == 60 for value in chain_lengths.values())

    return solution
def poisson_pmf(rate, k):
    '''Given the rate, and k, the number of successes, write a function that
    calculates the PMF, E(X) and Var(X) of the Poisson distribution.

    In: The rate, k: number of successes; both ints or floats
    Out: PMF, E(X), Var(X); all ints or floats

    Ex: poisson_pmf(5, 0)
    >>>0.006737946999085469, 5, 5'''

    e = math.e

    numer = (rate**k) * (e**-rate)
    denom = f(k)

    pmf = numer / denom
    ex = rate
    varx = rate

    return pmf, ex, varx
def checkNthTerm():

    ar = list('abcdefghijklm')
    term = int(input().strip()) - 1

    length = 12  # this is  len(ar)-1
    string = ''
    while length:
        spam = f(length)
        egg = term // spam
        if term < spam:
            string += ar.pop(0)
            egg = term // spam
            string += ar.pop(egg)
            term -= (spam * egg)

        length -= 1

    for item in ar:
        string += item
 def numPairsDivisibleBy60(self, time: List[int]) -> int:
     time_simp = list(map(lambda x: x % 60, time))
     dic = {}
     for i in time_simp:
         if i not in dic.keys():
             dic[i] = 1
             dic[i] += 1
     counter = 0
     for i in range(1, 30):
         if i not in dic.keys() or (60 - i) not in dic.keys():
         counter += dic[i] * dic[60 - i]
     if 0 in dic.keys():
         num = dic[0]
         if num >= 2:
             counter += f(num) // (f(num - 2) * f(2))  # n choose 2
     if 30 in dic.keys():
         num = dic[30]
         if num >= 2:
             counter += f(num) // (f(num - 2) * f(2))  # n choose 2
     return counter
Пример #40
from math import factorial as f

s = int(input())
div = s // 3
mod = s % 3
a = 10**9 + 7
res = 0
while div != 0:
    res = (res + f(div - 1 + mod) // (f(div - 1) * f(mod))) % a
    div -= 1
    mod += 3

Пример #41
def CatalanNumber(index):
    from math import factorial as f
    return f(2 * index) // (f(index) * f(index + 1))
Пример #42
from math import factorial as f
print(int(f(40) / f(20)**2))
Пример #43
def cycle_count(cycle, n):
    return reduce(lambda cc, e: cc // (e[0]**e[1] * f(e[1])), Counter(cycle).items(), f(n))
Пример #44
def a(n): return f(2*n) / (f(n) ** 2)
print a(20)
Пример #45
from math import factorial as f
stringNum = list(map(str,range(10,100000)))
facts = list(filter(lambda n: sum(map(lambda l: f(int(l)),n)) == int(n), stringNum))
facts = list(map(int, facts))
Пример #46
from math import factorial as f

ftable = {i:f(i) for i in range(10)}
result = 0

for n in range(69, 1000000):
    chain = []
    term = n
    while term not in chain:
        if len(chain) == 60:
            #print (chain)
            result += 1
        term = sum (map(lambda x: ftable[int(x)], str(term)))

print (result)
Пример #47
from math import factorial as f

fact, ans, mod = [ f( i ) for i in range( 1001 ) ], [ 1 ] + [ 0 ] * 1000, 10056

for horse in range( 1, 1001 ):
    comb = horse
    for first in range( 1, horse + 1 ):
        ans[ horse ] = ( ans[ horse ] + comb * ans[ horse - first ] ) % mod
        comb = comb * ( horse - first ) // ( first + 1 )

for t in range( int( input() ) ):
    print( 'Case %d: %d' % ( t + 1, ans[ int( input() ) ] ) )
Пример #48
from math import factorial as f

# def f(n):
#     return n * f(n-1) if n > 1 else 1
# print(f(int(input())))
Пример #49
from math import factorial as f

def fd(n):
    digits = [f(int(x)) for x in str(n)]
    return sum(digits)

    sum([x for x in range(3, 100000)
         if sum([f(int(y)) for y in str(x)]) == x]))
Пример #50
def nCr(n, r):
   from math import factorial as f
   return f(n) // (f(n-r)*f(r))
Пример #51
#!/usr/bin/env python

from math import factorial as f

if __name__ == '__main__':
  count = 0
  for r in range(101):
    for n in range(r, 101):
      if f(n) / (f(r) * f(n-r)) > 1000000:
        count += 1
  print count
Пример #52
# factorial 함수만 import
from math import factorial
n = factorial(5) / factorial(3)

# 여러 함수를 import
from math import (factorial, acos)
n = factorial(3) + acos(1)

# 모든 함수를 import
from math import *
n = sqrt(5) + fabs(-12.5)

# factorial() 함수를 f()로 사용 가능
from math import factorial as f
n = f(5) / f(3)

# 모듈 위치
# import하면 모듈을 찾기 위해 다음과 같은 경로를 순서대로 검색
# 1. 현재 디렉토리
# 2. 환경변수 PYTHONPATH에 지정된 경로
# 3. Python이 설치된 경로 및 그 밑의 라이브러리 경로

# 모듈 작성
# mylib.py
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def substract(a, b):
from math import factorial as f

for i in range(50000):
    s = 0
    for num in list(str(i)):
        s += f(int(num))
    if s == i:
        print('{} is a factorion.'.format(i))
Пример #54
def fd(n):
    digits = [f(int(x)) for x in str(n)]
    return sum(digits)
Пример #55

from math import factorial as f
print f(40)/(f(40-20)*f(20)) # Combinations of 20 in 20 * 2

# def find_nb_paths(x = 0, y = 0):
# 	if x == MAX_LEFT and y == MAX_DOWN:
# 		return 1
# 	total = 0
# 	if x < MAX_LEFT:
# 		total += find_nb_paths(x + 1, y)
# 	if y < MAX_DOWN:
# 		total += find_nb_paths(x, y + 1)
# 	return total

# print "Total:", find_nb_paths()
Пример #56
#1010 다리놓기
from math import factorial as f
from sys import stdin
for i in range(int(stdin.readline().strip())):
    n, m = map(int, stdin.readline().split())
    if n == m:
    elif n == 1:
        print(int(f(m) / (f(n) * f(m - n))))
from math import factorial as f
    'n,m=map(int,input().split())\nif n==m:print(1)\nelif n==1:print(m)\nelse:print(int(f(m)/(f(n)*f(m-n))))\n'
    * int(input()))
Пример #57
"""145 is a curious number, as 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145.

Find the sum of all numbers which are equal to the sum of the
factorial of their digits.

Note: as 1! = 1 and 2! = 2 are not sums they are not included.


9! = 362880 ==> 
9! * 8 = 7 digits ==>
max of 7 digits or 10000000 bound
or 9! ** 7


from math import factorial as f

def curious(n):
    return n == sum(f(int(d)) for d in str(n))

ans = sum(filter(curious, range(3, f(9)*6)))

Пример #58
def ncr(n, r):
    """a function to find the
    return f(n) / (f(r) * f(n - r))
Пример #59
def curious(n):
    return n == sum(f(int(d)) for d in str(n))