Пример #1
def shapecontains(shape, pos):
    sx, sy = shape["pos"]
    theta = math.atan2(sx, sy) if sx or sy else 0
    dx, dy = math.R(theta, pos)
    dy -= math.length((sx, sy))
    if shape["type"] == "circle":
        return math.length(dx, dy) <= shape["r"]
    if shape["type"] == "shard":
        sw, sh = shape["size"]
        return abs(dx / sw) + abs(dy / sh) < 1
    if shape["type"] == "blade":
        w = shape["width"]
        dx = abs(dx / w)
        dy /= 4 * w
        return (dy < 0 and dx < 1) or (dy >= 0 and dx + dy < 1)
Пример #2
def addpoint(pos):
	x, y = view.FconvertB(Fspot1, pos)
	r = math.length((x, y))
	na = 12 / math.tau * math.atan2(x, y)
	n, a = divmod(na, 1)
	n = int(n)
	if n % 2 == 1:
		a = 1 - a
	a = round(a, 3)
	r = round(r, 3)
	data = a, r, n

	if n % 2 == 1:
		a = 1 - a
	C, S = math.CS((n + a) / 12 * math.tau, r)
	pF = S, C
	covered = iscovered(pF)
	if covered:
		self.ydata += [data]
		self.yespoints += [pF]
		self.ndata += [data]
		self.nopoints += [pF]
	print([self.ydata, self.ndata])
Пример #3
    def polygon(self, f=1):
        key = self.pos, self.width, f
        if key == self.cpolygonkey:
            return self.cpolygon
        s = math.length(self.pos)
        x, y = self.pos
        x0 = self.width
        y0 = 2 / math.tan(math.radians(30)) * self.width
        beta = math.atan2(x - x0, y - y0)
        gamma = 4 * beta - math.tau / 8
        ds = beta / (math.tau / 12)  # 0 on left 1 on right

        s0 = (1 - 0.4 * ds) * s
        d = (0.2 * ds**2) * s
        p0 = -0.02, s0
        p1 = d, s0
        C, S = math.CS(gamma + 3 / 8 * math.tau, d)
        p2 = x + C, y - S
        p3 = self.pos
        ps = bezier([p0, p1, p2, p3])

        s1 = (1 - 0.4 * (1 - ds)) * s
        d = (0.2 * (1 - ds)**2) * s
        p0 = s1 * S30 + 0.02 * C30, s1 * C30 - 0.02 * S30
        p1 = s1 * S30 - d * C30, s1 * C30 + d * S30
        C, S = math.CS(gamma + 3 / 8 * math.tau, d)
        p2 = x + S, y + C
        p3 = self.pos
        ps += bezier([p0, p1, p2, p3])[::-1][1:]
        self.cpolygonkey = key
        self.cpolygon = thicken(ps, f * self.width)
        return self.cpolygon
Пример #4
 def polygon(self, f=1):
     s = math.length(self.anchors[0])
     CSs = [math.CS(math.radians(theta)) for theta in range(-1, 35, 3)]
     w = self.width * f
     return [((s + w) * S, (s + w) * C)
             for C, S in CSs] + [((s - w) * S, (s - w) * C)
                                 for C, S in reversed(CSs)]
Пример #5
 def polygon(self, f=1):
     s = math.length(self.anchors[0])
     w = self.width * f
     return [
         ((s + w) * S15 - C15, (s + w) * C15 + S15),
         ((s + w) * S15 + C15, (s + w) * C15 - S15),
         ((s - w) * S15 + C15, (s - w) * C15 - S15),
         ((s - w) * S15 - C15, (s - w) * C15 + S15),
Пример #6
 def setstate(self, x1, y1, **args):
     self.x1 = x1
     self.y1 = y1
     self.dx = self.x1 - self.x
     self.dy = self.y1 - self.y
     self.slope = self.dy / self.dx
     self.d = math.length((self.dx, self.dy))
     self.dhat = self.dhatx, self.dhaty = math.norm((self.dx, self.dy))
     self.scale = view.scale(self.z)
     self.d0 = self.d * self.scale
Пример #7
 def constrain(self, pos, j):
     if pos[1] < 0.0001:
         pos = pos[0], 0.0001
     if pos[0] < 0:
         pos = 0, pos[1]
     if math.dot(pos, (C30, -S30)) > 0:
         pos, _ = ptoline(pos, (S30, C30))
     a = math.length(pos)
     if a > 1 - self.r:
         pos = math.norm(pos, 1 - self.r)
     return pos
Пример #8
 def constrain(self, pos, j):
     if pos[1] < 0.0001:
         pos = pos[0], 0.0001
     if pos[0] < self.width:
         pos = self.width, pos[1]
     if math.dot(math.norm(pos), (C30, -S30)) > -self.width:
         pos, _ = ptoline(pos, (S30, C30))
         pos = pos[0] - self.width * C30, pos[1] + self.width * S30
     a = math.length(pos)
     if a > 1 - self.width:
         pos = math.norm(pos, 1 - self.width)
     return pos
Пример #9
 def polygon(self, f=1):
     s = math.length(self.pos)
     x, y = self.pos
     x0 = self.width
     y0 = 2 / math.tan(math.radians(30)) * self.width
     beta = math.atan2(x - x0, y - y0)
     gamma = 4 * beta - math.tau / 8
     ds = beta / (math.tau / 12)
     s0 = (0.6 + 0.2 * ds) * s
     s1 = (0.8 - 0.2 * ds) * s
     d = 0.3 * s
     p0 = -0.01, s0
     p1 = d, s0
     C, S = math.CS(gamma + 3 / 8 * math.tau, d)
     p2 = x + S, y + C
     p3 = self.pos
     ps = bezier([p0, p1, p2, p3])
     p0 = self.pos
     p1 = x + C, y - S
     p2 = s1 * S30 - d * C30, s1 * C30 + d * S30
     p3 = s1 * S30, s1 * C30
     ps += bezier([p0, p1, p2, p3])[1:]
     return thicken(ps, f * self.width)
Пример #10
 def contains(self, pos):
     s = math.length(self.anchors[0])
     d = math.length(pos)
     return abs(s - d) < self.width
Пример #11
	def contains(self, pos):
		return math.length(view.FconvertB(self.Fspot, pos)) < 1
Пример #12
    import a
except ImportError:
    print("Error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
except NameError:
    print("Error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
    lst = [2, 25, 41]
except IndexError:
    print("Error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
    import math
except AttributeError:
    print("Error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
    print("Try and except is finished")

#Simple calculator
    m = input("Enter the two operand:")
    n = input()
    a = float(m)
    b = float(n)
except ValueError:
    print("Error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
print("+  -  *  /")