Пример #1
    def from_px_to_lon(px: float, zoom: float) -> float:
        Convert px coordinate into longitude


        lon = 360 * px / 2^zoom - 180

        source: Book, OpenStreetMap, Ramm, Frederik, Topf, Jochen, page 177
            px {float} -- x pixel coordinate
            zoom {float} -- zoom level
            float -- longitude
        return 360 * (px / math_pow(2, zoom)) - 180
Пример #2
 def prefer_shorter(video_metadata, query):
     duration = video_metadata[2].get('metadata',
                                              {}).get('duration', {})
     duration = DateMan.iso2hms(duration)
     duration = duration.split(':')
     length = 0
         for idx, _ in enumerate(duration):
             length += int(duration[idx]) * math_pow(60, idx)
     except Exception as _:
         logger.error('score:prefer_shorter:%r', duration)
         return 0
     # less than 15 minutes
     if length <= 900:
         score = 0
         score = -20
     return score
Пример #3
    def from_py_to_lat(py: float, zoom: float) -> float:
        Convert py coordinate into latitude


        lat = arctan(sinh(pi-(pi*y)/2^(zoom-1)))180/pi

        source: Book, OpenStreetMap, Ramm, Frederik, Topf, Jochen, page 177
            py {float} -- y pixel coordinate
            zoom {float} -- zoom level
            float -- latitude
        # 57.29577951308232 = 180 / pi
        return atan(
            sinh(pi - (pi * py) / math_pow(2, zoom - 1))) * 57.29577951308232
Пример #4
def pow(n, p):
    if n == None or p == None:
        return None
    return math_pow(n, p)
Пример #5
    def word_segmentation(self,
        """`word_segmentation` divides a string into words by inserting
        missing spaces at the appropriate positions misspelled words
        are corrected and do not affect segmentation existing spaces
        are allowed and considered for optimum segmentation

        `word_segmentation` uses a novel approach *without* recursion.
        While each string of length n can be segmented in 2^n−1
        possible compositions
        `word_segmentation` has a linear runtime O(n) to find the optimum

        Find suggested spellings for a multi-word input string
        (supports word splitting/merging).


        * phrase (str): The string being spell checked.
        * max_segmentation_word_length (int): The maximum word length\
            that should be considered.
        * max_edit_distance (int): The maximum edit distance between\
            input and corrected words (0=no correction/segmentation\
        * ignore_token (regex pattern): A regex pattern describing\
            what words/phrases to ignore and leave unchanged

        The word segmented string, the word segmented and spelling\
            corrected string, the edit distance sum between input\
            string and corrected string, the sum of word occurence\
            probabilities in log scale (a measure of how common and\
            probable the corrected segmentation is).
        # number of all words in the corpus used to generate the
        # frequency dictionary. This is used to calculate the word
        # occurrence probability p from word counts c : p=c/N. N equals
        # the sum of all counts c in the dictionary only if the
        # dictionary is complete, but not if the dictionary is
        # truncated or filtered
        N = 1024908267229
        if max_edit_distance is None:
            max_edit_distance = self._max_dictionary_edit_distance
        if max_segmentation_word_length is None:
            max_segmentation_word_length = self._max_length
        array_size = min(max_segmentation_word_length, len(phrase))
        compositions = [Composition()] * array_size
        circular_index = cycle(range(array_size))
        idx = -1

        # outer loop (column): all possible part start positions
        for j in range(len(phrase)):
            # inner loop (row): all possible part lengths (from start
            # position): part can't be bigger than longest word in
            # dictionary (other than long unknown word)
            imax = min(len(phrase) - j, max_segmentation_word_length)
            for i in range(1, imax + 1):
                # get top spelling correction/ed for part
                part = phrase[j:j + i]
                separator_len = 0
                top_ed = 0
                top_log_prob = 0.0
                top_result = ""

                if part[0].isspace():
                    # remove space for levensthein calculation
                    part = part[1:]
                    # add ed+1: space did not exist, had to be inserted
                    separator_len = 1

                # remove space from part1, add number of removed spaces
                # to top_ed
                top_ed += len(part)
                # remove space.
                # add number of removed spaces to ed
                part = part.replace(" ", "")
                top_ed -= len(part)

                results = self.lookup(part,
                if results:
                    top_result = results[0].term
                    top_ed += results[0].distance
                    # Naive Bayes Rule. We assume the word
                    # probabilities of two words to be independent.
                    # Therefore the resulting probability of the word
                    # combination is the product of the two word
                    # probabilities. Instead of computing the product
                    # of probabilities we are computing the sum of the
                    # logarithm of probabilities because the
                    # probabilities of words are about 10^-10, the
                    # product of many such small numbers could exceed
                    # (underflow) the floating number range and become
                    # zero. log(ab)=log(a)+log(b)
                    top_log_prob = math_log10(
                        float(results[0].count) / float(N))
                    top_result = part
                    # default, if word not found. otherwise long input
                    # text would win as long unknown word (with
                    # ed=edmax+1), although there there should many
                    # spaces inserted
                    top_ed += len(part)
                    top_log_prob = math_log10(10.0 / N /
                                              math_pow(10.0, len(part)))

                dest = (i + idx) % array_size
                # set values in first loop
                if j == 0:
                    compositions[dest] = Composition(part, top_result, top_ed,
                # pylint: disable=C0301,R0916
                elif (i == max_segmentation_word_length
                      # replace values if better log_prob_sum, if same
                      # edit distance OR one space difference
                      or ((compositions[idx].distance_sum + top_ed
                           == compositions[dest].distance_sum
                           or compositions[idx].distance_sum + separator_len +
                           top_ed == compositions[dest].distance_sum)
                          and compositions[dest].log_prob_sum <
                          compositions[idx].log_prob_sum + top_log_prob)
                      # replace values if smaller edit distance
                      or compositions[idx].distance_sum + separator_len +
                      top_ed < compositions[dest].distance_sum):
                    compositions[dest] = Composition(
                        compositions[idx].segmented_string + " " + part,
                        compositions[idx].corrected_string + " " + top_result,
                        compositions[idx].distance_sum + separator_len +
                        top_ed, compositions[idx].log_prob_sum + top_log_prob)
            idx = next(circular_index)
        return compositions[idx]
def num_tiles(z):
Пример #7
def num_tiles(z):
    return (math_pow(2, z))