Пример #1
def _rfact(l, m):
    pi4 = 4 * pi
    if m == 0:
        return msqrt((2*l + 1)/pi4)
    elif m < 0:
        return -msqrt(2*(2*l + 1)/pi4 * fact(l-m)/fact(l+m)) * (-1) ** m
    return msqrt(2*(2*l + 1)/pi4 * fact(l-m)/fact(l+m))
Пример #2
 def calculate_solutions(self):
     self.C = 3 * self.b**2 - 8 * self.a * self.c
     self.D = 2 * self.b**3 - 8 * self.a * self.b * self.c + 16 * self.a * self.a * self.d
     self.E = -3 * self.b ** 4 + 16 * self.a * self.b ** 2 * self.c - 64 * self.a ** 2 * self.b * self.d +\
              256 * self.a ** 3 * self.e
     self.X = self.C**2 + 3 * self.E
     self.Y = -self.C**3 + 9 * self.C * self.E + 27 * self.D**2
     if self.X > 0:
         self.W += [
             sqrt((self.C +
                   sqrt(self.X) * cos(acos(self.Y / sqrt(self.X**3)) / 3)) /
             sqrt((self.C + sqrt(self.X) *
                   cos(acos(self.Y / sqrt(self.X**3)) / 3 - 2 * pi / 3)) /
                 (self.C + sqrt(self.X) *
                  cos(acos(self.Y / sqrt(self.X**3)) / 3 - 4 * pi / 3)) / 3)
     if self.Y * self.Y >= self.X * self.X * self.X:
         self.W += [
             sqrt((2 * self.C +
                   cubic_root(self.Y + msqrt(self.Y**2 - self.X**3)) +
                   cubic_root(self.Y - msqrt(self.Y**2 - self.X**3))) / 6)
     self.W = sorted(self.W, key=abs)
     self.Z = self.W[-1]
Пример #3
 def angle(self, n1, n2, n3, unit='radian'):
     """compute angle n1-n2-n3. Provide real atom numbers"""
     r1 = array(self.atoms[n1 - 1].pos())
     r2 = array(self.atoms[n2 - 1].pos())
     r3 = array(self.atoms[n3 - 1].pos())
     P1 = r1 - r2
     P2 = r3 - r2
     P1n = msqrt(sum(P1 * P1))
     P2n = msqrt(sum(P2 * P2))
     angle = macos(sum(P1 * P2) / (P1n * P2n))
     conv = 180. / mPi
     if unit == 'deg':
         angle *= conv
     return angle
Пример #4
 def angle(self,n1,n2,n3,unit='radian'):
     """compute angle n1-n2-n3. Provide real atom numbers"""
     r1 = array(self.atoms[n1-1].pos())
     r2 = array(self.atoms[n2-1].pos())
     r3 = array(self.atoms[n3-1].pos())
     P1 = r1-r2
     P2 = r3-r2
     P1n= msqrt(sum(P1*P1))
     P2n= msqrt(sum(P2*P2))
     angle = macos(sum(P1*P2)/(P1n*P2n))
     conv = 180./mPi
     if unit=='deg':
     return angle
Пример #5
def distance(p0, p1, doRound=False):
    # Calculate the distance between two points
    d = msqrt((p0.x - p1.x) ** 2 + (p0.y - p1.y) ** 2)
    if doRound:
        return int(round(d))
        return d
Пример #6
def fusionLR(p):
    z = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    for ((x, _), a) in p.items():
        z[x] += abs(a)**2
    for (x, a) in z.items():
        z[x] = msqrt(a)
    return z
Пример #7
def cps(mat_1, mat_2):
    Find rotation and translation difference between two transformations.
            Transformation matrices.
        The translation and rotation differences
    mat1 = matrix(mat_1)
    mat2 = matrix(mat_2)

    # mat to euler (angular distance not accurate!)
    #t1,p1,s1 = _rotmat_to_euler(mat1)
    #t2,p2,s2 = _rotmat_to_euler(mat2)
    #ang_magnitude = msqrt(mpow(t2-t1,2)+mpow(p2-p1,2)+mpow(s2-s1,2))
    matR1 = matrix([mat_1[0][:-1], mat_1[1][:-1], mat_1[2][:-1]])
    matR2 = matrix([mat_2[0][:-1], mat_2[1][:-1], mat_2[2][:-1]])
    matR = matR2 * matR1.transpose()
    ang_magnitude, xV, yV, zV = _rotmat_to_axisangle(matR)
    ang_magnitude = ang_magnitude * (180.0 / pi)
    shift = msqrt(
        mpow(mat2[0, 3] - mat1[0, 3], 2) + mpow(mat2[1, 3] - mat1[1, 3], 2) +
        mpow(mat2[2, 3] - mat1[2, 3], 2))
    #print (mpow(mat2[0,3]-mat1[0,3],2)+mpow(mat2[1,3]-mat1[1,3],2)+mpow(mat2[2,3]-mat1[2,3],2)), ang_magnitude
    #acps_score = (pi/360)*(mpow(mat2[0,3]-mat1[0,3],2)+mpow(mat2[1,3]-mat1[1,3],2)+mpow(mat2[2,3]-mat1[2,3],2))*abs(ang_magnitude)
    return shift, ang_magnitude
Пример #8
def mesh(startx, starty, endx, endy, side=None, area=None):
    """ Compute a mesh grid

    :param startx:
    :param starty:
    :param endx:
    :param endy:
    :param side:
    :param area:
    if not side:
        side = msqrt(area)

    startx = startx - side/2
    starty = starty - side/2
    endx = endx + side/2
    endy = endy + side/2
    origx = startx

    polygons = []
    while starty < endy:
        startx = origx
        while startx < endx:
            poly = [
                (startx, starty),
                (startx, starty + side),
                (startx + side, starty + side),
                (startx + side, starty)]
            startx += side
        starty += side

    return polygons
Пример #9
def distance(p0, p1, doRound=False):
    # Calculate the distance between two points
    d = msqrt((p0.x - p1.x) ** 2 + (p0.y - p1.y) ** 2)
    if doRound:
        return int(round(d))
        return d
    def hyperopt_loss_function(results: DataFrame, trade_count: int,
                               min_date: datetime, max_date: datetime,
                               config: Dict, processed: Dict[str, DataFrame],
                               backtest_stats: Dict[str, Any], *args,
                               **kwargs) -> float:
        Objective function, returns smaller number for more optimal results.

        Uses Calmar Ratio calculation.
        total_profit = backtest_stats["profit_total"]
        days_period = (max_date - min_date).days

        # adding slippage of 0.1% per trade
        total_profit = total_profit - 0.0005
        expected_returns_mean = total_profit.sum() / days_period * 100

        # calculate max drawdown
            _, _, _, high_val, low_val = calculate_max_drawdown(
                results, value_col="profit_abs")
            max_drawdown = (high_val - low_val) / high_val
        except ValueError:
            max_drawdown = 0

        if max_drawdown != 0:
            calmar_ratio = expected_returns_mean / max_drawdown * msqrt(365)
            # Define high (negative) calmar ratio to be clear that this is NOT optimal.
            calmar_ratio = -20.0

        # print(expected_returns_mean, max_drawdown, calmar_ratio)
        return -calmar_ratio
Пример #11
def sqNear0(lf):
Пример #12
    def toSphere(self):
        """ Create a sphere which is surely encompassing the *full* shape """
        from .ellipsoid import Sphere

        # Retrieve spheres
        A = self.A.toSphere()
        Ar = A.radius
        Ac = A.center
        B = self.B.toSphere()
        Br = B.radius
        Bc = B.center

        # Calculate the distance between the spheres
        dist = fnorm(Ac - Bc)

        # If one is fully enclosed in the other, we can simply neglect the other
        if dist + Ar <= Br:
            # A is fully enclosed in B (or they are the same)
            return A

        elif dist + Br <= Ar:
            # B is fully enclosed in A (or they are the same)
            return B

        elif dist <= (Ar + Br):
            # We can reduce the sphere drastically because only the overlapping region is important
            # i_r defines the intersection radius, search for Sphere-Sphere Intersection
            dx = (dist**2 - Br**2 + Ar**2) / (2 * dist)

            if dx > dist:
                # the intersection is placed after the radius of B
                # And in this case B is smaller (otherwise dx < 0)
                return B
            elif dx < 0:
                return A

            i_r = msqrt(4 * (dist * Ar)**2 -
                        (dist**2 - Br**2 + Ar**2)**2) / (2 * dist)

            # Now we simply need to find the dx point along the vector Bc - Ac
            # Then we can easily calculate the point from A
            center = Bc - Ac
            center = Ac + center / fnorm(center) * dx
            A = i_r
            B = i_r

            # In this case there is actually no overlap. So perhaps we should
            # create an infinitisemal sphere such that no point will ever be found
            # Or we should return a new Shape which *always* return False for indices etc.
            center = (Ac + Bc) * 0.5
            # Currently we simply use a very small sphere and put it in the middle between
            # the spheres
            # This should at least speed up comparisons
            A = 0.001
            B = 0.001

        return Sphere(max(A, B), center)
Пример #13
 def is_close_phy(self, coor1, coor2, max_dist=15):
     self.etc.log("Calculating proximity(PHY)")
         dX = coor1[0] - coor2[0]
         dY = coor1[1] - coor2[1]
         dist = msqrt(mpow(dX, 2) + mpow(dY, 2))
         return (dist < max_dist)
     except Exception as e:
Пример #14
 def bond(self, n1, n2, unit='bohr'):
     """compute bond length between atoms n1 and n2. Provide real atom numbers"""
     r1 = array(self.atoms[n1 - 1].pos())
     r2 = array(self.atoms[n2 - 1].pos())
     bond = msqrt(sum((r1 - r2)**2))
     conv = 0.5291772086
     if unit.lower().startswith('a'):
         bond *= conv
     return bond
Пример #15
 def bond(self,n1,n2,unit='bohr'):
     """compute bond length between atoms n1 and n2. Provide real atom numbers"""
     r1 = array(self.atoms[n1-1].pos())
     r2 = array(self.atoms[n2-1].pos())
     bond = msqrt(sum((r1-r2)**2))
     conv = 0.5291772086
     if unit.lower().startswith('a'):
     return bond
Пример #16
def honeycomb(startx, starty, endx, endy, radius=None, area=None):




    if not radius:
        radius = msqrt(area / (2*msqrt(3)))

    return (Polygon(poly) for poly in honeycomb_nb(startx, starty, endx, endy, radius))
Пример #17
def fusionLR(p):
    z = defaultdict(float)
    for (c, a) in p.items():
        x1 = c[0]
        d1 = c[1]
        x2 = c[2]
        d2 = c[3]
        z[x1] += abs(a)**2
        z[x2] += abs(a)**2
    for (x, a) in z.items():
        z[x] = msqrt(a)
    return z
Пример #18
def ldist(z, q0=None, lambda0=None):
   term1 = (1. + z) ** 2
   term2 = 1. + 2. * (q0 + lambda0) * z
   term3 = z * (2. + z) * lambda0
   denom = (term1 * term2 - term3)
   if denom>0:
      out = 1. / msqrt(denom) # since the function is used with scalar arguments
								  # I use math.sqrt instead of numpy.sqrt for
                                  # performance reasons
      out = 0.
   return out
Пример #19
def sqrt_dd(x, y):
    if x == 0.0:
        return (0.0, 0.0)
    r = msqrt(x)
    u = r * 134217729.0
    s2 = u - (u - r)
    f2 = r - s2
    s = r * r
    f = ((s2 * s2 - s) + 2.0 * s2 * f2) + f2 * f2
    e = (x - s - f + y) * 0.5 / r
    r0 = r + e
    e = e - (r0 - r)
    return r0, e
Пример #20
def ldist(z, q0=None, lambda0=None):
   term1 = (1. + z) ** 2
   term2 = 1. + 2. * (q0 + lambda0) * z
   term3 = z * (2. + z) * lambda0
   denom = (term1 * term2 - term3)
   if denom>0:
      out = 1. / msqrt(denom) # since the function is used with scalar arguments
								  # I use math.sqrt instead of numpy.sqrt for
                                  # performance reasons
      out = 0.
   return out
Пример #21
def weight_std(values, weights):
    """ Return weighted standard deviation

    Use math.sqrt rather than numpy.sqrt for speed
    :param values:
    :param weights:
        average = np.average(values, weights=weights)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return None
    variance = np.average((values - average)**2, weights=weights)
    return msqrt(variance)
Пример #22
    def build_vocab(self, sentences, threshold=0):
        Build vocabulary from a sequence of sentences (can be a once-only generator stream).
        Each sentence must be a list of utf8 strings.

        logger.info("collecting all words and their counts")
        sentence_no, vocab = -1, {}
        total_words = 0
        for sentence_no, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
            if sentence_no % 10000 == 0:
                logger.info("PROGRESS: at sentence #%i, processed %i words and %i unique words" %
                    (sentence_no, total_words, len(vocab)))
            for word in sentence:
                total_words += 1
                    vocab[word].count += 1
                except KeyError:
                    vocab[word] = Vocab(count=1)
        logger.info("collected %i unique words from a corpus of %i words and %i sentences" %
            (len(vocab), total_words, sentence_no + 1))

        # assign a unique index to each word
        self.vocab, self.index2word = {}, []
        for word, v in vocab.iteritems():
            if v.count >= self.min_count:
                v.index = len(self.vocab)
                self.vocab[word] = v
        logger.info("total of %i unique words after removing those with count < %s" % (len(self.vocab), self.min_count))

        # add probabilities for subsampling (if threshold > 0)
        if threshold > 0:
            total_words = float(sum(v.count for v in self.vocab.itervalues()))
            for word in self.vocab:
                # formula from paper
                #self.vocab[word].prob = max(0.,1.-msqrt(threshold*total_words/self.vocab[word].count))
                # formula from code
                self.vocab[word].prob = (msqrt(self.vocab[word].count / (threshold * total_words)) + 1.) * (threshold * total_words) / self.vocab[word].count
            # if prob is 0, word wont get discarded 
            for word in self.vocab:
                self.vocab[word].prob = 0.
        # add info about each word's Huffman encoding
        if TRAINING == 'hsoftm':
        # build the table for drawing random words (for negative sampling)
Пример #23
    def dihedral(self, n1, n2, n3, n4, unit='radian'):
        """compute dihedral angle n1-n2-n3-n4. Provide real atom numbers. 
The dihedral evaluated by this code gave opposite signs as compared with MOLDEN for a test NMA molecule"""
        r1 = array(self.atoms[n1 - 1].pos())
        r2 = array(self.atoms[n2 - 1].pos())
        r3 = array(self.atoms[n3 - 1].pos())
        r4 = array(self.atoms[n4 - 1].pos())
        P1 = r2 - r1
        P2 = r3 - r2
        P3 = r4 - r3
        N1 = cross(P1, P2)
        N2 = cross(P2, P3)
        N1 /= msqrt(sum(N1 * N1))
        N2 /= msqrt(sum(N2 * N2))
        #angle = macos(mabs(sum(N1*N2)))
        P2 /= msqrt(sum(P2 * P2))
        M1 = cross(N1, P2)
        x = sum(N1 * N2)
        y = sum(M1 * N2)
        angle = arctan2(y, x)
        conv = 180. / mPi
        if unit == 'deg':
            angle *= conv
        return angle
Пример #24
    def dihedral(self,n1,n2,n3,n4,unit='radian'):
        """compute dihedral angle n1-n2-n3-n4. Provide real atom numbers. 
The dihedral evaluated by this code gave opposite signs as compared with MOLDEN for a test NMA molecule"""
        r1 = array(self.atoms[n1-1].pos())
        r2 = array(self.atoms[n2-1].pos())
        r3 = array(self.atoms[n3-1].pos())
        r4 = array(self.atoms[n4-1].pos())
        P1 = r2-r1
        P2 = r3-r2
        P3 = r4-r3
        N1 = cross(P1,P2)
        N2 = cross(P2,P3)
        N1/= msqrt(sum(N1*N1))
        N2/= msqrt(sum(N2*N2))
        #angle = macos(mabs(sum(N1*N2)))
        P2/= msqrt(sum(P2*P2))
        M1 = cross(N1,P2)
        x = sum(N1*N2)
        y = sum(M1*N2)
        angle = arctan2(y,x)
        conv = 180./mPi
        if unit=='deg':
        return angle
Пример #25
def my_errornorm(u, u_hp, m_norm):
  Compute the m-norm th seminorm of u-u_hp. Combines the implementations
  of norm and errornorm from FEniCS. No sanity checks for types, etc.
  # compute the error by interpolating both u and u_hp onto higher order DG
  # space 
  mesh = u_hp.function_space().mesh()
  order = u_hp.ufl_element().degree() + 3

  if u.ufl_element().degree() < order:
    print "Increase order in the expresion!"

  DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', order)
  u = interpolate(u, DG)
  u_hp = interpolate(u_hp, DG)

  # Compute the difference
  e = Function(DG)
  e.vector().axpy(-1.0, u_hp.vector())

  if m_norm == 0:
    norm = assemble(inner(e, e)*dx,\
                 form_compiler_parameters={"representation" : "quadrature"})
  elif m_norm == 1:
    norm = assemble(inner(grad(e), grad(e))*dx,\
                 form_compiler_parameters={"representation" : "quadrature"})
  elif m_norm == 2:
    norm = assemble(inner(div(grad(e)), div(grad(e)))*dx,\
                 form_compiler_parameters={"representation" : "quadrature"})
    raise ValueError("Only H_m norms, m=0, 1, 2 are suported.")

  if norm < 0:
    print "Warning. Round off problems?", norm
    norm = -1     # this is a flag indicator
    norm = msqrt(norm)

  return norm
Пример #26
    def lookAtNearestFood(self, individu):
        finds the nearest food and return the vector pointing at it

            individu - int - id of the object to link it to the window

            lookAtNearestFood - python list - coordinates x and y of the nearest food

        coordPredator = self.f.canv.coords(individu)
        coordsFood = [self.f.canv.coords(el) for el in self.foodList]
        dist = [msqrt((el[0] - coordPredator[0])**2 + (el[1] - coordPredator[1])**2) for el in coordsFood]
        ion = dist.index(min(dist))
        xCenterFood = coordsFood[ion][2] - (coordsFood[ion][2] - coordsFood[ion][0])/2
        yCenterFood = coordsFood[ion][3] - (coordsFood[ion][3] - coordsFood[ion][1])/2
        xCenterPred = coordPredator[2] - (coordPredator[2] - coordPredator[0])/2
        yCenterPred = coordPredator[3] - (coordPredator[3] - coordPredator[1])/2
        lookAtNearestFood = [xCenterFood - xCenterPred, yCenterFood - yCenterPred]
        return lookAtNearestFood
Пример #27
def sqrt(sqr):
    rt = msqrt(sqr)
    if int(rt) == rt:
        return int(rt)
        return 0
Пример #28
def sqNear1(lf):
    if le <100:
Пример #29
def normD(p):
    s = 0
    for (_, a) in p.items():
        s += abs(a)**2
    return msqrt(s)
Пример #30
def sqrt(x):
    return int(msqrt(x))
Пример #31
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), DomainBoundary())
A, _ = assemble_system(inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx, Constant(0)*v*dx, bc)
M, _ = assemble_system(u*v*dx, Constant(0)*v*dx, bc)

e, l = octave.eig(A.array(), M.array())
e = matrix(e)
l = matrix(l)

u = interpolate(Expression("sin(k*pi*x[0])", k=1), V)
U = matrix(u.vector().array())

# norm from assemble
aL2 = sqrt(assemble(u**2*dx))
aH10 = sqrt(assemble(inner(grad(u), grad(u))*dx))

M = matrix(M.array()) # cast M so that numpy can work with it
eL2, eH10 = 0, 0
for k in range(V.dim()):
  F = matrix(e[:, k])  # select k-th eigenvector
  lmbda = l[k, k]      # select k-th eigenvalue
  eL2 += npdot(npdot(U, M), F)**2
  eH10 += lmbda*(npdot(npdot(U, M), F))**2

eL2 = msqrt(eL2); eH10 = msqrt(eH10)
diffL2 = abs(eL2 - aL2); diffH10 = abs(eH10 - aH10)
print "L2 assemble %g, eigenvalues %g, diff %g" % (aL2, eL2, diffL2)
print "H10 assemble %g, eigenvalues %g, diff %g" % (aH10, eH10, diffH10)
Пример #32
def pair_distance(i1, i2):
    return msqrt((i1[0] - i2[0])**2 + (i1[1] - i2[1])**2)
Пример #33
    def do_calculations(self, cluster, rel_size_unc=0.0):
        self.asec_per_kpc = cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(cluster.z)
        self.a = (self.a_asec / self.asec_per_kpc).to(u.kpc)
        self.b = (self.b_asec / self.asec_per_kpc).to(u.kpc)
        self.ellip = self.a / self.b

        self.Vmax = ((4 * pi / 3) * (self.a * self.a * self.b)).to(u.cm**3)
        self.Vmin = ((4 * pi / 3) * (self.a * self.b * self.b)).to(u.cm**3)
        self.volume = np.sqrt(self.Vmax *
                              self.Vmin)  # geometric mean -- (ab)^(3/2)
        self.area = (pi * self.a * self.b).to(u.cm**2)

        # Volume uncertainties, take the max of:
        # 1) Geometric effects, or
        # 2) Propagated from axis ratios assuming a certain value
        self.volume_p_frac = max(
            msqrt(self.ellip) - 1, 3 * rel_size_unc / msqrt(2))
        self.volume_m_frac = max(1 - 1 / msqrt(self.ellip),
                                 3 * rel_size_unc / msqrt(2))
        self.volume_p = self.volume * self.volume_p_frac
        self.volume_m = self.volume * self.volume_m_frac

        R = cluster.centroid.separation(self.coords)
        self.R = (R / self.asec_per_kpc).to(u.kpc)

        p = cluster.interpolate("pressure",
        p = np.array(p) * u.erg / u.cm**3
        p, p_p, p_m = p
        self.cavity_pressure = p
        self.cavity_pressure_p = p_p
        self.cavity_pressure_m = p_m

        ne = cluster.interpolate("density", self.R, xkey="R_kpc") / u.cm**3

        kT = cluster.interpolate("kT", self.R, xkey="R_kpc", return_error=True)
        kT = np.array(kT) * u.keV
        kT, kT_p, kT_m = kT
        T = kT.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy())

        self.pV = p * self.volume
        self.pV_p = self.pV * msqrt((p_p / p)**2 + (self.volume_p_frac)**2)
        self.pV_m = self.pV * msqrt((p_m / p)**2 + (self.volume_m_frac)**2)

        self.enthalpy = 4 * self.pV
        self.enthalpy_p = 4 * self.pV_p
        self.enthalpy_m = 4 * self.pV_m

        self.sound_speed = np.sqrt(5 * k_B * T / (3 * 0.62 * u.M_p)).to(u.km /
        self.sound_crossing_time = (self.R / self.sound_speed).to(1e8 * u.yr)
        self.sound_crossing_time_p = self.sound_crossing_time * 0.5 * (kT_p /
        self.sound_crossing_time_m = self.sound_crossing_time * 0.5 * (kT_m /

            g = cluster.potential.g(self.R)
            g_interp = cluster.interpolate("g",
            _, g_p, g_m = np.array(g_interp) * g.unit
            self.buoyancy_time = (self.R * np.sqrt(0.75 * self.area /
                                                   (2 * g * self.volume))).to(
                                                       1e8 * u.yr)
            self.buoyancy_time_p = self.buoyancy_time * msqrt(
                (0.5 * g_p / g)**2 + 1 / 8 * rel_size_unc**2)
            self.buoyancy_time_m = self.buoyancy_time * msqrt(
                (0.5 * g_m / g)**2 + 1 / 8 * rel_size_unc**2)
            age_type = "buoyancy_time"
        except AttributeError:
            age_type = "sound_crossing_time"
        self.age = getattr(self, age_type)
        self.age_p = getattr(self, f"{age_type}_p")
        self.age_m = getattr(self, f"{age_type}_m")

        self.Pcav = (self.enthalpy / self.age).to(u.erg / u.s)
        self.Pcav_p = self.Pcav * msqrt((self.pV_p / self.pV)**2 +
                                        (self.age_p / self.age)**2)
        self.Pcav_m = self.Pcav * msqrt((self.pV_m / self.pV)**2 +
                                        (self.age_m / self.age)**2)

        self.Mdisp = (1.0 + 1 / 1.2) * (ne * self.volume * 0.62 * u.M_p).to(
        self.Mdisp_p = self.Mdisp * self.volume_p_frac
        self.Mdisp_m = self.Mdisp * self.volume_m_frac

        self.Macc = (self.enthalpy / (0.1 * c * c)).to(u.Msun)
        self.Macc_p = self.Macc * self.enthalpy_p / self.enthalpy
        self.Macc_m = self.Macc * self.enthalpy_m / self.enthalpy

        self.Mdot_acc = (self.Pcav / (0.1 * c * c)).to(u.Msun / u.yr)
        self.Mdot_acc_p = self.Mdot_acc * self.Pcav_p / self.Pcav
        self.Mdot_acc_m = self.Mdot_acc * self.Pcav_m / self.Pcav
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Pieter Huycke
email:   [email protected]
GitHub:  phuycke


from cmath import sqrt as csqrt
from math import sqrt as msqrt

abc = str(input('Values for a,b and c (space separated)?\n'))
a, b, c = map(int, abc.split(' '))

if (b**2 - 4 * a * c) < 0:
    complex_root = csqrt((b**2 - 4 * a * c) + 0j)
    quad1, quad2 = -b + complex_root / 2 * a, -b - complex_root / 2 * a
    print('The roots are imaginary:\n{0}\n{1}'.format(quad1, quad2))
    if msqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c) == 0:
        print('There is only one solution:\n{}'.format(-b))
        quad1, quad2 = -b + msqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c) / 2 * a, -b - msqrt(
            b**2 - 4 * a * c) / 2 * a
        print('There are two solutions:\n{0}\n{1}'.format(quad1, quad2))
Пример #35
from math import sqrt as msqrt
from random import random

def sqrt(x, eps):
    l = 0.
    r = max(1, float(x))
    while r - l > eps:
        m = (l + r) / 2
        if m ** 2 < x:
            l = m
            r = m
    return (l + r) / 2

eps = 1e-8
while True:
    x = random() * 100
    y1 = msqrt(x)
    y2 = sqrt(x, eps)
    if abs(y1 - y2) > eps:
        print(f'fail: {x:.9f}')
Пример #36
from mods.extmod import sqrt, summ
from math import sqrt as msqrt

print("custmod:", __name__)