Пример #1
    def find_finished_pedestrians(self):
        Finds all pedestrians that have reached the goal in this time step.
        If there is a cap on the number of pedestrians allowed to exit,
        we randomly sample that number of pedestrians and leave the rest in the exit.
        If any pedestrians are unable to exit, we set the exit to inaccessible.
        The pedestrians that leave are processed and removed from the scene
        :return: None
        for goal in self.exit_list:
            in_goal = np.logical_and(self.position_array >= goal.begin, self.position_array <= goal.end)
            in_g = np.logical_and(in_goal[:, 0], in_goal[:, 1])
            done = np.logical_and(in_g, self.active_entries)
            index_list = np.where(done)[0]
            if goal.cap:
                surplus = max(0, len(index_list) - goal.cap)
                ft.debug("Surplus %d" % surplus)
                if surplus:

                    index_list = np.random.choice(index_list, goal.cap, replace=False)
                    goal.accessible = False
                    goal.accessible = True
            for index in index_list:
                finished_pedestrian = self.index_map[index]
                goal.log_pedestrian(finished_pedestrian, self.time)
Пример #2
 def create_new_pedestrians(self):
     Creates new pedestrians according to the entrance data.
     New indices are computed for these pedestrians and if necessary,
     the arrays are increased.
     :return: None
     for entrance in self.entrance_list:
         new_number = entrance.get_new_number_of_pedestrians(self.time)
         max_tries = 100 * new_number
         tries = 0  # when this becomes large, chances are the entrance can produce no valid new position.
         while new_number > 0:
             tries += 1
             new_position = entrance.get_spawn_location()
             if not self.is_accessible(new_position):
                 if tries > max_tries:
                     raise RuntimeError("Can't find new spawn locations for %s. Check the scene" % entrance)
             free_indices = np.where(self.active_entries == False)[0]  # Not faster with np.not
             if len(free_indices):
                 new_index = free_indices[0]
                 new_index = self.active_entries.shape[0]
                 ft.debug("Indices full. doubling array size to %d" % (2 * new_index))
             new_max_speed = self.max_speed_interval.random()
             self.max_speed_array[new_index] = new_max_speed
             new_pedestrian = Pedestrian(self, self.total_pedestrians, self.exit_list, new_position, new_index)
             self.total_pedestrians += 1
             self.active_entries[new_index] = True
             self.index_map[new_index] = new_pedestrian
             [func(new_pedestrian) for func in self.on_pedestrian_init_functions]
             new_number -= 1
Пример #3
 def start_drawing(self, event):
     self.draw_status = SceneCreator.DrawStatus.drawing
     self.draw_start = (event.x, event.y)
     self.window.bind('<Motion>', self.motion)
     self.window.bind('<Button-1>', self.stop_drawing)
     ft.debug("Started drawing. Start location of obstacle: %s" % str(self.draw_start))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):
        self.window = tkinter.Tk()
        self.window.title("Scene creator")
        self.size = (800, 800)
        self.window.bind('<Button-1>', self.start_drawing)
        self.window.bind('<Button-2>', self.remove_last_obstacle)

        self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self.window)
        self.canvas.pack(fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=1)
        self.draw_status = SceneCreator.DrawStatus.idle
        self.object_status = SceneCreator.ObjectStatus.obstacle
        self.menu = tkinter.Menu(self.window)
        self.menu.add_command(label='Save scene', command=self.ask_save)
        self.menu.add_command(label='Quit', command=self.window.destroy)
        self.object_status = tkinter.IntVar()
        self.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Obstacles', variable=self.object_status, value=0)
        self.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Exits', variable=self.object_status, value=1)
        self.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Entrances', variable=self.object_status, value=2)


        ft.debug("Started creating scenes.")

        self.obstacle_list = []
        self.exit_list = []
        self.entrance_list = []
        self.new_object_holder = 0
        self.draw_start = self.draw_end = None
Пример #5
 def stop_drawing(self, event):
     ft.debug("stopped drawing")
     self.draw_status = SceneCreator.DrawStatus.idle
     self.draw_end = (event.x, event.y)
     ft.debug("End of obstacle: %s" % str(self.draw_end))
     new_obstacle = self.create_new_obstacle()
     self.draw_start = self.draw_end = None
     self.window.bind('<Button-1>', self.start_drawing)
Пример #6
    def update(self, new_field):
        Preferred way of updating a field.
        :param new_field: np.array (must be same size) to update the Scalar field with
        if not self.array.shape == new_field.shape:
            ft.debug((self.name, self.array.shape, new_field.shape))
            assert self.array.shape == new_field.shape

        self.array = new_field.copy()
        self.time_step += 1
Пример #7
    def update(self, new_field):
        Preferred way of updating the array from this field.
        :param new_field: np.array (must be same size) to update the Scalar field with
        if not self.array.shape == new_field.shape:
            ft.debug((self.name, self.array.shape, new_field.shape))
            assert self.array.shape == new_field.shape

        self.array = new_field
        self.time_step += 1
Пример #8
 def draw_obstacle(self, obstacle):
     draw_coords = self.convert_relative_coordinate(obstacle.start) + self.convert_relative_coordinate(obstacle.end)
     ft.debug("Drawing obstacle on %s" % str(draw_coords))
     enum = SceneCreator.ObjectStatus(self.object_status.get())
     if enum == SceneCreator.ObjectStatus.obstacle:
         color = 'gray'
     elif enum == SceneCreator.ObjectStatus.exit:
         color = 'red'
     elif enum == SceneCreator.ObjectStatus.entrance:
         color = 'green'
         raise ValueError("Bug in enums ObjectStatus")
     self.canvas.create_rectangle(draw_coords, fill=color)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, begin, size):
     ft.debug("Creating new obstacle with start %s and size %s" % (str(begin), str(size)))
     self.start = begin
     self.size = size
     self.end = (begin[0] + size[0], begin[1] + size[1])